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| Saturday, December 18, 2010 - 6:17 pm
"Little Jenny Dalek insisted on dressing up as a princess for Halloween."
| Saturday, December 25, 2010 - 10:27 pm
It was good! Trailers for next season look like fun.
| Saturday, December 25, 2010 - 11:57 pm
Matt Smith is on Graham Norton tonight too btw...
| Sunday, December 26, 2010 - 8:39 am
For anyone with Comcast who doesn't get BBC America, the Christmas special is up On Demand! I went to look but never really thought it would be there, but it is! I'm very happy... it will be a nice cap to the season's festivities before returning to work tomorrow.
| Sunday, December 26, 2010 - 1:18 pm
Yey glad you get to see it, Sarasmile . The new doctor is so.... Doctor-like it sometimes sidetracks me from the plot, because of too much concentrating on him. Any John Barrowman fans? John dances on the Christmas Special Strictly Come Dancing and he's pretty good!
| Sunday, December 26, 2010 - 7:43 pm
This was a really fun special. I have to admit that I REALLY did not like Matt Smith when he started as the Doctor, but he made it his own and I can totally appreciate him now. I hope they put up more episodes On Demand, but usually they don't. I am a hopeless Doctor Who fan now and will have to keep finding the epis online!
| Sunday, December 26, 2010 - 8:25 pm
I agree with Sara. I didn't like Matt Smith at first as The Doctor, but since about midway through his first season, he HAS been The Doctor in every way...and the Christmas Carol special exemplified this greatly. It was great to hear Katherine Jenkins' voice, she's such a gifted vocalist. And Michael Gambon, to me at least, was unrecognizable except for his voice. All I heard was Dumbledore's voice...
| Monday, December 27, 2010 - 11:24 am
"Doctor Who at the Proms" was exceptional. Music and guest stars. They made the show really come alive. If you get a chance, hope you can still catch it on BBC America (or find snips online).

| Monday, December 27, 2010 - 11:27 am
Also, for those who did see the Dr Who Christmas Carole.... the reported engagement/marriage (null since it wasn't a proper church) to a very famous Hollywood starlet as a result of the party at Frank Sinatra's home, well, it had a short-lived/highly debated & re-edited over and over entry on the wikipedia page for the now deceased actress. Reading the editing history of the wikipedia article is a hoot.

| Friday, December 31, 2010 - 2:09 pm
BBCAmerica is doing a Dr Who fest at the moment. Non stop Dr Who all day today and most of tomorrow.
| Friday, January 07, 2011 - 11:17 am
Ausiello (tv gossip person) is now at, and is doing a reveal on a twist/spoiler for Torchwood. Throughout the day he is adding letters to a phrase that is the subject of the coming season's Torchwood. He's only a few letters in and I assume this are going to be major SPOILERS IN LINK but here it is if anyone wants to read: He also says the season is going to be really dark. Russell T. Davies starts a press tour tonight, so maybe this will be common knowledge after that anyway.
| Friday, January 07, 2011 - 11:21 am
p.s. if interested in the above, look in the comments there. "Sebastian"'s made a great guess and it could be a fascinating season if his guess is right!
| Friday, January 07, 2011 - 12:09 pm
Torchwood with Bill Pullman - how fun is that? He is my long lost love.
| Friday, January 07, 2011 - 2:49 pm
Arg...I don't have Starz so should I peek even though I typically hate spoilers? I can't remember if it's supposed to air on BBCA afterwards or not. ETA: Okay, I clicked on the link but as soon as I saw this headline: Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | the mind-blowing TW twist no one will see coming | I couldn't read any more. I've got some sort of tv anticipation maschocism complex or something. And darn, now I may have to get Starz.
| Friday, January 07, 2011 - 3:07 pm
I think it's only going to have 10 episodes, so maybe you could get it for three months and cancel again? If you Netflix, they have been showing Starz stuff on instant play the same week they air too. Wonder how long it will be before it gets to BBCAmerica. The phrase is nearly revealed now so don't go to the link if you think you might regret it.
| Saturday, January 08, 2011 - 9:48 pm
This article is about what Russell T Davies said on the press tour, so they describe what they meant by the phrase from yesterday, and give some other broad themed spoilers about what the season's about and the characters some of the new cast will play. It sounds like it's going to be such an interesting season. For those who really hate any kind of spoilers and don't want to click on the link, it also says the 10 episodes will be following one long theme (not "monster of the week" episodes like the early season) and it starts on Starz in July. The title of the season is Torchwood: Miracle Day.
| Monday, January 10, 2011 - 6:06 pm
Oh July? Well, I may forget by then. And if it just says what the season is about rather than actually reveals what's going to happen then that's not too bad. I mean, it wasn't a secret when season four of Lost began that it was supposed to be about...
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | the Oceanic Six got off the Island... | ...and it's not as if knowing that ruined anything for me. (No, it was the Sideways that did that, lol.) Okay, I looked - and without suffering major trauma to my tv anticipation masochism complex. Now hmm... P.S. Wait, July? It'll be just my luck to sign up for Starz only to have TW scheduled against Mad Men. That usually starts in late July.
| Thursday, January 13, 2011 - 10:28 pm
Can someone please remind me what Captain Jack's history was on Doctor Who? I watched 2 or 3 seasons of Doctor Who and remember he was on several episodes, but can't remember the specifics. We just started watching Torchwood and it's driving me crazy trying to remember it.
| Thursday, January 13, 2011 - 10:47 pm
The main thing is in one of the big dalek episodes Jack is killed and comes back to life when Rose does some time-warp magic on him, and that's how he becomes immortal. Here's the bit from wiki about his Dr Who days (so you don't get spoilt by what happens on Torchword). Jack Harkness first appeared in the 2005 Doctor Who episode "The Empty Child" and its continuation "The Doctor Dances", when Rose (Billie Piper), a companion of the Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston), meets him during the Blitz. Although posing as an American volunteering in the Royal Air Force, Jack is actually a former "Time Agent" from the 51st century who left the agency after inexplicably losing two years of his memory. Now working as a con man, Jack is responsible for unwittingly releasing a plague in London in 1941. After the Doctor cures the plague, Jack redeems himself by taking an unexploded bomb into his ship; the Doctor and Rose rescue him moments before it explodes.[1][2] He subsequently travels with the Doctor and Rose in the Doctor's time travelling spacecraft, the TARDIS. During his time with the Doctor,[3][4][5] Jack matures into a hero,[6] and in his final 2005 appearance, he sacrifices himself fighting the evil alien Daleks; Rose brings him back to life while suffused with the power of the time vortex, but she and the Doctor leave him behind on Satellite 5.[5] Harkness returned in 2006 as a character of the spin-off series Torchwood.... And since you're mentioning old Torchwood episodes, can I just say "Owen" and sigh a little...
| Thursday, January 13, 2011 - 11:09 pm
Thank you, Kitt! Now I am remembering those episodes. I was having fuzzy memories...when he got shot in the first episode, I knew he couldn't die, but no had no idea why. And something about the Doctor not being that fond of him at first. We've only seen a couple episodes so far, but we are enjoying it. I just might have to start watching the early seasons of Doctor Who again (saw the first two series are on streaming Netflix along with Torchwod.)
| Thursday, January 13, 2011 - 11:38 pm
The Torchwood are definitely going in my netflix instant queue! I've actually only seen the early seasons in really rough quality, as they were taped by a friend in England (because they weren't on in the US back then). Now I just need some free time... I have so much in my queue these days!
| Friday, January 14, 2011 - 12:02 am
LOL, tell me about it. I went through the instant queue and removed a bunch of stuff, then turned around and added a bunch of new stuff. I haven't searched yet, but I know the first two seasons of Torchwood are up for streaming, not sure how many more there are. We're trying to stick to one series at a time so at times it seems like we're not clearing that much off the instant queue and others it holy cow, we already finished that season? That was fast!
| Tuesday, January 18, 2011 - 2:25 pm
Loving Torchwood, it's reminding me how fun Doctor Who was to watch and that that will be the next show I watch. A little confused though and hoping someone can help me out. Season/series 1 has 13 episodes, as does season/series 2. And then there is Children of the Earth (think that's what it is called,) the five part mini-series? Those are what shows up on Netflix. Now I see upthread there is soon to be Torchwood Miracle Day, a 10 part mini-series. Did I miss a season/series 3? Oh, and I saw that Spike (ok, James Marsters, but he'll always be Spike) shows up on season 2. Someone please tell me he's playing a superhot bad guy part?
| Tuesday, January 18, 2011 - 2:28 pm
Season 3 was Children of Earth. They did a miniseries instead of a full season as the writer was concentrating on Dr Who. You should be pleased with Spike... 
| Tuesday, January 18, 2011 - 2:33 pm
Thanks Kitt! I was worried I was missing a season somewhere. And woo hoo! If I'd known there was going to be superhot bad Spike, I'd have watched Torchwood months ago!