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| Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - 10:27 am
The only reason I could think that they'd throw that plot in was so that there would be a reason the mom would call and he could say "I love you" (the thing that triggered her to think something was wrong and to call Beckett). But yeah, I was thinking the same thing... If my BF was playing games like that, I'd dump him like a hot rock. Or potato. You choose.
| Tuesday, October 26, 2010 - 11:20 am
I thought it was kind of cute once I realized it wasn't some crazy killer stalker! LOL especially since they are only 15 or 16.
| Wednesday, October 27, 2010 - 7:12 am
We started to watch our recording last night and the sound was messed up. Part of the soundtrack was there (music and sound effects), but no dialogue. Weird! It was unwatchable. Had to delete the whole episode. Hope there wasn't anything in it that was important in the long run. Maybe we can catch it in reruns. Bummer!
| Wednesday, October 27, 2010 - 8:04 am
Well, the serial killer guy (the 3XK) got away. So it's possible it'll come back to haunt 'em in a later ep.
| Monday, November 01, 2010 - 12:50 pm
WARNING: Semi-spoilerish info in the last couple of paragraphs...(I got this off eonline)... News Flash: People like, like Castle. Correction: People like, love Castle. After mentioning that we'd be visiting the set for scoop, you harassed asked us via Twitter/email for the goods and bless you for it, 'cause we have some serious business to discuss, friends: Could the writers of Castle be trying to pull Beckett (Stana Katic) and Castle (Nathan Fillion) apart to keep things fresh? Here's what we learned: Our crime-solving heroes might be spending some serious time apart over the next batch of episodes. Nathan reveals that the dynamic between Castle's two main characters has changed this season, thanks to the addition of a third and fourth party. He says, "I think we're going to see a little more of Beckett on her own, with this new beau perhaps, and Castle on his own with his ex- wife, who's now, again, his girlfriend. They've been very good about exploring this will-they-or-won't-they relationship, and this year a new twist on it is that they are both in separate but viable relationships. And it's not, 'Oh my god, it's so obvious that person's so wrong for them, but real, honest, great people who are deserving of love and trust in these relationships.' " In case you haven't heard about Beckett's fella, Stana tells us, "In one of the upcoming episodes, Beckett is dating a character named Josh who's played by Victor Webster. Victor is this tall, gorgeous Canadian who's guested on the show, and apparently he's a bike-riding bad boy who's also a cardiac surgeon. So hopefully it'll bring some fun competition and romantic tension to the set and to the show." (Editor's note: McDreamy + Jax = McSeriousCompetitionForCastle.) So what's Stana's take on the sexual tension between Castle and Beckett? Do they have what it takes for the long term, or could they really be torn asunder by the likes of Victor's Josh? Stana says, "I always feel naive saying that I think that characters can get together and still have a spicy relationship. I don't mind if they get together. I think that they fit and fill each other's lives really well. He's her perfect opposite, she's his perfect opposite, and in some ways they are each other's perfect parallel, because they are both really passionate about the same thing, which is solving crimes. Everyone's always [talking about] this Moonlighting curse, but then I'm like you know there's [also] Mr. and Mrs. Smith [as a counterexample], and everything was fine with them, and they were superspicy." Oh, and speaking of romance, there's more than just Castle-Beckett happening on Castle. We hear that things might start getting serious for Lanie (Tamala Jones) and Esposito (Jon Huertas) around episode 11. Excited? Are you for or against Castle and Beckett getting together? Do you think these new relationships will complicate things long-term or are they just temporary? Hit the comments with your take on this season of Castle. An all-new episode of Castle airs tonight at 10 p.m. on ABC.
| Monday, November 01, 2010 - 8:49 pm
I find myself less interested in the drama between Castle and Beckett and more interested in the drama between Castle and his daughter. I like watching these two together.
| Monday, November 01, 2010 - 10:44 pm
I will watch just about anything Nathan Fillion is on, but it took me awhile to warm up to Castle because the Beckett character doesn't do anything for me. She's a nice straight man for Castle, but I'm fine with them never getting together.
| Monday, November 01, 2010 - 11:25 pm
Beckett's got her own, distinct personality, IMO. She does a lot for me. And she keeps Castle from being a total goofball. If he'd teamed with a different kind of cop, it never would have worked. Her little smirks and winks let us know that she appreciates Castle. The whole show depends on their chemistry, and I think it's off the chart good.
| Wednesday, November 03, 2010 - 7:24 am
The whole cast of this show is just stellar. Stana Katic (sp?) plays the straight "man" perfectly, with her smirks and rolling the eyes. And I love Susan Sullivan and the young lady who plays the daughter. They're all just perfect together. This show always makes me lol. Love the "hero worship" with the other two detectives, too. Castle is always doing or saying something for their benefit. The writing is really polished. Always a pleasure!
| Wednesday, November 03, 2010 - 8:21 am
I love Castle's interaction with all his "women" (Beckett, daughter, mom) Then, there's the interaction with his 'bro's, which doesn't fail to make me giggle at least once every week.
| Thursday, November 04, 2010 - 5:09 pm
My heart broke for Kate when she finally had decided to accept Castle's advances--only to have Rick show up with his ex!! I love the Beckett/Castle chemistry!
| Tuesday, November 09, 2010 - 8:34 am
I loved the end of Castle last night when you knew that the grandmother had found the rat...LOL! I thought the kidnapping would have something to do with the mother and the new husband so I was pleasantly surprised.
| Tuesday, November 09, 2010 - 10:16 am
I normally guess the 'bad guy', but this one really was different. Loved that his mother 'found' the rat.
| Tuesday, November 09, 2010 - 12:28 pm
Just watched over my lunch break and I had three different people pegged at three different times. First the father, then the mother & stepdad, then the lady co-worker who covered for him. I even thought for a second that the other light bulb changer had something to do with it. They did a good job with the twists this week.
| Tuesday, November 09, 2010 - 12:54 pm
I was totally off on my guesses too. I loved how the boyfriend talked to Alexis!!!!
| Wednesday, November 10, 2010 - 7:02 am
This episode was excellent!!!
| Wednesday, November 10, 2010 - 8:25 am
I agree! I just said to DH last night that I think the writing on this show is great. They kept us guessing about the killer until almost the end. You think you have it figured out and then they take another twist. Excellent writing! I hate shows I can predict. The characters are so well-written too. And as soon as Alexis said she was watching her BF's 5 year old rat, I knew it was toast. I thought for sure it was going to die. Glad I was wrong on that count! 
| Monday, November 15, 2010 - 9:56 pm
Castle speaks Chinese Becket: "Summer abroad?" Castle: "No, a favorite TV show of mine." Beautifully subtle reference to "Firefly", on which every character spoke Chinese from time to time..
| Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - 9:47 am
What was Firefly about? I like Nathan Fillion and would like to see more of his work, but if it was Sci Fi or Vampires, I'm not interested.
| Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - 2:38 pm
I can't believe no one commented on Lyle Lovett guest starring on this episode. And how perfect he was in the part (especially in the beginning when he was acting all creepy). This was a great episode, yet again.
| Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - 4:34 pm
Firefly was the prequel (series) to the movie "Serenity". It's old west out in space. Nathan's character and some of his crew were on the losing side of a big battle to control colonized planets. He runs a smuggling operation out of a Firefly class ship called Serentiy. He picked up a few passengers in the first episode - new mechanic (adorable Kaylee with a knack for engines) who has a crush on the young doctor who has rescued his 'special' sister (played by Summer Glau) from the evil government psycho squad, a preacher, and a courtesean (hookers are legal). Part of the interesting culture is a lot of chinese is spoken in the colonies - so Nathan picked up many sayings/phrases (hence Castle being able to say something and blame it on a tv show - an inside joke to the Firefly fans aka "Browncoats"). There was action, romance, humor, etc during the series. Fox killed it way too soon. It's available on DVD and probably Netflix. Try it, if you love Nathan, you'll love it (he's adorable, a scoundrel and you just want to hug him or fight along side of him).

| Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - 4:54 pm
Costacat I haven't watched my tape yet but now I can't wait!!
| Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - 5:02 pm
I loved all the sci-fi references and as a huge Lyle Lovett fan, adored seeing him in this role. Costa, he was indeed perfect for the part.
| Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - 5:05 pm
He was, wasn't he? Creepily eerily perfect!
| Tuesday, November 16, 2010 - 6:15 pm
[I'm sorry to everyone for what I'm about to say.] This episode bored me to tears. Ok, got that off my chest. Now, back to loving Castle.