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| Sunday, October 17, 2010 - 5:27 pm
That new daytime talk show is starting tomorrow, Oct 18. It starts at 1 pm here in the KC area, but I have no idea about what time it shows in other areas. Officail website The hosts: Julie Chen Sara Gilbert Sharon Osbourne Holly Robinson Peete Leah Remini Marissa Jaret Winokur ------ Could they have picked a more awful time to air?!?! I had to laugh at what Craig Ferguson said to Julie when she was on his show last week. He said something like "Ummm, doesn't your new show sound familiar?"...LOL
| Sunday, October 17, 2010 - 6:02 pm
It's on at 2 pm here in Maine. I don't know if I'll ever think to watch it. It's opposite Dr Oz, which I would watch if I ever remembered. lol It seems like they have too many hosts.
| Sunday, October 17, 2010 - 6:27 pm
I don't know how much of Sharon I could take but I might catch a few.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 3:54 am
Sharon is very opinionated. Holly is outspoken, too. It should be interesting. Which one is the Elisabeth of the group? The conservative one.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 8:55 am
I don't know. I know that I read they aren't about discussing politics.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 9:02 am
I have it set to DVR at 1:00 
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 9:07 am
They say they aren't another "The View." We'll see how this goes. I won't watch as I generally don't watch Daytime TV and Talk Shows, but I'm interested in hearing how other people like it.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 10:22 am
I dont think they can possibly aviod talking about politics especially during election time.As I said upthread,Im betting Holly is the token conservative and I only say that because she is religious.I know,Im stereotyping.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 12:18 pm
'The Talk' premiere review: Les Moonves tells wife Julie Chen, 'If it doesn't work, I'll cancel you' The first day of any talk show is always a bit stiff, so the premiere edition of The Talk — with a panel featuring Julie Chen, Sara Gilbert, Sharon Osbourne, Leah Remini, and Holly Robinson Peete — must be given a pass. Well, a partial pass. After all, these are all TV pros, even if, as Remini noted, some of them are more used to working with scripted material. And that was the main flaw in the premiere: It seemed scripted down to the last second. <snip>
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 1:19 pm
I turned this on at 1.03 and I'll be turning it off at 1.20. The audio when I first turned it on was literally garbled--I don't know what happened, but for a show called The Talk, it was nearly impossible to discern what they were talking about. And then, after the audio glitch was cleared up, the show was mic-ed so strangely, the audience response was much more present than anything the cohosts said. I'll have to go watch for another minute or two. But I don't think this is going to go well
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 2:08 pm
I TIVOd it and had no sound what so ever through the whole hour.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 4:06 pm
Far as I know, I didn't have any audio problems with it. I had recorded it. Watched a few minutes. Nothing new there -- nothing grabbed me. I dumped it. If the TV is on and there's nothing better . . . maybe I'll watch.
| Monday, October 18, 2010 - 4:08 pm
I didn't notice any audio problems either. Sharon and Leah are going to have to rein in their talking a bit because they really talked over everyone, especially Christie Brinkley when she was talking. I'll probably check it out again.
| Tuesday, October 19, 2010 - 12:39 pm
the one I want to hear talk (Gilbert) barely speaks! So, for those of us who watched BB and speculated on Julie expecting -- what do you think? I think she's hiding a baby bump.
| Tuesday, October 19, 2010 - 12:44 pm
Some of the women I really liked and some not so much, especially Leah. She acted kind of weird, especially on the subject about talking to your kids about sex. She seemed to act kind of teenager like and came across very immature. Perhaps she was trying to be funny, but she really wasn't. I really liked Julie Chen, I wished Sarah would have spoken more, and I just like Sharon. Holly was ok and they could have done without Melissa on the street.
| Tuesday, October 19, 2010 - 1:03 pm
I love dogs, but today . . . . They had a dog on (small white long-haired fluffy breed) with Guinness World record longest tongue. Eeeeeeew. It really was bad. Owner said always out except when barking or growling. Even sleeps with tongue hanging out. Eeeeeeew.
| Tuesday, October 19, 2010 - 1:16 pm
I think Leah Remini was a bit concerned about being a host on the show. I saw her on Chelsea Lately and she was wanting to know how to act and was concerned that she'd be acting inappropriately or saying something she shouldn't. She sounded genuinely concerned and worried. Personally, I think she's hilarious but not sure I'd like her in the roundtable format of this talk show. I did record yesterday, and am recording today, but haven't watched. Yet.
| Tuesday, October 19, 2010 - 2:01 pm
Oh Color, I saw that part with the dog and Im sorry, but I was kinda grossed out...'and I love dogs'....def a dog only a mother could love....ack.....I kept wondering how in the world does it eat.....yowzers...
| Tuesday, October 19, 2010 - 2:10 pm
Not impressed, my thoughts so far...Too many hosts; cameraman couldn't seem to find the proper shot, sound was also a problem, some hosts I could hear fine, others were inaudible, ended up turning closed captioning on to catch anything I didn't hear. Julie always seem to be "reading", not seeing the real "her". Leah a little, well a lot, too animated. Sarah might as well not even be there, I just don't think this is her shtick. Holly is sooo opinionated and not finding her likable. I'll give it the rest of the week, I hope it gets better.
| Wednesday, October 20, 2010 - 3:51 am
just what i didnt want to see on tv - Holly Robinson Peete i had quite enough of her on the Celebrity Apprentice. I did watch a little bit of this show since it was Season Premeire. Awkward!! stilted and forced. while i think Sara could add something different to the show, she seemed starstruck with the other big names at the table. Glad i missed that Deformed dog. I have a personal issue with animals being dragged around like the circus freaks of the 1800s. back a few years there was a cute white dog that was in all kinds of calendars and tv shows. Even made an appearance on The DOG show skit on SNL. it was a rescued dog that had been in a horrible accident. None of its legs bent so when it walked it was stifflegged like a robot. Its tongue also hung out of its mouth and it looked Terrified / in pain.
| Wednesday, October 20, 2010 - 8:26 am
The dog was rescued, which is great. The owner said it slaps her on the face with its tongue, because it can't lick....EWWWWW. I really had a hard time looking at it and felt sorry when I saw it try to eat some of the ice cream. All the women talked about visiting and spending nights at Leah's house. It felt odd, like we were all being excluded from the conversation because we haven't been to Leah's or met her child(ren). I wouldn't go out of my way to watch again unless I was interested in the day's guest. J-Lo was mildly entertaining. I liked the little smile she does on the red carpet when the photographers are hollering commands to her.
| Wednesday, October 20, 2010 - 2:12 pm
It was better today, I think, but it's way too structured for its own good. I'd like more Sarah Gilbert and less of that Leah Remini person. Marissa wasn't there today and I didn't miss her at all. I like that they do interviews with just a few of the hosts instead of all of them; The View should do that more (they used to back in the day). It makes the convos more natural and hosts don't interrupt just so they can hear themselves talk. OTOH, the interviews are, like the rest of the show, a bit too focused and proscribed. I hate the way the show's directed, though. When they do a shot of the women on the sofa, the back of the front row audience is visible. Why do that? It looks stupid. And the director is obsessed with getting reaction shots from the audience--and they are almost never worth it. I'm surprised that I like Mrs Moonves as much as I do. She seems really charming. Here's some news for them, though: labor and delivery stories might be interesting to some people, but not to me. And why bother to have a guest just so you can guess the gender of her fetus? FAIL.
| Wednesday, October 20, 2010 - 2:49 pm
They did say that they started the show because of a mommy group that Sara belonged to and that got her thinking there should be a show for mothers to get together and talk so that makes the labor and delivery stories very relevant to what they want to talk about. I know, not for everyone but it makes sense in the context of motherhood. I absolutely loved what Sara said about parenting : "The greatest joy in being a parent is not deciding who your children are but discovering who they are." Love that!
| Wednesday, October 20, 2010 - 3:36 pm
Yes,I very much liked Sarahs quote too Mamie. I found the show boring tho.I think it helps things move along when there are comics (Joy,Whoopie and Sheri) hosting ala The View.
| Wednesday, October 20, 2010 - 3:58 pm
From what I understand, each woman can choose which segments she wants to be part of. For example, if someone doesn't cook, she may want to skip that segment. So that's why you wouldn't see all women all the time. I didn't set today's show to record cuz I didn't want to see the person they had on as a guest. I still haven't watched Mon or Tues shows.