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| Saturday, July 24, 2010 - 6:01 pm
Re: the new Dr. Who....I don't have the channel anymore that this is on. Does anyone know of a way I can watch on-line? THANKS!
| Sunday, July 25, 2010 - 1:21 am
Wow, for WIF, I have been watching this season, some episodes I liked, some I found forgetful. Just watched the last episode. LOVED IT> LOVE THE SEASON. It really is a "back to the start" kind of season. When one story went on like a soap. Very much like some of the early Dr Who series. If you have skipped, missed, not remembered....find it online and take the time to enjoy.
| Sunday, July 25, 2010 - 7:27 pm
Reenie, I don't know anywhere to find this online... unfortunately BBC America only show clips. Maybe they will repeat it on Syfy sometime. I put down everything I was doing and paid attention to the finale and I really enjoyed it! And a like being able to have Rory back for next season, and knowing River will be back soon. Calamity, I'm pretty sure BBCAmerica will get the new Torchwood sometime... might be a while though.
| Monday, July 26, 2010 - 5:50 am
Fourth season of Torchwood is a team effort btn BBC, Starz and a third company that I can't remember off-hand. It's going to be a ten episode season and the team will be going international. My feeling on it was that Russell had put a lot of time and effort into trying to develop an American Torchwood and now that that isn't going to happen he didn't want to lose all those storylines and development time so is adapting it for the Wales Torchwood group. Still havent heard anything about new/permanent team members, can't wait.
| Monday, July 26, 2010 - 12:06 pm
Here is some info on possible casting.... <snip> "Like Children of the Earth, the subtitle of Torchwood's third season (a miniseries event), the fourth season will be "very dark," Davies told SFX. "It's too soon to give away the story, but I've always had this story in mind, and the whole existence of season four will make sense once you know what that story is." Children of the Earth, which featured some major deaths, might have been a turning point in the series, but Davies assures viewers that it's still essentially "the same people in the same world, following on ... It's still Gwen, it's still Jack, and hopefully more. You’ll feel very comfortable with it. And there’s great new American characters coming into it." That's one aspect of the series that will be much different from previous years — it's expanding culturally. Though main character Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) is an American (a strange thing for British television), the cast remained predominantly British. With the show's expanded horizon and producers, the change seems necessary. What still remains unknown is whether or not the new series will feature Russell Tovey (Being Human) as Alonso Frame. The character, who appeared in the Doctor Who Christmas special "Voyage of the Damned," reappeared in the Who episode "The End of Time," where the Doctor introduced him to Jack as a potential romantic interest (for those who don't know, Jack is bisexual). This seems like a set-up to bring Tovey into Torchwood, and I hope it follows through." ---------------- "George" from Being Human would be interesting casting as a love interest for Jack!
| Monday, July 26, 2010 - 12:29 pm
While watching Children of the Earth I couldn't stop thinking that Cush Jumbo (she played Lois Habiba) would make a great addition to the team. I haven't read anything lately though that makes that look likely.
| Monday, July 26, 2010 - 12:58 pm
I enjoyed the finale too. In part because, unlike a couple other DW finales and despite the danger of everything winking out of existence, the episode just didn't seem to have either a labored air of self-importance or too many extra characters fighting for screen time. This one was able to maintain some sense of fun, adventure, and romance. Matt Smith was fantastic, he really seemed to come into his own the second half of the season. The highlight of the season may have been him repeatedly having to go back in time to tell people stuff (and get little Amy a drink, lol!). Obviously, there's more to this story arc (we never found out who/what was controlling the Tardis - although it was said only the Doctor can do that, there's still questions about the Crack, etc.) so I expect it will continue next year. There were a few things that bothered me though. First, I tend to be sensitive about killing off characters if it seems like an emotional/dramatic ploy. Especially when *presto* they're later brought back. It's manipulative and cheap. The other two things that bugged me were how River seems so different from when we first met her. It just seems a bit "off". And I thought it was kinda mean how Amy barely conceals her feelings for the Doctor even when she's right in front of Rory. I do understand that she chose him but it's gotta sting if your new wife wants to kiss someone else. One thing I didn't quite understand - Amy was able to bring the Doctor back because she remembered him. So does that mean everything is the same as it was or were there any changes? I don't watch Being Human but I think I know who Sanfranjoshfan mentioned. Wasn't his name on DW Alonzo or something like that? I'd forgotten the Doctor introduced him and Jack while on his farewell tour. If I'm thinking of the right guy, he seems a bit too Ianto-like - kinda nerdy, lol. It could be that's Jack's type but the real Captain Jack and...oh what was his name, Captain John (?) know, Spike, certainly weren't nerdy.
| Monday, July 26, 2010 - 1:29 pm
I kind of agree about bringing people back from the dead, but I never thought they did Rory's death justice, so I'm quite happy to have him back again. Having him as a plastic man for a while was fun too. Oh and yes on the newly married Amy saying "you can have the first kiss!" or whatever it was!! Awkward! I guess in that reality Amy had been fantasising about the Doctor for many years! Would love to see George on Torchwood as a love interest for Jack. Yep, Calamity, he's the kinda nerdy one . He was getting his macho on this week on Being Human though, so I think he could develop nicely ;).
| Monday, July 26, 2010 - 2:08 pm
KITT - thanks for the info!!! Will have to keep checking
| Monday, July 26, 2010 - 3:08 pm
You're welcome, Reenie, but I don't think it will be anytime soon, I think there'd be a break of months at least before they sold/shared the rights.
| Monday, July 26, 2010 - 3:12 pm
Calamity, here are two pictures from the Doctor Who Xmas special "Voyage of the Damned" when "George" (Being Human) met Captain Jack Harkness:

| Tuesday, July 27, 2010 - 12:55 am
LOL, Jack Harkness does not have a type. Just as he is bisexual, he is bitriquadetc species. He was pulled back one time flirting with an ANTgirl ..... I think he is the perfect....I like EVERYBODY.
| Tuesday, July 27, 2010 - 5:15 am
Over at I found the following little blurb: Well, we all did think the team was getting awfully small, narrowed down to Captain Jack and Gwen, but it seems these two will have some new companions in their fight to save the Universe in the coming season! Now, to replace our favorite dead characters of Torchwood will be no easy task, especially for the American actors who will be attempting to break into the series we all know and love. But this is the scoop on who you can expect to join the team in the upcoming season: We have two CIA agents who will be coming onboard. One is Rex Matheson, a “wickedly funny CIA agent born to make waves” and the other is Esther Katusi, a CIA newbie and the youngest of the Torchwood team, probably in her 20’s. And then we have the big surprise from a character named Oswald Jones, who has been called a “convicted murderer and pedophile.” Which causes me to go, “Wait… what?” I don’t know what Russell T Davies is going to throw at us this season, but this sure seems like an interesting start to me. We don’t know if these roles have been cast yet, but we’ll keep our ears open. What will the next season bring? Taking a look at but can't seem to find casting information for these new characters. PS Christy, wasn't there also that little toss in about a past inappropriate attraction to a poodle? LOL
| Tuesday, July 27, 2010 - 5:32 am
Oops, was too slow to add on. Found the casting information for three new characters if anyone is interested: Casting Instructions for new Torchwood regulars
| Tuesday, July 27, 2010 - 1:50 pm
Thanks, Kitt & Sanfranjoshfan. It'd be interesting to see him on TW as presumably he's not from Earth (though neither is Jack, of course!).
| Tuesday, July 27, 2010 - 11:33 pm
Rissa, so we gave to change jack from "I Like all sentient beings" to " I like all beings" More ICK than I like to think of.
| Wednesday, July 28, 2010 - 4:51 am
I think the best way to sum up Jack is just to say.... the man is a and we love him that way. LOLOL
| Wednesday, July 28, 2010 - 9:39 am
>>>I think the best way to sum up Jack is just to say.... the man is a •••• and we love him that way. LOLOL <<<< ahhahahahahahaha I miss our Captain Jack...
| Wednesday, July 28, 2010 - 11:30 am
Kitt: I forgot to mention, Monday night I switched on the tv and saw on the on-screen guide that Red Dwarf is again airing on our local PBS station. It was fun to see but there were three things that bugged me: 1) it looks like they added some graphics & effects - I think they're supposed to make the show look snazzier but they don't; 2) it made me feel like an even bigger nerd than usual for noticing those changes; and 3) it's on at 11:30pm so so much for my plan to go to bed earlier. P.S. That wasn't Lister's real hair, was it?
| Wednesday, July 28, 2010 - 12:59 pm
Do you know what season it was, Calamity? Around season 4 Lister cut off his hair in real life, and the dreads in Red Dwarf are stick on ones. He cuts them off in the show not long after. The effects did get more expensive as time went on, but I think they still tried to make it look as if it was made on a budget, hence the weirdness you felt! I heard they have given the go ahead for another season, after the success of the three episodes they had last year.
| Wednesday, July 28, 2010 - 1:58 pm
It's season one, just started up this week so only the first two episodes have aired so far. To me it looked like they did to the show what was done to the original Star Wars movies when updated special effects were added to them for their re-release. The graphics are fancier, I guess, but to me they're distracting & clash with the look of the rest of the show. And the opening credits are different from what I remember too. I'm sure Kryten wasn't in the credits right away. He wasn't even on the show when it began. I've not seen last year's episodes. So that was Lister's hair in these early episodes? I don't know why but last night the thought suddenly occurred to me that that his dreads just couldn't be real. It's as if he has the galaxy's most extreme mullet, lol. ETA: Egads. I must sound like a whiny fanboy complaining about Green Lantern's movie costume. (According to my EW, this apparently is a major issue.) But I really liked the Tardis interior's new retro look this season. And I liked the fez. They shouldn't have blasted it.
| Wednesday, July 28, 2010 - 2:16 pm
I loved the fez! That was classic! Yep, the dreads were Lister's own until some time around season four or five. I wonder what credits they're showing, because the real season one ones don't have Kryten in - like you say, he's not even a proper character until season two. Maybe they've "digitally remastered" them, or whatever they call what they do to old movies.
| Sunday, August 08, 2010 - 12:27 am
News on the Torchwood season: Starz' "Torchwood" reboot will be titled "Torchwood: The New World" and creator Russell T Davies gave some insight into the storyline. The new story will follow a CIA agent (Rex) and analyst (Ester) who tackle an alien-related global issue. Torchwood, having been destroyed and disbanded, is "like a legend now ... it's like something that's ceased to exist and is now spoken of only in whispers." Soon, Rex and Ester are on the run and are seeking out the help of Captain Jack and Gwen. "The two teams coming together is a big part of the story -- are they friends or enemies? There's a lot of sparks and excitement." 10 episodes, one self-contained story.
| Monday, August 09, 2010 - 10:21 pm
Not sure who to credit this too (obviously not me) but I liked it. Doctor Who, Simpsons style:

| Monday, August 09, 2010 - 10:53 pm
Doctor Who/Simpsons Spoof - Sherry Bobbins