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| Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - 11:42 am
I think the other ships were full and they felt it was do that or die. It was kind of a happy ending as the whale chose to help, but yes, very verging on Torchwood in darkness.
| Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - 3:54 pm
So far not caring for the new Dr. Bring back David Tennant. I think Amy might be interesting. Would like to see new episodes of Torchwood.
| Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - 11:28 pm
Not loving the new doctor, either. I like the companion well enough. What I really don't like is how every time I start to think this new doctor isn't so bad, they'll have him do something annoying, like give an "I'm the Doctor so you must fear me and run" lecture to some aliens or once again bash humans because he's oh so superior. Actually that part of the Doctor has always annoyed me no matter who plays him. Other aliens can attempt to destroy our planet or our way of life and get compassion but, if humans try to survive they get treated like they don't deserve to breathe. Very annoying. Still, for the most part the stories have been good so far. A bit preachy in the humans-as-unthinking-aggressors area, but otherwise good.
| Friday, April 30, 2010 - 10:43 am
I forgot to watch but this week Great Performances aired the Royal Shakespeare Company's Hamlet, featuring David Tennant & Patrick Stewart. The production received rave reviews and you can watch it on PBS's site or check your local listings: link (fyi: video starts automatically). P.S. It's done in modern dress for those put off by costume dramas.
| Wednesday, May 05, 2010 - 1:50 pm
In a way, it was Amy who kinda saved the day again in this last episode. But what's with the Tardis being so, well, tardy? And why doesn't Amy remember the Daleks? I know it's silly but I couldn't help wishing that this Doctor could have met up with Christopher Eccleston's Doctor, Rose, and Capt. Jack from "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances". (They were written by Moffat too.)
| Wednesday, May 05, 2010 - 1:57 pm
Yes, why doesn't she remember the daleks at the millennium??? Curious. I thought that Matt Smith did turn into the Doctor that episode... something about it just clicked for me.
| Wednesday, May 05, 2010 - 2:04 pm
Clearly, at some point in the future the current doctor does something in the past that changes the history of the Daleks. 
| Sunday, May 09, 2010 - 6:39 pm
Ooooo cliffhanger! Those angels really do scare me!
| Tuesday, May 18, 2010 - 12:48 pm
I'd missed the first part but caught up when it was repeated before the conclusion. An image of a Weeping Angel becomes an Angel? That's...alarming. Yea for Amy in pausing the video. Using the dead man's voice was creepy although it seemed a bit derivative of what happened in the Library episode. I do like the new Doctor but when he described the Angels it just wasn't as effective as when David Tennant did it. That could be a difference in talent or it could just be he was trying to not repeat DT's performance. Even so, while the new Doc was speaking, Tennant saying "and you can't kill a stone" was echoing in my mind and it was a lot spookier. I was a little disappointed with what they did with River's character, hinting that she may kill the Doctor at some point. I'm sure even if that comes to pass there will be more to it than that - she had to do it, maybe, perhaps that's why she was so ready to sacrifice her life at the Library - but it was frustrating and off-putting, nonetheless. I didn't entirely understand why the Angels were so much more violent this time around, I know they sort of explained it but it was still a little fuzzy for me. I ought to have paid closer attention.
| Monday, June 07, 2010 - 10:47 am
Well I've been looking and found nothing definite about the new Torchwood, but now suddenly this on Breaking: Starz acquires 'Torchwood' by Michael Ausiello Categories: News, Scoop, Torchwood Jack is back — and Starz has him! The cable net has acquired U.S. television rights to the next installment of Torchwood. The 10-episode cycle is slated to air in summer 2011 on both Starz (in the U.S.) and BBC One (in the UK). The new episodes will take on more of an “international scope,” says Starz. Several new characters are also expected to come on board, joining franchise vets John Barrowman and Eve Myles. Russell T. Davies, meanwhile, will be back as showrunner. The news comes several weeks after Fox passed on a U.S. version of Torchwood. eta: yep, the news is everywhere today! Here's a bit more info: Torchwood will burst back onto the screen with a shocking and moving story with global stakes and locations that will make it feel bigger and bolder than ever.
| Monday, June 07, 2010 - 10:50 am
OH THANK GOODNESS!!!!! I can exhale now. LOL On a related note... now that we are several shows into the new season.... thoughts about the new Doctor? Different from your initial impression during the first episode or is he growing on you, or off you?
| Monday, June 07, 2010 - 10:56 am
I like the doctor and think he is very much like the old Doctors. It's hard for me to not miss David Tennant though, I just found him so loveable and such a sympathetic character. I don't have much feeling for this Doctor but then that is also more how Dr Who has always been. However the storylines have been a bit blah so far, except for the first part of the Weeping Angels one. I did love the pensioners "racing" after them on their walking frames this week though, that's pretty classic Dr Who humour.
| Monday, June 07, 2010 - 11:07 am
A lot of people are not going to be happy that Torchwood is moving to a premium station similar to HBO and Showtime. BBC America is usually a part of some of the more basic cable channel bundles but Starz costs extra. ETA - I like the new Doctor, too.
| Monday, June 07, 2010 - 12:31 pm
It's very odd that BBC America aren't getting it first. I bet it's purely a financial thing - that they couldn't do the big global thing without Starz's funding. If anyone has Netflix, they stream Starz shows... or at least do now, who knows what they will be doing in summer 2011.
| Wednesday, June 09, 2010 - 2:11 pm
My dd just grabbed my Doctor Who mag and made a run for it so I may be back if I get the details wrong but..... Doctor Who will be making an appearance on Season 4 of The Sarah Jane Adventures as will another of The Doctor's old companions (a woman named Jo? I think the article said she was the companion for about 3 yrs back in the 70's). I love when Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sarah Jane cross paths!!
| Friday, June 11, 2010 - 12:31 pm
I don't subscribe to Starz & am not sure I ought to sign up for it. I got HBO this spring to watch The Pacific. That's not embarrassing but then I ended up watching Land of the Lost multiple times (well, parts of it, I never saw the whole thing).
| Monday, June 14, 2010 - 9:30 am
Lost track of time so the "to be continued" was a bit of a surprise. Guess we got into the episode.
| Monday, June 14, 2010 - 9:42 am
Yeah, it just kind of stopped! It didn't even show "to be continued" on my screen (actually it probably did, and I missed it!) but the previews for next week are definitely on the same thing.
| Friday, June 18, 2010 - 12:37 pm
Oh it didn't say "to be continued" here either - that was just my description! I'm now used to thinking of the new guy as the Doctor. These last couple shows have really helped in establishing his version. The dream episode was rather predictable but I did like the depiction of the Doctor's darker side as a separate character (if anyone can be said to have multiple personalities, it's the Doctor). It seems strange how so much of this season has focused on Amy. That didn't turn out well with Donna & her grandfather. For a while I was even a little worried that that alien living in her house affected her somehow. But I reckon it's more likely to have something to do with that Crack and her not remembering the Daleks. There was a shiver-inducing scene in this last episode when the boy was outside & your saw that shadowy figure running behind him. P.S. I thought I saw the name "Richard Curtis" in the show credits. That surprised me too.
| Saturday, June 19, 2010 - 11:49 am
I heard Richard Curtis was writing an episode but didn't realise it was that one. I think the Crack is the story arc for this season, and that's partly why there's a lot of emphasis on Amy. I think it's going to be resolved in the finale, in fact anyone wanting to avoid spoilers should be extra careful right now, because the finale aired in the UK today. We have five episodes left, including tonight's.
| Saturday, June 19, 2010 - 1:13 pm
I believe the finale airs in the UK on 6/26, not today. The episode that airs in the US today (on BBC America) is called "Cold Blood". The episode that airs in the UK today is called "The Pandorica Opens". The finale wil air on the UK next week (6/26) and it's called "The Big Bang". LINK to
| Saturday, June 19, 2010 - 4:32 pm
You're right! I was watching a UK show and it was talking about the finale, but maybe it was just after The Pandorica Opens ended. Anyway, keep an eye open, or rather closed, for spoilers!
| Thursday, July 22, 2010 - 2:07 pm
Am I the only one still watching? I did like this penultimate episode even with the predictable bits (you had to know when he said marker that it would be Stonehenge!). Although I thought it would be the Doctor inside, not that they were going to put the Doctor inside. I don't quite understand how all those aliens were able to work together but that's not the sort of question I dwell on when watching this show. That caption showing River was in the year 5000-something (51--?), wasn't Jack from around that time? I did like seeing Rory again but I felt so bad for him. I finally remember his name a few weeks back only for him get killed off that episode. I know I'm forgetting stuff.
| Thursday, July 22, 2010 - 4:55 pm
I'm still watching but to be honest I've lost a bit of interest in it. Something's not clicking with me. I read your summaries and think I must have missed most of it, if that makes any sense. It doesn't keep my attention so I don't follow the story closely enough to get a lot out of it.
| Friday, July 23, 2010 - 12:37 pm
I'm still watching but to be honest I've lost a bit of interest in it. Something's not clicking with me. Oh, that's actually the case for me too. I don't know what it is but I'm just not as engaged even though I like the new people. Part of it may be while they've had some good episodes this season, there hasn't been a really amazing one, imho. I've completely forgotten about the show some weeks and had to catch up with replays. In fact, that happened just this past weekend. Of course, it's easier to forget because I just don't watch as much tv in the summer. I've also found my attention wandering and ending up confused. Like with that Pandorica, I was wondering if the Doctor's dark side was in it since it was mentioned in that dream episode but I really didn't remember enough. And, as it turned out, that wasn't what happened anyway. And when it was said the alliance of aliens set up the Doctor using Amy, I wondered if that was supposed to be the explanation for the whole season (the focus on her, I mean) or just this episode. But I really can't guess because I didn't follow things that closely. Anyway, I hope someone here is clear on stuff in case I need things explained, lol. One quick thing about Torchwood. I remember when DW first returned, it aired on the Sci-Fi Channel and then went to BBC America. Maybe they'll do that with TW - go to BBCA after airing on the premium channel, I mean? I hope so, anyway.