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| Friday, February 05, 2010 - 9:42 pm
I feel like my own grandmother has died. I hope Alice gets a wonderful funeral, one that brings the Hortons together.
| Friday, February 05, 2010 - 10:03 pm
Thanks for the recipe - gonna' have to try it. 
| Saturday, February 06, 2010 - 10:27 am
I should have put the name of the recipie on it: Alice Horton's Cake Doughnuts. Doesn't it sound delicious? I need some calories right now, LOL. Last night I made cheesy potato casserole with Velveeta and sour cream. Definitely not low-cal/low-fat stuff!
| Monday, February 15, 2010 - 11:10 am
Ok so is the show off until the Olympics are off or is it showing at a later time?
| Monday, February 22, 2010 - 8:36 pm
The past couple days they've had an "In loving memory of..." message at the end for Frances Reid. I keep reminding myself that they film a month ahead of time, so if they do a memorial it won't be until March - but I'm going on record right her, right now - the message at the end is NOT sufficient! I want an all-out, flashback-laden, remember-when Grandma Horton tribute! They've got until the end of March, and then I start a letter-writing campaign!
| Tuesday, February 23, 2010 - 8:11 pm
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they're waiting until after the Olympics,and to do it justice.
| Thursday, February 25, 2010 - 12:24 pm
In the rest of the world, DNA tests take weeks to yield results. The DNA test run on Sydney's dress came back in what, hours? A day? Seriously, I missed how E.J. Obtained Sydney's blood to put on the dress after he told Anna to wash it in strong bleach water to remove all traces of her captors. Can anyone tell me where enough blood to stain the dress? It would have to have been put on the dress before E.J. tore the dress & flung it in the Salem River.
| Thursday, February 25, 2010 - 12:34 pm
I think Daniel will be revealed as Melanie's father. It will make his current ridiculous storyline with Chloe finally make sense. Here's my reasoning: a soap opera needs at least one happy couple, & Daniel/Chloe have been deliriously happy. DOOL, for some reason, can't leave a happy couple alone. They've written things lately so that Chloe desperately wants to give Daniel a child, but can't do so biologically. When Melanie turns out to be Daniel's, it will give Daniel a whole focus (not Chloe) & this will strain his relationship with his wife. Look how Chelsea's introduction put so many obstacles and so much tension between Bo & Hope.
| Thursday, February 25, 2010 - 2:39 pm
I thought exactly the same thing, Sia - not sure how they'll write Trent out of Melanie's biological line, but the signs for Daniel being the daddy are sure there.
| Thursday, February 25, 2010 - 3:01 pm
Carly told Dan he was the father today. I believe that Lawrence made Carly give Melanie up and Trent was the chosen guy to raise her. The blood was from a nosebleed Sydney had!
| Thursday, February 25, 2010 - 5:36 pm
I just watched today's eppy & saw Carly tell Daniel that he's the baby-daddy. From the preview of tomorrow's show, he reacts angrily. I don't blame him. Thanks for the info, Panda; a nosebleed makes sense as a source of sufficient blood to make it look convincing without hurting the baby.
| Thursday, February 25, 2010 - 5:42 pm
From today's episode, sounds like Sydney's Auntie Anna will advise pretend to find Sydney and "rescue" her in order to get Sami back for himself. I can't find any redeeming qualities in Sami's character--which may be exactly why E.J. likes Sami so much: she's as big a liar and cheat as he is!!
| Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 9:56 am
Now that EJ has infected Sami's laptop computer with a trojan horse that will allow him to spy on Sami, I want to slap him more than ever. I'm hoping Rafe will discover the programming and figure out that EJ is behind Sydney's kidnapping before he (EJ) can swoop in and be the hero in "discovering" Sydney's whereabouts. I want Rafe to have the honor and joy of finding the baby and returning her to her family! This baby-drama storyline has dragged on long enough. I want it resolved NOW. I wanted it resolved at New Year's, but I wanted it wrapped up way before then, too. It's been over a year since Sydney was switched at birth. Enough is enough.
| Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 8:07 pm
I want to know how Carly pissed off the gods so much? No matter what she does, people are on her case. I've always liked her character - but enough is enough. Let her and Vivian go at it - that's always entertaining, but Chloe and Daniel and Maggie and Hope and....gimme' a break!
| Saturday, March 20, 2010 - 5:35 pm
Allison Sweeney tweeted that Days was officially renewed through the 2011 season!
| Saturday, May 08, 2010 - 12:54 pm
MIDOL????? Are you kidding me?? I get product placement in shows - but surely, SURELY, Days could get a product better than Midol? ***sigh*** I was also rolling my eyes at Sami and EJ's swimsuit scene. Old, tired - and not even a bit hot, IMHO - and I usually like Sami and EJ together. I guess I just like it better when they're both being 'evil' and not 'goo-goo eyes' in love. 
| Sunday, May 09, 2010 - 9:49 am
I just can't get over how Sami and E.J. have been forced on each other through the actions of the stupid writers. When will they get a clue that a woman would NEVER fall in love with a man who had raped her? She had Giovanni by E.J.--and slept with Lucas to conceive Allie within 24/48 hours of being raped by E.J. Which happened first? I honestly don't remember. It just makes me sick. And why the show had her have a second baby with him (Sydney) disgusts me even further. The writers need to get a clue. Women don't find being "seduced"--their code-word for RAPE--sexy at all. Wake up, Days' writers!
| Sunday, May 09, 2010 - 9:54 am
Teach, I missed your post about Carly. UGH, I can't stand Carly's character--or the actress who plays her! Please let the gods send Carly packing ASAP. Bo never needed Carly when she was on the show back in the early 90s, and you'd think she never HAD been on the show with the way the writers ignored the existence of both Carly and Billie over the years. At times, the writers have written Bo's lines to make it appear that he has no recollection of one or both of them--depending upon whether or not Kristian Alfonso is on the show. When Hope's away, someone is written in for Bo; when she's in Salem, it's all about Hope. Personally, Bo's falling so quickly for Carly this time around is wrong. She is only thinking of herself. She's too selfish to worry that she has broken up Bo's marriage and that she's ruining Ciara's life. Hate, HATE Carly!
| Tuesday, May 11, 2010 - 10:44 am
Sami's character has been annoying the pi$$ out of me for the last 2 years. I am so mad that she's all about EJ being a good father, etc. when she was hiding the pregnancy in the first place! Also that Lucas is off the show while he is the father of Sami's other 2 children. Also, I'd really like to see Rafe pair up with someone else, even Nicole or Hope. ps. Brady is
| Tuesday, May 11, 2010 - 11:23 am
Panda: Amen, amen, amen!!! No time to post more; I have to run to town.
| Wednesday, May 12, 2010 - 12:25 pm
Congrats to all that got nommed for a Daytime Emmy! James Scott (EJ)- Outstanding Lead Actor Arianne Zucker (Nicole)-Outstanding Supporting Actress Molly Burnett(Melanie)-Outstanding Younger Actress Shelly Hennig(Stephanie)-Outstanding Younger Actress Dylan Patton (former Will)-Outstanding Younger Actor
| Thursday, May 13, 2010 - 5:26 am
Wow, that's a lot for one show. I hadn't seen the news, Panda, so thanks for posting this.
| Thursday, May 13, 2010 - 9:37 pm
I was so excited to hear the news, I'm hoping James, Molly and Arianne take it home. HOWEVER, they must seriously be hard up for nominees if Shelly and Dylan nabbed nominees. Their acting skills leave much to be desired. Compared to the other 3....well there is NO comparison.
| Thursday, June 03, 2010 - 10:22 am
On June 22, Alice Horton will die on DOOL. Also I haven't watched this a lot lately, is Hope gone do the dark side now? I'm so confused. Usually you can miss a month and come back and know what is going on, not now lol.
| Thursday, June 03, 2010 - 11:14 am
Hope's alter ego comes out at night after she takes her sleeping pills! She's the Salem mugger- Nighttime Hope knows about the daytime Hope but the daytime Hope doesn't know what the night time Hope does! Everyone thinks poor Ciara is a liar!