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Archive through May 24, 2010

Reality TVClubHouse Discussions: TV Shows: Criminal Minds: ARCHIVES: Archive through May 24, 2010 users admin

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Thursday, May 13, 2010 - 10:30 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Gidget a private message Print Post    
I just watched The Fourth Kind this week and couldn't separate it from this story.

I thought it was so cute when Garcia's bf was jealous over Derek.

At the end when Rossi shot the inn keepers son and said he would live, I could see the necessity of his action. But I wonder what kind of backlash and investigation would accompany such a shot not to kill. Is that extreme force?



Thursday, May 13, 2010 - 11:57 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Costacat a private message Print Post    
I think it's considered a justified shot. The son wouldn't put down his weapon and, as such, is still considered a threat. It's like people who want suicide by cop... usually the cop is justified if the person continues to aim a gun at 'em.



Thursday, May 20, 2010 - 10:51 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lexie_girl a private message Print Post    
Another good show last night. Don't be hating on me, but I really wish they would replace Garcia. She's just too over the top for me.



Thursday, May 20, 2010 - 11:41 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Holly a private message Print Post    
Lexie, thank you!!! I feel the same. She's just too much and her shtick gets old.



Thursday, May 20, 2010 - 11:44 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lexie_girl a private message Print Post    
Holly, Garcia's shtick got old for me a few seasons ago.



Thursday, May 20, 2010 - 12:00 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Holly a private message Print Post    
I laughed last night when she said the FBI arrested her for hacking (guess that's why she's in the job she has). I can just imagine her mug shot, lol.



Thursday, May 20, 2010 - 1:50 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Juju2bigdog a private message Print Post    
I like the Garcia character. I think that was the original story line, that they gave her the choice between being prosecuted or going to work for the FBI. They do need to throw that in a bit more from time to time to remind us.

I am not sure even an expert hacker can pull up the stuff she does in the time frames she does though.



Thursday, May 20, 2010 - 2:43 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lexie_girl a private message Print Post    
I'm so over Derrick calling her "baby girl," when the team is out in the field, much less the inappropriate comments that she makes to the team (Derrick in particular) when she's on speakerphone.



Thursday, May 20, 2010 - 11:17 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Juju2bigdog a private message Print Post    
Yeah, I don't like that part of it either. Seems like he (is Derrick the right name? probably), a VERY attractive young guy, is inappropriately leading on this geekish and socially vulnerable young woman. They are SO out of each other's social ballparks. That interplay makes me a bit squeamish. I guess the producers are trying to sell it as a buddy relationship, but it is not coming across exactly right. She needs to be hotter, or he less so, to sell it as a buddy relationship. The flirtatious stuff is just not selling all that well to the audience.



Thursday, May 20, 2010 - 11:18 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lycanthrope a private message Print Post    
I agree, Garcia was a fun diversion from the darkness at first, but now she sometimes grates on the nerves...not always, though. I can't wait for her to find out about Derek's close friendship with Sally Whitfield's character.

They need a really bad bad guy to finish up the season. Like Keith Carradine's character from a few years ago. Some of the bad guys this season have been really lacking in depth and true badness.



Friday, May 21, 2010 - 8:36 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Holly a private message Print Post    
Juju, you summed it up well. He (is it Eric?) is way too hot to be flirting with her. It became a bit disturbing on the episode when she got terribly upset and jealous when he showed interest in a woman.

The Reid character is a bit too much to take as well. He's getting downright smarmy at times but I guess you've got to expect that from such a genius, lol. But it's still a great crime show and beats the dickens out of all the others.



Friday, May 21, 2010 - 6:18 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Costacat a private message Print Post    
Are you guys saying because he's hot and she's overweight, that he can't be attracted to her? Or that they can't be close friends? I'm sorry, but that's what it's sounding like... that a really hot guy could not ever be attracted to a woman "like that."

When she was abducted, he was there for her. I think they've always had a flirtatious relationship and I think it's real. What DOES bother me, though, is the unprofessionalism when the team is on-site and she's on speakerphone.

Personally, I like her. She's got a quirky personality, like Abby on NCIS. And while it's a generalization that all hackers are quirky, for the most part they have better skills on the computer than they do in real life. I do remember hearing how she became part of the BAU, so I remember she got busted.

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Friday, May 21, 2010 - 6:58 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Spygirl a private message Print Post    
Costa, I was just talking about Garcia being a lot like Abby on NCIS...I love both characters!



Friday, May 21, 2010 - 8:29 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Ladytex a private message Print Post    
Costa, agreed about the Garcia/Derek relationship



Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 4:15 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lexie_girl a private message Print Post    
Costa, the unprofessionalism when the team is on-site and she is on the speakerphone is my problem with the relationship.



Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 6:13 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Nyheat a private message Print Post    
I guess Garcia isn't on screen often enough for it (the banter with Derrick) to grate on my nerves too much. They trot her out, she says a few inappropiate things, Derrick calls her baby girl, and she's off the screen again lol. I like her better without blonde hair.

Conversely, I had to stop watching NCIS completely because the whole tone is just so cutesey. I don't even think Tony is good looking anymore because his sctick got so old. The team's behavior distracts from the impact of the crimes.



Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 7:26 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lurknomore a private message Print Post    
Thought I'd check out this show here, since I recently got into it. Been watching first newer then some original eps. I SO prefer Rossi to Gideon. Glad I saw the new first or not sure I'd have watched.

Ny, funny but what you dislike is why I MUCH prefer NCIS. I love that the show is a mix of crime, intrigue AND human interaction, drama and humor. To me that is what makes it so special.

While I enjoy CM, my biggest problems is how dark it always is. The few "baby girls" aren't enough to lighten it up. And did they try to copy an Abby type character? That was my very first thought when I watched the show.

While I'm sure the BAU (it's real right?) deals mostly with major wacko's who are seriel killers, slice and dice and eat bodies etc, don't they ever do other cases? Hijackers maybe? Some espionage stuff? Couldn't they be asked to consult on something? PLEASE! Something without body parts and gore. I'd love to see the concept broken up more. It's a good show but man, watch more than 2 eps in a row and you need an anti-depressant and a shower!

Plus they really need to lighten up Hodge a bit. How could that actor go from starring in a comedy to being the single darkest character with a permenant scowl constantly? Though his deadpan delivery about Reid's haircut and joining a boy band. They can add more of that IMHO if they need to keep him in character. I overall like the show, just wish is was less dark!



Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 7:35 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lurknomore a private message Print Post    
One comment I'd add in the Abby Vs Garcia discussion. I think Abby has been far better developed. We know more about her, we get more of her quirkiness. Now in fairness there are many eps I have haven't seen yet (I've seen the very beginning, a bunch when Rossi first joined, and I think most or all of this season).

I liked the arc when she was shot, but that's the only time I recall her being more than a character actress. I read some old articles on the show, and she said one of the main reasons she got a larger role was her chemistry with Shemar Moore. Ok, but have they ever explained WHY they are so close or shown the friendship between them other than when she was shot? I'd accept the flirting and love between them better if I could understand why it's there. I'm hoping it's something I missed, but not counting on it.

Also, I hate that they often cut or leave out too much and we have to guess. Like the older man/grandfather who was humiliated his grandkids would know he was taking down for helping the killer who had folks watching online. Um, what exactly did Grandpa do? I swear they never told us. I recall guessing he built the fridge compartment and maybe watched live, but they never said. I noticed in a few eps we often have to guess at things that are important to the story. Bugs me a alot!



Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 7:56 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lexie_girl a private message Print Post    
Lurk, I also found the part about the grandfather a little bit unclear.



Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 8:04 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Holly a private message Print Post    
Lurk, that's why I can't buy the Derek/Garcia relationship--there's no explanation for their flirting/close relationship, and I just can't see a sexual attraction between them. They are two very different "types". Also, Garcia's often inappropriate comments while on speakerphone just seem too out of place to be believable, given the seriousness of her work environment and especially the austere personality of her boss, Hodge.

As for having to guess about motives, the one that kept me in the dark, going "Huh?" was the show where the older married couple kept a bunch of kids they had kidnapped in the basement and treated them horribly. As she was the one who seemed to be in charge and cruel to the kids and, in fact, killed one kid by shoving him in a funeral furnace, we were left wondering for what purpose they were kidnapped and kept in the first place. It was never explained and there was absolutely no indication of sexual abuse on the husband's part, least that I picked up. It was a LOT less clear than grandpa's motives last night, and some people even posted about it in here.



Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 10:38 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Carlpsmom a private message Print Post    
I got the impression that Grandpa was a voyeur along with the others. They mentioned a couple of times how the pervs can make their obsessions fit into a necessary schedule to make them seem normal. The difference was the unsub did not load his computer with porn as a defense because he had Grandpa due to the freezer. He needed to make sure he had something on his "clients". Does that make sense?



Saturday, May 22, 2010 - 10:49 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lurknomore a private message Print Post    
YAY Lex and Holly, so glad it's not just me. Carlp, yeah I guessed something like that too BUT why are we guessing. They can't take 20 seconds to say what he actually did. Time it, "you perv, you built AND WATCHED through those refridgeration units." They said all of that pretty much but the "and watched." I'm not sure that added 5 seconds and it would give us SOME explaination. If a show is sloppy it can't take a few seconds in an hour show so loose ends are tied up, it just pisses me off! Heck, they only needed to cut one "baby girl" for the hour to make sense LOL!

And Holly, exactly! There are tons of shows like that. They show the darkness but don't always give the why of it all. I personally was so repulsed by "Auschweitz the home game" I didn't really care in that ep, but valid point.

Don't get me wrong, all in all a good show. Just way too dark and sometimes they leave out key details, both professionally and personally. I think a good show can be great by doing that.



Sunday, May 23, 2010 - 5:55 pm   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Lurknomore a private message Print Post    
I just had to tell this story here, where I know others would appreciate it--or understand it LOL. I've been having car batter probs and need to get to Sears soon. But I just had to go to CVS today so I figured no biggie I'll leave my car fully locked and running.

I did, and while the RX was being filled I shopped the store. I spend half my life (and most of my money) at this CVS. As I'm shopping 2 clerks I know come up and say some crazy guy is outside calling the police because it's against the law and my car is running. They describe him and I said OMG do you guys watch Criminal Minds? I walked past him in Trader Joe's next door (Popped in for 2 min to pick up dinner) and he was there. He looks like an UNSUB!!! The guy clerk, who watches CM doubled over laughing. The girl looked at me like I was talking a foreign language. He said OMG that's the PERFECT description he does.

So how scary that I now see people in stores and think they are "unsubs" and others agree LOLOL. BTW I still can't believe this lifeless unsub called the police on my over THIS!!! Think I'll trust my unsub gut!



Monday, May 24, 2010 - 2:03 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Sanfranjoshfan a private message Print Post    
Garcia has a boyfriend ("Xander" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)...I think the flirting between her and Derek is just silly friendship stuff.

I read something (here?) about either Derek the character or Shemar the actor forgetting her name all the time when the series started so he started using silly nicknames like "Baby Doll".....and it stuck.



Monday, May 24, 2010 - 9:13 am   Edit Post Move Post Delete Post View Post Send Wargod a private message Print Post    
Yep, in one episode, they did a flashback (they were looking at a case the BAU had worked on several years earlier) and Derek didn't know her name. He kept calling her something else and when she didn't answer he finally called her baby doll (or something similar, though if I remember right, it was baby doll.)

The writers have shown over and over again that Derek and Garcia really do care a great deal about each other and the flirtiness is just part of that friendship.

There was one episode, and I can't remember which or even what it was about, where Hodge was explaining or defending the team to someone or other. About Garcia, he said something like, she surrounds herself with colorful, silly stuff and is the way she is because she spends so much time looking at awful, horrible stuff that she then has to try to get out of her head.

She's always been the one member of the team who shows real emotion over the awful stuff they deal with. She cringes away from crime scene photos, she's the one who is visibly upset and horrified by the criminals they deal with and what they do to others.

I've always seen Garcia as quirky, silly, flirty, etc as a way to shield herself from what they do for a living. I think she also brings a tiny bit of lightness to a very dark show.