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| Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 10:51 pm
Sanfran the special was really good, I just love David Tennant, I could watch and listen to him for hours.
| Monday, January 04, 2010 - 9:59 am
The Time Lords finally showing up seemed almost anti-climactic but seeing the Doctor and the Master team up individually (that sounds like a contradiction but I can't think of how else to describe it) against Timothy Dalton was good. Btw, was that supposed to be the resurrection glove from Torchwood that Dalton was wearing? Or was it just a standard Time Lord accessory? I only remember the goofy robes from the old show. Anyway, some of the plot was still muddled to me but I tried not to think about it too much. I got the sense that the Doctor ended up fighting not just the Daleks but his own people in the Time War. And was he the one who time-locked it? Both would explain why he was so reluctant to talk about the war and his people and why he (thought he was) the only survivor. Any ideas on the identity of the woman? We thought of a couple possibilities but really weren't sure. So Wilf was important in the Doctor's life because he's who the Doctor sacrifices his own life to save? That's why he kept meeting him? That made me so sad for both of them. It's like he was specter leading the Doctor to his doom. But radiation's a good dramatic way to have a lingering death so there'd be time to show the Doctor bidding final farewells to those important to him (Mickey & Martha are married?!). He didn't go back to see Joan herself though and didn't answer her great-granddaughter's question. To me it seemed like, maybe, it was too painful for him to think about the love he had lost. But perhaps that's me being overly sentimental. I was really upset when it appeared that the Doctor would die alone...and then the Ood shows up...and then the Doctor goes off to be alone anyway. His final words broke my heart. I recall Christopher Eccleston's Doctor regenerating, of course, and know I saw some other Doctors do so as well (but don't really remember anything about them), but it had never really struck me before that the Doctor was dying. It was cool how they changed the music once he became the new Doctor though. I'll really miss Tennant but am eager to see what Matt Smith is going to be like. Thanks for the links - I'll check the trailers out later. But I'll have to skip the one with spoilers - thanks for noting that! ETA: Almost forgot - John Simm as all those copies of the Master had a lot of work to do this epi, lol.
| Monday, January 04, 2010 - 7:27 pm
Any ideas on the identity of the woman? We thought of a couple possibilities but really weren't sure. Oh thank goodness, I wasn't the only one. LOL The only thing I could think of was a connection with Sarah Jane Smith, after all there are lots of names they could have used besides Smith. Then again it is the male equivalent of Jane Doe so not really conclusive. This new Doctor is just a baby!! LOL I can't wait to see what personality quirks he brings to the role. Loved seeing Mickey again, he was always a fave character of mine. Wonder if next season we will get the back story on him and Martha? Not to sound mean but did anyone else think Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) looked like she'd just gotten a bad face lift? Maybe it was just the make-up, I hope so, she was so pretty.
| Monday, January 04, 2010 - 9:10 pm
Yes, on Elizabeth Sladen's face lift! And she'd been on tv not so long ago with her beautiful regular face too, so silly. No, I still don't couldn't work out who the woman was either. I don't think it was the resurrection glove, just a normal evil glove. I'm not really up with Dr Who mythology but I think this doctor has said he was responsible for, or at least instrumental in the Timelord/Dalek war. I had the same emotions as Calamity over the doctor's death. I didn't really like Christopher Eccleston, so wasn't that moved by his transformation, so this was the first time it registered as a death for me too. It was his "I don't want to die" that set me off. And his rant over how much he could still do, but how he was still honoured to sacrifice himself for Wilf.
| Tuesday, January 05, 2010 - 5:52 am
I went back and froze on the book cover, author is Verity Newman. Now the woman says her grandmother wrote the book but on IMDB it gives that actress the character name Verity Newman (named after grandmother?). So I did a google search and found this: Tardis Wikia:Verity Newman was the great-grandaughter of Joan Redfern, a nurse that the Doctor had met in the year 1913. (DW: Human Nature / The Family of Blood) One day when she was searching out her attic, she found the journal which had been written by the Doctor, when he was in the form of John Smith. She was credited as the author of "A Journal of Impossible Things", which was based on the writings of John Smith and Joan Redfern. During 2010 the Doctor went to a book signing of hers. She asked him who to sign it to, and he replied "the Doctor". She then realised it was the same man as in her book. She told the Doctor her great-grandmother died happily when he asked, asking him, in turn, if he was happy. Much to her shock, the dying Tenth Doctor simply walked away sadly, without giving her a reply. (DW: The End of Time) It is not clear why the Doctor choose to visit Verity Newman and ask about her great-grandmother. This gives rise to a number of posibilities about the full nature of John Smith's relationship with Joan. An unlikely, but possible explanation would be that Verity's grandparent was a child fathered by John Smith. Given that the Doctor was human at the time, any offspring would also be Human, and not Time Lord.
| Tuesday, January 05, 2010 - 5:54 am
ETA: But didn't Verity tell The Doctor that her grandmother had written it all down? The above says it was The Doctor's journal. Not important I suppose but I wonder if among all the goodbyes they were slipping in a Hello and we will see Verity in the new season? Oh, I followed a link in the above Wiki page and found this, makes more sense now: Nurse Joan Redfern, widow of Oliver Redfern, was a nurse at Farringham School for Boys, where John Smith was working. While at his time at Farringham, John Smith fell deeply in love with her. After John Smith became the Doctor again, he requested she join him as a companion, but she dismissed the idea immediately by asking the Doctor, "If you hadn't decided to come here on a whim, would any of these people have died?" In an alternate future viewed by both she and John Smith, she became his wife, the mother of their two children, and grew old with him. (DW: Human Nature / The Family of Blood) Later, Redfern's great-granddaughter Verity Newman published the Journal. She said that, in the end, Joan Redfern was happy. (DW: The End of Time) Retrieved from ""
| Tuesday, January 19, 2010 - 2:39 pm
Nooooo, say it isn't so! Fox developing U.S. version of 'Torchwood' [...] Unlike U.S. adaptations that have gone awry, "Torchwood" fans can take comfort that the original producing team is on board. In addition to Davies, exec producers include Davies' producing partner Julie Gardner (former head of drama at BBC Wales for the show's first season) and Jane Tranter (another BBC vet, now exec vp programming and production at BBC Worldwide Prods. in the U.S.). >>>Hollywood Reporter It sounds like they're taking care of it but somehow just the idea sounds horrible!
| Tuesday, January 19, 2010 - 3:55 pm
Well, I guess there's a chance it won't suck but I can't say this seems like a great idea to me and certainly isn't necessary. As an American, for me, part of DW and TW's appeal is that they're foreign series with different points-of-views. TW set in NY or LA? (Because with few exceptions Hollywood is unaware there actually are other cities in the U.S.) Nope, not really exciting me. And I don't even want to consider an American Doctor. There's just something uniquely British about the character and those shows, just as we have our own iconic, quintessentially American characters and stories.
| Friday, February 26, 2010 - 12:23 pm
If a moderator happens by this thread, would it be ok to change the title of this thread to "Torchwood/Doctor Who"? The shows are spin offs of each other and each only runs for a month or so each year so it might be easier to manage the chat in one thread. BBC America have announced they will be showing the new Doctor Who with the 11th Doctor on Saturday April 17, two weeks after it's shown in the UK. Steven Moffat is now the lead writer, and I've liked a lot of his shows. Expect a lot of good humour, I think. The press release mentions some guest stars, and one we were talking about not long ago, someone who has unfinished business with the Doctor. It's almost a spoiler seeing her name there!
| Saturday, February 27, 2010 - 2:37 pm
I think Elisabeth Sladen looks pretty good for being 62 years old. This is a picture from Jan 30, 2010. I didn't see the show you are referring to, but from the picture on Wikipedia she looks very nice. Then again, at the end of a stressful day, I look like I'm the victim of a botched face lift, and I haven't had any work done! LOL! OOps! Did a little bit of digging and found out that is a retouched pic from 2003! Sneaky! She still looks good.
| Saturday, February 27, 2010 - 5:45 pm
She did look very good until only a year or so ago, but in that finale she was very stretched. Shame she didn't realise how beautiful she already was.
| Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 11:46 am
Thanks for the update, Kitt. The press release mentions some guest stars... I thought at first you meant the mystery woman in Tennant's final show but then it occurred to me that you probably meant that other person! If that's who, then yea! Did that make sense, lol? I generally don't pay attention as to whether someone's had plastic surgery or not except for those older women who eerily look alike with unnaturally arched eyebrows and what I guess are supposed to be high cheekbones. Do you know what I mean? Most of the time though, I never notice. ETA: Oh but I was once stunned by an actress's appearance. She'd been on my favorite show when I was a kid so I'd grown up watching her. I later saw her on tv and was baffled that her face wasn't moving. I feared she'd had a stroke but I suspect it was plastic surgery & maybe Botox (which I'd not heard of back then). Such a shame.
| Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 12:52 pm
Yeah, after a point they all look the same, as if not having an expression is ideal. I always think physical beauty is in character, and that often gets taken away. The guest star I was trying to too subtly point out was Alex Kingston - that press release mentioned her guest starring with the new doctor. She's the one from the library episode who knew the Doctor from "before," which of course really meant later. You mentioned a while ago about whether or not they would wrap that story up, and it seems like they're at least going to give us another chapter.
| Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 1:00 pm
Oh great. I can't remember what I had for breakfast... getting past, present and future sorted out while remembering the storyline from an old episode? LOL If I recall Kingston's character had been a protegee of sorts to The Doctor but also hinted at a personal/romantic relationship? Does anyone know off-hand? Otherwise I will put a note in my Outlook Calendar to remind me when that episode is coming up and I will rewatch her first appearance on itunes.
| Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 1:13 pm
Yeah, it sounded like she was a future doctor's companion. She told Tennant's Doctor his real name to gain his trust, so I think she was a really close companion. Didn't she also have a super-sonic-screwdriver? Ooo, here's the character's wiki page. Russell T Davies describes her as "sort of the Doctor's wife!" and it says she'll guest star in two episodes with the new doctor.
| Monday, March 22, 2010 - 12:51 pm
Here's a trailer! Mildly spoilerish in that it shows random scenes from what I presume are different episodes throughout the season. Matt Smith is a strange looking man!
| Monday, March 22, 2010 - 1:46 pm
For John Barrowman fans: STAGE TUBE: John Barrowman on DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES Monday, March 22, 2010; Posted: 08:03 AM - by BroadwayWorld TV Stage and screen star John Barrowman has landed a guest role as the villain on the hit television series "Desperate Housewives." Barrowman is said to have a recurring role for several episodes on the upcoming season, the first of whic aired last night!. He began filming in Los Angeles in early March alongside Teri Hatcher, Felicity Huffman, Marcia Cross and Eva Longoria Parker. Although "Housewives'" creator Marc Cherry is keeping the plot line secret for now, he has said that Barrowman will be the main villian during the latter half of the season. Barrowman's additional episodes should appear in late spring. Barrowman recently led the cast of Menier Chocolate Factory's La Cage aux Folles, having stepped into the role of Albin on 9/14. Barrowman is a common face in English house-holds, having been a judge on UK reality TV shows "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?" and the BBC program "I'd Do Anything" (to cast stars of Oliver!). He is also the star of the hit TV series "Torchwood." In 2005, Barrowman appeared on the West End in A Few Good Men. His many other West End credits include Anything Goes (both in 1989 and in its 2003 revival), Grease!, The Phantom of the Opera, The Fix, Hair, Aspects of Love, Miss Saigon, Beauty and the Beast and Chicago, and he has appeared in the States in two Sondheim shows--Broadway's Putting It Together and as Bobby in Company at the Kennedy Center, as well as in Sunset Boulevard. Barrowman has appeared on TV on "Central Park West," and "Titans," and currently plays Captain Jack Harkness on the BBC series "Doctor Who." Film credits include De-Lovely and The Producers. WARNING! There is a video clip at the link, and I made the mistake of watching it - it contains a SPOILER!
| Monday, March 22, 2010 - 2:22 pm
John, get your a$$ back to a Torchwood set!!! 
| Monday, March 22, 2010 - 7:27 pm
Yes, please get back to Torchwood! I read something worrying the other day. Apparently Barrowman was always emphatic that there'd be another Torchwood this summer, but 1) BBC have announced the new series being filmed in Cardiff this year, and Torchwood isn't on it, and 2) suddenly Barrowman is being cagey talking about Torchwood. I don't know how it would work, given the ending of last season, but I'd hate not to have Captain Jack back!
| Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - 4:40 am
I know they are making an American Torchwood and Davies is involved in that. I have a feeling that until that is done (either not going ahead or first season in the can) that the UK Torchwood will be on freeze. Dang Americans~!
| Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - 10:26 am
Yeah, if Jack actually is in the US version I guess they will want to keep the story consistent. Plus there might be a chance for a US Torchwood member to move over to the next UK one. I guess it's for the good... as long as they get a move on and get it produced!
| Friday, April 02, 2010 - 11:44 am
Little bit about Steven Moffat (the new showrunner now Russell T Davies has left): Moffat's writing is less concerned with searing emotional journeys than laughs and scares. We can expect more mischief. [...] Moffat's also a brilliant writer of dialogue, so we can expect that to be off the scale. But the line the showrunner keeps emphasising is that his Doctor Who is a fairytale. We're not going to get deep Battlestar Galactica-esque science fiction – this is Doctor Who. But we're not going to get kitchen sink sci-fi, either. There's a lovely, soft-focus hyper-reality to the first hour: at the recent premiere event, Piers Wenger described it as "Independence Day on the Village Green" which is as spot-on a description as anyone could muster. (He is the executive producer, after all.) Saturday night's show is very, very funny and very, very scary – we don't want to tell you too much ahead of broadcast. But if you can be certain of one thing, it's that there will be some very cross fans hogging the discussion right afterwards decrying how "Doctor Who died today". It would certainly be more shocking if there wasn't. LOL on the last line of that! And just a little BEWARE for anyone who doesn't like spoilers, the show premieres TOMORROW in the UK, so you might want to avoid Doctor Who links until it's on BBC America.
| Tuesday, April 13, 2010 - 2:51 pm
5 days from the new season of Dr. Who on BBCA. With a new Dr. and a new companion, it seems like a brand new show. I like that.
| Wednesday, April 14, 2010 - 7:40 am
I've seen episodes one and two (I'm in the UK at the moment) and I like the Doctor, and the companion, but so far not so much the stories (they're good but not special). They're back to kind of old style episodes, not so emotional or serious, which I think is a good thing when you're getting to know the new actor. People are complaining here that the new doctor's too sexy - I don't get that at all. Episode three (this Saturday for me) has daleks and looks like a classic! Never fear I will spoil no more! By the way, still no Torchwood news. I fear it's delayed or worse because Barrowman and Davies and working on Torchwood US.
| Wednesday, April 14, 2010 - 10:31 am
I've only seen the new Doctor in a couple of snippets and pictures so far, but I would never have put him in the "sexy" category! Especially when he's following David Tennant (who is very sexy) and Christopher Eccleston (who I will forever adore).