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| Monday, November 16, 2009 - 2:13 pm
Which one's "The Other Doctor?" Do you mean "The Next Doctor" from last year or is it a new special? I'm looking forward to Waters of Mars, glad you liked it!
| Monday, November 16, 2009 - 2:53 pm
Oooops - meant the Next Doctor
| Friday, November 20, 2009 - 1:38 pm
Got a twitter: EWAusielloFiles This just in: Doctor Who: The End of Time, Part One to air on BBC America on Dec. 26 at 9 pm. So glad we're getting it so early, I hate having to avoid all the spoilers.
| Thursday, December 03, 2009 - 7:51 pm
And they've announced: Doctor Who: The End of Time, Part Two to air on BBC America on Jan. 2 at 9 pm!
| Tuesday, December 15, 2009 - 1:27 pm
I finally saw "The Next Doctor" although I almost missed it again. Looking forward to "The Waters of Mars". But it'll be strange to have a new Doctor soon even though I've seen a fair number of the others.
| Friday, December 18, 2009 - 9:12 pm
Remember tomorrow for Doctor Who! Times are for my area (West Coast but I think BBC America has an East Coast feed): 2.30pm The Next Doctor (repeat) 3.45pm Planet of the Dead (the bus trip one, repeat) 5pm Inside the Tardis (I think this is a special about David Tennant) 6-7.20pm WATERS OF MARS (new episode) and it repeats again at 9pm and later
| Friday, December 18, 2009 - 11:44 pm
More shows: at 7.20pm (after the above) there's a Graham Norton special with David Tennant. For those who don't know Graham Norton expect adult humour. December 23 (times are from the BBCA site, so presumable Eastern): 11am Dr Who: The Christmas Invasion (from 2005) 12pm Dr Who: The Runaway Bride (from 2006)
| Saturday, December 19, 2009 - 10:56 pm
It was excellent! The specials are all good too.
| Saturday, December 26, 2009 - 6:53 pm
No Dr Who talk all week?! End of Time Part One starts in 7 minutes!
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 12:28 pm
Hi, Kitt! Hope you and your family had a good holiday. I enjoyed DW although there were enough murky parts to make me a little afraid it'll end with everything supposedly tied together but I'll still not really understand what it all meant. À la the "Bad Wolf" stuff, lol. But this drawn-out goodbye is giving an interesting glimpse into the Doctor's psyche. He seems haunted almost. I presume that was the the cloister bell tolling at the end of "The Waters of Mars". It's one of the few things I remember from that '90s DW tv-movie with Paul McGann (on a Withnail & I-related note, I always thought it would have been cool if Richard E. Grant had appeared on DW). I was happy to see Donna again! John Simm was great as the Master even if he had some kinda dopey lines to deliver. He has this anarchic attitude that makes him scarier than your standard-issue bad guy. But what was that about the Doctor being able to hear the drumbeat in his head? So it's not just a memory of what drove the Master mad? I laughed when Wilf (sp?) told the Doctor he had to take him so as not to leave him with Donna's mother and the Doctor agreed. I did figure out before the reveal that the other Time Lords were involved somehow - that'll be a nice change of pace from the usual Daleks &/or Cybermen showdown. I like the Ood too so was glad they were brought back. Was that Timothy Dalton? I think I've only seen him in one movie so I didn't recognize his voice. Oh and I agree that the specials were good too. Seeing Christopher Eccleston again reminded me how much I had liked him as the Doctor. I still think he had a unique take on the role and it's not easy to come up something different given so many others have played the character already.
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 12:55 pm
Hi Calamity, thanks, we enjoyed ourselves, hope you did too. I don't remember a cloister bell from the movie, but it wouldn't surprise me if they tied it in like that. I've seen a lot of interviews with Russell T Davies and he is a little obsessed, and pleasantly so, with DW history. The drumbeat was odd, and I don't know what it meant either, the only thing I wondered was whether it was a call from Gallifrey, and the Doctor could hear it because he was also a Timelord. Yes it was Timothy Dalton. I haven't seen him in ages. I thought this first half of End of Time was a bit drawn out and confusing. I'm hoping they're really going to bring it together on Saturday. I have a feeling it will be tearful, I like David Tennant so much as a person as well as as the Doctor, and it will be hard to say goodbye.
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 12:58 pm
Oh, and this is from memory as I'm not near my tv at the moment - I think End of Time Part 2 starts Saturday at 5.30pm (not 6pm) (or 8.30pm not 9pm) now, and it's 1.5 hours long. I think that's a change from their original announcement. You might want to double check your recordings if a tivo/dvr doesn't take care of that sort of stuff for you!
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 3:20 pm
We had a nice Christmas too. Thanks! I thought this first half of End of Time was a bit drawn out and confusing. I'm hoping they're really going to bring it together on Saturday. Yeah, that's how I felt. That opening bit with Wilf seeing the image of the Tardis in the stained glass window and then that woman (were we supposed to recognize her? for a few seconds I thought she was Harriet Jones but that wasn't right) suddenly appears, talking about the legend of the Doctor. But only Wilf sees and hears her. And then the point the Doctor makes about why is it he keeps meeting Wilf...that's when I really started getting Bad Wolf flashbacks, lol. I don't know what it all means but it seems like they're mixing in religion and conspiracy theories into the Doctor's story, I just hope they explain it so I can understand it all! I have a feeling it will be tearful... It seems likely since the Doctor appears to be afraid, trying to delay or even avoid his own fate. ETA: Interesting how this all happens when he really starts to rebel against the so-called laws of time by saving some of the people from Mars.
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 4:06 pm
I didn't recognise the woman either. I checked on imdb and she is also in the next episode (also listed as "The Woman") so I don't know if she's going to be important. I think maybe the Doctor meeting Wilf is something like those fixed point in time things they stressed in Waters Of Mars. Some things are meant to be and cannot be changed, and maybe him working with Wilf is always meant to be. By the way, Bernard Cribbins (Wilf) is 81 tomorrow! I think he looks excellent for his age. He was in all sorts of children's shows when I was young, so I really enjoy seeing him.
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 7:47 pm
Taped it to watch later.

| Tuesday, December 29, 2009 - 2:56 pm
Oh wow - 81? Obviously he has to be up there but I'd never have guessed he was already in his 80s. Happy Birthday to him! And I agree that that fixed point in time theory likely plays into this somehow because it's been mentioned on multiple occasions. The Mars colony, Pompeii, even Capt. there's the times when the Doctor said something wasn't right, that things weren't how they were supposed to be. ETA: Hey, I just remembered - remember that River character (Alex Kingston) from the Library epi - didn't she know the Doctor somehow but he hadn't met her yet? Was it David Tennant's Doctor?
| Tuesday, December 29, 2009 - 4:07 pm
I think River (you're good on character names!) knew a different doctor... didn't she have another (future) doctor's screwdriver? She's another one who felt important in Doctor-lore... it'd be good if they played some of it out with the next doctor.
| Wednesday, December 30, 2009 - 12:00 pm
Yeah, she did have a screwdriver. I only mentioned River because when you brought up the stuff about fixed points in time, I remembered Capt. Jack talking to the Doctor about that which reminded me that Jack said he had been called the Face of Boe which made me wonder if the show would ever take that up again because...well, I can't help wondering about mysteries. And that's when I remembered another mystery - River somehow knowing the Doctor but I wasn't sure if it was Tennant's Doctor or a different regeneration. If it was Tennant's, I was thinking "wait - they never explained that!", lol.
| Friday, January 01, 2010 - 8:45 pm
Remember End of Time Part 2 at 5.30/8.30pm TOMORROW! It's aired in the UK and everyone seems to be bawling and saying it was excellent. Be prepared!
| Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 9:42 pm
I survived without too many tears. Anyone else?
| Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 10:31 pm
I did! I just finished it and all I can say is - what great show! I'm really glad that I saved Part 1 from last week and watched both parts 1 & 2 together tonight. LOVED all the good-byes! I just hope I can adjust to the newest incarnation of The Doctor as well as I did when he changed from Christopher Eccleston to David Tennant! This newest doctor sorta reminds me of Conan O'Brien for some reason....maybe it's the high cheek bones. Now I'll go back and watch the Special that aired just prior to Part 2 ....
| Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 10:32 pm
Does anyone know when the next series starts?
| Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 10:40 pm
Never mind....I thinkI found an answer: <snip? Filming The BBC has confirmed that at least one episode will be filmed in Croatia.[9] It was confirmed in DWM that this series will be known as series 1 from a production standpoint; it is unknown what it will be publicly known as, though it will likely be series 5 in order to avoid confusion with the fairly recent series 1. A number of websites have reported a rumor that the BBC is considering splitting Series 5 into two halves, the first half to air in the spring of 2010, and the second half to air later in the year.[10] According to the online resume of one of the show's crewpeople, part of one episode has been filmed in Croatia.[11] Soon after production began on Series 5, images of the new cast on location began to appear in the British media, revealing the Eleventh Doctor's costume, and apparent exterior changes to the TARDIS (most notably the reinstatement of a St. John Ambulance logo which once adorned the TARDIS during the First Doctor era. The media also revealed in July 2009 that Alex Kingston will again portray River Song. [12] It was later said that she will appear in two episodes. [13] Given the out-of-order nature of filming on Doctor Who, however, it is not yet known where in the season these episodes will be placed. <snip> LOTS more here: WARNING: THERE SPOILERS OF SEASON 5 AT THAT LINK!
| Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 10:44 pm's a trailer for the upcoming season of Doctor says it begins in Spring of 2010 but I'm not sure if that's when it starts for the UK or North America or both:
| Saturday, January 02, 2010 - 10:50 pm
He's a funny looking guy, he looks 60 and 20 at the same time, which I suppose is perfect casting for The Doctor. Here's a video trailer of the next season. The BBC have confirmed "Spring 2010," whatever that is, April/Mayish probably?? In the UK of course... here a few weeks later would be nice. Trailer also contains snippetty things that could be spoilers if you pay attention real hard!