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| Thursday, December 03, 2009 - 11:04 pm
Just wanted to pipe in that I have become addicted to this cast of characters in the past year. And it's fun to see "Xander" back but wish we saw his character more.
| Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 1:27 pm
What is Spencer doing with himself, he's looking extremely disheveled and aged, especially compared to the older episodes. What is he doing with his hair?? He's starting to look like a serial killer himself. LOL
| Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 1:34 pm
lol I was shouting at him yesterday to comb his hair! He was at a funeral and it still looked that bad. By the way it was nagging at me that they had the character use a crutch so long on the show, and the actor did actually hurt his leg in real life. He damaged his knee while dancing and had to have surgery and will be using the crutches for a while. Maybe he's using it as an excuse not to shower! And apparently Shemar Moore has a cast on his leg at the moment too, but I haven't noticed that on the show.
| Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 2:04 pm
I knew about Shemar Moore having a cast and I've been waiting to see if it'd show up on the show and how they'd write it in since Spencer is using a cain. But I didn't know the guy who plays Spencer hurt himself in real life. He was dancing?? Really?! Is he a trained dancer in real life or something?
| Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 2:27 pm
I was interested in that too. I know he was a model at one point but I've never seen anything about him dancing. The man would look great in a formal suit... IF he brushed his hair! Oh wow... google came up with this, a poem(???) from his myspace page: >>> Going the distance when i do something i like to do it right take for instance, destroying my knee i wanted to make sure that i gave it my all my surgeon (one of the best in the nation) said that out of the 15000 knees he's operated on mine was one of the 200 worst he has ever seen this guy has probably seen car wrecks crowbar bashings falls off 3 story buildings pro sports players hit directly in the knee by human locomotives matadors gored by bulls yet mine takes the cake what is even more impressive is that i managed to do all that damage with one simple dance move we are talking about a "miracle" of an injury i jumped 4 inches in the air and merely landed "kind of funny" on my feet some might say i am weak boned (like sam jackson in unbreakable) au contraire the fact is, I have super human strength (like bruce willis in unbreakable) i am so strong that when my knee cap dislocated instead of falling over and leaving it out like a regular sane human being with pain receptors i ferociously kicked it back into place with such brute force that i managed to literally dismantle my entire knee you name it i did it: a solar system explosion under my courderoy the MRI tech said he thought his machine was broken when he saw the results i don't joke around on the dance floor 3 sugar screws 2 (2 inch) titanium screws lots of incisions a fair amount of drilling tons of blood and 6 hours of surgery later i was told that in 2 months, after a follow up surgery, we would know if the procedure worked sort of stressful as the alternative plan involved "experimental" procedures presumably at strange clinics in norway call me old fashioned but i try to avoid anything "experimental" when it comes to my body and knives but yesterday after the follow up surgery i was rousted from my foggy post op slumber by the doctor laying 2 giant titanium screws that were once in my knee into my hand proof that the surgery was a success when i find the love of my life i am going to give her one of those 2 inch screws on a necklace and i will keep the other maybe i will mount it on an earring with a feather and wear it like george michael circa the "faith" album but probably i wont thank you all for your good vibes, warm wishes, and prayers those meant the world to me in four more weeks (possibly after one final "clean up" surgery) i will be able to put some weight on it again look for me on the dance floor ill be the weird guy sitting in the chair dancing mostly with his arms love, matthew
| Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 2:31 pm
I have to follow him on twitter now, he's @gublernation. He twittered on December 4th that he is now walking without crutches for the first time. I think I might be his stalker for a while, he's interesting!
| Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 2:47 pm
Hahahaha Kitt! Thanks for posting that, it was a great read! I want to be the woman who gets one of those 2 screws! LOL. Oddly, I still can't tell if it was recreational dancing or if he's a real dancer. If recreational, then he's either the worlds worst or best dancer. LOL
| Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 3:53 pm
Was it a new show last night, darnit!
| Thursday, December 10, 2009 - 4:01 pm
Yes Dipo, they had Hailey's funeral and the team (minus Hotch) was called away for a case. I'll post more later if you want to hear about it, but won't now in case you have it taped or something.
| Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 12:19 pm
I missed most of the show last night, did Morgan not relinquish his position as leader of the team back to Hotch?
| Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 12:23 pm
Ahnicka, I believe he did. I missed a couple minutes between them finding the family safe and being back at the office though so I might be wrong. But, I'm pretty sure last week, Morgan told Rossi he'd give up the position if that's what Hotch wanted or keep it if Hotch wanted to quit. And then at the very end of last nights show, it sounded like he was just helping Hotch finish up some paperwork so he could get home to his son quicker and Morgan offering to help out whenever needed cuz he knew what it was like to grow up with a single parent. If there was some conversation though between the two of them about Morgan giving it up, I completely missed it. It didn't even occur to me til the end when Morgan was telling Hotch he'd help out when needed that I hadn't even paid attention through the show to see who was leading the team!
| Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 1:26 pm
Thanks Wargod. I remember last week Morgan telling Rossi he'd give it up, but I caught the very end of last night's show and Morgan offering to help with the paperwork, but Morgan was still sitting at the desk in the office, so it confused me on whether he gave up the position or not. I don't recall Morgan having an office before, so when he was still in the office, it seemed like he didn't give up the position.
| Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 1:35 pm
Right after Morgan got Hotch's position, he said he didn't want an office and was fine with his desk. But, while they were away, JJ (I think, may have been Hotch?) called and had Garcia set an office up a new office for him. He's only had it a little while.
| Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 1:48 pm
OK, I thought that happened, but I couldn't remember for certain if it was on this show or another, LOL. But for some reason Morgan not vacating the office made me think he didn't give up the position. Well I'm glad Hotch is back leading the team now. Thanks for the info Wargod!
| Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 2:22 pm
You're welcome!
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 12:11 am
I had never watched this show before but recently caught a few episodes on A& I'm a bit addicted! I watched all of this season so far online and bits of other seasons on A&E. I have a question...what is with the ummmmm...I guess I would call it flirting or sexual type tension between Morgan and there a back story there?
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 12:45 am
It's just fun, flirty sex talk, they care about each other, have freely said they love each other, but nothing more than friendship. Garcia is involved with a guy (he was Xander on Buffy the Vampire Slayer) who was/is an FBI tech and has been for a couple seasons. Morgan was getting involved with a murder victim's sister, but not sure how far that relationship went. About the only thing I remember seeing about how they got that way was an early episode where they were doing flashbacks and in one of the flashbacks, Morgan was trying to call Garcia but called her by the wrong name a couple times. Finally he said something like, Hey baby girl!
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 5:21 am
Kmm, I just started watching this show last season and got hooked very quickly. Thanks to my DVR, I was able to record a lot of past seasons' episodes from A&E. The only problem with the A&E marathons is they air the episodes "out of order" from the seasons. One episode may have Gideon in it, the next episode won't, then the next two will...etc. etc.
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 9:51 am
I've been watching this show since the beginning, although I've missed a few episodes here and there over the years, but for some reason I can never retain in my memory what "unsub" stands for. Can someone please remind me? Thanks.
Board Administrator
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 9:52 am
Unknown subject. 
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 10:06 am
Thank you!!! Now if I can just remember that, it seems so simple but I always forget it. LOL
Board Administrator
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 10:47 am
LOL, you can always look it up on google. They actually identify it as Unknown subject under investigation... so I was wrong! 
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 11:51 am
Ya know I watch, and ya know why I started watching (sigh, Shemar), lol ... but I love the show and the interactions between most of the characters. I still don't care for the Rossi character and only recently started liking Prentiss.
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 12:00 pm
LOL Ladytex, I kind of feel the same way. Prentiss just never seemed to really fit in with the group's dynamic to me, and Rossi just doesn't quite seem to fit in smoothly either. I don't dislike the Rossi character, but he doesn't fit the flow to me. I've warmed up to Prentiss, but she still doesn't seem to quite fit.
| Monday, December 28, 2009 - 12:22 pm
War, thanks for the info Lexie, I've watched quite a few on A&E and noticed that they are way out of order...makes it a bit confusing for newbies!