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| Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 11:07 pm
It looks a bit bleak for tomorrow...
| Friday, July 24, 2009 - 10:55 am
It doesn't look good, that's for sure. When Ianto was talking about Jack seeing him die when he was 75, I didn't know if he was whistling in the dark or what. I mean, I don't imagine many TW agents to make it to 75. But even so, I wasn't expecting that. Guess I'd forgotten how this show loves to depress me. And then there's the 456's demands...what are you supposed to do when faced with that? The "less awful" choice is still appalling and, of course, we're led to believe it would only be a matter of time before they come back again anyway.
| Friday, July 24, 2009 - 12:02 pm
I think that's one of the things that's good about the show, for the bigger stories there are no quick solutions or easy answers. Maybe Jack has some bright idea up his sleeve. Ianto's death was spoilt a little bit for me by him being such an insecure annoyance this week. Yes Ianto, the world's falling apart but now's the time to tell Jack he never communicates. Still, I guess in Torchwood the world's always falling apart. For some reason the character never really grew on me, I think it was that sharp change from a kind of office boy in Season One to full fledged agent in Season Two. He just doesn't seem the action type. Didn't want him dead though. Christy, is the hub like a museum now?
| Friday, July 24, 2009 - 8:08 pm
LOL, I think I was the only one taking my picture at the fountain. The next day we went back (lots of good food in Cardiff Bay) and there was a crane working on something there. It had my last name on it. The joke ever since is that I was breaking in. I want to keep watching torchwood, but how? Can they bring it back?
| Friday, July 24, 2009 - 10:41 pm
I see, you wanted it to be a museum but actually it was a bit of the harbour?! I am sure you're not the only one, the rest were just hiding! I'd love to see one of the exhibitions. I know Russell T Jones wants to bring it back, but I don't know if they will. I'm guessing yes, because it has such a huge following. So tonight... that's pretty brave writing. Not sure what else to say yet. Scary stuff.
| Saturday, July 25, 2009 - 9:03 am
Kitt There is a Dr Who Exhibit right next door--very good. Looking for the entrance to Torchwood was just part of the fun.
| Tuesday, July 28, 2009 - 11:42 am
Ooo just saw a preview for Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars! Looks really good! Debut is November in the UK so hopefully on BBCA by the end of the year...?
| Wednesday, July 29, 2009 - 2:56 pm
Sat Jul 25, 2009 — by Glenn Hauman EXCLUSIVE: Torchwood picked up for another season by BBC This just in: a rep from BBCAmerica has let it out to our man on the scene that Torchwood has been picked up for another season by the BBC. Details to come... UPDATE: BBC America told ComicMix's Mike Raub that Torchwood has been picked up for a fourth season. No word on when it will air or the number of episodes. This follows the highly succesful UK broadcast of Children Of Earth.
| Wednesday, July 29, 2009 - 3:43 pm
| Thursday, July 30, 2009 - 11:01 am
BBC America are saying they will air all premiere showings of future Dr Whos in unedited length; apparently before they've cut shows down by up to 15 minutes to get them in their US hour (41 mins of show) time slot. This will only apply to the premiere though, any repeats will be cut for length. Also they are hoping to get the final David Tennant episode "The End of Time," which is the Christmas special, to BBCA by New Year. That means they would have to show "The Waters of Mars" before then too.
| Thursday, August 06, 2009 - 12:01 pm
Some very cute John Barrowman... Doctor Who and Captain Jack: The Kiss
| Tuesday, August 11, 2009 - 10:01 am
Glad to read there'll be another season of TW but I really hope they lighten the downright grim mood of the show at least a little. So often it just leaves me with a feeling of despair and hopelessness. And the way they defeated the 456 - not only was is heartbreaking (and would Jack have still done if he knew his grandson better - my guess is probably "yes" but the uncertainty had to be another blow to his daughter) but it seemed torn from the dubious "Jeff Goldblum's laptop can bring down the aliens" playbook. I'm willing to accept preposterous techno twists but sometimes even my credulity is strained. I can't remember anything about the preview for "The Waters of Mars" except that I thought it looked good - better than "Planet of the Dead" which was just okay, imho. But I did love the Unit scientist who was starstruck by talking to the Doctor. (I remember seeing the actor in MouseHunt.)
| Wednesday, August 12, 2009 - 12:59 am
Planet of the Dead was a very mild Dr Who. Besides lacking the Tardis (did they take apart the set?) it really did not do anything to make me think. I am used to modern Dr Who. I sometimes have to step far outside my box to understand.
| Wednesday, August 12, 2009 - 10:24 am
Yeah, it was one of those stand alone silly ones. They're ok for a break mid-series but in a special I wanted more.
| Tuesday, October 27, 2009 - 11:14 am
Any word on when "The Waters of Mars" special will be shown? I don't want to miss it like I missed "The Next Doctor". You know me, hate spoilers - so I only checked BBCA's site. They have a new (kinda scary) trailer there but it just says the show is "Coming Soon". Oh and the "DW" forming the Tardis for the new logo is pretty cool.

| Tuesday, October 27, 2009 - 2:32 pm
I'm having trouble finding anything definite. The Dr Who special for Children In Need is airing on November 20th (in the UK) so Waters of Mars should have been aired there before then. I still think BBCA are going to show it before Christmas because they promised to show the Christmas Special promptly after the UK does (like they did with the last Torchwood). The BBC One site just says "Waters of Mars - will be on later in the year." They've been spotted filming the next series (with the new doctor) near Cardiff, so that seems like it could air in the Spring. They've a lot of shows to fit in.
| Tuesday, October 27, 2009 - 2:48 pm
BBC Confirms “Waters of Mars" Airs in November July 15, 2009 by Michael Hickerson || Category: TV News While we still don’t have the specific date for the airing of the next “Doctor Who" special, “The Water of Mars,” we at least can confirm that it will air in November. The BBC released details of its upcoming fall schedule this week and included a short clip from the episode. You can see the clip here: The BBC released the following info on the episode: David Tennant returns as The Doctor in ‘The Waters Of Mars', the second of four “Doctor Who" specials being screened on BBC One this year. He is joined by his cleverest and most strong-minded companion yet, Adelaide, played by acclaimed British actress Lindsay Duncan. Adelaide is head of the Mars Base and doesn’t take kindly to an uninvited appearance by The Doctor. Peter O’Brien, star of “Neighbours”, “Flying Doctors" and “Casualty”, also guest stars as Ed, Adelaide’s second in command. The Waters Of Mars is written by Russell T Davies and Phil Ford and is directed by Graeme Harper. ----------------------------- I tried posting the link to that article a half dozen times, but I keep getting an error message saying I need to use secnd argument for the "\newurl}" tag....although I did NOT use that tag! Anyhow, the link to the article is the 3rd listing from the top on this google search results page:
| Tuesday, October 27, 2009 - 3:30 pm
Freaky, I can't get the link to post either! But one of the comments on there says Nov 14th is the date... if that's true we should know in about a week, as the beeb publish schedules about two weeks ahead.
| Wednesday, October 28, 2009 - 12:34 am
I have just recently started watching Dr Who. I really enjoy David Tennet as the Dr and Freema Agyeman as Martha. I have seen a few episodes with Rose and Donna Noble. Hated Donna Noble and think Rose a bit blah. I'm very disappointed that David Tennet is leaving the series. I think I saw a Dr Who episode with Captain Jack and then watched the Torchwood Children of Earth miniseries. Since then I have seen some Torchwood episodes. I must say that they are quite uneven, some of the writing is abysmal at best. I cringe especially for John Barrowman at some of the insipid lines he is given. Thank you BBC America.
| Wednesday, October 28, 2009 - 12:55 am
Sugar.... I only started as a DR who fan with the recent shows....and Torchwood as a part of that. I have also back tracked to watch some of the older DR whos..... my advice. Go back to the start of the current Dr Who and watch them. you will like some of the sidekicks more than others, but you can not miss how they impact THE DR. See Torchwood from the start. Realize it is a much more adult show. when you see Children of The Earth the next time around, you will cry at some of the lines he is given......what seems insipid now..... takes you to a lost child, a failed brother and a man who waited in one place for centuries for a little blue box to appear. and past all I have just said.....there are spoilers.
| Wednesday, October 28, 2009 - 9:59 am
Torchwood especially should be watched in order from Season 1. The main strength imo of all Russell T Davies' characters is that they are very real, faults and all; you begin to care about them like real friends, not just as characters. Once you care about the characters that much you can sit through the silly episodes without much effort! And of course once you care about them that much you can expect tears when bad things happen . Sigh. Still sad.
| Wednesday, October 28, 2009 - 11:50 am
Thank you, Kitt and Sanfranjoshfan! Here's a link: Slice of SciFi Sugar: I agree that TW can be very uneven. I think part of that is because TW seems to take itself more seriously and so is, overall and despite its often funny lines, far more bleak and pessimistic than DW is. It finds its stories in the darker places of the human psyche/universe. At its best, it can be gut-wrenchingly emotional. At its worst, it can be gratuitously cruel and pretentiously self-indulgent. Imho, of course. DW has its ups and downs as well, as do most shows, and has certainly had its share of sad and sobering events but it just doesn't seem to revel in depressing the audience the way TW does, lol. DW seems to be more about wonder (be it marvels or fears) while TW tends to be more about regrets and pains. (That's a very general generalization so take it with a grain of salt!)
| Friday, October 30, 2009 - 3:48 pm
We have a date for Waters of Mars! Nov 15 in the UK and Dec 19 on BBC America. It's 60 minutes long, unedited. Also: "The remaining episodes starring Tennant will air over the holiday season, although BBC America has yet to announce airdates for those episodes." The remaining episodes are meant to be a two part Christmas/New Year (in the UK) Special. I can't find when it's on in Canada but I don't know what channel to look for.
| Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 1:52 pm
Thanks, Kitt. I'll have to make a note of that because it's just enough lead time for me to forget about it, lol.
| Monday, November 16, 2009 - 2:02 pm
I watched both the Waters of Mars and The Other Doctor online and they were both good episodes. Waters of Mars especially is very thought provoking and fast paced - The Other Doctor was different and fun - just how I like TV shows!