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| Tuesday, June 30, 2009 - 11:59 am
You'd have probably seen it nearer Christmas, Calamity (the Next Doctor one). I'm pretty sure I discussed it with someone, and that could have really only been here, so it was probably on BBCA. I finally saw the Easter special, it was one of the silly, stand alone ones. Very watchable but didn't really have anything significant for the long term Dr Who story. Or Torchwood story. So July 20th for Torchwood, July 26th for Dr Who! Shame there will be such a long time for the next installments after that!
| Tuesday, June 30, 2009 - 2:47 pm
The last DW I saw was "Journey's End" (the one with Donna and the Daleks - that sounds like a 60s pop group - and the rest of the gang in tow too). I hope BBCA repeats "The Next Doctor" sometime soon but who knows what they'll do with so few episodes for this season/year. It's particularly vexing that I missed it because I remember thinking last week that I ought to check the online guide to see which Torchwood epis would be on Saturday but before I got around to it a thunderstorm knocked out the power and it takes my satellite receiver a while to reset its guide after that happens. By which time I forgot about looking it up. And since I didn't get home 'til about 9 o'clock Saturday night, I didn't check the schedule then either. Don't want to be spoiled about the plot but the Easter special still features David Tennant as the Doctor though, right? Not having seen the two shows ("Next Doctor" and the Easter special), it seems confusing. I mean the next Doctor being introduced before the current one is actually gone, that is!
| Tuesday, June 30, 2009 - 3:21 pm
What bad luck missing the show! I made a mistake up thread and confused two episodes. The episode which was on this weekend was called "The Next Doctor" but the name was somewhat of a misnomer, as the other "Doctor" isn't the one who will be taking over from David Tennant in 2010. Can't say more than that or I'll spoil the episode. I don't think it played into the timeline at all, maybe slightly but I don't think it would matter if you saw it out of order. It's been a while so I might be wrong on that. What I was confusing it with is the buzz I've heard recently about a David Tennant special which includes all 11 past Doctors (some computer generated). That episode hasn't actually been shown in England, and now I find out it hasn't even been confirmed by the bbc, and if it happens it'll only be 15 mins long and part of a charity special in November. That "episode," if the chatter is correct, will include the new doctor but he won't be replacing David. Sorry for confusing you on that, I got over excited! The Easter Special is entirely David Tennant, and could be placed any time in the David Tennant Doctor Who timeline really, it's just one of those fun ones. So, in case that was as muddled as it sounds, both episodes are David Tennant, no new Doctors, and I think you can see them out of order if you have to.
| Tuesday, June 30, 2009 - 3:29 pm
Calamity, if you (or anyone) wanted to see "The Next Doctor" on youtube this guy has them in a playlist: Planet of the Dead is also there.
| Tuesday, June 30, 2009 - 10:38 pm
I too missed this last episode. And I have street cred as a fan of the Dr who universe. I went to cardiff this last may to see where things are filmed and take in the "Dr Who Experience" Did I mention I live in AZ? LOL
| Wednesday, July 01, 2009 - 9:26 am
Oh wow Christy! What was it like?
| Wednesday, July 01, 2009 - 12:21 pm
Arizona to Cardiff is quite a trip, Christy358 (unless you traveled by Tardis)! I'd love to visit the U.K. someday. Thanks for explaining all that, Kitt! Shoot, now I'm so curious that I'm tempted to watch "The Next Doctor" on YouTube. Will that bring down the wrath of the BBC on me? I can understand why they might not want people to do that, just wish BBCA would repeat the show. A special featuring all the Doctor's incarnations would be cool. He doesn't have many regenerations left - although I'm sure they could find a way around that if need be. Oh btw, I read that there was a new Red Dwarf mini-series which recently aired in the U.K.. Have you seen it or heard anything about it? I totally enjoyed the early seasons of RD but wasn't so crazy about its last few years when replacement Kochanski joined and then the rest of the crew was brought back. Plus I'm not sure I'd want to see a middle-aged Lister, Rimmer, Cat, and Kryten.
| Wednesday, July 01, 2009 - 1:36 pm
The BBC don't like people viewing stuff on youtube, but I can't see what harm it does just here and there. It's not like you chose to watch it there over BBC or BBCA, you would watch it elsewhere if you could. I'd go youtube! I saw the short miniseries of Red Dwarf. I am a huge Red Dwarf fan! It was good to see them again but to be honest I didn't think it was that good - like you say about the last few seasons, it just wasn't up to how it was at the beginning. They have aged pretty well though, apart from Rimmer they didn't look that much older. Of course you can't tell with Kryten .
| Wednesday, July 01, 2009 - 7:18 pm
FYI Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead (2009) will be released on DVD on July 29,2009 and is now available for pre-order at Amazon for $10.49.
| Wednesday, July 15, 2009 - 6:18 pm
If anyone is using their old season pass to record Torchwood, it might not have worked for the new season - mine didn't. The next season is billed as "Torchwood: Children of Earth" and is on at 9-10.15pm (6-7.15pm for some) each night, July 20th to 25th.
| Wednesday, July 15, 2009 - 10:31 pm
Kitt, thanks for the heads up.
| Monday, July 20, 2009 - 10:00 am
Children of Earth starts TONIGHT! Apparently tissues are required!
| Monday, July 20, 2009 - 11:59 am
I've been trying to rewatch the last season in readiness for this one. Someone asked how Owen died, well in the last couple of episodes of season two, Grey, Jack's brother, reappeared. He had somehow got hold of the James Marsters character (Captain John), strapped a bomb to him (surgically) and told him he had to get Jack because he blamed his capture on his home world by the aliens and subsequent years of torture on Jack for letting go of his hand when they were young and Jack was meant to be looking after him. Captain John, in usual over the top style, bombed various structures all over the city to get Jack's attention, then pulled him into the rift/time warp thing and back to Grey. Grey buried Jack alive, not knowing Jack could now never die, but luckily John flipped a beacon into the grave with Jack. Centuries later the early Torchwood team find the beacon and dig Jack up, then after believing his story put him in one of the freezers in Torchwood with a timer to thaw at our present. Back in the present Grey came back, took control of all the weevils and did more damage, including at a nuclear power station. Owen, dear Owen, went to the power station to see if he could shut the reactor down, with Tosh giving him directions from Torchwood. Grey is on the rampage and shoots Tosh without any of the others knowing. At the same time, Jack awakes, and Gwen and Ianto find his freezer drawer, and he's back in the scene. He finds Grey, tells him he forgives him, and manages to subdue him. Meanwhile things are near critical in the power station and Tosh is trying not to reveal how injured she is to Owen. Finally a critical point is reached and the doors at the station shut automatically before Owen can get out. He shouts and shouts, Tosh tells him to stop, he says why should he? She says because you're breaking my heart. Owen calms and realises what will happen to his undead body, that he will see himself being ripped apart. There's a white flash within the station and that's all we see of Owen. Tosh collapses, just as Jack, Eve and Ianto come in to see her die. In the real world Cardiff has been completely bombed, people saw the weevils roaming the street, and everyone knows strange things have happened. And that's where they left it at the end of Season Two. I'm going to miss Owen. Even Tosh, who didn't seem to have much of a role in many episodes, was so heroic in that last one. I hope they can still have the emotional breadth without those two. I guess as everyone is reporting tears, that they do.
| Monday, July 20, 2009 - 12:14 pm
Sorry for the third post in a row, but in case anyone is interested there is a special called "Inside the Hub" on an hour before the show starts (8pm ET) and the first of five "Inside Look" episodes after each show (starting at 10.15pm ET). My Tivo didn't pick those up either, BBCA are so un-Tivo savvy!
| Monday, July 20, 2009 - 12:51 pm
Thanks, Kitt - I hadn't remembered all that! Despite whatever horrors he went through, I still think Grey was a...*ahem*. The tv critic in a local paper said TW:CoE is fantastic but avoid the previews if possible because they give too much away. I'm going to have to switch between watching it and Moon landing programming tonight. Since TW is airing five nights in a row, I don't want to get behind. I still need to see "The Next Doctor". P.S. About Red Dwarf - when I said I wasn't sure I'd want to see a middle-age Lister or Rimmer, etc., I didn't mean that as a shallow comment about the actors' appearances but concern about the characters. Lister as a 25 year old slobby space slacker was funny but if he was still like that at 45, it might seem a bit sad.
| Monday, July 20, 2009 - 2:27 pm
I see what you mean about the middle aged characters - I'm not sure they ever said how old they were, they didn't play up to their age at all (I mean, they didn't joke about it), so I think it was meant to be just a few years later... not 20! Which Moon landing programme are you watching? I was hoping to find something and saw a special on the History channel, but that was about all. Make sure you go to and have a look at some of their moon maps, they're good! If anyone can't watch the first CofE airing they're showing it (times Eastern) 9pm and midnight today, (then in the middle of the night) then again at 8pm tomorrow before the second episode. That repeat tomorrow is only 60mins long, instead of 75 minutes on the previous showings, so I don't know if they're showing it without adverts or if they're going to cut bits.
| Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - 12:02 am
Really liked this tonight. It did not feel like anyone was missing....even though I know they were. Captain Jack is so much the heart of the show. Not sure I needed tissues, but liked the personal things we learned.
| Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - 10:06 am
The tissues are for the end of the five days, I think. I like the personal stuff too, my dh said he read a few criticisms of the show being slow, but it's only slow if you don't care about things like that. I really thought Rupesh was going to be the new Owen! He was certainly cute enough! I was most shocked when his storyline turned around! I'm looking forward to tonight.
| Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - 2:23 pm
Sorry, I didn't see your post before this, Kitt. I watched some of the History Channel coverage and TCM aired a documentary on the Apollo missions. Good beginning to TW:CoE but didn't it seem like there were an awful lot of commericials? I'm most curious about what that man at Unit (I guess that's where he was) was talking about with the 4-5-6, and when the children said "we are coming back" - so are they the children Clement said disappeared or are they whoever took the children or what? I thought the doctor was so cute and likable that I was almost immediately suspicious of him. What a cynic I've become, lol. I was surprised with that scene between Jack and his daughter though. Didn't expect that at all. Ianto's visit to his sister's (I think that's who she was) was something. I really like Gwen and her partner. I'm blanking on his name right now. Reese?
| Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - 3:12 pm
We watched the replay of the landing, and taped the special. Thanks . Yeah, Rhys is Gwen's husband. And I keep calling Gwen, Eve, which is her real name not her character name! I see so much more of her as a character but for some reason that name sticks to her for me. The shows are an hour long, without adverts in England, so the extra fifteen minutes here shouldn't have been too excessive unless they cut stuff?? I didn't see the UK one this time, so I don't know if anything is up! I didn't really understand the 456 either, I hope it becomes clear. Seems like there's some sort of cover up which involves getting rid of those in the know, including Jack. It really did seem like Jack wanted to experiment on his granddaughter, which was a bit... heartless! I think the people coming back are the aliens talking through the children. Cynic, lol! I was taken in by his beauty!
| Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - 3:33 pm
Rhys, that's it. Me and my American spellings! Yeah, I was also startled by Jack's apparent ploy to, shall we say, borrow his grandchild. And apparently he told Ianto to do the same thing - try to get his nephew/niece (can't remember). But he probably wasn't supposed to get the TW car stolen - that seemed so random I wondered if it was just for comic relief or if it will factor into the story somehow. Anyway, I don't think they intend to harm the kids but Torchwood can be pretty ruthless when need be and let's face it, things are looking a little scary, maybe even desperate. I think you're right that the people coming back are whoever took the children but wasn't completely sure. Maybe it just seemed like a lot of commericals to me because I was switching back & forth with the Moon landing stuff.
| Tuesday, July 21, 2009 - 10:31 pm
I wonder if the stolen car will end up dumped somewhere and they bump into it and get some useful tools, otherwise the scene was a bit out of place. Are the aliens going to appear in that box from big rings falling from the ceiling, like in Stargate!? I imagine the reason they're only talking to the Brits is that they made a deal with them back the previous time they came. I wonder if someone effectively sold their souls and they've come to collect. You mentioned the adverts and now I see what you mean! Lots of them, although each break was short. I guess with the good reviews it had they really wanted that advertiser money. And I have to mention - they fuzzed out Jack's fuzzables!
| Wednesday, July 22, 2009 - 9:52 am
I saw the original Stargate movie but don't remember much about it so...I don't know. It's very odd, that enclosure. Since whoever it is says they're coming "back", did they need such a box before or are they bringing something new this time? The fella, Dekker(?), who breathed on the glass spooks me. Clearly, there's something between the Brits and the 4-5-6. That line that they used the children to scare us "because they can" was very unnerving. Curious how Clement is still affected all these decades later. I hope nothing bad happens to him! He seems like such a sympathetic character plus I like his name (it reminds me of Clement Moore who wrote "A Visit from St. Nicholas", aka "'Twas the Night Before Christmas", lol). When the Torchwood hub was blown up, I couldn't help wondering if that somehow released some dangerous stuff that was being kept there. Gwen & Rhys were so warm & funny this episode. And Lois, the PA (does that stand for personal assistant?) who met them at the cafe, is very organized. She saved the day! I liked the scene with Ianto meeting his sister at the park. And yeah, I don't know how necessary it was to blur Jack since he was covered in dust and it was a long shot. I thought he was going to embrace Ianto then but he didn't. Gwen's expression cracked me up though. Oh and when the parts of Jack's body began re-growing/reassembling, I wondered if there were any stray bits of him still at the Torchwood site doing the same thing which means there could be more than one Jack (like what the broom splinters did in "The Sorcerer's Apprentice").
| Wednesday, July 22, 2009 - 10:02 am
Yes, PA is Personal Assistant. I think they might be setting her up to be on the team next season, although she seems a little young. I'm trying not to think about the fact that whatever government office she's temping at probably wouldn't use young, inexperienced temps like her! More than one Jack, that's a thought! It seemed like they had very little of him in the bag, I think they said an arm and part of a head. Also in the wreckage we wondered about some of the things they stored, like didn't Jack have a hand in a jar? And some sort of box that was important. Not to mention the sealed, frozen, mortuary-like trays where jack was hidden last season, and that guy they thawed out every few years. They must have lost a lot. And the pterodactyl!
| Thursday, July 23, 2009 - 12:17 am
Can not wait for tomorrow. Very sad they lost the old home. I was just there this May. (I have pics of me trying to break in...LOL)