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| Friday, March 01, 2019 - 10:50 am
sometimes escaping death is very hard on you. I had a friend who worked in the World trade center on an upper floor. She forgot to get her prescription and went down the elevator to the pharmacy on a basement floor. then the plane hit the building, she wanted to go back upstairs, but they would not let her on the elevator, eventually they evacuated her. she was the only person who survived at that location. She was an IT person but then spent months trying to remember everyone she saw at work that day and helping to process claims. There were days when she was so depressed, it was painful to watch. She's not the same as she was before. Yet in this case, I don't think that this was the major reason he killed himself. Just one more piece in the cog.
| Friday, March 01, 2019 - 2:38 pm
I have a friend that was supposed to be on the flight from New York that crashed into the World Trade Center. That morning they decided to stay and take an afternoon flight. Just like Jon, she still has the original ticket and posts about it every September 11th. So chilling
| Friday, March 01, 2019 - 5:07 pm
I was here at TVCH on that day. The Big Brother thread gave us a place to talk and cry together. I spent the day there.
| Friday, March 01, 2019 - 7:01 pm
Oh man, I just watched the episode. When I realized what flight it was that Jon missed, I got goosebumps from head to toe. Still shivering. What a day that was. I was home alone with my infant son. I, too, spent the day with my on-line community that day, crying and trading information. And of course, PJ would turn out to be Barbara Morgan's son! Are there only 10 people in Boston and do they all know each other??? Seems like a long time till next fall. Oh, and I'm thinking if Rome really wants a child and his wife doesn't, that could be the end for them. That's a deal breaker for most people (if they're not in agreement, I mean).
| Saturday, March 02, 2019 - 10:36 am
I had to search to figure out who PJ is.. And just how complicated it becomes when he sees that video and probably thinks Jon was his father and not Jon's friend Dave, who was on the plane
| Saturday, March 02, 2019 - 2:56 pm
I thought of that, too, Sea. But PJ is supposed to be "Dave's" son, Jon's friend who was going to LA with him and died on 9/11. I don't think he would be Jon's son. That would just be one too many cases of questionable paternity on this show. We've already got one of those.
| Saturday, March 02, 2019 - 6:37 pm
No, he wouldn't, but when he viewed the video of Jon, he seemed to think Jon could be his dad, and Jon sent 💰money too. I really didn't think of it so much as picked it up from the article.
| Sunday, March 03, 2019 - 11:19 am
I didn't read the article, cause it said it might contain spoilers. I thought it might spoil plot lines from next season. And I'll bet the "J" in PJ stands for Jonathan (Patrick Jonathan).
| Sunday, March 03, 2019 - 3:39 pm
I don't think it spoils any plot from season two. The author obviously pays attention to detail each week and speculates about what will happen, as we do, and is sometimes wrong, as we are.. Like thinking for awhile that the actress from Unreal was Barbara Morgan, then finding out with us that she was the city council member who was on the phone with Jon before he jumped. We already know PJ is being mentored by Some and that he is the son of Barbara Morgan and (Dave who died in flight 11 on 9/11 OR was it Jon? and that PJ now has seen the video Job made apologizing to Barbara that Barbara played for Delilah, so PJ might think Jon was his dad). Lots of questions still up in the air as we wait for next season. This link is to week by week speculation, based on the actual episodes and the teaser clip for the next week.
| Friday, March 08, 2019 - 2:44 pm
Why did they show the guys in the airport playing hockey and Jion then missing the plane and then it was the plane that his roommate died on . This makes no sense since he didn’t know the guys on 9/11 and they would have died along with his roommate. Why was Mitch so rude To Delilah?
| Friday, March 08, 2019 - 2:48 pm
Also, why now is the guy who is married to Katherine wanting to stay with her? I thought he was now in love with Delilah ? Did I miss Delilah breaking up with him?
| Friday, March 08, 2019 - 2:49 pm
OK Jon missing the plane his friend was on was years before he met his guy friends. the playing hockey in the airport was years later because they missed a great game,but they didn't miss it but then they did. and that is why one guy got the mini hockey stick.
| Friday, March 08, 2019 - 3:41 pm
Mitch was trying to keep Barbara's son in the dark about his bio dad, who is not Mitch. PJ did not see Delilah, but Mitch and Barbara left the laptop with Jon's apology message out and PJ watched it, so now he knows Mitch isn't really bio dad, and probably thinks that his dad is Jon, though that may really be Dave, who was on the plane that crashed into the world trade center. ..... As for Eddie, I think he still loves Kathleen, mother of his child and the one who worked hard while he tried to rekindle being a rockstar and giving guitar lessons, oh and having an affair with his bestie's wife, Delilah, who is also mother to one of his students. And Delilah wants to keep her baby with Eddie a secret. And then Eddie sees Delilah relying on a powerful man for help with the restaurant, a man who is mighty interested in Delilah. So Eddie is torn and at season end, about to blow open both of his relationships by telling Kathleen his big secret, that the baby they have been celebrating as Jon's last gift to all, well, oops! That baby is really Eddie's. Eddie is likely going to feel the wrath of.. Everyone.
| Friday, March 08, 2019 - 5:12 pm
Thanks Seamonkey and Sadiesmom! With The airport scenes with Jon, I got confused because I now see that he wore jerseys in both the 9/11 and then the later one with the guys playing hockey. I thought it was showing it all happening on one day instead of 2 different days. The missing the plane was the 9/11 day only. I now understand that Mitch was trying to prevent PJ from learning his paternity.
| Friday, March 08, 2019 - 10:31 pm
Mitch does seem pretty grumpy.
| Thursday, October 03, 2019 - 3:44 pm
So PJ is in therapy with Maggie. The baby is born, a girl, Charlotte, aka Charlie. All the adults know who the father is. None of the kids know.
| Friday, October 04, 2019 - 8:59 am
This show just confuses me. The first season was very clear. Can't really see where it is going this season.
| Friday, October 04, 2019 - 10:21 am
I'm glad it's back. I enjoy this show.
Board Administrator
| Friday, October 04, 2019 - 12:10 pm
I’m enjoying it as well. I enjoy all the characters. I’m even liking Eddie and Katherine’s little boy. He’s cute this season.
| Saturday, October 05, 2019 - 10:46 am
Is it wrong that every time PJ comes on screen, I hear a voice in the back of my head screaming, "Coooooorrrrrrrlllll!!!" 
| Wednesday, October 09, 2019 - 2:25 pm
I'll be honest, I'm a little over Katherine. I love the actress, and I think her and Eddie can make it. But based on the fact that they had somewhat gotten past the affair, I don't know about her reaction to the fact that the baby was his. Unless there's something more going on in regards to maybe she wanted another baby and he didn't, or they couldn't or whatever. I dunno. The absolute heartbreak she seemed to be in over the whole thing seemed a little much to me.
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, October 09, 2019 - 3:21 pm
I thought the same at first. Then I realized that the baby's existence will be a constant ongoing reminder for the rest of their life together that Eddie cheated on her. There is no way to put this in the past and move on. The child will forever be a part of their life.
| Wednesday, October 09, 2019 - 3:25 pm
Plus the fact that he kept the baby's parentage (is that a word?) from her. I can see how she might feel betrayed. I agree with you, Wowprincess. I love the actress, hate the character. She's really annoying. Also the little boy seems a little too babyish for his age. How old is he supposed to be anyway?
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, October 09, 2019 - 3:30 pm
Sadly, though I like the actress, she plays my least favorite character on the show. I like Eddie and Delilah better and I know that is monstrously unfair. I found their little boy a bit annoying last season but I like him better this season. He's more funny than irritating now.
| Thursday, October 10, 2019 - 10:26 am
I think it stemmed from Eddie being gone and out of it so she had to raise their child and have the responsible job, then along comes this child and it will again take Eddie away.