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| Friday, March 10, 2017 - 1:54 pm
Yes, very exciting ep. I really enjoy this show. Fast paced. Scary. Interesting. I really hope that guy bled out after the bottle stabbing!
| Friday, March 10, 2017 - 5:48 pm
Totally agree, Brenda! I kept saying "Ooooh, it's going to be good when Will takes Baldy out!" And it was! 
| Friday, March 10, 2017 - 11:45 pm
Just "watched" the last episode only fell asleep half way through, hubby didn't notice and deleted it when it ended. I asked him what happened and he said they got the kids back and all lived happily ever after... Sea, was that a helpful link to a synopsis, because it didn't appear as a link for me...
| Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 12:36 am
The link above the thread leads to the blogs and synoposes.. And I listened to a podcast from a couple episodes ago.. Intresting! I will listen to more.
| Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 12:41 am From episodes there is a link to a guide for each episode.. A synopsis.
| Saturday, March 11, 2017 - 1:12 am
Ah thanks, I didn't look all the way up there!
| Friday, March 24, 2017 - 2:33 pm
I am confused about last night's episode. They first show Bram and his red band partner find the shell casing, partner shot.. Then it faces and later Bram claims not to remember. Then the episode ends with the same scene showing the Ambassador being told where to find the gun, load it.. He shoots Bram's partner twice, then is out of ammo and Bram shoots and kills him.. Next week we see the head of the red hand telling Will be cannot have his son back. I cannot see her as other than Kerry Weaver from er. And looks like Kate's snakey sister Maddie may finally get hers..
| Friday, March 24, 2017 - 3:12 pm
"Then it faces and later Bram claims not to remember." I assume you meant that it "fades" in "fades to black" and another scene starts. (It took me forever to figure that out! ) I don't remember Bram telling anyone he didn't remember what happened, but sometimes I don't pay enough attention, so I'm not saying he never said it. What I remember was that yes, Bram's partner, Patrick, was shot and killed and then they cut away before we saw how Bram reacted. Later we see Bram telling his mother what happened and saying he wanted to shoot the guy that killed Patrick but just couldn't bring himself to do it. Then we get a flashback at the end showing that Bram was lying to his mother because he did indeed shoot and kill the guy with the shotgun. He's in pretty deep now but he's hiding it from his folks.....because the Red Hands are killing collaborators and his father was a collaborator. Even though Will had good reason to work for the Raps (to keep his family alive), the Red Hands aren't making any distinction between "good" collaborators and "bad" ones.
| Friday, March 24, 2017 - 3:13 pm
This explains it.. The same day from multiple viewpoints.
| Friday, March 24, 2017 - 3:24 pm are correct.. I went to read more. He denied doing what he did. The Ambassador was certainly not prepared, it seems. You would think weapons training would have come prior to his trip. I did mean fades.. This particular tablet isn't helping but I need to proofread more...
| Friday, March 24, 2017 - 4:44 pm
Poor Will, his kids are all off in another direction. I dont see how he will get them all out of the block!
| Friday, March 24, 2017 - 8:33 pm
As Bram actually was completely in control of his actions after all (rather than just panicking and running to Maddie) he should have told her he came to save her, as they were shooting people, and told his mum and dad the same thing. It would have been great cover to say he was drawn along with them, but when it came to it he realised his aunt and cousin were at risk so had to save them.
| Saturday, March 25, 2017 - 6:57 am
Maddie was suspicious of how Bram gained access to the Green Zone. Seems like her chosen family will betray her, as she has betrayed her own sister. Lots of Kool-Aid being drunk.. Red Hats, Red Hands, Greatest Day, Factors, Ambassadors, Raps, Broussard and other resistors. All at cross purpose.
| Saturday, March 25, 2017 - 9:15 am
I wonder why we havent see the 'alien overlords' yet? We have seen their work, their weapons and the result of taking over our planet--but not their faces, if they even have one.
| Saturday, March 25, 2017 - 1:00 pm
I think it's supposed to be more about the collaborators vs. the resistance, while everyone else is just trying to survive. Lots of parallels to Nazi Germany. I like that they don't show the aliens. Makes it more believable.
| Friday, March 31, 2017 - 1:22 am
Interesting.. So the group outside has a rap. And now the resistors have the part they need. Supposedly that rap is resisting too and needs it. They took out the Red Hand, though at the end Will ran out of ammo and Broussard told him he had a family, to go.. and stayed. When he was totally outnumbered, he threw out the device that calls in the red hat drones. They pulverized everyone (like they pulverized Will's old female partner when she, Will and Charlie were climbing the wall to get back from Santa Manoica and they came and looked at Broussard, like they looked at Will and Charlie. And they let him go, like they did with Will and Charlie. Interesting. So Nolan is told to get rid of Katie's sister and does in a rather cold manner First he played nice and got her to send her son off to some "camp". They he wants to take advantage of being alone to hop in bed.. which she isn't in the mood for but we see that she did.. so then he gets dressed and says see ya and leaves. He tells the red hats to go in and they swarm in and drag her out in a slip. Then she was interrogated and "confessed" but former factor came in and played good cop, tore up the confession and got her to throw Nolan under the bus (we don't see this.. but former factor says she named Nolan as the one to give the file to the resistance). Former Proxy tells Nolan that he wants to oust the current Factor and make Nolan the Proxy with Former Proxy really in charge. They toast to that. Later we see Nolan being dragged off at gunpoint by the black hatted guys. And later Former Proxy and the current boss of the current Proxy (who she has under control now) sit on a terrace and watch a rocket leave, apparently with Nolan heading off to The Factory. Then Kate's sister, who was told she was spared from the Factory, is given 10 minutes to get personal stuff and goes.. somewhere. Kate and Will and the resistance woman, thinking Broussard is dead, went back underground, but then Broussard showed up to tell the above tale of how the drones stared at him and let him go. At the beginning there was a flashback to when Broussard was a mercenary in Iraq and someone in his company had done something that Broussard wanted to confess to but no one would let him and he was given a cover story to sign and sent back to the US.. this was pre Rap era. Dark and twisty.. Oh and at the end the woman in charge, after she and Former Proxy watch Noland shot to the moon, .. she has a phone call from Dallas (I think) and is told that LA is toast (not the term they used).. ETA not Dallas, but Davos, Switzerland. And LA is to get total rendition. And in previews she tells former Proxy to go home and get his affairs in order, they only have 6 hours. Meanwhile the resistance is trying to figure out how the heck to get out of the bloc So I expect a cliffhanger next week. And next week is the season finale.
| Friday, March 31, 2017 - 1:11 pm
OK, Cliff hanger next week is a given. Snyder is like cockroach a survivor of it all. Snyder has not just be losing ground occasionally, he has made contacts across all sides. A lot of people owe him. I believe he will contact and warn the others and he will know the way out and take them with him as they help him get out. If LA is to be eliminated and no one taken out, (it seems that would mean indicated they would die there) But heck, who knows. Get your things in order? why bother, nothing will be left. The thing that interested me the most here, was the order trying to get rid of the greatest day movement - is that something not condoned by the RAPs? Is it just humans making up another religion to bargain with some kind of god?
| Saturday, April 01, 2017 - 12:17 am
I want to see the renegade rap.. so I hope someone gets out with that device and something happens.
| Saturday, April 01, 2017 - 5:19 am
Seamonkey, after she got the phone call from Dallas, didn't she use the word "rendition?"
| Saturday, April 01, 2017 - 7:18 am
Does rendition mean they are going to exterminate everyone in that area? It sure sounds like it. Snyder is an odd character. A survivor for sure, but he seems to kept some of his humanity as when he helped Bram and Will when they needed it.
| Saturday, April 01, 2017 - 8:39 am
The Greatest Day is a lie, I think it's a way to get the humans to go to the Alien ship (for food?) willingly and also a way to keep the humans in line believing they are the "chosen ones" and will be spared. I believe Rendition means the "handing over" of all of LA to the Raps. I kind of like Snyder, he is doing his best to survive and has a good heart at times. He will survive and take Will and Family with him. I like Broussard-he is an interesting character.
| Saturday, April 01, 2017 - 9:34 am
Yes, "rendition" .. I had deleted the show before I posted. Religion is often used to occupy and subdue the natives when there is a force to take an area, country, and, in this case, a planet. Think indigenous peoples of North America, Hawai'i, Australia where children were taken for education, which happened to offer be Catholic or Christian. And in many situations, while the so called heathens were to be "saved" from eternal damnation, children were taken away and placed in schools far from home. I Austalia there is a day that apologizes for what was done in taking aboriginal children a placing them with Anglo families. The Greatest Day seems to be a made up religion, as in the Raps or their minions are not believers foisting their beliefs on the children and adults who may believe or hope of are just going along to stay alive.. So it is being used as a technique. (And even with actual believers throughout history, I kind that religion was and is used for some of the same reasons). The Greatest Day seems patterned after Scientology a bit.. I still wonder if there are riffs amongst the drones, or if all the drones support the resistance. They clearly and obviously spared Will and Charlie, and now Broussard. I am just happy with Will and Broussard being on the same team.
| Saturday, April 01, 2017 - 6:05 pm
My CC did not say the call came from Dallas. I think it was "Davos" maybe? Sorry, I deleted it already.
| Saturday, April 01, 2017 - 6:35 pm
Who is Davos? (I also thought she said Dallas)
| Saturday, April 01, 2017 - 8:01 pm
Hmm, I thought it was Dallas, or another city in Texas.. She said they were up early.. It was last night in LA.