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| Friday, August 21, 2015 - 11:21 am
I've never really liked Clara either, I just didn't feel the chemistry with Matt Smith although she might be a better match for this Doctor. I don't mind Capaldi, although I think we were spoilt for a few years having someone we could fall in love with a little (David Tennant, sigh). Capaldi just doesn't do much for me, although he is very old style Doctor so it's hard to say he's not right for the part. I think I just need him to show some heart and I'll be okay again.
| Friday, September 18, 2015 - 8:05 am
Can't wait for tomorrow!!
| Friday, September 18, 2015 - 1:29 pm
The first Doctor Who I saw was the the first episode of the reboot in 2005. At the end of that first season, Doctor Who (played by Christopher Eccles) regenerated into the the new Who, David Tenant. I thought it would really bother me after seeing that whole season and really liking the characters as they were....but when the following season started, to me it did't seem different at all to me. For some odd reason, when the actor playing Who regenerates into someone new, I always buy it and it doesn't bother me at all. I remember being really distracted when, on Roseanne, Alicia Goranson's role of "Becky" was taken over by Sarah Chalke. Also, as a kid in the 60s, I was bothered with the switcheroo of Dick York with Dick Sargeant. I was surprised when the Doctor Who regeneration was so easy for me to accept and I've liked each one as much as the last, I think Peter Capaldi is doing a great job! Btw, I recenty rewatched the move, "World War Z"(2013) with Brad Pitt and was surprised to see that Peter Capaldi was in it! (I didn't know the actor so I never really noticed him in the movie.) Capaldi was playing a doctor at the World Health Organization, which is commonly referred to as "W.H.O.". Oh yeah, his WWZ charcter is listed on IMDB as "W.H.O. Doctor", but with no actual name! 
| Friday, September 18, 2015 - 2:25 pm
Looking forward to tomorrow but sad for the countdown to Clara's last episode. I love all the new Doctors but Peter Capaldi rings the bell for me. Maybe it's because I have a thing for craggy grey haired guys from Scotland who have Italian/Irish heritage. Now to try to figure out who the new companion will be. Wonder if they could keep Osgood alive? BTW Sunday mornings, BBC America are going to air Tom Baker (the Doctor with the hat, long scarf and the jelly babies) at 9 AM. Have to set my DVR. He was the first Doctor I was really aware of thanks to PBS>
| Friday, September 18, 2015 - 6:25 pm
Woo who!!! Can't wait for tomorrow!!! (See what I did there? Who not hoo! Lol) I crack myself up!!
| Saturday, September 19, 2015 - 6:52 am
Stay tuned after the new episode. Peter Capaldi is a guest on The Graham Norton Show tonight. Less than 12 hours to go in the Eastern Time Zone. I'm staying off Tumblr from 3 until after the episode because the European fans will be posting screen shots as soon as the episode is over. I hope you all saw the prequel last night. It was very good.
| Saturday, September 19, 2015 - 11:49 am
The Graham Norton show is a repeat unfortunately, so you might have seen it before (new season should start in a few weeks).
| Saturday, September 19, 2015 - 12:23 pm
Thanks Kitt. I did miss that one. I read in a Radio Times article that depending on which episode is Jenna's last, she could beat "Amy" and "Rose" as the longest serving companion.
| Friday, December 18, 2015 - 2:30 pm
Could I get a little hand holding here please? I just got caught up on this season and frankly I'm not sure what happened. I felt like maybe I wasn't paying attention or something but I really couldn't follow what was going on in the finale, then to top it off it cut off. I'm not sure how much it over ran the hour. I do need to rewatch it but could someone give me the Cole's version of what the heck was going on.
| Monday, December 21, 2015 - 11:29 am
Felt the same way Jasper. It felt like a huge leap from the scene where the raven killed "someone" to the confrontation at the End of time. I was thoroughly baffled. And now does this mean we have the Dr. and another kinda Dr flying around through time?
| Tuesday, December 22, 2015 - 8:33 am
It was one heck of a finale. Until Clara goes back to Gallifrey so she can be sent back to Trap Street and again Face the Raven, she and Me will travel with their diner TARDIS. Technically, Clara is dead. This Clara is "living" between heartbeats. If they count her small part in Hell Bent then I think she will at least tie Karen Gillen's run as Amy. I think I had read that if she appeared in the Christmas episode, she'd break Karen's run.
| Wednesday, December 23, 2015 - 7:14 am
Clara was about the only thing I did get. The rest was "what just happened". I really feel like I saw a beginning and an end but no middle.
| Saturday, December 26, 2015 - 11:38 pm
Alas.................... the Christmas episode did not feature Clara. But it was a great River Song appearance.

| Sunday, December 27, 2015 - 11:00 am
I really enjoyed the Christmas Special! I think that might have been the end of River Song on the series. Great sendoff if it is! Some very humorous lines during the episode.
| Monday, December 28, 2015 - 5:41 pm
I enjoyed it also. A great Christmas episode. It did sound like the end to River Song. A shame I enjoy her interaction with Peter Capaldi's doctor. Plus I always enjoy Alex Kingston.
| Tuesday, December 29, 2015 - 12:18 am
River Song is apparently destined to die on that night in that restaurant, right? After The Doctor told her that some things can't be changed, she asked him, "Do you mean the night is all we have left?" and he said, "I didn't say that." Then she asked him, "How long is a night on Derilium(sp?)" and he told her, "24 years". She let out a gasp of relief and told him, "I hate you". I got the impression that meant she would eventually die there on that particular night, but with a TARDIS, that could mean in a few hours or a few hundred (or a few thousand) years. In any case, I think that gives her some wiggle room. I can't imagine they'd have River sitting in that restaurant for up to 24 years just waiting to die....OR that they'd kill her off so soon after killing off Clara. That's just too much tragedy, especially considering that this show's main characters are the Doctor, his revolving companion de jour, and River Song....and a handful of various aliens he occasionally runs into during his adventures. Did I overlook and/or misinterpret something? (I hope not....I really like River Song)
| Tuesday, December 29, 2015 - 11:21 am
SFJF - since as The Doctor said, we need a flow chart to follow River and the Doctors, I am always confused! The way I saw it, was that when River did not know this Doctor, it was the end because there had been no prior adventures between her and this Doctor like there had been with the others. If that makes any sense! It's all very convoluted! But, as you said, 24 years...
| Tuesday, December 29, 2015 - 2:29 pm
I really recommend everyone watches this video, it puts the River Song timeline (in the way she sees it) into order and confirms (at least imo) she won't be back. No spoilers, just past scenes cut together. Defintely my favorite Dr Who character ever.
| Wednesday, December 30, 2015 - 1:13 pm
That confused me even more! :-) In the clip, River is talking to "Tenant-Who" and she says that "Capaldi-Who" took her to the twin towers on Derilium(?). That implies she had been there with Capaldi and then left there alive and traveled to the past (to a previous season of Doctor Who) and told "Tenant-Who" about it.
| Wednesday, December 30, 2015 - 1:33 pm
I found something interesting....this article talks about how the Doctor and River spending those 24 years together at the restaurant refreshes him for new adventures in season 10! Doctor Who Christmas special: 5 things we learned, plus the real significance of River Song’s gift <snip> 3) Humour wiped the slate clean Showrunner Steven Moffat, who wrote the episode, allowed his gleeful silliness to run wild here: the robot body of King Hydroflax went into “chill” mode, his head screamed threats and insults while stuck in a shoulder bag, the Doctor got to fake being shocked by the Tardis being bigger on the inside the way he felt the discovery deserved. Such conviviality served to represent something of a new start for the Doctor – a chance to wash away the gloom of series nine and the departure of companion Clara and have a well-deserved laugh. Come series 10, after a quarter century spent in the company of Professor Song, he should be refreshed and ready to start a new crop of adventures. Though don’t expect his trenchant sarcasm to disappear any time soon. <snip> --------------- I often get lost in the time details on this show because the writers are playing the long game. They set up bits of River Song's adventures several seasons before they actually take place! I accept that River dies there at the restaurant overlooking the towers. But I also expect to see her again. 
| Wednesday, December 30, 2015 - 5:21 pm
River Song's timeline runs kind of backwards though, just as a by product of them both being time travellers and going back and forth in time and in each other's timelines. As she describes it before her death in the library during her meeting with Tennant-Who (the first meeting in the Doctor's timeline but the last in River's timeline), she has experienced every other meeting with the Doctor (in various bodies), but the one with Capaldi-Who in the episodes we just saw was her last. She had no other meeting with him, so how can he see her again in his future timeline? I don't understand how she got from that night to the library, but she seems to say there were no other experiences with the doctor between those two events. I would love to see her again, but I think this was the end for her.
| Wednesday, December 30, 2015 - 7:56 pm
I'm so confused!! . But I still love it!
| Wednesday, December 30, 2015 - 9:21 pm
Kitt, I think because there is so much back and forth time travel in this show it's impossible for me to accept that any particular character can truly be gone forever. River Song has had lots of adventures across time without the Doctor. She could have been in times and places when the Doctor was also there but she didn't know it. They could have had a parallel adventure with one another without either of them realizing the other played a role in it. Also, characters sometimes get their memories wiped on this show. We recently saw the Doctor's memory of Clara being wiped it's possible that River's memory was wiped of a future or past meeting with the Doctor. Just because she doesn't remember ever seeing Capaldi-Who again doesn't mean it never happened. Oh yeah....and River Song has already made one appearance in a previous season after her some kind of "library ghost" or something. I guess, since we've seen so many loopholes created by all the time travel and memory wiping it just feels like anything is possible. Rose even came back after she was locked away in another dimension, never to return. I'm not expecting River to return anytime soon, but if she ever does, I won't be at all surprised. The impossible is entirely possible in the Doctor Who universe.
| Thursday, December 31, 2015 - 3:07 pm
There could only be 12 Doctors until there were 13... anything is possible in Doctor Who land!
| Friday, January 22, 2016 - 3:11 pm
No more Doctor Who until the Christmas 2016 special. Season 10 will air in Spring 2017. I wish they'd give us a Torchwood instead this year, I would love that so much. (Chances of that actually happening I expect are less than 1%.)