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| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 1:27 pm
Maybe I am too self reliant on home repairs (read cheap) but when I saw them with that sawzall, all I could think was try a hinge not the flat surface! Ugh idjits. the weakness of any item is the connection point, it has to be flexible it has to be soft. The first episode started 1 year after the arrival, not all that long.
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 1:33 pm
Even though the first episode takes place long after the "arrival," they did talk about it. They said the takeover happened "very fast." I just can't get on board with it not being aliens since...well... the VIP was an alien and there is that whole factory on the Moon thing going on and we obviously don't have the resources to fly shuttles back and forth to the Moon carrying prisoners much less building a "factory" on the Moon.
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 2:48 pm
"SFJF, I have wondered throughout the series whether or not they "arrived" in the the US only, or was it worldwide." I noticed a small detail that I thought was important at the time. When Phyllis (the Kathy Baker character) was talking about the "arrival", she said that they had destroyed all of the "city's defenses" in just 8 hours. The fact that she said "city's defenses" instead of "our defenses" or the "the country's defenses" or "the world's defenses) seemed odd to me. My first thought was what kind of "defenses" do cities have against an invasion? I finally assumed she was referring to the police and any military or federal law enforcement presence that was in L.A. at the time. It could mean that all any of them know is what happened in L.A. They only know what they've been told by the host-appointed leaders about everything outside the city. I'm really curious to see what Beau (Will's partner) discovers if he actually made it to the mountains before that tunnel was taken over by the raps. He was supposed to be going to a cabin in the mountains with Will's family...and at the last minute Will told him to go ahead while Will went to save his wife, right? We know Will got through the wall, but he was just going to Santa Monica to find his son, Charley (if I'm remembering it correctly)
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 2:57 pm
Correct SFJF, Katie and the kids were supposed to go with Beau to Big Bear but he ended up going by himself. Katie mentioned that she didn't know if her family in New Orleans was dead or alive, and they also mentioned this past episode how Dallas was now a "sheet of glass." I'm dying to know if it is just the US that was taken over, or whether they took over the world.
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 3:14 pm
I thought at one time Snyder said or was it Kathy Baker? something about 6 or 7 areas.. well Snyder did come in from OUTSIDE the LA area.. and we do know about Dallas. Seems like since they still have some radio.. as when Geronimo broadcasts were going out, that there would have been ham radio types trying to figure out what happened world wide.. but maybe there is a dome of silence in effect. Lots of unanswered questions. And yes, even the pilot doesn't tell us about what happened since it just starts up with their everyday and Katie and the unleashed dog bicycling off in search of insulin. I'd like them to follow Beau if he got through and see what Big Bear is like!
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 3:52 pm
We should remember that all that info about Dallas being a sheet of glass and the other colonies on the west coast is information that came from the collaborators. None of this has been witnessed by any of the civilians being contained by the red hats. I think the only thing we can be sure of is that the civilians don't know might be that the Factory is on the moon (although, come to think of it, the workers didn't seem to be affected by a much lower gravity). Aside from that I think we only know what the collaborators have "claimed"....and we need to remember that their job is to CONTROL the civilians. Much of this show's premise was inspired by the way the Nazis occupied France. Also, when the Jews were taken away from their homes during WW2, the populations of the cities they came from didn't know the truth about their destination. I found a great web site (link below) and when they talk about Snyder, it says "he claimed..." this or that about his previous life. We don't know there are truly other colonies because we haven't seen them. I also saw something interesting at this wikia link (interesting to me because it fit my current theory ) - the resistance members who recovered the host from the train explosion "see what is either a humanoid figure in a protective suit or a humanoid robot." There is a "host" of information here (pun intended), but I've only briefly scanned a couple of pages.
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 4:06 pm
"What about the launch of the spaceship (or whatever it was) they were all watching from the Proxy's house in the Green Zone the night Will first went to work for him?" That could have been a trick. This is technology we have today that could be used create such a spectacle. Remember the Tribute in Light of the new WTC in NY?
Image from: 2014/09/tribute_in_light_air_force_4.jpg
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 4:48 pm
But it looked like something shot up into the clouds and disappeared. Definitely wasn't beams of light.
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 5:37 pm
I'm not saying it was, but that could've been done by people on Earth.. Maybe they launched a missile surrounded by those big beams of light. We launch missiles all the time. Here's a photo of a Trident missile test launch that was spotted over SF in November of last looks more like a spaceship/UFO than a simple missile. From Nov 9, 2015: No wonder California freaked out! New pictures show spectacular launch of nuclear-capable Trident missile over Golden Gate Bridge that sparked UFO scare - and a host of conspiracy theories
<snip> Read more:} I'm just playing devil's advocate. We think we know a lot about what has happened but when you get right down to it, we only know what the collaborators have told us. I really doubt they're all that honest and they do all have an agenda. We're basically in the same boat as the civilians in LA. At that wikia link it mentions how Snyder said the hosts already had their "rollodex" database of people to choose proxies from when they got here. That implies they have been here before or for awhile or that that humans are involved with the invasion. There is still a possibility it's an earth based invasion. Or earth based robots. But maybe it's robot aliens from the future in a conspiracy with evil humans! Maybe it's the Borg or maybe it's Terminator's SKYnet!
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 5:59 pm
Well, that is true.. we only know what they are telling the masses. (and of course WE only know what the producers want to tell us and in fact THEY may not even know what may be told in the future.. or they may have it all planned out). So this may be DOME like in that it may be strictly local. And we don't even know the boundaries other than the wall and we've seen both sides of the wall to some extent. And the moon. They were inside so the place could be pressurized to combat the lighter gravity, I suppose. And we only know it was probably the moon because of the older son and his teacher, who are now caught, had looked at the moon and saw something suspicious. Otherwise those factory people could have been on a large space station with a view of the earth that seemed to be from somewhere like the moon. Thanks for the links. I may spend some time there.
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 6:09 pm
And in terms of parallels to the Nazis and youth organizations we have the youth in communist bloc countries who were forced into organizations. I had a Romanian neighbor and she and her daughters of course spoke Romanian and she had grown up speaking Italian, which is similar, but they tended to pick up other languages.. it was always fun to go to films in other languages and they would laugh and tell me what was missing from the English subtitles. They picked up Spanish quickly too. But I remember that she didn't say much but one reason they left was because of the daughters being forced into youth groups and one day when we were talking about languages, she said she had purposely forgotten everything about the Russian language, which was also forced on them in school. One day we were talking about names.. one daughter had the name Raluca, which I thought was really lovely and they said that is a VERY Romanian name. The other daughter, Alina, was upset because her name was more Russian than Romanian. They really wanted to reject what was forced by the Soviets at that time they left. I think the "regular Germans" often had to know some of what was going on and many did know but it wasn't safe to know. We haven't seen that so far in Colony but you do have to wonder about all the red hats.. and why they are red hats.. to be safe, to be in power.. probably many of the motives we find in our main family .. fighting from within, trying to keep someone safe, or save someone. Even Snyder, we have learned, has the soft spot of his own daughter, though she clearly has rejected him. I am certainly glad there will be a next season, even though we have to wait and wait. More time for speculation, I guess.
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 6:20 pm
Someone there refers to Helena being on a Satellite phone and indicating that New York was also taken over.
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 6:32 pm
"And the moon. They were inside so the place could be pressurized to combat the lighter gravity," Pressuring it wouldn't change the gravity. However, your thought about a space station would totally work explain it! If it's a rotating station, that would create gravity on the inside of the shell of the station. When they looked through the window and saw the earth rise on the moon's horizon...that's exactly what they'd see if they were just orbiting the moon. Here is that amazing photo (titled "Earth Rise") taken during our first manned mission to the moon. It was not taken "on" the moon but from orbit around the moon. Dang, it looks almost exactly like the view from the Factory window!
"Apollo 8, the first manned mission to the moon, entered lunar orbit on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 1968. That evening, the astronauts-Commander Frank Borman, Command Module Pilot Jim Lovell, and Lunar Module Pilot William Anders-held a live broadcast from lunar orbit, in which they showed pictures of the Earth and moon as seen from their spacecraft. Said Lovell, "The vast loneliness is awe-inspiring and it makes you realize just what you have back there on Earth." They ended the broadcast with the crew taking turns reading from the book of Genesis." From: image_feature_1249.html
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 6:38 pm
"Someone there refers to Helena being on a Satellite phone and indicating that New York was also taken over." Helena is also a collaborator (played by Ally Walker from that series awhile back called "The Profiler")...and she was actually above Snyder in the collaborator hierarchy (before Snyder got sacked).
| Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - 3:14 am
Thanks for the links SFJF and Seamonkey - now I have stuff to read at work today when I'm not busyin'.
| Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - 12:03 pm
SFJF, I actually remember watching that broadcast on Christmas Eve 1968 (I was 13). When the astronauts went to the other side of the moon in their orbit, they weren't able to broadcast back to Earth (their signal was blocked by the moon). There was radio silence until they got around to where they could broadcast again. I remember everyone being afraid they might "disappear" on the other side and never be heard from again. I can only imagine what their families went through!
| Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - 1:22 pm
This is a screen shot from episode 7 of Colony: They used the real life photo that the astronauts took in 1968! The hill on the moon's horizon is there (slightly different angle) and when you look at the earth, all the blue areas where there's no cloud cover match up with the original astronaut photo. The only real difference is that the real life astronaut photo is sharper and has a much higher contrast level than the one they showed on Colony. I'm thinking that the photo they used on Colony was one of the other shots on that roll of film because of hill on the moon's horizon is from a slightly different perspective. Maybe this was a hint that the Factory is not really "on" the moon. They could have easily used cgi to create a view from the perspective of ground level on the moon.
| Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - 3:24 pm
They are probably laughing at all the speculation!! But it is fun to speculate. The Wikia you posted does say that Snyder and someone else has reported actually seeing "them".. and yes, I know they could be lying, but Snyder said they made him realize how insignificant humans are (said when he appeared at the Yonk) One interesting link..
| Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - 7:44 pm
One of the things I was thinking about the shot watching something fly into the clouds - was - space elevator. I am not sure that ara is a geostatic spot where they could construct one, but it seemed like it would work. And it could be very fast, faster than say taking a heavy rocket off the ground.
| Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - 8:00 pm
We do know that something is going on ON the Moon, but with the older son and teacher being caught, we may not find out more on that front soon..
| Friday, March 25, 2016 - 10:00 am
Well, I should have paid more attention to your earlier posts and skipped the pilot episode. I was expecting to actually see the arrival and how the siege happened, instead LA is already occupied and the resistance already in place and Will recruited to help Snyder against the resistance. Nothing new, and the lame show of the alien ship was just too ridiculous. No wonder every episode felt so repetitive and the finale so flat.
| Friday, March 25, 2016 - 10:32 am
Nothing new, and the lame show of the alien ship was just too ridiculous. No wonder every episode felt so repetitive and the finale so flat. Well I didn't feel that way at all. I thought the whole season was great. I agree they have a lot left to resolve but I'm only sorry the season wasn't longer. Although I enjoyed the recent Star Wars movie, I'm not looking for Star Wars type special effects from this show. Different show altogether.
| Friday, March 25, 2016 - 10:43 am
I agree with Jimmer... I thoroughly enjoyed this season. Just like Lost, we got "Easter eggs." I hope we find out what is going on outside the walls regarding other colonies.
| Friday, March 25, 2016 - 10:44 am
I agree with you, Jimmer. I also very much enjoyed this show. I love that they haven't revealed too much and keep us guessing. This show is officially the new Lost! 
| Friday, March 25, 2016 - 7:22 pm
I enjoyed it.