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| Friday, September 30, 2016 - 10:37 pm
Loving this show. Intelligent scripting. Also on the fence about the wife at this point.
| Friday, September 30, 2016 - 11:49 pm
I don't find anything wrong with the wife. Before he became president, she thought he wasn't being appreciated, I agree on that, but once he became president, she is going through a tough time as well. Overnight, she became the First Lady and has to deal with her kids being basically uprooted and the suddenness of everything. She had no time to prepare for this role either. This show is a keeper for me....will continue watching.
| Saturday, October 01, 2016 - 8:01 am
Just had a thought. If it wasn't the usual middle-eastern suspects, nor domestic, home-grown terrorists, maybe it's those sneaky Canadians to the north. 
| Saturday, October 01, 2016 - 9:17 am
Spunky - Though I don't know that the "out" party really has their own designated survivor I guess it makes sense that they'd want at least one surviving member. Works for the TV show as the Congresswowan was the Republican whip so basically the 2nd leadership position for Congressional Republicans. Assuming all the other leadership was killed she more or less becomes the head or lead of the party for all practical purposes.
| Saturday, October 01, 2016 - 9:28 am
OG...i think you are on to something.......
| Saturday, October 01, 2016 - 12:37 pm
Busted lol. 😇
| Tuesday, October 04, 2016 - 9:08 am
Canadians eh? Thank goodness we are so friendly that William and Kate trust us to play with their children. America, look to the north for a good ally !! Anyway, this show is among the very few this year that are worthy of my tv time.
| Tuesday, October 04, 2016 - 10:16 am
I agree it is good... and I'm watching more new shows this than I have in many, many years... so I'm sure I'm going to very disappointed when some I really like are cancelled. I agree with several others... the general is very sketch. I think the old chief of staff... or whoever the youngish dark-haired guy is that has been shepherding around... is starting to come around to him. I also noticed the difference in parenting with the kids... but then noticed the ages... several things come to mind to explain the huge age gap. It's unfortunate that they put so much responsibility on the son... he is a kid after all, I get their world has just come undone... but I just wanted them to give him a hug and tell him that they love him.... that's the mom in me coming out.
| Tuesday, October 04, 2016 - 6:53 pm
LOL Mame!
| Wednesday, October 05, 2016 - 12:14 pm
DH and I agree it's kind of like a soap opera in the way it's playing out. Which is why I really like it, but he's not keen.
| Friday, October 07, 2016 - 8:06 am
Although everything seems so predictable, the show keeps me interested because I want to see that whatever I expect to happen in fact happens, sooner or later. I wanted the new president to have that sixth sense about the people he should trust but keeping that Chief of Staff was proof he doesn't have it or if he has it he doesn't want to act on it because he wants... proof, proof and more proof. Waiting for a proof it will take the whole series, but I like what the FBI is discovering and the only survivor was because he left the hall just before the blast. Interesting. Looks to me like it's an inside job.
| Friday, October 07, 2016 - 8:34 am
I think it's an inside job, too. I think the female, Republican designated survivor is involved. I just got a bad vibe from her since the beginning. Maybe because of her role on American Gothic.
| Friday, October 07, 2016 - 2:13 pm
I agree... and the Republican designated survivor is probably involved, but probably won't because it seems too obvious. But after last week's episode... I felt like I should take a shower... I was so skeeved by the games "played" in politics. I'm glad he told his female ass't who wanted the Chief of Staff position that he gave the job to the guy, Aaron, because he play the game... I'm very curious to see how everything plays out. Want to learn more about the survivor they found.
| Friday, October 07, 2016 - 6:12 pm
an inside job, can you really kill off so many you have worked with for years? nort some people not being filled in and others knowing everything is a possibility. So lets say the general is all in, this guy brought in packages by had no idea of the damage to be done. The republican opponent, could go either way, I tend to think she will work with him
| Sunday, October 09, 2016 - 5:31 am
I liked the way the president gave the former first son his father back. Touching.
| Sunday, October 09, 2016 - 9:54 am
It will serve Kirkman well when election time comes. Chances are the young man will stump for him and not the Congresswoman. It might not have been politically motivated what the President did, but it should come back as a positive karma to him.
| Monday, October 10, 2016 - 4:28 pm
I think the survivor they found in the last episode could be involved. Also, I don't think just 1 party is involved... I think it's a plot by a group, from both parties that wants to "reset" the government to fit their agenda. Which means they HAD to know who the designated survivor would be and figured he could be manipulated to "fit" their agenda. In order to pull off killing so many I have to believe only a very select few were privy to what was actually going to happen... I'm sure there were other members of Congress that were in on the plot... just not aware what the actual plot was, cuz I'm pretty sure they wouldn't go along with being blown up. At this point I hope it turns out to be a terrorist plot... because I hate to think that there are people within our own government willing to go to such extremes.
| Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 4:20 am
Good writers always drop hints into their story line from time to time, some subtle some not so subtle. The not so subtle hint was the Congressman they dug out of the rumble. Why was it he was the only member in attendance that survived? Why did he get up and leave the chamber floor during the President's speech and just before the bomb(s) went off? Potty break? Good luck? Planned? Lots of questions and no answers.
| Tuesday, October 11, 2016 - 7:32 pm
this show needs to pick up the pace! the storylines are moving way to slow! or is it because I'm used to seeing him as Jack and 24 was so fast paced!
| Thursday, October 13, 2016 - 6:41 am
I think they are picking up the pace and although I predicted a couple of things on this last episode, for example the firing of the general, I was surprised that he arrested the governor and that he's ready to attack Algeria. I guess a President has to have determination but maybe he needed a bit more... proof which seems to always arrive a bit too late, like the CIA woman getting a call about Room 105 and a possible hint. But the arrest of the governor and the order to get ready for war took me by surprise.
| Thursday, October 13, 2016 - 8:23 am
I wasn't surprised about the getting ready for war... he did it on his timetable though... he said after 12 hours... and as soon as they determined the guy was dead... he acted. I think he's going to be tested by having to put soldiers in harms way... so I think we'll see that struggle unfold. Arresting the governor... WOW!!! That did take me by surprise and I wonder when he came up with that plan because he initially wanted his aide (don't know her name) to come home... she's the one who convinced the governor to get on the plane and come talk to the President. The President really didn't have any choice... the governor was inflaming the situation and could have possibly led to other states following suit. I hope they follow that storyline some more. I was also shocked, but not really, at the response of the Michigan Nat'l Guard's General... stating he sided with the governor... and I see his point... but still...
| Thursday, October 13, 2016 - 1:20 pm
I never watched 24. I am having trouble understanding Keifer Sutherland when he talks. He talks low and mumbles. Is this the way he talks all the time, or is it his character, being uncertain?
| Thursday, October 13, 2016 - 1:23 pm
I never watched 24. I am having trouble understanding Keifer Suterland when he talks. Is this his character, being uncertain, or is this the way he always talks?
| Friday, October 14, 2016 - 4:17 am
I kind of figured the general was skating on thin ice and when he overstepped his authority it didn't surprise me he got relieved of duty. The National Guard general refusing to federalize was interesting but not a total surprise as they are basically political appointees and usually friends or political supporters of the sitting governor. The bit with the governor's arrest was a surprise, totally got me with the old "didn't see that coming". The last interesting piece was the on and off and then on again suspicion of the male Congressman who survived the bombing. That last call to the FBI agent with the check Room 105 lead put him back in the spotlight. On the whole I did see what I think is the President becoming more and more in charge and certainly less hesitant.
| Friday, October 14, 2016 - 4:35 am
ooops, so she's FBI, why did I say CIA, sometimes I can't see the difference. About Sutherland's funny speaking, he's not as bad as the actor in Blindspot who speaks as if he just came out of the dentist's chair. This is why I can't watch these shows without cc, reading them helps me understand what the heck they're saying. Who wants to bet with me that the attack on Algeria won't happen for quite some time... ;)