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| Tuesday, May 24, 2016 - 3:33 pm
I would be okay with that Kitt..... This last show was so disappointing by all the missing pieces to the story WTH. We didn't see Celia or others die, so to have us just "assume" she died (I mean they showed her in the memorandum ) so she must be dead... and not seeing what happened to Danial... Is it budget problems? Its like they took the whole story and edited big chunks out. And Luis, how did that happen? Not good story telling. At this point I dont care who lives or dies.
| Tuesday, May 24, 2016 - 4:08 pm
I wonder if they thought they would get eight episodes this half season, when they only got seven. Seven's unusual, it's almost always eight and eight. That could be 41 mins of scenes they'd have to cut. I wonder if Celia is alive. The actress didn't talk in a past tense about her time on FearTWD and the walkers had been fed so weren't hungry, so she could easily have hidden somewhere in the cellar and got out when Daniel entered. Or maybe the cellar, which of course she knows about as it's hers, has another exit?? She could be part of Nick's story if Daniel isn't. I'm actually really interested in two parts of the story now (or at least the potential of them). Nick wandering the earth like Caine, and Travis and Chris - although I don't particularly like either of them - is a good dynamic for story telling, kind of letting them live in the wilds because Chris shouldn't be with people right now. I'm not so interested in the main group, which is where they'll probably focus, except for Strand.
| Tuesday, May 24, 2016 - 6:39 pm
ahhhh ty Kitt and Kar!
| Tuesday, May 24, 2016 - 9:57 pm
I think I am dropping this show. I shouldn't feel like it's a chore to watch something. It was the last thing left to watch on the DVR every time. I barely made it through the show itself, and wanted to strangle someone for making the after show of a show I can't get into feel so long. I just can't get into it, so I am sticking to just the main show. Have fun you guys.
| Thursday, May 26, 2016 - 6:12 am
Kitt that explanation for Chris picking up the knife is such a reach. How were we to pick up on that I will go along with it.
| Thursday, May 26, 2016 - 9:34 am
Yes, if that was their intention it was very badly acted/directed. I can see how it works with the story though, where he's a bit shocked with what he's doing (threatening his step sister - who I get the impression he does care about - so much that she felt the need to protect herself).
| Friday, July 22, 2016 - 1:41 pm
Comic-con trailer: It all looks really grim. Season 2B starts August 21st.
| Friday, July 22, 2016 - 1:42 pm
And a little chat with the cast:
| Tuesday, August 16, 2016 - 7:10 pm
A timeline before this Sunday's premiere. I cut down loads but it's still long. So far the show has covered about three weeks, that's since Nick awoke in the church. As this is all meant to happen while Rick is in his coma, it's probably February of what I call Year 1 in TWD, and that's either 2010 or 2011, I don't think we know for sure. 2005 Strand meets Thomas Abigail, becomes obligated, partners. Just before the outbreak Strand leaves Tom for a meeting in LA. Day1, February Year 1 (2010 or 2011) Nick wakes up in abandoned church, gets hit by car. Mother Madison and step-dad Travis go to hospital. Day2 Nick escapes hospital. Police activity on freeway, the dead bite medic. Day3 School closes as so many sick. Nick’s drug dealer Cal turns. Madison and Tobias kill walker-Principal Artie. Travis and ex-wife Liza go to town to get Chris, escape into a barbers shop owned by Daniel, Griselda and Ofelia Salazar. Griselda’s leg badly injured on escape to Travis’ home. Day4 Nick needs more pills. Group prepare to leave, army swoops in and stops them. Day5 – Day11 Off Screen Fence erected around their safe zone, walkers outside the six mile perimeter. Army moved in, installed curfew, rationing, health screening policy, limited power. On Day8 the last body was taken. Travis becomes Mayor, Liza becomes nurse. Day12 Ofelia flirts with Army Andy to get medicine for her mum. Day13 Flight 462 crashes, Alex, injured Jake and few others survive. Doc takes Griselda and junkie Nick to the hospital, Liza goes with them to help. Day14 Strand and Nick are in quarantine camp, family make plan to get back Nick and Liza. Liza is working at hospital, Griselda’s foot amputated, Liza cares for injured soldiers, bitten are burnt. Soldiers revolt. Daniel tortures Army Andy, he says 2000 people turned they locked them in the arena. Says Cobalt is command code to initiate army evacuation of the LA basin at 09:00 tomorrow, with procedures for the humane termination of civilians. Strand stops soldiers taking Nick, obligates him. Griselda dies, Doc tells Liza to shoot her in head or she’ll turn. Family pack to leave. Day15 Daniel leads walkers from arena into army base. Strand and Nick use key to leave cell. Evac helicopter won’t land because of walkers. Nick, Strand, meet Madison, Travis, Liza, all try to escape through walkers. Group drive to Strand’s house, he has mega-yacht Abigail. Liza shows Maddie she’s been bitten, wants her to shoot her, she can’t, Travis does it. All escape to the yacht. Day16 Official broadcast says no help is available. Alicia talks to Jack on the radio. Strand says boat following them, need to follow shore to hide, head to ranger station. Ranger George says military used napalm on all the major cities down to Mexico border, interior also gone. Day17 Chris helps ranger son kill walkers. Nick finds suicide pills, little daughter sees him. Strand says the following ship has gone, must sail with the tide. Strand makes phone call, Daniel finds plans for Baja. Daughter Willa has taken the suicide pills, bites mother, George tells them to leave with son. Older son kills his walker mother and takes boy. Yacht sets sail. Day18 Group see plane 461 wreckage, go onshore for supplies. Strand tells Madison there is a house in the hills with food and water in Mexico. Flight 461 passenger Alex runs to them, followed by walkers. All run, Nick gets trapped, finds that walker guts hide him. Fight walkers, leave with Alexa and sick Jake. Strand doesn’t want to let them on board, tow their dinghy. At night, Strand cuts the dinghy free. Day19 Nick swims to beach near Mexico border, hides himself in walker guts. Three people arrive in boat, Alicia recognizes one voice as “Jack,” other man Reed attacks them. Strand escapes in boat. Jack says he wants Alicia to go back with them, she says she will if family are safe. Nick finds Strand’s contact, Luis. Another boat approaches the yacht, extra men take Travis and Alicia. Nick and Luis approach, see bad guys, shoot two, capture others, take back control, rescue Strand. Day20 In Mexico, Tom finds a congregation bleeding, Padre tells Tom that Celia did this. Alicia and Jack are on tuna ship. Daniel ties up Reed, Reed taunts Chris. Daniel tells Madison to head towards cluster of shipping boats. On the tuna ship, Alex from Flight 461 is mad she had to kill Jake, blames Travis, says she told Connor about The Abigail. Alicia tells Travis the Abigail is close, they must escape. Abigail docks, Madison says they can trade Reed. Chris shoots Reed, says he was turning, others skeptical, keep him animated to trade. Connor can’t find Alicia but takes Travis to dock for trade, trade is made, Walker Reed bites Connor, Travis gets away, Alicia escapes and joins them. Day21 Luis contacts Mexico border to arrange passage, everything goes wrong, Luis shot. Go to land, arrive near church, congregation are dead, Tom’s truck is nearby. Walker congregation arrive, fight walker children, Chris doesn’t save Madison, drive off in Tom’s truck. Arrive at vineyard belonging to Luis’ mom Celia. Tom has been bitten, Strand blames himself. Celia befriends Nick. Tom is dying, Strand says they will go together. Daniel finds walker cellar, tells Celia he knows she poisoned the parishioners. Celia takes Strand and Tom poisoned wafers, Tom dies, Strand does not take wafers. Chris goes to Alicia’s room, picks up knife, all hear gunshot, Strand shot Tom in the head before he turned. Celia mad at Strand, says all of them must leave by sundown. Chris runs away. Day22 Travis finds Chris has captured boy in a house. Nick comes back with walker-Luis, Celia says family can stay but Strand must go. Madison asks why Nick is fascinated by the dead, it’s like he’s using again. Daniel is hallucinating. Travis talks Chris down, Chris says he is no good and runs off. Celia ties Daniel up, says he fears the dead, Dan keeps hearing his wife’s voice. Bloody Nick finds Travis and Chris, says Madison needs them, Travis tells him Chris needs him. Celia shows Madison her walker collection, Madison shuts her in with them. Daniel escapes, pours gas into the walker cellar, fire engulfs buildings. Strand takes Tom’s pick-up, drives back, saves Madison, Alicia, Ofelia. Finds Nick who says Celia was right, they destroy everything, stays behind, the rest drive away.
| Sunday, August 21, 2016 - 12:48 pm
My tv schedule has a one hour premiere but followed by a TWO hour Talking Dead. It seems odd.
Board Administrator
| Sunday, August 21, 2016 - 12:56 pm
Mine says 90 minutes each.
| Sunday, August 21, 2016 - 2:06 pm
That makes more sense but I just checked the schedule at AMC and it says 9.01 Fear TWD: Grotesque 10.01 Talking Dead 12 Geeking Out I love Talking Dead but that it a lot of talking...
| Sunday, August 21, 2016 - 8:56 pm
The second hour of Taking Dead was actually a preview of the first hour of the new season of Halt and Catch Fire. The Exec Producer on the show said we were about two months in from S1E1, which is about double the length in I had! He didn't sound entirely sure, but perhaps they were meant to have sneaky weeks without us seeing them, like an extra week on the yacht where nothing happened maybe. Or maybe Nick walked those 100 miles over a longer period than they showed. I wouldn't mind if every episode was all Nick.
| Sunday, August 21, 2016 - 10:04 pm
I mind! I hated his episode, I always hate episodes that are about the one lone,character. Eh! Felt like I was watching another "cast away" I had to flash forward about 90% of show ...... I watched the trailer and it looked really good, but tonight was a big disappointment for me. I'm sure I'm in the minority. Wish the premier would have focused on the other family members. Also, thanks for letting me know about TD. I just can't .... This show is ment for TWD only .... (Just my minority opinion) lol
| Sunday, August 21, 2016 - 10:29 pm
No you're not in the minority! I looked online and it seems pretty much everyone but me hated it! I just find Nick so engaging, not a lot happened I suppose but he's just so watchable.
| Monday, August 22, 2016 - 1:27 am
I liked it too! Nick is a strange guy....seeing him be so casual while hanging out with walkers adds a whole new level of how his mind works. He really does seem to think he's immortal....or, at the very least, believes he's too special to become walker chow like anyone else would. The shots of him on the road with those walkers (with people watching him in awe) reminded me of the Indians when they saw Kevin Costner when he was "dancing with wolves". It was also great finally meeting the girl that was to become Nick's first walker sighting in season 1, episode 1. At the time, I had assumed that girl was just some drug fueled hook up, but now we know that they knew one another and were pretty close when they were in rehab together! So Nick survived his insane, crazy as **** walkabout and now he has found the Alexandria of Mexico! I did wonder about him eating those walker leftovers, though. Those filthy, disguting walkers were gnawing on wild dogs and moments later Nick had a couple of bites from their plate? Eating meat that walkers had just been gnawing on with their nasty infected teeth? Eeeeew! Of course, I truly have suspended my sense of disbelief when it comes to how this infection works, so I'll let it go....but, still (and I reiterate)....EEEEW!
| Monday, August 22, 2016 - 10:42 am
I think to some extent he already thinks he's one of them. Like it's just a continuum from his vagrant lifestyle as a living person to their vagrant lifestyle as walking dead. And when you lose the fear of being them you act as if you can't be hurt by them. I don't think it's occurred to him that he could be food for them, like those dogs, more that he might be gently bitten and would gradually morph into one of them. I know it's not really worth speculating as the writers have said they have no intention of telling us, but I wonder how druggie girlfriend caught the virus. It didn't seem like she'd been travelling, but maybe it was inside the drugs they used, and she just happened to overdose. Or maybe Patient Zero wasn't literal, she was just the first one in our story but there were others.
| Monday, August 22, 2016 - 11:06 am
I never got the impression the girl was the first one to get the virus. Everyone already had the virus by then, right? She was just the first walker that Nick saw after he woke up in that church. There were already sick people in that first episode, IIRC. They were already sending kids home from school because of the "flu outbreak" or whatever they called it, right? Everybody in the world must have their own "first sighting" story.
| Monday, August 22, 2016 - 11:23 am
Yeah, I think you're right. I think it was probably the first day of walkers in Los Angeles but she wasn't necessarily THE first one. When Nick goes to the hospital after that (after he gets hit by a car) the doctors already were talking in hushed voices about their protocols for dealing with the dead.
| Monday, August 22, 2016 - 12:40 pm
I noticed for the first time watching ep 1 again (3x), that Gloria had a pole sticking out of her chest. I agree I think she od and died and was patient zero strictly for Nick. I was a bit in the middle on last night's ep. I think people were probably expecting more action than there was than it just being about Nick and his walkabout. I did find my mind wandering a bit at times. What was up with the woman and the bat? And yeah eating the dog? It is obviously transmitted in saliva somehow when bitten so to eat something slobbered on by walkers seems like a big mistake.
| Monday, August 22, 2016 - 1:17 pm
I just read a comment on IG that a reference was made about Negan.... Does anyone recall this ?
| Monday, August 22, 2016 - 1:50 pm
Wasn't it a knife, Jasper? I think it was to tell us that some of her victims in the church had fought back. If there was a reference to Negan in the show I missed it. In the advert breaks there were kind of still images of him and his bat advertising the main TWD though.
| Monday, August 22, 2016 - 2:09 pm
It was something sticking out of her chest. I had never noticed it before. Lostfan - maybe they meant the woman with the bat?
| Monday, August 22, 2016 - 6:20 pm
I just now watched TD. I swear I didn't see it before I posted my 2 posts above. I cracked up when the producer likened Nick walking with the infected to "Dancing With Wolves"! I thought that was my metaphor!    I realized that I "got" exactly what they were going for in that scene. Yay! It didn't go right over my head! Kitt, regarding the timeline. I had always thought that in season 1, when their neighborhood was fenced off by the military, that it had lasted that way for 2 or 3 weeks before the soldiers took off and our group left. If there were any "sneaky weeks" it had to have been then. When the producer said "about 2 months", I remembered reading (before the show started) that season 1 would take place during the time that Rick was in a coma, which was about 3 weeks, IIRC.
| Monday, August 22, 2016 - 7:33 pm
I think Rick was meant to be in a coma about 40 days, although that was another thing they never really made clear. And we don't know if he got into the coma in the first couple of days of the apocalypse or before, I think it was before, which would mean our FearTWD Day 1 could be a few days after Rick was shot. In the episode where there'd been a break in what we see because of the army they said (I think it was Travis) it had been a week, so it should be 6-9 days maybe, if "a week" was just shorthand, and I used 7, so that should be close. I think the guy on TTD just guessed. Or maybe has a number in his head for another time, like perhaps at the end of this season (seven more episodes). But thinking about it I took the day followed by night followed by day... as sequential in Nick's walkabout, and that took me from Day 23 to Day 26. That's obviously silly, as he arrived outside Tijuana at the end, and at the beginning the highway sign said Tijuana 100 (would that be kilometres as it's Mexico or miles??) and either 100 miles or 62 miles (if it's 100km) couldn't be walked at Nick's wandering pace in four days. I'm guessing he's going no more than 3mph ever, probably nearer 2mph a lot of the time, and in February/March in Tijuana you get about 11 hours of sunlight if you walk sunrise to sunset. So that's 25miles a day.... okay, maybe it's not so stupid to do it in four days, especially if it's km, I'll have to look that up. But that gets me no closer so I'll probably just stick with my timeline unless I get more info!