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| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 8:46 am
I find Katie pretty annoying. Their resistance has done more harm than good and they don't look at the big picture. I like Will much more. I also felt kind of bad for Proxy Snyder. Obviously he is a little scummy but for the most part it seems like he is trying to make the best of a bad situation. He was more than fair with Will and he did appear to be trying to run things in a way that would hurt the least people. Good series though!
Board Administrator
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 9:43 am
I'm not sure about Snyder. Didn't he tell Will that Charlie was safe and happy when he gave him that photo? But the scene they showed of Charlie doesn't show that at all.
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 10:26 am
I don't think he said the words "safe" or "happy." All I remember him saying is, "Your son is alive." Looks like he's just hanging on at best.
Board Administrator
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 10:39 am
I thought he said something about Charlie "living with a nice family" or something to that effect?
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 11:01 am
I have a crazy theory. Just hear me out before you laugh too hard. I don't think the "aliens" are really aliens at all. I think some cabal of rich industrialists and politicians created this whole thing and convinced the populace it was aliens when they attacked. In the last or next to last episode, Will was talking about some rich guy who was developing advanced drones before the invasion. I think the drones are ours. Now for the really crazy part. The crazy tutor is meant to look like the whole nazi youth group during WWII. Hitler was training youths to be soldiers. Remember how smaller than us the alien seemed. Maybe the alien soldiers are children. And the "factory" is much like a concentration camp. They could be training our own children to rise against us.
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 1:10 pm
When they were trying to open the alien suit, it made me wonder if it wasn't a suit at all, but a robot. If it was a "suit" then there should have been some way to take it off. That three fingered hand could have been robotic just as easily as alien. And it's head seemed small and curved around towards the back. It wasn't human, but it could easily have been an electronic machine of some sort. Image from the finale episode that aired:
(I think there was only one moment this head shape was visible - at least that was the only time *I* saw it. They seemed to make it a point to not show its head in profile except for this moment when they panned across the body while the resistance was trying to open it up.) And when they got that one cover off its forearm, the only thing we could see underneath it was electronics. When Colony first started I wondered if the drones themselves were the invaders. They could still be - at least one make and model of a robotic army invasion. I'm leaning toward the idea that it's technologically advanced people on earth who decided to take over the world using technology that's been kept secret ....assuming this is happening all around the globe. (This could just be a coup in the US and the rest of the world is moving along as usual. If our airspace was off limits and enforced well, no one here would ever know the rest of the world was unchanged.) OR maybe some company created robot technology that used artificial intelligence and their creation got too smart and took over. If the "hosts" are aliens, there would be no reason for the writers to keep them hidden like this. They have made their appearance a secret for a reason. I assume we've all been picturing some kind of typical alien face...reptilian or big head and eyes like this: If that's what it turns out to be, it would just be one giant letdown. If they are earth-made robots, then the people would rise up in rebellion rather than become slaves to a bunch of toasters. If that's the case, maybe some brilliant teen hacker could give the army a (computer) virus....the virtual version of how the aliens in War of the Worlds were done in! 
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 1:21 pm
Just wanted to add....if these guys are robots, maybe the moon Factory is where they're being made. Maybe the army and/or the Factory are nuclear powered...and working there causes radiation poisoning which is what made the worker's nose start bleeding and caused him to be taken away. It could be they use humans at the Factory, knowing full well they won't survive for long, but they are considered disposable beasts of burden.
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 1:28 pm
Speculating like this is a big part of the fun of these shows. Some cool ideas there though I don't think I'll be disappointed if they turn out to be aliens as long as they are unique in some way.
Board Administrator
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 1:43 pm
I'd be kind of disappointed if they weren't aliens, although I don't know why!
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 2:09 pm
If these are humans, why just have a few colonies, too many people? how did hey do all this in one year like building the wall into the ocean? That is a lot of technology in one sitting. where were they hiding all the science before? Now, I tend to think it is aliens, I think these reps are robots as well. When you are in charge,you don't have to let people see you, heck from the wizard of oz on you have had people hiding behind illusions of power. Could the wall be a projection? maybe. One strong enough to convince people they are touching it. I think the aliens are very vulnerable and won't show themselves until the series ends.
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 2:16 pm
I'm with you Karuuna - I want aliens!
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 2:35 pm
I'm kind of on board with the alien idea as well. I'm curious about what they look like, what their objective is and what they are doing on the moon. I like science fiction so I'm curious about that stuff. My curiosity/hopes aside though that may not be what the writers are mainly interested in. I think that the writers are more focused on the human story and the aliens are a MacGuffin.
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 3:03 pm
"I think that the writers are more focused on the human story and the aliens are a MacGuffin." I totally agree. Just like the island on Lost was a McGuffin.
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 3:10 pm
They refer to them as "rats" but that could be based on actions rather than on anatomy I agree that Katie is in trouble and also that she annoys me. She is sort of messing up game plans on all sides of this thing and while her motive supposedly was to keep her children safe, she allowed them to be with creepy tutor WAY too much and why on earth woud she trust creepy tutor who was provided by the side she was fighting. I felt sorry for Snyder, while still not liking how he acted when in power, yet there were times when it seemed he was mostly awkward in power. I do see the Nazi Youth parallels with the indoctrination of the young, some symbolism, the red hats and the hording of artwork.. and that those in power still had better homes, or homes at all.. levels of that and then we see the grubby kids on the other side grabbing what they can from the guy with the backpack. I do hold out for aliens as well.
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 4:03 pm
"They refer to them as "rats" but that could be based on actions rather than on anatomy" Seamonkey, actually it's "raps", based on their flag with the red background and the head of a raptor of some sort.
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 4:17 pm
Oh how funny! And I think I might have heard raps way back but then I made it into rats. Time to re-think then.
| Monday, March 21, 2016 - 4:46 pm
I love everyone's theories. I'm sticking with my aliens because when the series first started they talked endlessly about "the arrival." SFJF, I have wondered throughout the series whether or not they "arrived" in the the US only, or was it worldwide. They have absolutely no media so it is impossible for them to know whether or not life is going on as normal around the world or if the rest of the world is colonized.
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 8:56 am
I think they're pretty far advanced to be anything but aliens. What about the launch of the spaceship (or whatever it was) they were all watching from the Proxy's house in the Green Zone the night Will first went to work for him? Also I don't think the drones were the ones who attacked that building in retaliation for the supposed kidnapping of the "visitor." That looked like a laser from the sky to me. The drones all looked like they were scrambling to get out of the way. Yes, they are definitely "Raps," not rats. I think it's short for Raptors, hence all the bird logos on everything. Puttergirl, I think the writers have purposely written in many parallels to Hitler and the Nazi regime. I imagine this is similar to what life was like under the Nazis, trying to fight back against a more powerful force in any way possible. I have a friend whose dad grew up in Germany and was a member of the Hitler Youth. She says he never talks about it.
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 9:10 am
It just shows how I often get distracted from watching tv, and just listen.. thus I heard rat instead of rap.
Board Administrator
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 9:27 am
My very tall, blond-haired, blue-eyed father was taken from his family and placed into the Der HitlerJugend. It damaged him for life.
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 11:46 am
For those like me who missed the first or second episode of this series, Bravo is airing a marathon of Colony on Friday starting at 8 am. So I will be able to see the pilot episode and this so called 'arrival' that should explain how the siege and consequent resistance started. However, the long break may kill any interest I have left for this series. A bit like the Dome, didn't even watch how it ended.
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 11:53 am
It's an even longer break for those of us that watch Fargo. It ended in 2015 and won't be back until 2017, so I guess I can live with a 10-month break for Colony.
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 12:45 pm
hahahaha, Seamonkey, I do that all the time.
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 1:18 pm
Yes these long breaks are tough but it's the same for a lot of series these days (Game of Thrones comes to mind).
| Tuesday, March 22, 2016 - 1:18 pm
The first episode began long after the "arrival" and they don't elaborate on it at all... On purpose