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| Sunday, February 28, 2016 - 4:19 am
And one of the main reasons I still love this show is it is easy to follow. I don't feel stupid watching this show. As much as I loved Lost, let's face it - 10 people could watch the same episode and take away 10 different theories about what was going on. Colony is cut-and-dry and easy to follow so I can allow myself to be entertained and not to have to think too hard about what is going on.
| Sunday, February 28, 2016 - 12:00 pm
that is a very interesting way of looking at it, I have to think about that for a while. In a way I have givine up on MMr Robot because it required too much work in thinking and I wasn't ready to put in all that work in watcvhing a TV show, I am usually doing something in the background while the TV is on, and sometimes miss important parts and have to rewind to catch it, other times I just miss stuff, but can still watch, Only a few TV shows require my full attention, Mr Robot required me to take notes, I thought that was a bit much for my creaky old mind.
| Sunday, February 28, 2016 - 1:52 pm
I really like it. Of course, to be fair, I could probably watch Josh Holloway sitting in a chair for an hour and be perfectly happy.
| Sunday, February 28, 2016 - 6:02 pm
Lol Ms. Mamie!
| Monday, February 29, 2016 - 4:21 am
Sadiesmom, I don't watch Mr. Robot but even the commercials look confusing.
| Monday, February 29, 2016 - 9:45 am
Is it finally sinking in his brain that his wife is the leak? The plot is becoming repetitive and the show is butchered by so many commercials that as soon as you start getting interested you have to press fast forward to go back to the story. What an awful way to kill the suspense. Finally someone remarked that the constant commercial breaks during a very intense show make the viewer irritable and it's a cruel way to make the viewer enjoy a show. I agree. It happens a lot during the show 100, where my finger is constantly on the ff button. PVR has been a blessing for lessening the interruption, but still I hate these freaking commercials!
| Monday, February 29, 2016 - 5:39 pm
I was shocked how easily Katie turned on her cohorts! She betrayed the guy who refused to kll her, then changed her mind at the last minute and warned him! She thinks she can play both sides but she is not that clever and both sides know what she is up to! I am really suprised that the opposition group have lasted this long.
| Monday, February 29, 2016 - 8:15 pm
I believe she would be considered a wild card by either side and a good target. You don't need people like that in an organization.
| Saturday, March 05, 2016 - 12:30 am
Actually it seems like rash decisions happen on all sides. But she is taking the prize for trying to play all sides. And.... we finally saw (or I did.. could be I missed it earlier) but the "factory" is elsewhere.. the moon? looking down at Earth, which we found from Josh's friend who is at the Factory, looking out a window. And then the teacher and the son with telescope, looking up at.. I assume the moon, which is showing that something is THERE.
| Saturday, March 05, 2016 - 12:43 pm
I'm still loving this show. I don't know whether to hate Katie or love her for trying to play both sides. She wants to fight against the occupation, but she still loves and wants to protect her family too. She's torn in so many directions. I love that she's not a "black-and-white" character. And Josh just flat out murdered that resistance guy to protect his wife. I love all the twists and turns this show takes!
| Sunday, March 06, 2016 - 4:14 am
I finally watched my recording. I'm so glad I stuck with this show. I absolutely love it. It is one of my favorite new shows in years! BJM - I'm co-signing everything you wrote about Katie and Will.
| Sunday, March 06, 2016 - 9:22 am
Glad to see that the prisoners are not killed but taken to work for the aliens on the moon. So much going on between that sleazy guy who is Josh's boss and the woman above that guy!
| Sunday, March 06, 2016 - 9:43 am
Weren't they killed, I thought they were in body bags.
| Sunday, March 06, 2016 - 10:00 am
Sadies, those that aren't killed are sent to work in the factory on the moon.
| Sunday, March 06, 2016 - 10:08 am
I guess I was distracted an all, with my niece getting married and giving me 12 hours notice while that show was on. Most dysfunctional family, ugh.
| Sunday, March 06, 2016 - 10:49 am
Those workers on the moon don't have a pleasant life either. Remember the guy at the dining table who started coughing, blood started coming out of his nose and mouth, then guards came and hauled him away. The other workers just kept eating like it happens all the time. They must be doing something that exposes them to toxic chemicals or radiation or something. Ugh. And there's not much chance of escape when you're on the moon. That was an interesting twist.
| Sunday, March 06, 2016 - 1:41 pm
I missed the beginning, so I Missed the workers, just watched it now. The lower gravity can do odd things.
| Sunday, March 06, 2016 - 2:08 pm
LOL... this show is just like Lost - you can't miss a second of it (but it is much easier to follow and no where near as cofusing).
| Monday, March 07, 2016 - 11:05 am
Well, at least now he knows that his wife is involved in the resistance and in a way he is also a mole in the occupation because he wants to control it and protect his family. But she should also be truthful and tell him that her priority is his safety and that of her family. Naturally, if they're waiting for the moment of revelations the show would be over. At times it feels like a world under siege but other times it seems as if everything is normal, still beautiful houses and furniture, still a lot of luxury, still a lot of socializing and drinking, and you could just get used to the limited freedom. Although I find the show a bit repetitive, I keep watching to see what's beyond the wall.
| Monday, March 07, 2016 - 1:47 pm
Yes I wonder whats beyond the wall too. And whats happening in other places too.
| Monday, March 07, 2016 - 7:49 pm
We know about one other side, where the young people are going to scrounge stuff to trade (and telescopes) I agree about the repetitive aspects..
| Friday, March 11, 2016 - 5:40 pm
I should not watch this show when I'm sleepy - I clearly "missed" stuff last night. 1. What was the point of Will and his partner going outside the wall up in that building and pretending they were attacked (in the room that held some sort of wedding party at the time of the arrival)? 2. When they were looking out the window, one of them made the comment "that's where they went" but I couldn't really see what he was looking at. Then when they went to the right, you could see the destruction on the highway. 3. Because the lights were flashing on the train after the explosion, it was hard to see but was the VIP an alien?
| Saturday, March 12, 2016 - 2:22 am
Lexie, #1 - I don't know either...something about their big escape plan? #2 - I had to pause it and look closely. It was all the cars! There were thousands of cars piled up in huge stacks, one on top of another. What I first thought were just buildings were actually stacks of cars so big they looked like buildings. Makes sense when you think about it...think of all the traffic in L.A. and then looks at the empty streets without any cars parked anywhere. I had assumed they didin't have the resources for gasoline so they used bicycles, but now it looks like all the cars were actually removed and it seems that they are being used to blockade the highways to make escape nearly impossible. #3 - I paused on that had to have been an alien in some kind of armor with a helmet or something (maybe it was an atmosphere suit that allowed him/her/it to handle our atmosphere?). It looked like a metal-glove covered the hand....which had only 3 long fingers and a thumb! (I immediately thought of the huge statue on the island on Lost that only had 4 toes on each foot. 
| Saturday, March 12, 2016 - 2:32 am
In reference to the cars they saw outside the window:
(image taken from episode that aired)
| Saturday, March 12, 2016 - 2:44 am
In reference to question #3:
(image taken from episode that aired) Btw, there was nothing revealing about the just looked a lot like a motorcycle helmet.