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| Tuesday, January 19, 2016 - 10:05 pm
Watching now.. not sure I'll stick to it.. not really fond of this genre But.. when he was over in Santa Monica in jail he referred to "them" as something like "rats" which still could be humanoid but seems more like it isn't. I think SanFran may well be right and we won't be seeing a human form alien suddenly sprout tentacles or red eyes or serpent tongues any time soon.
| Thursday, January 21, 2016 - 7:58 pm
Just watched our recording of the reshowing from Saturday night with DH. Damn USA! Apparently wrestling was on just before, so the show started late (even though it was scheduled to start at 8:05). Parts that I remembered from the original viewing were chopped out, and the worst thing of all: the recording ended before the final scene that revealed that his wife was in the resisitance! Aaaaaaaaagh!!!! Plus hubby slept through half of it, and I kept having to wake him up. Thoroughly irritated all the way around! 
| Saturday, January 23, 2016 - 7:05 am
That's a first class hissy fit, Baby. I love it when I can use that icon.
| Saturday, January 23, 2016 - 3:07 pm
It seemed appropriate. 
| Sunday, January 24, 2016 - 4:44 am
I was a little (actually a lot) confused at the end. Who were those people that were shot in that warehouse(?) at the end? I guess the Resistance got to them first.
| Sunday, January 24, 2016 - 8:31 am
I was confused too.
Board Administrator
| Sunday, January 24, 2016 - 11:21 am
The people shot in the warehouse were the ones who organized the planting of the bomb in the truck that blew up with Will in it, and got him caught. They were another resistance group, that broke with Geronimo's group (which is the one Will's wife belongs to). Geronimo's group broke off with them because they didn't like their tactics. But that group also knew everything about G's group. So I'm guessing it was Geronimo's group killed them before they could reveal that information. Which makes me wonder what "tactics" G's group didn't like about them? 
| Sunday, January 24, 2016 - 12:42 pm
I find the dynamic of Josh Holloway being sent to crack the resistance movement, while not knowing that his wife is part of that resistance, really intriguing. He unknowingly is feeding her information that could get all of them killed. Hubby gave up on this (he can't get past the aliens). I'm still interested, so I'll be around for a bit.
| Sunday, January 24, 2016 - 5:08 pm
Thanks Kar... that would explain why I was so confused. There are two resistance movements and one movement is killing off the other.
Board Administrator
| Sunday, January 24, 2016 - 5:15 pm
Well, they used to be one, which is why the second (now dead) group was a risk to the remaining group. Because they knew all about the larger group, and had been found by Will. Which is what I found ironic. It was implied that they split because the other group was more violent (the bomb on Will's truck). But now the group that kicked them out (for being too violent) just murdered them all?
| Sunday, January 24, 2016 - 5:20 pm
True dat Kar... another thing I noticed when they were showing a nighttime "scene shot," was that one side of LA had electricity and the other side didn't. I wonder if that is the same side that has water and the other side doesn't.
Board Administrator
| Sunday, January 24, 2016 - 5:22 pm
I didn't pick up on that...I'll have to watch for it.
| Sunday, January 24, 2016 - 9:51 pm
Canadians, it's repeated on Bravo on Saturdays. 
| Monday, January 25, 2016 - 4:33 am
Kar... it was just one of those "scene" shots that most people probably ignore. I had to rewind my recording to see if it was what I thought it was. But it would make sense if only certain parts of the city have electricity just as we learned this week that only certain sections have water.
| Monday, January 25, 2016 - 10:55 am
I noticed that, too, Lexie. I'm wondering what's going on in the rest of the country. Apparently there's no phone service either, since hubby and I were chuckling about having to use a pay phone. When's the last time you even saw one of those? I wouldn't touch one without an alcohol wipe. Ugh.
Board Administrator
| Monday, January 25, 2016 - 11:04 am
Interesting. I missed the comment about the water too. But it would make sense, if the communities are completely walled off from each other. I did find one comment interesting - when Will's new boss said something about ... 'remember how easily (quickly?) they destroyed all our defenses' Another indication that the invasion and takeover was VERY fast.
| Monday, January 25, 2016 - 2:03 pm
I think she (Kathy Baker's character) said they overtook all of the city's defenses in 8 hours.
| Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 4:12 am
Karuuna, remember when they had that party at the mansion and the server recognized one of the attendees and they left the party and went to his house? She took a shower at his house (while he was packing her a "goodie box") and he made the comment about her living in Echo Park (wherever that is) and not having any water.
| Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 7:05 am
A few unknowns are okay, but I dislike getting buried under them. I can get only so lost before I'm going to give up.
| Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 8:45 am
Yeah OG I'm on the fence about the show too. Josh is the main reason I haven't given up.
| Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 8:52 am
I woke up when the husband realizes there is a mole but doesn't know it's his wife... I want to hope that she isn't really working against him but this will keep me watching the next episode. The director is very good in making me feel that 'under siege' society, it must be awful to live in those conditions.
| Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 8:58 am
I'm finding it quite entertaining and different. I'm not after quick explanations. I enjoy story development. Sigh - It's probably doomed.
| Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 9:44 am
Well I stuck around for LOST and was muddled most of the time about plot. But I was invested in the characters.
| Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 10:38 am
Yeah, Mame, I'm sticking around only because of Josh. The other actors are so forgettable. At lease Lost had a great cast of actors.
| Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 10:39 am
The people who were shot were because of his wife in the Geronimo resistance. He said there is a leak.. you'd think maybe he'd not be broadcasting his conversations outside in their yard, or in front of his wife or kids, just to be sure and even to protect them... I'm still muddled (like I wouldn't have known the Geronimo name if Kar didn't post that) and still not involved. She is definitely working against him.. well he claimed at one point to someone that he only took the job to get an inside point of view, but they don't seem to be working together and it got those people killed. It would be funny if he realized she was running to the Geronimo group and was feeding her information to sabotage the group he is with now... maybe not funny but interesting and ironic. I mean I know Josh is popular but I cannot remember a character of his that I actually liked and with this character we never saw him in presumably good times so we get the same old brusque guy making his own decisions, not listening, etc. I was totally muddled about the girl at the party who went with the guy with the painted on hair (that was just bizarre! I don't know the actor or his natural hair and hairline, but wow.. that was a bad paint job) anyway went to his home and missed why and then he gave her a box of goodies but they disagreed about something and she stalked out, but took the box of goodies. I will have to look when they show the wide wall and the two sides next time. I wish I found it different but it seems like the rest of this genre, catastrophe, being taken over and then people cannot band together and some become corrupt.. which I realize is what would happen and does happen in times of war in occupied countries, so in that way it is realistic. But I haven't taken it off my DVR schedule at this point. I wonder what the ratings are for this, in terms of being doomed? I agree about quick explanations.. not necessarily required to enjoy a show like this. And if they are really without a good food supply, I have to question them still having a big dog (who seemed strangely absent in episode 2) and if they had one just letting it run alongside her bike seems like a way to get it killed .. or kidnapped into that group supposedly using dogs in some way to make "insulin". That theme of someone being diabetic and not able to get meds was used in The Dome, as I remember. That show I watched until Time Warner couldn't run it and by then I didn't care..