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| Sunday, September 14, 2014 - 7:40 pm
Me too! And then when the blanket started to rise! Yikes! Great episode!
| Monday, October 13, 2014 - 6:07 am
I really loved this episode! I feel like The Doctor is back in charge! I felt that in some of the episodes, Clara was directing The Doctor, and I didn't like that! I loved that train, the costumes, the mummy, the clock ticking off the 66 seconds, the resolution of the mummy and the end.
| Sunday, November 30, 2014 - 7:22 pm
Looks like the 21st Century audience for Doctor Who finally got what we have been asking for these past few years.
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | not quite a female Doctor, but sure didn't see that woman in the afterlife is a female timelord...did not see that coming |

| Friday, December 26, 2014 - 11:47 am
I loved the Christmas special. The elf with the gap tooth is the guy who usually plays Strax the alien who looks like a potato and the scientist who was eating the turkey leg is the son of the second Doctor. I love those little bits of history. Oh and did you notice that one elf was named Wolf? Was that a subtle shoutout to Rose?
| Friday, December 26, 2014 - 12:19 pm
AHA, I thought there was a Dr Who thread. So glad you found it Roteach!! What is Torchwood and what has it got to do with Dr Who? Maybe we should change the header for this thread. I am watching some more Dr Who today, but it is the old doctor. I also saw commercials for a Dr Who marathon for New Years.
| Friday, December 26, 2014 - 12:42 pm
Torchwood was a spin off of Dr. Who.
| Friday, December 26, 2014 - 1:34 pm
Thanks Whoami, is it still playing? Do you think anyone would mind if I asked the mods' to change the title? I have a hard enough time finding threads, LOL.
| Friday, December 26, 2014 - 1:36 pm
We could change it to Doctor Who/Torchwood? What is Torchwood about?
| Friday, December 26, 2014 - 2:07 pm
That would be great Jimmer, I don't think that Torchwood is still showing, at least I haven't seen anything about it and I seem to be watching a ton of BBC this last week, LOL.
Board Administrator
| Friday, December 26, 2014 - 2:12 pm
Torchwood was a spinoff and it is not playing any more. 
| Friday, December 26, 2014 - 2:18 pm
Torchwood is a group started long ago by Queen Victoria to search for Alien life. In the beginning Capt. Jack Harkness was their enemy. In the series, he was running one of the last Torchwood locations in Cardiff. It is spinoff of Dr. Who and at times they have been on Dr. Who assisting the Dr. You can watch Torchwood episodes on Amazon Prime. Old Dr. Who's (not the very old, just the "newer" doctors) can be viewed on Netflix and maybe some other platforms. If you can catch up on the Torchwood episodes, you should do so. They are funny. Of course, it could be that I like Torchwood because I like John Barrowman.
| Friday, December 26, 2014 - 2:52 pm
Torchwood isn't officially cancelled, they still might do another season but for scheduling reasons it looks doubtful. Yes, a change to "Doctor Who/Torchwood" would be good, and more sensible as Doctor Who is running regularly. We've actually just started watching Torchwood (again) as our Chrtistmas binge show (if you count four episodes in four days as binging!). I would dispute the "they are funny" description, they have some of the humour of Doctor Who but in general they are more dark and disturbing/emotional aimed almost entirely at adults, not families. They are still excellent though and should be watched!! I liked the Christmas special, I was surprised Clara is staying as I thought they'd actually announced she was leaving. Maybe they think she works better with Capaldi than Smith.
| Friday, December 26, 2014 - 3:13 pm
OOps, it is Tudor House marathon that is on New Years Day. Haven't ever seen that so don't know anything about it.
| Friday, December 26, 2014 - 3:52 pm
You're right Kitt. They are more dark than funny but every once in a while something funny happens.
| Friday, December 26, 2014 - 3:53 pm
Thanks Mods for changing the title of this thread.
| Friday, December 26, 2014 - 9:04 pm
Finally saw he commercial again, Dr. Who is marathoning on New Years Eve, all three doctors. Thanks for the changing the title, I should be able to find It now, LOL>
| Saturday, December 27, 2014 - 5:59 am
Thanks for updating the title! I enjoyed the Christmas special! I also was surprised that Clara is staying. When The Doctor said something to Santa about the sled being small and Santa replied "it's bigger on the inside", I burst out laughing.
| Saturday, December 27, 2014 - 12:30 pm
They did have some good one liners in the special. The shows that are on today are the ones I recently caught up on in Netflix. It seems previous marathons left out some episoded (or I was asleep at the wheel and missed them). Now I get some of the references in later episodes. OK I admit it. I'm a newly-minted Whovian.
| Saturday, December 27, 2014 - 12:52 pm
I'd like to start watching it but I get so confused about Doctor Who. I know it's been on forever. I seem to recall some of the really old episodes from years ago (which are pretty outdated) so what season would you recommend I start with?
| Saturday, December 27, 2014 - 1:08 pm
There would be too many old (pre-2000) shows to watch really, but the show (kind of) rebooted in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston as the 9th Doctor. I don't think you'd need to know any backstory to start watching that series (other than the vaguest the Doctor is a time traveller (Time Lord) and he travels with a companion (or two) in his Tardis righting wrongs (and has a particular penchant for London)). So I'd start at 2005, a lot of places call that "Season 1" anyway, and work your way slowly through the other new doctors. There are usually 13 episodes a season, so it should keep you busy ;), oh, but plus the Christmas and Easter specials and such. Might take a while.
| Saturday, December 27, 2014 - 3:22 pm
I started with the Tom Baker and Davidson Doctors and then it went off PBS. I picked it up again when BBC America started showing reruns so I'm pretty much caught up now but I am re-watching what Netflix has to offer. I'm up to Matt's Doctor meeting Amy Pond and eating his first fish fingers and custard.
| Saturday, December 27, 2014 - 3:24 pm
Roteach, I am enjoying these shows as well, some of these I have not seen before. Yesterday I saw some that were from 2007 and so far today's seem to be from 2010. At least the one I am watching explains the lizard lady which I was unclear about. I am watching the one called Cold Blood.
| Saturday, December 27, 2014 - 3:41 pm
Thanks everyone. I'll try to start with the 2005 season. Just out of curiosity, what season was the one with the "angel statue" creatures? I saw part of that season and I thought it was great. I would have watched it all but unfortunately the reception for the channel that had it on here was terrible and it became unwatchable.
| Saturday, December 27, 2014 - 3:55 pm
"I don't think you'd need to know any backstory to start watching that series (other than the vaguest the Doctor is a time traveller (Time Lord) and he travels with a companion (or two) in his Tardis righting wrongs (and has a particular penchant for London)). " Actually, I don't think you need to know ANY of those details to get into the series starting with the 2005 reboot. Back in the early 70s or maybe late 60s I ran across Doctor Who on PBS ( I think) but I couldn't even make it through a single episode. To me, it was dumb, silly and very lame and the production values were practically nonexistent. I remember seeing some old man wearing a hat and long scarf being chased down a hallway by (what I now know were) Daleks. It was in B/W and the set felt extremely small.....very different that the science fiction extravaganza it is today. In 2005 when they were promoting the return of Doctor Who after an absence of six years, the trailers presented a high quality, very modern production that looked like a lot of fun so I checked it out. I was immediately hooked even though I knew nothing of the lore of Doctor Who. I didn't even know what TARDIS stood for at the time (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) and I'd never even heard the term, "time lord", but that didn't get in the way of my absolute enjoyment of what was (to me) a "brand new" (albeit 40 year old) sci-fi series that was totally and fabulously unique. Kitt is absolutely correct - starting with the 2005 episodes is a great place to start. The 2005 reboot was a new incarnation of the show and they made it a point to reach out to brand new viewers who had never seen DW before. When you look up Doctor Who on, they even have the show listed as if they are two different is called "Doctor Who 1963" and one is called "Doctor Who 2005". Doctor Who (1963–1989) Doctor Who (2005– ) Go for it, Jimmer...start with the 2005 eseason and you won't feel lost at all. I promise! :-)
| Saturday, December 27, 2014 - 4:00 pm
"Just out of curiosity, what season was the one with the "angel statue" creatures?" I think the first appearance of the Angel statues was in an episode called "Blink"....and it aired in 2007. Blink (9 Jun. 2007) (I don't think the angel statues ever appeared in the earlier DW 1963-19789 episodes, but since I haven't seen the earlier ones, I could be wrong)