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| Monday, July 21, 2014 - 4:19 pm
I can't wait, Naja.
| Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 10:55 pm
Those SYFY movies are so bad but the tweets during the movie were hilarious! Can't wait for Sharknado 2! On Hulu, there's a new fake-reality show called Hotwives of Orlando. It's an hilarious take off of the Real Housewives series complete with an Andy Cohen imitator. I highly recommend it!
| Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 11:00 pm
Those Syfy movies are not only so bad, but they suck you in. It's bizarre, you'll be channel surfing, come across some movie that seems absolutely ridiculous and the next thing you know, you are engrossed because it so hysterical!
| Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 11:20 pm
I think the whole point is the ridiculousness of it all. And that makes it so fun ! 
| Wednesday, July 23, 2014 - 12:10 am
My sister cracks up. I go over in the afternoon to help aunt change clothes, do her lunch, etc. and sometimes I'll walk in and bil will be sitting there watching one of those movies. Sis comes home from work half an hour, 45 minutes later and finds me and bil sitting there howling at some silly syfy movie. Can't see one without having to stop and watch, lol, and yep, it's so much fun.
| Wednesday, July 23, 2014 - 11:21 am
I love them because they are so bad they are good, LOL. And I agree Kappy, it was tweets from Wil Wheaton that had me flip over to watch Sharknado when it first showed. They tweets were cracking me up.
| Wednesday, July 23, 2014 - 1:47 pm
I finally watched Sharknado on Monday... I laughed through the whole thing... what a hoot it was, can't wait for #2. I love that the SyFy Channel doesn't take themselves too seriously.
| Wednesday, July 23, 2014 - 2:36 pm
That's not to say some of their movies aren't real duds. I think one of the worst ones was called "Tornado Warning" a couple years ago. Aliens were invading the earth in the form of electric tornadoes. Now this was a case of so bad it was just bad....LOL
| Wednesday, July 23, 2014 - 3:43 pm
December 2012 they had one called 12 Disasters of Christmas... tying in with the Mayan calendar and the end of the world with the song 12 days of Christmas. To anyone who is familiar with Rob Cesternino from Survivor Amazon... he now does a podcast. (robhasawebsite)... anyway he and Matt Hoffman (from Big Brother) did a podcast about Sharknado (right after it aired) and how funny-bad it was. It was hysterical!
| Friday, July 25, 2014 - 11:04 am
August new shows: Jonah from Tonga on HBO, Fri Aug 08 at 10pm (Australian comedy about a rebellious 14 year old) Outlander on Starz, Sat Aug 09 at 9pm (It follows Claire Randall as she navigates the hidden dangers of 18th century Scotland, an unknown world where her freedom and very life are at risk, based on the book) Legends on TNT, Wed Aug 13 at 9pm (suspense-filled drama (Martin Odum, an undercover agent working for the FBI's Deep Cover Operations (DCO) division. Martin has the uncanny ability to transform himself into a completely different person for each job. But he begins to question his own identity when a mysterious stranger suggests that Martin isn't the man he believes himself to be) Bojack Horseman on Netflix, entire season available Fri Aug 22 (Will Arnett voices BoJack, the failed legendary 90's sitcom star from the favorite family sitcom "Horsin' Around," who has been trying to find his way through a muddle of self-loathing, whisky and failed relationships. Now, in the presence of his human sidekick Todd (Aaron Paul) and his feline agent and ex-paramour Princess Carolyn (Amy Sedaris), BoJack is primed for his comeback) Intruders on BBC America, Sat Aug 23 at 10pm (about a secret society devoted to chasing immortality by seeking refuge in the bodies of others) Other notable premieres: Dallas on TNT, Mon Aug 18 at 9pm Doctor Who on BBC America, Sat Aug 23 at 8pm
| Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 8:18 pm
Charlie Sheen's "Anger Management" is back with new eps starting Aug 4. On FX. Opening night has 2 new eps back to back. AND, repeated 3 more times overnight. That was my biggest complaint before. That they wouldn't rerun the eps later in the same night like other cable shows do. I genuinely get a kick out of the show. You can really tell when Charlie showed up for work that day high or after having a rough night....LOL
| Friday, August 01, 2014 - 2:19 pm
2 new sitcoms started on FX a couple weeks and they are both really good! "Married" and "You're The Worst" They are both on Thursday night and we are up to ep 3 for both. All three aired eps for both shows are in on-demand.
| Saturday, August 02, 2014 - 11:58 am
New show on Cinemax -- The Knick. It's scripted show about pioneering surgery in 1900. I'd never heard of it until critic on the radio this morning said -- GOOD!! Starts this coming Friday at 10:00 p.m. Eastern.
| Saturday, August 02, 2014 - 12:21 pm
There is a new show on Lifetime - The Lottery. Two episodes, the pilot and 2nd episode are repeated Sunday morning at 10 and 11. The third episode will be on Sunday night, 10p EDT. Anyone watching it?
| Saturday, August 02, 2014 - 6:33 pm
Tried to watch The Lottery, but it did not catch on for me.
| Sunday, August 03, 2014 - 8:35 pm
I watched the first 2 eps of The Lottery, Strategist. It was a little dull, but I'll give it until after watching tonight's ep before I decide if I will continue with it. ----- Tomorrow, Monday 8/4, Kelsey Grammer and Martin Lawrence have a new sitcom starting on FX "Partners" Partners is a half-hour, multi-camera comedy centered on the newly established partnership of high-end elitist lawyer Allen Braddock (Kelsey Grammer) and for-the-people, ethics driven lawyer Marcus Jackson (Martin Lawrence)..... ....Partners is a smart, edgy legal comedy highlighting the cultural contrast between the haves, the have-nots, and the "Aww, Hell-No's." It's immediately followed "Anger Management" season premiere.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 2:24 pm
I watched the first episode of The Lottery and will definitely watch the others to see where this is going. Canadians - the show The Knick that Color mentioned above will start Friday on HBO Canada as well.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 4:30 pm
I watched the first episode of The Lottery. I, too, will watch more to find out what happened. And, what will happen. I also watched the first episode of Partners. I thought the acting was not very good. I didn't see any chemistry between "the Partners". And, the one liners just kind of landed flat for me. I started to watch the second episode, but did not as I decided I had had enough.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 7:36 pm
me too Pam. But I love Kelsey Grammer,so I'll give it a couple of more chances. That's what I said about Friends and Seinfeld too, so I'm hopeful.
| Tuesday, August 05, 2014 - 9:03 pm
Sitcoms are always so weird in the beginning. It seems like it takes a few eps for them to get into their character's groove. But I did think the second ep of Partners was better than the first once. So there was definitely an improvement between just the first 2 eps already. After trying 3 times to make it through the 3rd ep of "The Lottery". I gave up and deleted it from my series passes. It takes a goofy turn. Eps one and two were promising.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 6:54 pm
The Knick starring Clive Owen is set to premiere on Friday, Aug 8, on Cinemax. ("The Knick" was the nickname for Manhattan’s (now gone) Knickerbocker Hospital.) ------------------- The Knick Is a Period Piece That’s Vitally Present Steven Soderbergh's bloody--and bloody fascinating--medical drama is about the past, but it feels as new as anything on TV. The Knick (Cinemax, Fridays at 10 p.m. ET) is a show about the future. It just happens to take place in 1900. The medical drama, created by Jack Amiel and Michael Begler and produced and directed by Steven Soderbergh, is emphatically a period piece, meticulously produced, capturing turn-of-that-century New York City in all its grimy, typhoid-infected squalor. But this ain’t Downton Abbey, and no crumpets shall be served. The Knick doesn’t hold the past at a remove; it feels as immediate as any series set in 2014. It’s a period drama that never forgets that its characters are on the cusp of their own dizzying future of scientific and cultural change, and it presents them like people who are living in their own present, not someone else’s past. More at the link:
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 7:27 pm
Has anyone watched Sequestered on Crackle? I watched the first episode, and it's kind of interesting! I was pleased to see Summer Glau(sp?) and a few other familiar faces, including a housewife!
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 3:05 pm
Discovery has done it again.... Yet another fake documentary to go along with their Megalodon and Mermaids fake docs. It's interesting how mad people are about this on twitter and in the comments at youtube. I was 3 minutes into the "Shark of Darkness" documentary and the first thing I thought was that it's another fake. It had the feeling of fake in the way the amateur video was over amateurized (Is that a word?....LOL) and the people in the interviews sounded like actors.
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 11:10 pm
I just want to add to my above post for people who don't know about the whole crapfest: The Discovery channels have been making fake documentaries over the past few years, but representing them as real in the promos. You don't know they are fake unless you read the fine print in the credits, and even then the wording is very ambiguous. The new one "Shark of Darkness" just premiered last night. It's being rerun many many times for shark week.
| Tuesday, August 12, 2014 - 6:01 am
Ya know, when I was watching this on Sunday night I kept wondering if it was real or reenactments. They seemed a bit "actory." Grrr, and I wanted to like Submarine. Darn.