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| Monday, December 30, 2013 - 6:49 pm
And here I just figured the explanation would be something like "Gallifrey simply didn't locate that crack until then" or "the Time Lords had to free themselves before they could haunt the crack". See, I don't always overthink things! Of course, neither of those takes into account that the cracks were supposedly closed by the Doctor (and he was then lost & forgotten until Amy somehow remembered & brought him back during her & Rory's wedding reception). That's where things started getting Frankenstein for me. Well, one of the places where it did. Maybe I'm not remembering it right. I kinda hope the next season of DW doesn't focus too much on a big story arc (though the 50th made it seem like there'd be a search for Gallifrey but, well, there it is already). You got the Doctor and his bigger-on-the-inside Tardis - like Snoopy's doghouse - and the mystery & adventure of travel through time & space. Good enough, I reckon. Did Red Dwarf let the search for Red Dwarf get in the way of great (at least until Rimmer left) stories? B
| Monday, December 30, 2013 - 10:18 pm
Goodness, now my brain is twisted into a pretzel (again). And here I thought I had some kind of understanding of what happened, but those are some hard questions. I think the reason they wouldn't have known that Gallifrey was on the other side of the crack back when they first saw it, was that he wasn't supposed to remember that he saved Gallifrey until after he actually did it as #11 (really #12) with Clara. Something about him messing with his own time line and such. And then again, maybe it depends on exactly when Gallifrey began transmitting that "Doctor Who" signal which got their attention. And wasn't it that broken Cyberman who identified it as Gallifrey? He would've needed that, too. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the question. The harder question is the one you asked about Clara jumping into his time stream if he never did die. If she didn't do that, then what would the repercussions be other than her never splintering off into a million echoes of herself for him to meet along the way? If he didn't die and there was no time stream, then she wouldn't have needed to do that. But then he never would've come looking for her and she wouldn't be his companion now. And without Clara's encouragement, he wouldn't have saved Gallifrey and they wouldn't have saved him so then he would've died. But then if he died, Clara could've jumped into his time stream. Paradox! It is interesting that Clara was instrumental in talking the Doctor into saving Gallifrey and talking Gallifrey into saving the Doctor. "Impossible girl."
| Monday, December 30, 2013 - 10:18 pm
You know to never trust anything I say as anything other than the ramblings of a very confused mind ;) ;)? I'd also like a simpler story going forward. The trouble is when each individual episode isn't so good (and to me they've been hit and miss these last few seasons) I start multi-tasking and then I don't remember details that later on become important. I often have to come here and wait for someone else to explain what I've just watched!
| Tuesday, December 31, 2013 - 2:32 pm
Curlyq: I think you're right that it's going to be something along the lines of Gallifrey not sending out signals or the like but that still leaves lots of "wait, what?!" questions. Which call for other rationales that lead to other conflicts and on and on. I get the feeling we're just not supposed to wonder about some of this stuff. Thing is, consequences matter - in life & stories. It's hard to care when those consequences are repeatedly treated like random throwaways that can be changed later if they're dramatically inconvenient. This is why Donna's fate is still so wrenching while Rose's separation from the Doctor isn't. To me, at least. Changing things once in a while is okay but doing it again & again is pushing it. Kitt: You know I'm with you on the Bad Wolf stuff. Never did get that except that it's a bit of a deus ex machina dressed up as show lore. At least the show laid the groundwork for it though I'm not convinced the writer knew all along what it was going to be. My big problem with DW details is that I usually remember just enough to confuse myself. Maybe all this stuff does make sense, I just don't remember/understand enough to get it. They need someone like J.K. Rowling to lay things out. She was so good at setting things up whose significance wasn't apparent until much later. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
| Friday, May 23, 2014 - 12:59 pm
New season of Doctor Who in August!
| Friday, May 23, 2014 - 1:12 pm
The new season will be interesting for me. I never started watching Doctor Who until its reboot in 2005, so I wasn't a viewer/fan when there was an older Doctor in charge. Somehow it feels "off" to me...but hopefully, I can adapt to it as easily as I adapted to Eccles regenerating into Tenant and Tenant regenerating into Smith.
| Friday, May 23, 2014 - 6:52 pm
August - awesome!!! SFJF - I never even heard of Doctor Who until the 2005 reboot! I also have not had an older Doctor in charge - but I also adapted from Ecces to Tenant and then Smith (mourning the loss of each one) so we will just see with Capaldi!
| Friday, June 27, 2014 - 1:41 pm
We have a date: The eighth season of Doctor Who will be landing on your screen Saturday, August 23 at 8/7c, with the feature-length episode “Deep Breath,” BBC America announced on Friday. I guess feature length is an hour and a half??? mini teaser video at the link.
| Saturday, June 28, 2014 - 8:14 am
Yay!! Can't wait! 
| Monday, June 30, 2014 - 11:49 am
Thanks for the date. Video didn't work for me though. Please let the storyline make sense!
| Monday, June 30, 2014 - 12:42 pm
You didn't miss much if you can't see the video, it's mostly flashy graphics followed by Doctor: Clara, be my pal, tell me, am I a good man? Clara: I don't think I know who the Doctor is any more.
| Monday, June 30, 2014 - 8:12 pm
Just an FYI, there's a new show starting the same night, The Intruders and I noticed on the commercials that The Master is one of the stars (sorry can't think of his real name at the moment). Looks very interesting.
| Monday, July 07, 2014 - 7:16 pm
apparently there has a been a leak of the script of 5 of the episodes, and a plea from Stephen Moffat that if you have the leaked information please do not share it as to spoil the surprises.
| Tuesday, July 08, 2014 - 7:43 am
Up to now, I had only seen Torchwood Miracle Day and the Doctor Who Christmas episode featuring Torchwood. Thanks to Amazon Prime video, I'm now going to be able to watch all of the episodes. I'm up to episode 6 of season one right now.
| Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 11:30 am
Did BBCA air all four episodes of The Real History of Science Fiction? I was able to record random showings of three episodes (think they were "Robots", "Space", and "Invasion") but haven't yet watched them.
| Wednesday, July 30, 2014 - 1:18 pm
IF you look at the BBCA website, they show the first three as first airing in April/May but no "original sir date" for part four, "Invasion." Maybe they didn't show it. Looks like a good series but I missed it.
| Thursday, July 31, 2014 - 4:36 am
Thanks, Kitt.
| Wednesday, August 06, 2014 - 6:57 pm
Deep Breath is being played on the big screen!! very excited got our tickets for it! *happy dance*
| Sunday, August 10, 2014 - 7:15 pm
Is that the DW season premiere? Saw an ad that the "Time Travel" epi of Real History of Sci-Fi will air on Saturday.
| Sunday, August 10, 2014 - 10:16 pm
Yep that it is granted it is on TV before I will get to see it on the big screen but still looking forward to it
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 3:05 am
I remember sometime last year (?) posting that both David Tenant and Karen Gillan had shaved heads during a Doctor Who recap special. Stranger than the hair itself was just the coincidence of both of them doing it at the same time. Had forgotten all about it until I saw Guardians of the Galaxy last week. Didn't even recognize Karen until I saw her name in the credits. What a completely different role, wonder how hard she had to work to convince the casting powers. 
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 12:02 pm
I think you are thinking of Matt Smith, he had shaved his head for the musical American Psycho. David Tennant without his hair is unthinkable lol
| Monday, August 11, 2014 - 2:09 pm
YES!! Thanks Kellee. 
| Thursday, August 21, 2014 - 10:32 am
Only two days to go! Yeah!!!! Can hardly wait! I'm late to Doctor Who but love it! Started watching around Christmas last year when they had a marathon and couldn't get enough. Was the reason I signed up for netflix (which I'm loving by the way!).
| Thursday, August 21, 2014 - 10:44 am
Have you watched the Dr Whos with Captain Jack Harkness in yet? When you get to those start watching Torchwood (also on Netflix). You'll love them too. Yep, two days! It feels like it's been forever.