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| Thursday, June 19, 2014 - 8:20 pm
You're right, Pam, that was when she went to EJ. So how did Sami get her hands on the pictures? And WHEN? LOVED Victor's line to Kate today, "Tat for tit." He gets some of the best lines, and he always makes me smile. So Eve Donavon is back -- wonder if she and Teresa will hook up to wreak mayhem and havoc on Salemites? That could be fun!
| Thursday, June 19, 2014 - 9:11 pm
I would think the Brady's would know if Paige were eve's daughter, but stranger things have happened. And eve seems to have a lot of money and Paige doesn't. I'm also very confused about how/when Sami got the photos, but am glad she did. I'm more annoyed with Daniel than with jenn. All she really said was he would have been manipulated by Nicole. He's way too upset.
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 10:59 am
EJ had the pictures in that brown envelope. He usually kept them locked in that desk, but would take them out every once in a while. I can't remember if Sami ever saw the envelope as he was putting it away, but maybe. I do know that she did not look surprised, nor did she pull the usually Sami out for blood routine, after she saw the photos. I am almost certain the case from which she took the envelope with the photos was EJ's. Maybe Sami has know for a while and has been plotting her revenge. Or, maybe this was the first time she had seen them, and totally out of her norm, she remained cool and calm while putting a revenge plan in action. This I highly doubt. Because of her reaction, I suspect she got her hands on the photos some time earlier. Unbelievable that EJ didn't simply destroy them a long time ago.
| Friday, June 20, 2014 - 2:02 pm
After today's show- it's pretty obvious she has know for awhile that's why she had hoot on close to Abby in order to make her and EJ feel really uncomfortable. She's going to explode everything at the wedding! Like she said : revenge is best served up cold " LIL Also I guess her and Kate are working together in EJ and Abby's downfall - Bwahahaha Way to have her character go out! Lol Also I hope danial and Eve hook up so Jennifer can emplode! Haha
| Saturday, June 21, 2014 - 8:14 am
Ah ha, Lostfan, I think you may have hit on what is coming next! Eve will be making some big moves on the good doctor. And Daniel, the man who has been with almost every woman in Salem, will find her hard to resist. Meanwhile, dear Jennifer will be warning him (for the bazillionith time) what a mistake he is making and how wrong, evil, etc., Eve is. Dear Jen will tell him how much she loves him and doesn't want to see such a kind, good (but not honest) man hurt. I would love to see Jennifer implode, but I suspect it will be more of the same old tearful pleas and lectures directed at Daniel. Depending on the writers Kassie DePaiva (Eve) could wipe the floor with Jen. Fingers crossed. P.S. I don't hate Jen, but I would like to see her be a bit more of the fun loving, happy, down to earth character she once was.
| Saturday, June 21, 2014 - 5:17 pm
Okay, so I guess Paige just doesn't know that her Grandpa Shane is married to a Brady. So all of those visits to the Brady pub meant nothing. And Theresa doesn't recognize her niece. Fair enough. I think this is an example of a twist that was created at the last minute with no attention to details. Oh well. I like Kassie DePaiva and Eve will give Theresa a run for her money. And I have to say that I think Daniel is being overly sensitive about everything. Jennifer never said he was a bad man or dishonest. She said Nicole is able to manipulate him. And that's very true! Daniel has a very high opinion of himself and he gets frustrated with anyone who doesn't see him as perfect. I was hoping Maggie would put him in his place.
| Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 10:00 am
I gotta admit it is kind of funny that all things connecting the Bradys and Paige have been missing, until now. Theresa not knowing her own niece is even funnier. Page not knowing Theresa is her aunt, equally funny. In particular when you consider the run ins they have already had. I disagree about Jennifer not saying that Daniel would not be honest. She specifically told him, and others, that had she not told Eric about Nicole/the papers that she did not believe Eric would have ever found out. Imho, she was clearly stating that she believed Daniel would be manipulated into being dishonest - forever.
| Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 3:08 pm
True enough, Pam2uall. However, Daniel does have a long history of being dishonest-- when he thinks it's for a good cause. He shouldn't be shocked and offended when Jennifer thinks it could happen again. I guess what I meant is that I don't think Jennifer meant it as any attack on his character. She just sees that he cares about Nicole and lets that cloud his judgment. And I find it funny that in all of the time that Jennifer was dealing with Theresa, she never mentioned to anyone how strange it was that this was happening with Eve's sister, another woman who caused her a ton of problems. I'm sure that connection will be mentioned a thousand times in the coming weeks.
| Sunday, June 22, 2014 - 4:34 pm
I agree that Eve is a last minute storyline thrown in with no regard for previous scenes. And I'm offended for all of us that the writers think we are simpleminded and won't remember.
| Monday, June 23, 2014 - 11:20 am
Iheartkaysar, you have made some very good points re Daniel and his history of being dishonest. I gotta admit they are true. So, while I will admit Daniel is probably over-reacting, I still can't stand Jennifer's "I always know best" attitude. I suspect Daniel's going off the deep end has to do with the writers and the arrival of Eve.
| Wednesday, July 02, 2014 - 4:15 pm
Haha! So is Sammi working with Rafe with this arrest? There fight at jail seemed staged for EJs sake
| Wednesday, July 02, 2014 - 4:46 pm
I don't think Rafe knows it was Sammi behind it; however, I suspect Sammi and Stephano and Kate are the masterminds. And it is probably the start of a very painful summer for EJ!
| Thursday, July 03, 2014 - 7:46 pm
Oh I am so dissointed withe the wedding. I was positive the Sami would blow up Ej's spot with Abigal. I know she is going to take him down anyway but it would have been fun to saee it happen at the wedding. I Abigal going to get off scot free????
| Friday, July 04, 2014 - 9:16 am
Oh, I don't for one minute believe Abigail is not going to feel the wrath of Sami. In fact, with a smile on her face, Sami told her she was next. I think Abi is instinctively feeling something is off, but can't quite put her finger on what it is. I, too, was disappointed that there was no big blow up at the wedding. Then again, the kids were there. So, is EJ going to rot in jail? Or, will true love prevail in spite of it all?
| Friday, July 04, 2014 - 9:04 pm
Considering that EJ has left the show I think there going to leave them in jail to rot or maybe the whole family leaves for Morocco where there was no extradition treaty. I agree Pam that Abigail knows something is up but doesn't know what.
| Saturday, July 05, 2014 - 6:48 pm
Sammi has thought out EJs demise very well..... She is dismateling him and his power while he sits in jail. I think there will be a big hole in this show once EJ and Sammie leave the show.
| Sunday, July 06, 2014 - 12:18 am
It seems to me like Sami and Kate are plotting to take over DiMera Enterprises and destroy both Stefano and EJ. That would be amazing. I love the new Sami who is strong and controlled. There was a time when she couldn't keep from blowing it with her hot temper. Real character growth at long last. Too bad it comes during her final act, so to speak.
| Sunday, July 06, 2014 - 12:19 am
But that dream sequence a while back where EJ imagines what would happen if Sami discovered the truth? Stellar!! Wish I had saved it.
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 8:03 am
Is no one talking about Sami's revenge? Thursday - Ej. Friday - Abigail. I had to swallow a time or two when she was verbally going after Abigail. I thought Abigail deserved everything she got, and then some. Sami was like the lioness taking on a common house cat that had come too close to her cubs. In fact, my favorite part was when Sami talked about how she let this woman, who she thought was her friend, come into her home and make cupcakes with her children, babysit, etc. Sleeping with EJ was a huge betrayal by both; but, the fact that Abigail came into her home and interacted with her children took it to a whole other level. You go Sami!
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 3:03 pm
While I enjoy it any time one character is going on a spree, I'm not enjoying Sami's spree as much as I used to enjoy Victor or Stefano going after people. I think it's because Sami has done so many of the things she's yelling at other people about, whereas Victor and Stefano are just bad all the time and thoroughly enjoy their bad boy roles. Or maybe it's because they don't rant - they just get revenge. They're more like to grin and laugh than yell and scream. 
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 3:24 pm
I'm wondering how Sammi saw abbi and EJ in the shower- I thought she came in after EJ came out- hmmm Is that when Sammi discovered it? Also Sammi has done everything abbi and EJ did..... I'm hoping this backfires on Sami now and someone reports Sami for her role in throwing Nick in the river hehe Cause how else is Sammi leaving the show, she is co CEO with Kate for 6 mths..... Hmmm So I'm hoping she joins EJ in prison 😊
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 5:25 pm
Sammi didn't see Abby & EJ in the shower, but after getting the pictures, she looked at the tape of the building where the shower was and saw Abby coming out AFTER she (Sami) had gone in and come out.
| Saturday, July 12, 2014 - 7:23 pm
I agree that Sami has done some pretty awful things in her lifetime. But, if the powers that be can forget she shot EJ in the head, so can I. While we are at it, EJ raped Sami way back when. These soaps have a history of romantically pairing folks with this same kind of history. Disgusting; yet, I keep watching. I can't stand a cheater (EJ). If he wants to act single, get honest with everyone and be single. Even though Sami and EJ were not technically married at the time, for all intents and purposes they were a committed couple with children. What I have even less respect for is a woman who goes after a man that is in a similar (or legally married) relationship. So, go Sami! I don't recall Sami ever going after a "married" man with children. However, she has plotted so many things in the past, maybe so.
| Sunday, July 13, 2014 - 8:38 am
Sami went after Austin who was married to her sister. And I suspect NEITHER of us continues to watch because Days is so realistic! LOL I love that it embraces the soap opera genre and just runs with it!
| Sunday, July 13, 2014 - 6:52 pm
Minor point: Sami went on about Abi babysitting her children, making cupcakes, etc. she did, but only b/c Sami made her! I seem to recall that Abi tried very hard to get out of it.