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| Wednesday, November 27, 2013 - 6:23 am
Finally got around to watching An Adventure in Space and Time. David Bradley was excellent as Hartlett and I loved the Matt Smith cameo. Too bad they didn't extend the story past the first doctor but the DVD set I bought for my dd last Christmas had a TONNE of biographical extras so can't complain too much. LOL
| Monday, December 02, 2013 - 12:22 am
Have there been new episodes other than the anniversary episode? Or is it just the Christmas episode? I actually really liked Amy and Rory, and of course River. I didn't especially love that they made River their daughter, but whatever. One of the specials explained that Amy was ticked with the Doctor because he had taken so long returning to her that she had spent her whole life being treated like she was nuts because of her story of "the raggedy man." I think she said she'd had four psychiatrists. So that might explain her not fawning over him like the other companions (except Donna) always had. For me that worked because Doctor or not I found this one to be too young to be taken ultra-seriously by anyone. Plus, Amy and Rory were the opposite of Rose and Mickey. It always bothered me how Rose had heartlessly ditched her boyfriend to moon over the Doctor. It was nice having a couple traveling with him. I like Clara, too, but I feel she is the one who's had the misfortune of coming in at the worst time. The storylines for her first season were very lackluster to me. She's a great character, but they don't seem to know just what to do with her. I almost wish she had come in during the Tennant years. Those were the best for storytelling. Donna was my favorite companion. Donna was funny and didn't fall in love with the Doctor as her two predecessors had, but she genuinely appreciated the experiences she was having. The one thing that bothered me about Amy was that from almost the beginning she seemed unphased by any of the crazy stuff she was seeing for the first time.
| Monday, December 02, 2013 - 1:32 am
I've been rewatching the series and I have to say watching them back to back, Doctor's 9 and 10 so far and their companions, I remember why I like Donna. Her and the Doctor are hysterical together. I don't think I've laughed so hard on Doctor Who as when they are mouthing at each other through the door and window when they meet up the second time. Well, until she decides she's going to travel with him and he's trying to explain all he wants is a mate and she gets seriously offended thinking he wants to mate, lol. Or everytime someone assumes they are a couple and they trip over each other correcting that!
| Monday, December 02, 2013 - 8:07 pm
I never liked Donna, I am a Martha fan. I think Catherine Tate mumbles all the time and is difficult to understand. I did like the grandfather. David Tennet is my favorite Dr.
| Thursday, December 05, 2013 - 9:31 pm
To me the difference between Rose and Mickey and Amy and Rory is the depth of feeling in their relationships. Mickey was Rose's boyfriend. It was a superficial relationship at best, with Mickey dependent on Rose. He was portrayed as almost pathetic in the first episode. Of course, he matured during the cybermen episode and eventually became a very likeable character. Amy and Rory were in love. He was more than just her boyfriend. By the time the Dr. came back the second time,(late by 18 months of course) they were on the verge of getting married. It seemed on the surface that Rory cared more about her than she did about him, but in the end she, chose him over the Dr. Rory waited 1800 years for Amy, while guarding her in the Pandorica. Would Mickey have done that for Rose? As for as the companions go, Rose was my favorite for all the obvious reasons. But I loved Donna. She kind of grew on me. I liked the way they allowed her character to grow, but her personality to stay the same. And her grandfather was one of the best characters ever in the whole series. I read somewhere that he was only supposed to be in one episode, but was so popular that they brought him back as a quasi regular in the series. I liked Martha, but she seemed kind of weak at first to be an educated woman of the 21 century. I loved, though how they had her become strong and independent during her last episode. I found Amy to be a strong person right from the beginning. She was certainly the dominant one in her and Rory's relationship. But Rory was strong in his own right. He was like the rock that was always there for Amy, no matter what. Unfortunately we never got to see Clara develop. I always got the feeling that she as she said, "was born to save the doctor." So she seemed at times more a plot device than a real character. But I think she is adorable and would definitely like to see more of her. My favorite episode with her was as the Victorian governess. She looked so cute in the clothes and as the prim governess who was really not prim at all. The common thread in all the companions is their growth; how they all become strong and independent through their travels with him. I love Dr. Who. I remember watching it occasionally years ago, but the only station that carried it was the PBS channel and we could not get very often because we lived in a town 50 miles from the nearest city and the signal was just not strong enough at that time. I started watching when it was shown on SyFy a few years ago with. I got hooked then. I spent the whole 50th anniversary week re watching the episodes and the specials.
| Tuesday, December 10, 2013 - 12:15 pm
Finally watched the mini episode with McGann. Thanks again for the link, Kitt.
| Saturday, December 21, 2013 - 5:50 pm
"Yes, BBCA usually airs the Christmas Day episode on Christmas Day. No more regular episodes before then, and the Christmas one will be Matt's last. The regular Peter Capaldi episodes won't start until next Summer, from what I've heard." There will also be a one hour show called "Doctor Who: Farewell to Matt Smith" airing just before the new Doctor Who Xmas episode ("The Time of the Doctor") on Dec 25, 2013. My TIVO didn't pick it up because it has a title that's different than the ones that are picked up by my regular "Doctor Who" season pass.
| Saturday, December 21, 2013 - 5:58 pm
Thanks Sanfran. I'll miss Matt Smith, I'm not quite as emotionally attached to him as I was to David Tennant but I think it might be a very different show without him.
| Saturday, December 21, 2013 - 6:19 pm
SFJ - thanks for the info on the Farewell to Matt DVR didn't pick it up either.
| Thursday, December 26, 2013 - 9:43 pm
Anyone else watch the Christmas episode? Quite a show. I'm not sure I understood all of it, but that's okay. I still enjoyed it. Weird to see him age. But no explanation as to what happens in the future as far as regenerations go. Did he just get one more, or 12 more, or what? I also watched the deleted scene at BBC America, which they should've left in if only to explain Clara's behavior regarding the jokes in the crackers in the scene with her family.
| Thursday, December 26, 2013 - 10:35 pm
I did watch the episode and I cried. I didn't understand it all either. I still have to watch the special and the deleted scene. Today I've watched a lot of the David Tennant episodes that BBC America has been showing.
| Thursday, December 26, 2013 - 10:43 pm
There seemed to be too much narration going on instead of actual story/acting, which was a little confusing.
| Thursday, December 26, 2013 - 10:59 pm
We're going to watch it tomorrow night.

| Thursday, December 26, 2013 - 11:43 pm
I think it wasn't well expressed. I think he stayed in Christmas/Lanzalore(sp?) because he was kind of all burnt out and needed to be a hero and thought at least there he knew he was doing good and protecting the people. But then as the years went by it didn't look like he was protecting them at all, more just staying in his church thing while outside wars were going on. An itchy thing that bothered me... the Doctor went away for at least a 100 years before the 50th special, I thought, and he didn't age then, so why did he age this time? I think the Timelords gave him a whole new set of 13 lives, as they used the word "reset." Logistically for the show that makes sense too, so they don't have to think about what to do if/when Peter Capaldi quits.
| Friday, December 27, 2013 - 3:07 am
Haven't seen it yet since we promised oldest niece at least we'd wait til she was here to watch it and the special. She may be here this weekend, but might not be til New Year's Eve.
| Friday, December 27, 2013 - 6:15 am
So I had to keep pausing to explain it to my 17 yr old, not that that means I was actually correct but the way I saw it..... The Timelords were on the other side of that crack waiting for The Doctor to say his real name so they would know it was the right Universe and could/would return. The Daleks WANTED this desperately (as did the other Timelord's enemies who were in orbit) so they could finish the Time Wars. Doctor Who stayed to protect that crack, to stop the Timelords from returning (even though he acknowledged that they would have returned in peace). I hadn't thought about the aging, probably a mistake but perhaps to do with living beside a crack in time? MY question.... why did Matt Smith and Gillian get matching buzz cuts? LOLOL
| Friday, December 27, 2013 - 8:28 am
RISSA...Lol about the buzz cuts!!! I figured the aging had something to do with a crack in time too. All this Doctor Who stuff can be confusing! The new Doctor..I will miss Matt...but I missed David and before that missed Christopher. So I am curious for the new season to start. But, I will miss Matt.
| Friday, December 27, 2013 - 10:48 am
Matt's buzz cut was for a movie he was doing. He mentioned it on the Graham Norton show when he was on with David Tennant (who had weird long hair extensions for a play he was doing.)
| Friday, December 27, 2013 - 12:24 pm
Saw it yesterday liked it but it didn't move me like David Tennant farewell did though loved the fact that they had Amy there to send him off. I think part of the age thing was the Doctor acknowledged it was time to grow up In the 59th I made my sister a companion charm bracelet for Christmas and my hubby fashioned a river song diary jewelry box, so it was a very whovian Christmas at ours (hubby also got the design you own sonic screwdriver kit)
| Saturday, December 28, 2013 - 11:43 pm
So if the time lords reset his regenerations, wouldn't that also mean they decided it was the right universe? And if so, would that mean they'd come back?
| Saturday, December 28, 2013 - 11:43 pm
So if the time lords reset his regenerations, wouldn't that also mean they decided it was the right universe? And if so, would that mean they'd come back?
| Saturday, December 28, 2013 - 11:44 pm
Hmm. I didn't think double posts were possible.
| Monday, December 30, 2013 - 12:28 pm
I thought it was confusing. To be fair, I was having trouble concentrating so perhaps it was just me. There are just a lot of things I don't quite get. For example, in the 50th anniversary episode we see that the Doctor(s) never destroyed Gallifrey. And in the Christmas episode, Gallifrey is on the other side of the crack(s). So shouldn't the Tardis & Doctor have realized that a couple seasons back when the cracks were the big theme of the show (especially since I think this epi showed that the crack was the Doctor's big secret nightmare room - or did I misunderstand that?)? Same with the Daleks, Cyberman, etc. They all just only figured it out "now" but not then? Sure, the show can invent some reason for that but it really illustrates the dramatic dangers of changing major story events. It can seem like the show is just patching things together to fit/explain things in a particular episode even if it messes up earlier episodes (that's also what happened with River & Amy's storylines, to me). This seems less like clever misdirection - making the audience think one thing only to reveal later that it was something else - and more like a cheat. And what about Trenzalore? I think what we're supposed to believe is that by having the Time Lords give the Doctor more regenerations (just on the word of Clara?), he doesn't die die there, if you know what I mean, so how it played out was all changed. But wasn't that what lead to the whole Clara jumping into the Doctor's time stream and John Hurt's Doctor resurfacing and all the rest of that? And what about Clara? Who exactly is she now? I can imagine some ways to piece some of these things together to make them make sorta sense but, to me, it ends up looking very Frankenstein's monster, not the brilliant, multi-season epic that I think we're supposed to think it was meant to be all along. I did think it was an inspired touch to have the youngest Doctor become the oldest Doctor. A Doctor-Who-Waited to go along with Amy's Girl-Who-Waited. But I think that could have played out much better if they'd gone a different way in this episode - perhaps by going back to the sinister Dream Doctor. Because honestly, and I've mentioned this before, for all his manic, fez-iness, Smith's Doctor had serious hints of darkness in him. That might have been been a more interesting tack to take in his final episode. Maybe not. But that line, "I'll always remember when the Doctor was me" (or something like that) was pretty good. Of course, he apparently lived a very, very long time as Smith (what number is he now, officially - does anyone know?) he has a lot to remember there.
| Monday, December 30, 2013 - 3:11 pm
Oh and I meant to add that I don't think "timey-wimey" can explain all of this. The way I understood what Ten (or whatever number he is now) said about that was that with time travel, things can happen out of order and linear logic doesn't always apply. That's reasonable. But with this last epi, it seems like things were just changed, period, though I think we're meant to believe it was some sort of loop so what we thought was so really wasn't. Or maybe I'm just hopelessly confused. P.S. Wasn't the Big Bang arc supposed to be a reset too?
| Monday, December 30, 2013 - 3:36 pm
I think from the point in time that they came back to the present in the 50th, that's when Gallifrey was suspended in the painting/another dimension. Before that - so all the other cracks we've seen before - Gallifrey wasn't behind the crack because in that time line (even though some were in the future) Gallifrey had been destroyed. The effects of Gallifrey being behind the crack in this new timeline kind of rippled back in time through the other cracks causing problems, but that doesn't mean that Gallifrey was actually there back then. It just would be there. I think when they restored Gallifrey (or rather didn't destroy it) all bets are off with regards to the future. If Gallifrey and the Timelords can do things from whatever dimension they're stuck in then they can influence the future. So the Doctor can no longer die on Trenzalore simply (ha) because the Timelords stepped in and reset him with 13 new lives. I don't get now and didn't get at the time what was really happening with Clara being through all the time streams. And I didn't really even understand Bad Wolf and Rose and whether the mention of it this time was just a nod or significant. Curlyq, I agree, if they trusted Clara enough to believe that it was the Doctor, it seems like they could have passed back through the crack. To quote Red Dwarf: RIMMER: Lister, it has happened. You can't change it, any more than you can change what you had for breakfast yesterday. LISTER: Hey, it hasn't happened, has it? It has will have going to have happened happened, but it hasn't actually happened happened yet, actually. RIMMER: Poppycock! It will be happened; it shall be going to be happening; it will be was an event that could will have been taken place in the future. Simple as that. Your bucket's been kicked, baby.