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| Wednesday, May 28, 2014 - 6:47 am
I've never heard of them either. Aw poor Nicole, here I was thinking that AT LAST she would find happiness and be good but it looks bad for her. Yesterday when Brady named all her ex loves I cracked up. And they all ended badly.
| Thursday, May 29, 2014 - 8:20 am
Sonny is Jackson! Justin also has a son, Alexander with Angelica. I laughed at the Brady and Nicole exchange. IMO, she has more chemistry with everyone on the show except Eric! Doesn't look good for her at all.
| Sunday, June 01, 2014 - 11:40 am
They have ruined Nicole's character. I'm so over her. ugh and OMG I can't stand Daniel/Jennifer can we do a murder suicide storyline with them? LOL
| Sunday, June 01, 2014 - 2:57 pm
here is a question for you.....who do YOU think killed Nick????
| Sunday, June 01, 2014 - 6:40 pm
I think it's Sonny, but Gabby thinks it's Will, and Will thinks it's Gabby. I also think Lucas thinks Will did it, so they're all trying to "save" the other.
| Monday, June 02, 2014 - 5:09 pm
welllll today was a surprise. I didn't think it was Gabby, I'll bet Sami is relieved
| Monday, June 02, 2014 - 6:31 pm
I still don't think it's Gabby. That would be too easy - and did you see EJ when she talked about all the people who had helped her with Nick? EJ was clearly realizing Kate and/or Sami could also very easily be suspects. He might just be plotting Gabby's defense, OR he may have realized that he knows how actually did do it.
| Tuesday, June 03, 2014 - 5:05 am
I hadn't imagined it was Gabi either, but her confession sure rang true to me. Especially as opposed to Will's which seemed obvious to me that he thought he was protecting Sonny. I think it's sad that the whole clan rushes to help Will/save Will/protect Will, but as soon as Gabi confesses they all go home & go about their business. Even EJ...he stuck around but he's not trying to stop her like he & Sami tried to stop Will. I think he just stuck around to make sure she doesn't implicate the rest of them. No one even offered to hunt down Rafe for her! This whole saga has left a bad taste in my mouth towards EJ, Sami, Kate, Will, Sonny. Right now I'm feeling so bitter towards them that I'd love if Gabi would take them all down w/ her. They're such a selfish bunch! Lol, I'm pretty sure that my reaction isn't the norm, though. 
| Tuesday, June 03, 2014 - 12:12 pm
Gabi is leaving the show, I guess this was a way to get rid of her without killing her off.
| Wednesday, June 04, 2014 - 6:59 am
personally I think Kate would be a good bet to have killled Nick although Gabbie's story seemed real possibly because we sall everything she said play out. Poor Nicole...everyone is going to hate her for do ing this to good boy Eric.
| Wednesday, June 04, 2014 - 11:31 am
I have no sympathy for Nicole, they have made her character so pathetic. She should of just been honest from the start. She's the town liar! Gabi's last air date is next week, so yes she did kill Nick (I swear it sounds like an episode of snapped) she has been killing her scenes in these last few episodes.
| Wednesday, June 04, 2014 - 3:37 pm
Lol, does that mean she's been good? Because if so, then I agree! Gabi's been breaking my heart these last couple of episodes. Oh! and now we know why Gabi was so adamant about including Sonny & Rafe in the baby's custody agreement...note that was the day after Nick's murder. Abigail's lines for Midol made me chuckle, but I liked it. They should incorporate the ads into the scripts more often, maybe there'd be less commercial breaks! This is exactly who Nicole is, though, isn't it? She's a likeable and pretty good person until she sets her sights on a man, and then she loses all sense & morals! It's similar to what she did when she wanted Daniel even though he loved Jennifer. She just kept getting deeper & deeper in her lies until they all blew up in her face. I love that about DOOL, though! I love when a characters bad deeds eventually catch up w/ them. 
| Thursday, June 05, 2014 - 6:53 am
I just feel bad for Nicole because I thought she was finally going to find someone to be happy with but you are right once she sets her out Salem...she is good at her job. And yes Gabi has been chewing up the scenery lately. DOOL writers are really good at making their hateful characters really hateful...I couldn't stand nick and thats what they wanted. I can't stand when Kate is being crazy but again thats what they want...with Nick gone I wonder who will be the new bad guy???
| Friday, June 06, 2014 - 12:10 pm
For a very long time I have wanted true redemption and happiness for Nicole. I have always liked her and felt she got such a raw deal through much of her life. I was pulling so hard for her and Eric (although I find him boring, and see little chemistry between the two). I so wanted her to do the right thing this time. She did not. As much as I had hoped for her happiness, I have absolutely no sympathy for her over the latest tricks she has pulled, including the lies to and about her best friend, as well as Eric. I don't know where her storyline is going to go from here.
| Tuesday, June 17, 2014 - 4:08 pm
so who is Paige's mom going to turn out to be? she keeps saying little things about mom and now she is going to come for graduation. I think she will have a connection to the Hortons, but definitely to Salem.
| Wednesday, June 18, 2014 - 3:28 pm
I'm so glad Danial dumped Jennifer for Now! Teach her to stick her nose in another's business Glad Nicole told Marlena she won't help Eric! Ha teach Marlena for being the B she is Don't get what made Sammy pull that envelope with photo out- Wth- has she known all along and is torchering Abigail on purpose..... Hmmm never saw this coming
| Wednesday, June 18, 2014 - 6:43 pm
I thought the pictures were in Abby's portfolio - so today was the first day Sami had seen them. Did I miss something somewhere? I'm bummed that Daniel dumped Jen. We haven't had a couple last longer than two seconds in years, and I'd like to see them get two people together and keep them together! Will and Sonny have the longest-running current relationship with the exception of Maggie and Victor!
| Wednesday, June 18, 2014 - 7:01 pm
Many years ago Jennifer was one of my favorite characters. Perhaps I have become jaded in my old age; but, imho, she has just become too, too Miss Goody Two Shoes for my taste. While I think Eric deserved to know the truth, I didn't appreciate the messenger. I couldn't help but applaud when Daniel dumped Jennifer. And then, when Jennifer kept insisting that he didn't mean it, that she knew what was right for them and started kissing him, I thought all was lost. But, Daniel held strong. Yay! (at least for now) Jennifer's holier than thou attitude rubs me so completely wrong, that if Ann was not so ugly in her ways, I could almost (but not quite) be team Ann. Oh, it's going to be a rough day at the DiMera mansion tomorrow. Can't wait! Go get 'em Sami!!
| Wednesday, June 18, 2014 - 7:10 pm
That scene was a bit confusing re the photos. It was EJ who has had the photos and was keeping them hidden. (Obviously, not very well.) I took it that Sami interrupted him leaving the house and it was his case on the desk that she opened and from which she retrieved the envelope/photos. I don't remember Abigail ever having any of the photos. But, I could be wrong.
| Wednesday, June 18, 2014 - 7:27 pm
Well..that was stupid to still have the photos around and not destroy and I think I answered my own question above. bet Paiges mom will turn out to be...Eve I am ready for Nicole to go
| Wednesday, June 18, 2014 - 8:48 pm
Daniel and Nicole have great chemistry. I think they tried to force the Daniel/Jen Supercouple on the viewers but at the end of the day, they just don't work. This breakup paves the way for them to eventually pair up Daniel and Nicole. Don't shoot the messenger! It seems the obvious choice, has been coming for a while. They have had more scenes together in recent months than with their respective partners. And Eric is just a limp noodle character which suited him as a priest but not as a love interest.
| Thursday, June 19, 2014 - 7:04 am
I am also not a Daniel/Jen fan but this rediculous breakup is crazy. Daniel can be mad, they could fight, they could scream and then kiss and make up. He is just being a goody two shoes and it ring false. NICOLE AND DANIEL OMG that would just be nuts. I think Nicole will go after Rafe now.
| Thursday, June 19, 2014 - 7:33 am
I agree that Nicole and Daniel have great on screen chemistry. However, I don't see them in a romance any time soon. I have been trying to figure out what is going to happen with Nicole. I wonder if she might be pregnant. I know she is not supposed to be able to get pregnant, but this is soap world. Plus, Marlena's head would spin, and not for the first time.
| Thursday, June 19, 2014 - 8:27 am
Didn't Nick send Abby pictures, too? That was why she was so freaked out and went to EJ about doing something to deal with Nick.
| Thursday, June 19, 2014 - 5:20 pm
I don't remember Nick sending Abby any of the pictures. They had that nasty quarrel in the park, or wherever, when Nick blind-sided her with something along the lines of "what would everyone think of sweet, innocent Abigail if they only knew she was nothing more than EJ DiMera's little wh--e". My memory is that his attack was verbal - I don't remember any pictures being given/shown to her. It was after the verbal attack that she freaked out and went running to EJ.