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Board Administrator
| Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 12:25 pm
Oddly, I am in no hurry to have the adults show up. They were willing to sacrifice these kids, many of whom were locked up for no reason. I'm not sure the kind of order they would bring is an order I would like.
| Tuesday, April 29, 2014 - 10:57 pm
I agree with Karuuna. But I do wish it was the Mother who is a Dr. was the one to come down.
| Thursday, May 01, 2014 - 12:21 pm
Well finally they made contact, I like the fact they compared the evacuation to the Titanic, not enough life boats, (but there were, they just squandered them half empty in the first evacuation efforts). And the last girl who dropped alone was sure a waste of precious space, why couldn't they organize others to escape with her. Those young people should try to discover how the grounders survived and why they're so hostile to the newcomers. Ooops, isn't that how we evolved?? We were just as territorial as they are...
| Thursday, May 01, 2014 - 11:14 pm
And now we know that there are now only about 2200 (or did the Chancelor say 2300?) people left on the ark... Of course, that's not counting the 300(?) they recently killed to preserve air resources or the 100 kids they jettisoned in episode 1. It looks like there's war going on between different factions of grounders, but I wonder if the "bad" grounders are some kind of mutants or cannibals while the "good" grounders are just regular humans who have grown up in a state of war with the baddies. (I gotta admit I only thought cannibals because of the movie, "Cloud Atlas" where there were cannibals who roamed an area that's very similar to the area the kids live in on The 100.) Of course, it could be like it is in the real world....they're all human but they still choose to go to war over everything from resources like food and water to intangible reasons like religion or other beliefs. Oh yeah....they were talking about the storm and they showed an satellite image of now we know the general location of the kids - they're somewhere around the Gulf Of Mexico. They could be anywhere from Florida to Texas or even on the Yucatan peninsula.
Board Administrator
| Friday, May 02, 2014 - 8:36 am
Well, guess my info was wrong, but it was on several website as 4000: The 100" -- pronounced "The Hundred," not "The One Hundred" -- is based on an up-and-coming book series by Kass Morgan. The only survivors of Earth's Armageddon are the astronauts from the 12 international space stations that were in orbit during the time of the nuclear explosion. They joined together to create what they call "The Ark" in an attempt to save the human race. Ninety-seven years later, three generations of children have been born in space. The population of The Ark is nearly 4,000 people, and the future of the human race is being jeopardized by over-population. Capital punishment and population control are a few of the ruthless steps taken to ensure their survival. 320 volunteered to be sacrificed.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, May 08, 2014 - 5:24 pm
CW announced today that this has been renewed!
| Friday, May 09, 2014 - 7:41 am
I noticed that the bad guys in this series get their just reward without too much fuss, so far quite a few of them have been eliminated, killed or died of their injuries. The last bad guy on the Ark was killed and I thought, oh no, not this guy again, (he is in the series Continuum) and luckily he was killed off in 100 so quickly. Sure I want more people to join the young to survive on earth again but they may be more problems than help and more bad guys killed... but why didn't they ask the grounder they caught about their past and how they survived... oh well, we'll found out soon enough..
| Friday, May 09, 2014 - 8:09 am
I don't know why Lincoln (the nice grounder) doesn't tell them he's not with the others. I presume he isn't from the way he acted and his own little private hidey-hole. That guy from Continuum, did he die or was he just shut out? I think someone was shut out/left alone somewhere but might not necessarily have died.
| Friday, May 09, 2014 - 11:46 am
"That guy from Continuum, did he die or was he just shut out?" He was put in a cell and then the new blonde woman on the council came in with a cohort and they stabbed and killed him, leaving him lying in a pool of blood in his cell. (When they first came in to his cell, he was happy to see them because he thought they were saving him.....until they stuck him.) ETA - Come to think of it, they used a shard of glass from a broken mirror in the cell to cut his wrists so it appeared that he committed it wasn't actually a "stabbing".
| Friday, May 09, 2014 - 12:08 pm
Was there someone who they chased to a grassy area near a cliff? The bad guy had his friends with him, and one of the good guys said something like "are you coming with us or staying with him?" to the friends and they left with the good guys, leaving the baddie to fend for himself. I could, of course, be thinking of an entirely different show.
| Friday, May 09, 2014 - 3:29 pm
LOL Kitt... yeah, at least one bad guy was thrown over the cliff and died but maybe you are talking about another bad guy, there are so many of them you can't think straight. What I like about this series is that no one so far has referred to a God or religion, it is very primeval (is this a word), humans without a conscience, not a prayer, no regrets, it's you or me, pure survival... wow! Well, they can do that on tv, it's pure escapism, no need for Moses to lay down the law with this new bunch of humans.
Board Administrator
| Friday, May 09, 2014 - 3:34 pm
I don't remember anything about cliffs and bad guys.... but my memory is not so great! I'm not sure about the grounder Lincoln, from the previews, and whose side he might be on....
| Friday, May 09, 2014 - 3:46 pm
Lincoln has to be a good guy because:
| Thursday, May 15, 2014 - 9:39 am
Yes, it's amazing how Lincoln has kept the humanity that the other grounders seem to have lost, those skeleton people are a bit ridicule, can't call that evolution. To see much of the Ark blown to pieces was okay, it was about time that piece of that junk got destroyed and most of those who escaped are dead in the crash, and it's war anyway now that they have weapons on both sides. Idiocy it's again history repeating itself, it's a wheel that spins just like that Ark, mistakes of the past repeated over and over even in the future. This may be fiction but the scenes could be compared to so many in past history... In a way The 100 remind me a bit of Elysium in that both have tried to escape this once great planet to live in an Ark above Earth only to be doomed because doom, survival and rebirth and then doom again seem to be the destiny of humans. 150 years wasn't long enough to make Earth habitable again... maybe it will take one thousand years to make this planet as good as it was before humans destroyed it (well, at least in the tv series but if we continue this way that future seems more and more reality).
Board Administrator
| Thursday, May 15, 2014 - 10:04 am
Do we know for sure it was the drop ship that crashed? Could it have been a piece of the ark?
| Thursday, May 15, 2014 - 9:46 pm
I wondered that. I think it has to be a bit of the space station because Clark's mum was on the drop ship and they can't kill her off so unceremoniously. Looking at the previews for next week, my memory might have been right about the guy who was on Continuum. It looks like he's back, so I think he must have been the one I was thinking of who they left near the edge of a cliff to fend for himself.
| Thursday, May 15, 2014 - 11:40 pm
"Looking at the previews for next week, my memory might have been right about the guy who was on Continuum." Kitt - Aha! Now I know who you're talking about! My confusion was that there are TWO actors from Continuum who are also on The 100. The guy who was killed in his cell on the ark on The 100 is also the Asian guy on Continuum who is one of the people in that weird group that's trying to fix the timeline:
Link to Terry Chen on The other one is the guy who plays Alex's stepbrother on Continuum. He's the guy who was left on the cliff on The 100:
LINK to Richard Harmon on
| Friday, May 16, 2014 - 8:14 am
Ah I see! I was confused about your answer before. It hadn't clicked the Asian guy was also on Continuum, as he's been in lots of things. The bottom guy I only know from Continuum (until now). There's something about the bottom guy that makes me nervous, he just looks so mean. I don't know if he'd ever be able to take a "good guy" role.
| Friday, May 23, 2014 - 7:35 am
Well I spoke too soon, the bad guy who I thought was dead is back, that Murphy and when I thought he was going to turn good instead he's even worse by killing that poor Connor guy who I also thought he was already dead. But I did guess something awful happened to the Ark or the ship that crashed and unless we will see them in the next episode I think most of the people in the Ark will not be back in the series. I wonder who those monsters really are, can't explain it was evolution in only 150 years, if the planet became inhabitable was that due to warfare or because of an alien invasion and those monsters are what remains and the other grounders have been fighting them in 'battlefields' as Lincoln was telling Octavia. Biological warfare is something I can see in that crazy world, they should have been decimated but the title of the series I think is wrong, they can't say 'the 100' anymore, it seems to me half of them are dead already.
Board Administrator
| Friday, May 23, 2014 - 8:55 am
Spunky I was thinking that also, about the name "The 100." It does seem like the ship crashed. Odd that they didn't show any of those characters on the ship as it was crashing....
| Friday, May 23, 2014 - 12:51 pm
I never saw those grounders as "monsters"....I thought they were just regular grounder "soldiers" who are wearing some kind of head gear that is meant to scare their enemies. I had originally hoped they were some kind of mutated apelike human creatures, but I don't think that's what they are anymore.
| Friday, May 23, 2014 - 1:06 pm
I think so too, it's the grounders we've seen against a different tribe of grounders. Maybe the (more-)bad grounders will be slightly mutated because of the radiation, but I think basically they're human. I am so surprised that we didn't get a big reveal this week that the crashed ship wasn't the one we saw leave with Clarke's mother on it. Or if it is that ship, a reveal that she got off at the last moment. And if she is dead, you'd expect (for storytelling reasons) that they'd show something significant from the ship that we would recognise, even if the 100 didn't (like the classic teddy bear after a plane creash movie) but nothing. Also what's happening with the space station since part of it has ripped off, is life support even there now? Three episodes left. I wonder who else will die ;).
| Friday, May 23, 2014 - 7:30 pm
Lots of questions for sure. I do like the show a lot.
Board Administrator
| Friday, May 23, 2014 - 7:34 pm
I thought early on, the first show?, we saw a skull with that same kind of misshapen head.... so I do think that is what they look like. Kitt, I don't get that either, that they didn't show something about the ship crashing. I do recall the station going dark, something about them draining the ark's power supplies to charge the batteries fast enough for the drop ship to make a quick getaway. As best as I can recall.
| Friday, May 23, 2014 - 7:58 pm
Gee, I noticed a third actor that was on both The 100 and Continuum....I wonder if those shows both use the same casting agent. The guy on the ark who squeezed into the section that was being hijacked to take some of them to earth (just seconds before the thick glass door was relocked) also played the gleaner who was wielding a crossbow when he captured Keira and her terrorist prisoner on Continuum. Ben Cotton I wonder who's the next Continuum actor that's gonna show up on The 100!