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| Wednesday, May 07, 2014 - 4:42 pm
I've watched along with my mom since the late 70s, so not quite as long as you, Tex, but long enough. I still miss Alice, but I love that they still have Tom's voice on the opening. Now, if we could get Stefano and/or Victor into a big feud again, things could really spice up! Not sure how they'd do it with so few Brady's around any more.
| Wednesday, May 07, 2014 - 6:39 pm
I've been watching since the early 80's. It's really my comfort show. I laughed the other day thinking how much some things have changed. Remember the days when Hope was dealing with international espionage and Stefano, etc? Now she's stressing over planning a bake sale for her child's school. (A school populated by some very wealthy children, I must add). Quite the change! On that note, I really like Aiden. I hope he's long term. And Ciara is priceless.
| Wednesday, May 07, 2014 - 6:50 pm
I can't get Aiden's name into my head. He's still Matt from 90210 to me! LOL And yup - things have sure changed from the Bo and Hope glory days. EJ and Sami have the potential for the same shenanigans and Jen and Jack used to have, but if they're leaving, that hope is gone. It's been a while since a new "Power Couple" emerged from the young 'uns and lasted long enough to BE a P.C.
| Thursday, May 08, 2014 - 8:00 pm
who ever the acter is that is playing Nick is sure very good. so good that If I had a gun I would hire someone to shoot him....he really is a rotten s.o.b. isn't he. so easy to
| Friday, May 09, 2014 - 10:06 am
They are really having Nicks character go out as mean and evil as possible. LOL I wanted gabby to suffer 1st for not listening in the very beginning about trusting Nick.... Pffft And nobody is going to buy this storyline of (as it looks) of Hope and Aiden getting together.....Untill they either recast or kill off Bo. Wish they would close that up already.
| Friday, May 09, 2014 - 2:39 pm
I enjoyed the build up today! Good acting by all, especially Blake Berris (Nick)-he does bad so good! Oh my gosh, poor Allie - I got the chills when she screamed! Only problem I had was the bad editing - the pub scene, one minute Lucas was there and left Allie with Jordan. A minute later you see Abigail meet Will there to talk and no sign of the others.
| Saturday, May 10, 2014 - 4:33 pm
It kills me too that when nick was shot he was shot from behind so he didnt see who shot him but when he is looking up and starting to point to all the leading suspects all standing together!!!! Seriously he didnt even see! Lol
| Saturday, May 10, 2014 - 5:20 pm
I thought he was facing the person. Didn't he/she knock the phone from his hand? I loved the episdoe. Days is at its best when it's as soap opera-y as it can be!
| Saturday, May 10, 2014 - 6:52 pm
He was shot in the back, turned around, and he was shot again. Rather motivated of him to get all the way to the square - and ever so thoughtful of all the suspects to gain their alibis the same way in the same square. I'm right there with you, Iheartkaysar - Days is best when it embraces its soap opera-ness!
| Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 8:47 am
Thanks, I guess I missed the phone being knocked out and him turning. Being Marlena was the last person he talked to on phone- spoiler for next week says Marlena finds a clue as to who may have killed him Also being the gun used had a silencer on it.... I'm pretty sure it wasn't sonny, Lucas, Will etc- they wouldn't have had acces to that- LOL I'm sure it wasn't him but the only one using a silencer would have been the hit man
| Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 1:46 pm
I am guessing that Gabi found the gun in the closet, and used it.
| Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 4:43 pm
I thought Sonny's gun did have a silencer and Will commented on it. I'm thinking I need to go back and watch Friday's episode again to pay better attention to these details now that we have a true "who-done-it" storyline. 
| Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 8:25 pm
Ok - I went back and watched again. The hit man's gun definitely had a silencer. The gun Will was holding didn't have one on it, but he pulled out a magazine of bullets and a silencer from the bag. All three were put back in the backpack and on top of the closet shelf when both Sonny and Will left the apartment. In the square EJ & Sami show up first. Then we head back to the bench in the park. Nick is talking to Marlena when he is shot. He is shot two or three times in the back, drops the phone, turns around and is shot twice more and falls. Funny - for all the "silenced" shots we hear, there is only 1 shot showing on his chest when he falls; however, when we come back from commercial break, two shots are showing on his chest. Once Nick is shot, we go back to the square where Lucas shows up, then Will & Sonny, then Gabby, then Kate, then Ben, then Abby, then Julie and Rafe (Julie saying, "This place filled up fast!"). Then Jordan and Ali come in, Ali screams, and Nick has at least 3 shots on the front of his shirt as he waves bloody fingers at the whole group - who is conveniently posing together around one table.
| Monday, May 12, 2014 - 4:00 pm
this is really DOOL at its best, since when was everybody ever in the square at the same time.very humorous. I think this will tie in with EJ and Sami leaving in the fall...probably prison for
| Tuesday, May 13, 2014 - 9:15 am
It's crazy to think that Ej, Sami the Dimera kids, Nick, Gaby are all leaving the show.
| Tuesday, May 13, 2014 - 10:45 am
That Nick sure is one tough sob. he gets hit with a rock on the head, drug to a icy river, thrown in, comes up later for air, shoved back underwater, disappears for months, returns totally fine, shot in the back and front, drags himself who knows how far to the square, lifts his body and arm to nearly point out killer, taken to the hospital and (hopefully) dies on the operating table. I am just now getting to Like EJ character. It didn't make sense to me that originally EJ wanted he and sammi to stay home for an alibi during the killing but then go on a walk and end up in the middle of the murder scene. what has been bugging me a couple months ago Abigal was so sure she was pregnant because she was "late" and not feeling well, but after all this time she isn't concerned she is stil "late"
| Tuesday, May 13, 2014 - 2:25 pm
Abigail went to a doctor, and she was not pregnant. The implication was that she had been overly stressed, so she's probably not late any more. 
| Tuesday, May 13, 2014 - 7:07 pm
I thought the doctor had a conversation with Stephano, implying he paid her off to tell Ab that she wasn't pregnant
| Wednesday, May 14, 2014 - 7:12 am
That's what I assumed as well Lurkin, but I think with EJ leaving the show she won't end up pregnant.
| Wednesday, May 14, 2014 - 1:46 pm
It was definitely Stephano's doctor, but Stephano even told EJ that Abby wasn't pregnant. Stephano is definitely capable of lying to his own family, but Abby hasn't shown any signs of pregnancy since then. Like BB_Dior said, if EJ's leaving with Sami, there isn't much point to that story line.
| Thursday, May 22, 2014 - 6:22 pm
What the heck are they doing with Nicole... "Daniel is in love with me!" Seriously???? Ugh. I like that they redeemed her character, but she seems to be going down the same ol' same ol' road again. 
| Friday, May 23, 2014 - 5:26 pm
On today's episode, Sonny said his parents were visiting his brothers. When did he get brothers? I thought he was an only child?
| Sunday, May 25, 2014 - 6:48 am
According to Dustin's page (, Justin and Adrienne have three sons: Victor and Joseph (adopted twins), and Jackson - I think this is "Sonny" since he was named after his uncle.
| Sunday, May 25, 2014 - 12:24 pm
Thanks, Teachmichigan. I've been watching the show for years and am drawing a complete blank on the adopted twins! Oh well. Since they were mentioned, I'm guessing at least one of them will be showing up soon.
| Sunday, May 25, 2014 - 4:31 pm
I'm drawing a blank, too, and I've watched regularly since the 80s!