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| Saturday, November 23, 2013 - 6:31 pm
Good priorities! I watched the "Explained" special and the "Tales from the Tardis" and they were both very good too. I'm taping the reshowing with David and Matt but might not get to that until tomorrow. It's been a good Doctor day. I think the show surpassed my expectations, I've felt it hasn't been the same lately but it was excellent today.
| Saturday, November 23, 2013 - 7:57 pm
All I can say is WOW!
| Saturday, November 23, 2013 - 11:13 pm
Glad I came here. I didn't know there was a pre-episode mini-episode. When I was growing up my father used to watch Doctor Who on PBS. This was back in the 80's, I think. He doesn't have cable now, so I'm hoping to be able to burn this episode to a DVD for him along with the "Adventures in Space and Time" movie. He probably hasn't been able to keep up with the newer version of the series, but I think he might still get a kick out of it, especially the ending. It was a nice way to tie up loose ends from the past. I loved how they took the opportunity to explain why he kept regenerating younger as if he was afraid of being a grown-up. Some things I didn't quite understand and will have to watch again, though.
| Sunday, November 24, 2013 - 8:54 am
I really want a sonic screwdriver! The aerial shots of London were beautiful...the cinematography in the whole film was stunning. So happy to see Rose! I am warming to Clara. Seeing the 3 Doctors together was great..Matt and David together...awesome! John Hurt was perfect. Loved the 3 Tardis' side by side. A totally satisfying 50th anniversary tribute!
| Sunday, November 24, 2013 - 9:41 am
I couldn't watch the mini-episode; will try it again some other time & hope it's still available. Now that others have gotten to watch "Day of the Doctor", a few comments & questions. Really disappointed Eccleston & McGann didn't make surprise appearances but very cool that Capaldi did. He has very intense, shrewd eyes, reminded me of an eagle owl, lol. As for T.Baker's bit - wonderful but what was that?! Is he meant to be a future regeneration (it may be they're laying the groundwork for the Doctor to have more than 12 regenerations - plus it hinted that we may get to see more former Doctors, older or not, yea!) or is he something else (an evolutionary leap, a spirit, who knows?). And what does his appearance mean for the stuff about about Trenzalore? On a related note, is Hurt now officially a regeneration & if so, what number is he & how does that affect Eccleston, Tennant, Smith, & Capaldi? In that final shot, they were sorta lined up odds & evens, with Hartnell & Smith in the center, Hurt & Tennant next to Smith. Maybe that was just to look cool. I don't pay much attention to the story details in DW because they're so confusing & often seem contradictory (hey, it's a story about time travel, what can you expect?). And I agree with Kitt that the show's been mostly off its game for a while (a holdover from the River/Amy/Rory mess plus some less-than-satisfying epis this past season) but it can still wow you if don't think too hard about it. So I'm not going to focus on how/why the Doctors could get away with so drastically changing history when at other, seemingly more insignificant points in time, they couldn't do so. Still, it does seem like there ought to be a cascade effect from this even though the show kinda tried to cover for that by saying it will still seem like Gallifrey was destroyed. ¤Shrug¤ Were the scarf woman & her Zygon double going to be friendlier because of the inhaler? And why were the glasses duplicated but apparently not the inhaler? Or is that thinking too hard, lol? P.S. I watched the docudrama movie but not the specials. Recorded them though (on dvd, along with the anniversary epi). I'll see if I can copy them if you need them, Curlyq.
| Sunday, November 24, 2013 - 11:32 am
McGann is in the mini-episode, his Doctor regenerated into "The Warrior Doctor" (John Hurt) so when John Hurt regenerated at the end of this show he must have gone into Christopher Eccleston. It would have been great to have Eccleston in the show even if just for that moment. I think the Christmas episode is going to deal with the "death" of the Doctor at Trenzalore. There can only be 13 Doctors, and now we have to count John Hurt in that list, so Matt Smith is number 12 and Peter Capaldi will be number 13. My guess is something will happen this Christmas that means he gets another 13 or something, so it's not hanging over Peter Capaldi from day one. After all the excitement was over the three Doctors were looking at the picture and John Hurt said "I'm not going to remember this am I?" then Matt Smith says something about time travel. I think they were saying that up until this point in the Doctor's life (where Matt Smith is now) the Doctors' memories won't be changed, so Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant still thought they destroyed Gallifrey, and Matt Smith still thought he destroyed Gallifrey until this point. And as Gallifrey was out of commission all this time (in stasis, not affecting anything else) there is no cascade effect.
| Sunday, November 24, 2013 - 11:34 am
Try this for the mini episode, Calamity:
| Sunday, November 24, 2013 - 1:27 pm
I also meant to say, having Tom Baker in it, alluding to be the (aged) Fourth Doctor, was just a nod to the actor and to the fans, I don't think we were meant to take it seriously in terms of Doctor Who lore.
| Sunday, November 24, 2013 - 5:14 pm
I just loved seeing Tennant and Smith together, they were pretty funny. Turned into a family event here, while both my kids and oldest niece are Doctor Who fans, yesterday the younger two girls got totally into the show, too. It was awesome. Littlest niece (she's 6) was so funny, watching her hiding behind her hands and pointing out the scary aliens reminded me of all the hide behhind the couch moments that Doctor Who is so good about, lol. Oh, and David Tennant's final line, heartbreaking the first time he said it and no less so this time, "I don't want to go."
| Sunday, November 24, 2013 - 6:04 pm
KITT...I agree, I think having Tom Baker in it was a total nod to the actor and the fans. End of story. WARGOD,Tennant and Smith together was great. I don't want to go.............. 
| Sunday, November 24, 2013 - 6:33 pm
Thank you, Calamity, but I did manage to burn the show onto a DVD. Still deciding which specials to add to it, but I have those saved on my DVR. I think maybe the movie about Hartnell might not interest my dad as much as the specials where they interview the old cast members. Watching that last scene again, it certainly sounds like the Curator's hinting that he is a future doctor who is using an old favorite face. He says something like maybe I was you or you are me, or something like that to imply that he is Smith's future. And he tells him he has so much to do, like he knows what the Doctor's future holds. Trenzalore and the search for Gallifrey will probably be the next season's running theme. I've been reading online about the different ideas of how they could get away with eliminating the 12 regeneration limit. In an episode of "The Sarah Jane Adventures," the Doctor tells one of the kids he can regenerate 507 times (though he might've been putting him on). Someone pointed out that because Tennant regenerated without changing his appearance that one time, he has already regenerated 12 times. Another said that since River gave him all but 3 of her lives, he has more to use now. Still others say the 12 lives was a rule created by the Time Lords who are no longer around to enforce it. I noticed that they are still calling Tennant and Smith the 10th and 11th even though they are technically the 11th and 12th now. They could've gotten away with that by saying Hurt was the Warrior, but since they reinstated him as the Doctor that won't work. I loved that they made that mini-episode to show how McGann became Hurt. And I loved the scene in Hurt's TARDIS where for a split second you can see his face morphing into Eccleston's. I actually had to freeze-frame it to really appreciate it, because I thought I had just imagined it. Beautifully done.
| Monday, November 25, 2013 - 3:51 pm
I thoroughly enjoyed watching "Day of the Doctor". I don't really have anything to add as I think others pointed out the things I would have highlighted. But, I do have a question. More than once I have seen posts about the Rory/Amy/River Song "era", if you will, being awful, or ruining the show, or something similar. I would really like to know why some feel this way? For me, these were some of my most favorite characters. In fact, I wish most heartedly that River Song would return again and again. I like character driven stories, and I thought each contributed to a great story. I do have to admit that I thought the 2,000 year old Rory storyline was really stretching believability. I really hope someone will tell me why others did not like these companions. 
| Monday, November 25, 2013 - 5:31 pm
Lots of reasons for me. A big chunk of it was goodbye Amy and Rory, hello Amy and Rory, goodbye Amy and Rory, hello Amy and Rory until it just was just LEAVE ALREADY!!!!!! Also all the companions have this affectionate, often light-hearted relationship with the Doctor but I felt the Amy character frequently went over the line into condescending. I think at the bottom of it is that I am not thrilled with Steven Moffat's vision and really want Davies back at the helm (especially if Davies isn't working on a Torchwood revival anyway).
| Monday, November 25, 2013 - 5:54 pm
I think River Song was the best character EVER (maybe slight exaggeration) and I liked Rory but never warmed to Amy. Just personalitywise she's a bit brash for me and I always got the feeling she was annoyed at the Doctor for no reason. I just didn't feel the relationship most of the time. But I think most of it is like Rissa said, the seasons with Amy and Rory went downhill storywise, and there was too much to and fro and too many somewhat contrived peril episodes. I would love to have River back, although I don't know how she'd gel with an older Doctor. Part of the joy of River is her flirting with the Doctor, I know Capaldi's only five years older than her (well, I didn't know, I just looked it up) but the cougar factor in River is high, so I'm not sure how the chemistry would work. Have to see Capaldi in action first.
| Monday, November 25, 2013 - 5:56 pm
Curlyq, I missed the flash of Eccleston in Hurt, thanks for pointing it out! Shame they couldn't have had the real Eccleston back for just a couple of lines there.
| Monday, November 25, 2013 - 9:04 pm
It is not as though they didn't ask Eccleston he said no, really he seems to turn his back on it all. He figures he does not want to be typecast cause really up to his point which of the Doctors had a huge career afterwards. I have to say 8 days of cramming everything in 7 series,8 if you include the specials season, a couple of extra shows about the history, really helped me understand what I saw tonight. I loved tonight the whole first bit with the Soltarian talking about how popcorn has feelings and when you bite it you can hear it scream (most likely this was just for the theatre release but hilarious no doubt) I love the little nod to the past and to the future, the girl with Tom Baker's Doctor's scarf then having himself show up was excellent. So was Tennants face when Hurt said the thing about Bad Wolf loved it. Overall it was excellent and so worth seeing on the big screen. Plus you should have seen some of the costumes people in the audience had on. (side note felt Rory died and came back too much, loved him but come on he dies in almost every dimension) My favourite Doctor is Tennant, my favourite companion was Donna what can I say loved her humour and humanity she brought to him.
| Tuesday, November 26, 2013 - 12:13 am
Here are some clips of David Tennant and Matt Smith on The Graham Norton Show. The first clip is when they first came out for the interview (love the Tardis bit) and the second clip is of some "Whovians" asking questions in the red chair. Loved the reaction to the Matt Smith lookalike. I love Graham in the first clip... "David your hair looks so stupid". He has it long (extensions) for a play. Gotta love Graham.
| Tuesday, November 26, 2013 - 8:47 am
Kitt: I haven't gotten to watch the mini epi yet but thanks for the link! And I do understand that the Doctor(s) won't/didn't remember that Gallifrey wasn't destroyed (that's what I meant by saying the show tried to cover for the change by saying it would still seem like it had been destroyed), but there still could be other factors besides that. Of course, that really complicates things so it's not surprising the show may gloss over that. It's confusing enough as it is. But I do see how violating the dramatic restraint of the Doctor not changing his own timeline can cause problems too. Pam2uall: I'm on my phone so to save some typing I'm just going to paste part of one of my old posts to sorta explain my objections: "I don't dislike Amy but her, that's another matter. For all her alpha girl attitude, it seemed like she became less and less her own person and more and more a plot device that things happened to in the show. I thought poor Martha, with her pining for the Doctor, had been saddled with the least satisfying storyline. But at least she never lost herself. Both Amy & River became somewhat erratic characters, changing to fit what was happening in a particular episode even if it didn't make much sense in the larger scheme..." There's also the points Rissa & Kitt & Kellee mentioned - the overall decline in quality of the scripts (to some of us, though the series still has its memorable & thrilling moments) & the hello/goodbye not-so-merry-go-round (poor Rory). I don't mean to step on your toes, we all have varied likes & dislikes. Glad you enjoyed those shows. P.S. I got a 98% (silly mistake) & 92% (not bad since the others flunked or did very badly - so glad that class is done, it was awful & stupid) on my tests.
| Tuesday, November 26, 2013 - 11:57 am
David is currently doing Richard II and brilliantly so (one of the Shakespeare plays I was making up for with the Dr Who thing...well that and Rush concert movie)
| Tuesday, November 26, 2013 - 12:06 pm
My favourite Doctor was Tennant and companion Donna as well for the same reasons as Kellee and I loved her grandfather. I don't think the show was ruined by Amy,Rory and River. I did find that as the seasons went on Amy became a rather unlikeable character. She just always seemed pissy about something. It was fun watching Day of the Doctor at the same time as my friend in the Netherlands and commenting on Whatsapp. I'm looking forward to the Christmas ep.
| Tuesday, November 26, 2013 - 3:14 pm
Thanks everyone for answering my question. It really helps me understand. I did not watch the Amy/Rory/River Song storylines when they first aired, but rather in reruns. My favorite Doctor was Tennant. His "I don't want to go" broke my heart. When he left, I quit watching. It was my granddaughter's love of Matt Smith that got me to watch the reruns. I found him hilarious. I laugh every time I see that kitchen scene with young Amy. Again, thank you for taking the time to tell me your opinions about 3 of my favorite companions.
| Tuesday, November 26, 2013 - 5:35 pm This was posted on Doctor Who's Facebook page today for the Christmas special. Looks so interesting!!
| Tuesday, November 26, 2013 - 9:33 pm
For someone just getting back into the world of Dr. Who, will we who watch BBC America get the Christmas special on Christmas? Don't we have a few more of Matt's episodes to watch in the US first?
| Tuesday, November 26, 2013 - 10:13 pm
Cybermen! Yes, BBCA usually airs the Christmas Day episode on Christmas Day. No more regular episodes before then, and the Christmas one will be Matt's last. The regular Peter Capaldi episodes won't start until next Summer, from what I've heard.
| Wednesday, November 27, 2013 - 5:57 am
Roteach, Kitt is right - The Christmas special is on Christmas Day...usually at night. I need to check my DVR to make sure it's picking this one up. With the titles for the specials being unusual, my DVR doesn't always record them. And, yes, no more new episodes until then. Then it's buh bye Matt and hello Peter. I am never ready to let go!!