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| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 6:05 am
Julie was the highlight of the book club. Her interrupting to say how much she hated crusing. I was howling
| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 6:43 am
LOVE it when Days does fun shows like today's! Reminds me of the sleuthing Mrs. H used to do with both Hope/Bo and Jack/Jen. 
| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 7:38 am
It was pretty hysterical! Julie w/ her own conversation, all of them w/ the munchies, Nicole w/ her paranoia... very funny stuff!
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 8:01 am
yes I also miss when Days would make wacky episodes during the summer, they should do it more.
| Monday, August 19, 2013 - 8:04 am
Julie was the best. I also loved Kayla eating peanut butter with a spoon, my personal favorite snack to eat!
| Tuesday, September 17, 2013 - 4:50 am
Oh my! I've just read about some Comings & Goings. You all probably know all of this, but I'm going to put it in a spoiler box just to be on the safe side.
Spoiler Click below to view spoiler | Looks some Comings & a lot of Goings ahead. Comings: *Chloe will be making an appearance for 2 episodes. *Patsy Pease & Charles Shaughnessy will be reprising their roles as Kimberly & Shane, Theresa's parents. First airdate November 18. Now Goings: *Chandler Massey was let out of his contract early, and has been replaced by Guy Wilson as Will. Chandler's last day of taping was Aug 23. *As we already know, Casey Deidrick (Chad) has filmed his last episode, but will be airing into October. I haven't read anywhere whether or not he's been recast, though. *Camila Banus (Gabi) has announced that she'll be "leaving in December". I haven't read any details about this one, so don't know if that means filming or airing. *And in my opinion the worst news of all...Eileen Davidson did not renew her contract as Kristen. (Argh!) Her last day of filming was July 16. She will continue airing until November. I see rumors that DOOL might be recasting, but I don't know for sure... I, personally, can't imagine someone else trying to play Kristen. I've thought ED was absolutely spectacular in this role, and have enjoyed Kristen so much...what a loss for Days (I think). There's an August 1 TV Guide interview w/ her if you want to know more. |
| Tuesday, September 17, 2013 - 4:00 pm
Chad isn't sick!
| Wednesday, September 18, 2013 - 10:25 am
some of these are good and some bad. /this trial is rather intense, I hate the prosecuter and for once I feel bad for EJ.
| Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - 8:43 pm
Observations of today's show: 1. After all these years, Stefano is still one of my favorites. 2. Please, couldn't he have given some acting lesson to the nurse in the surgery? (Her "Wait! Doctor!" line made me literally laugh out loud.) 3. If Chad bites the dust, I will not be at all sad. I don't know why, but his character has always annoyed me - and lately a large part of that annoyance has been his hair! (Yup - shallow, isn't it?) 4. It was nice to have a break from JJ today. He needs to get spend more than a night in jail.
| Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - 8:54 pm
and 5. Roman's toupee looked AWFUL today! LOL
| Wednesday, October 16, 2013 - 9:08 am
Teach- the woman who played the nurse didnt audition for that part- those bit parts are called "under fives" and they are usually given to an extra to add to the scene. It's a good way to beef up your imdb page. It pays to do BG work on soaps sometimes. Lol
| Wednesday, October 16, 2013 - 2:16 pm
Teach - I still like Stefano, too! I knew EJ's takeover wouldn't last
| Thursday, November 07, 2013 - 11:05 am
OMG I bet that that cd will end up being shown at the wedding except that it will destroy Fr Eric so maybe not but I do think it will come out yippee
| Thursday, November 07, 2013 - 3:34 pm
I thought exactly the same thing, Irsnappy. I'd be happy for Nicole to be vindicated, though. Eric has gone off the deep end on her, and I'd like to see her prove her innocence. Now - If Jen could just find out what Daniel did for JJ. (hahahahaha -- maybe NEXT Christmas!)
| Thursday, November 07, 2013 - 4:52 pm
I can't wait for tomorrow! Kristen is going down!! One thing that has me worried as we all know how tricky Days can be: Kristen keeps saying how it all appears to be consensual. Will Brady think his brother and Kristen were having an affair? I, too, am looking forward to the good Father eating a little crow about his accusations to Nicole. My biggest question: Will Marlena leave anything behind when she snatches Kristen's head of hair?
| Thursday, November 07, 2013 - 6:16 pm
Did Kristen take the gun with her???
| Thursday, November 07, 2013 - 6:35 pm
So many questions....why would Kristin bring a gun to her wedding...was she carrying her purse down the isle? I think she will say Eric raped her. Victor knew Eric was on the DVD, why did he let it be shown knowing what it would do to him? Thank goodness I will be able to watch tomorrow. This is much more fun than Gabby and Nicks disaster of a wedding lol
| Thursday, November 07, 2013 - 8:41 pm
I don't think Victor gives one hoot about Eric; Brady is his relative, not Eric, and Victor actively worked to make sure Marlena did NOT see who it was before-hand. I don't see how Kristen can claim rape - she was enjoying it, too! I just wondered about the gun because I had no idea why they showed her with it pre-wedding. Who/what was it for? (Or was she planning to take care of the drug guy?) I always love Victor when he's playing the "bad" guy, but the bad guy bringing down the bad girl - definite two thumbs up! (Even DH commented on Victor's Succubus comment today - he gets the best lines! LOL) I just love that they are still so truly a soap opera -- and they revel in it!
| Friday, November 08, 2013 - 3:07 pm
Well, that didn't go exactly as I thought it would. Kristen is quick on her feet, I'll give her that, when it comes to trying to cover her tracks. Surely, people are ultimately going to believe Eric, though?? Victor may have saved his grandson, but I do believe he has now made an enemy of Marlena. Plus, it would not surprise me if Maggie leaves him. Do you think Sami and EJ are rushing to the mansion to stop a potential murder? Can Father Eric continue to be Father Eric? If so, can he do it in Salem? I actually kind of like this character and the actor playing him. I hope he is not leaving the show. Do you think Nicole will forgive him?
| Saturday, November 09, 2013 - 10:29 pm
Pam,I think Erick will leave the church and then end up with Nicole. Since Victor married Maggie he has been playing the good guy, why would he turn evil all of a sudden. I really didn't see this one coming.
| Sunday, November 10, 2013 - 2:19 pm
I think you answered your own question - he's "been playing" the good guy. I do think he truly loves Maggie, but you can't teach an old dog new tricks, and he will protect his family at any cost. He and Stefano are similar in this aspect, it's just that Victor hasn't done any dastardly deed in a while. He has a long, long history of being pretty nasty, though, so us long-time viewers aren't surprised at all. 
| Monday, November 11, 2013 - 2:52 pm
Since WHEN does a patient who is fine but ONLY needs therepy actually have to stay in the hospital ? Seriously!!! Rafe could go home and have outpatient therepy. Im glad Nicole is going to have nothing to do with Eric when he try's to apologize - karma Who is going to die? I thought maybe Kristin since she is leaving the show- but from spoilers it debunks that.
| Tuesday, November 12, 2013 - 7:29 am
Lost, obviously something is up with his therapist. It is silly that he is still there but I do enjoy seeing him. It seems as if there will be a lot of folks leaving town soon
| Tuesday, November 12, 2013 - 3:55 pm
I enjoy rafe too- but come on dool1 get real! Lol Rafe can go home- pfffft So will left but is being recast Chad left Gabby is leaving- but is the character who plays Nick leaving? Cause if he isn't leaving than his plan to leave with Abby didn't work- hmmmm
| Tuesday, November 26, 2013 - 6:24 pm
OMG Yesterday and today were wild