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| Friday, August 31, 2012 - 9:06 pm
Hiyall, I thought they were pushing Kayla and Abe together even before Lexie died! And I agree about Sami - make a choice already!
| Saturday, September 01, 2012 - 7:30 pm
Yes, after Lexie was dx I saw the definite set up between Kayla and Abe. :-) Does nobody want me to know if Ian is dead? I can handle it! :-)
| Saturday, September 01, 2012 - 7:34 pm
I don't know what happened to Ian. I remember him fighting w/EJ/Stefano, but I wasn't paying enough attention. I bet Dustin's DOL page would have daily summaries. This is the link: CLICK HERE
| Sunday, September 02, 2012 - 1:24 pm
I thought they just took Ian away in custody and now POOF he's gone! LOL
| Monday, September 03, 2012 - 6:11 pm
LOL, ok so I'm not the only not clear on this. Thanks!! :-)
| Wednesday, September 05, 2012 - 5:37 am
I read that Ian is already heading back to GH.
| Monday, September 10, 2012 - 5:48 pm
I'm glad, I absolutely could not stand Ian. It's not even that he was a bad guy, he just creeped me out big time. Can these writers (any of them) leave Nicole alone to be happy for a while? Jeez...I almost feel sorry for her. I wonder if Nick is going to be good or bad? It seems like he could go either way.
| Sunday, September 16, 2012 - 5:53 am
This town is full of loony, desperate, man-crazy women !! Reminder: I've only been watching DOOL since January, so forgive me if my impressions are off, but they're based on what I've seen since I've been watching. 1. First, there was psycho Abigail and what she did to poor Austin all b/c of a crush (?). Now that it's over, she actually seems to be a pretty sweet & normal girl, but I still have my eye on her, wondering where that extreme behavior came from? 2. Next, there was Gabbi and her obsession w/ Chad, and the crazy lengths she went to to try to get him away from Melanie...once again, way beyond a normal crush. I mean, Chad is a cutie, but still...and now she's telling him that he's as much to blame for her behavior as she is...I think that girl is still delusional, and a future bad-girl in the making. 3. Now, there's Nicole and her fixation with Dr Daniel (who b-t-w is way too adorable for her IMHO )! I get the feeling, though, that this isn't a first-time thing for Nicole (as w/ the other 2). She seems pretty experienced in psycho-manipulative behavior to get what she wants...but hearing her talking out-loud to herself about it makes her seem (to me) like she really does have a screw loose. 4. Oh, and can't forget to include narcissistic Sammi and her inability to stick w/ one man. Except, I find Sammi amusing, b/c she's not fooling anyone. Everyone (including the men she bounces between) sees her for exactly the way she is. Not sure I see what it is about her they find so irresistable, though, but it's funny to watch. Meanwhile, the only "bad" men I've seen in action these past few months are Stefano & Ian. Everyone talks about what a bad guy EJ is, but since I've been watching, he's actually done nothing to deserve that title...Well, except hook-up w/ Sammi. PS And this week did I hear that Brady is Sammi's brother? How can that be? I've been watching for 9 months, and had no idea they were related...haven't even seen those 2 characters talk to each other until this week. Lol...I guess I need to make a DOOL family-tree to keep straight all of these character connections.
| Sunday, September 16, 2012 - 12:47 pm
Brady is Sami's step-brother. He is John Black's son. Brady's mom was Isabella Toscano (she died from cancer when Brady was a baby). Isabella's father is Victor Kiriakas. So, Brady is essentially related to a huge number of people on this show: the Black (via John), the Brady (via Bo, who is also Victor's son), and the Kiriakas (via Victor) family members.
| Sunday, September 16, 2012 - 1:03 pm
Sami is a character who can drive one to drink. She has spent half her life not being able to get a man. She resorted to some pretty despicable acts in trying to win, and keep, a man. In particular, Austin. (long, long, story there) So, it is ironic to see her where she is now. I'm with you, Whrlwnd, I don't think she is "all that" either. Love that you have pegged her already as being narcissistic. That goes way, way back. Did you know that when sweet Sami was about 15 years old she kidnapped her baby sister, Belle (parents: Marlena and John Black) and tried to sell her on the black market? Yes, sweet, little Sami Brady. That was just the beginning of her evil ways. In some respects, she could teach EJ, Stefano, and Ian a thing or two.
| Sunday, September 16, 2012 - 1:27 pm
EJ is a very complicated character. He goes from good to bad to good to semi-bad to semi-good to, well you get my drift. A few examples of EJ's evil: 1. In one of his earliest storylines he essentially raped Sami. He forced her to sleep with him in order to save Lucas from dying (a situation EJ set up). 2. He cold bloodily shot (and thought killed) an unsuspecting John Black. 3. As revenge against Sami, he kidnapped their own child and hid her for months. He watched Sami go through torment; meanwhile, pretending his own. He eventually even planted bloody clothing so that Sami would think the child was dead. (His plan was to leave the country with the child - after everyone thought she was dead.) That is just a few examples of the "bad" EJ.
| Monday, September 17, 2012 - 6:25 am
Thanks for the helpful stories. It's been such a long time since I've watched a soap w/ no background knowledge whatsoever that I'd forgotten how complex & confusing (& convoluted) they can be to a newbie, but, then, that's also why we love them.
Oh my goodness! So Sami is much worse than just self-absorbed! No wonder her mother & sister (Carie) don't seem to like her very much. It sounds like I've just happened to catch EJ during an off-phase. Were he & Sami ever married? Or is #1 how they came to have those 2 kids? #3 helps me better understand why Nicole has been so worried about keeping EJ in the dark about their baby. I had thought she was just punishing him for cheating on her, but now her fear seems much more legit. (Although, that still doesn't really explain her manipulative pursuit of Dr Daniel. So, I still don't think she's a very nice person.) last question about EJ...did he grow up in Salem? or did he come to the town as an adult?
| Monday, September 17, 2012 - 7:07 am
EJ came to town as an adult. He was a race car driver and lived across the hall from Sami I think.
| Monday, September 17, 2012 - 8:36 am
EJ is the son of Stephano and a Crazy Susan. He was actually there as an infant (which was only about 15 years ago). Then, he and Susan went away.
| Monday, September 17, 2012 - 9:38 am
Interesting that in a world where everyone else on the show jumps into bed at a moment's notice, Sonny and Will are going to take it sloooooow.
| Monday, September 17, 2012 - 1:32 pm
Sami's twins Johnny and Allie have 2 different dads. EJ is Johnny's dad and Allie is Lucas's. Sami slept with EJ when Lucas was in jail (I think!) and got pg with Sydney, which the same time Nicole was pg with EJ's baby but she had a miscarriage. Also-EJ was in on the whole kidnapping Rafe and replacing him with a double and Sami had sex with the double and EJ fully knew that. EJ has also blackmailed Will but now Will is buddy buddy with him.
| Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 5:21 am
"Sami's twins Johnny and Allie have 2 different dads. EJ is Johnny's dad and Allie is Lucas's." I guess moments after Johnny was conceived she then slept with Lucas and Allie was Sami is something else, how anyone ever believes anything that comes out of her mouth is beyond me...
| Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 6:07 am
When she got pregnant with the twins she was in a relationship with Lucas. She only slept with EJ because he forced her in order to save Lucas' life. EJ did that with the intent that she would get pregnant with his child.
| Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 7:27 am
Thanks again for all the history! You've definitely made me reconsider my impression of EJ. He does sound rotten. Except now I'm confused about what I didn't think I was confused about. LOL... How many kids does Sami have? 3 or 4?
| Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 7:36 am
Sami has 4 kids - Will and Allie with Lucas and Sydney and Johnny with EJ.
| Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 8:19 am
Oh good...I wasn't confused about that after all. 
| Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 3:47 pm
Whrlwnd, if memory serves me correctly, Sami was married to EJ for a short time. Time rolls along and they almost got married a second time, but Rafe spilled the beans about EJ being behind the kidnapping of their child. Needless to say. Sami refused to marry EJ when learning the news during the wedding ceremony. I don't even know where to begin with Nicole. She has been involved in some interesting storylines. She can be ruthless when it comes to getting what she wants. She had a horrific childhood/father. At times, I find myself rooting for her and hoping she would find happiness. (Brady and her were potentially a good couple, but something always messed it up for them.) At other times, I find it very difficult to root for her with how mean she can be. Sami and Nicole are arch enemies and yet they are alike in many ways. Both are scrappy, conniving, and are willing to get down in the dirt to fight for what they want. Nicole's journey on this show has been fairly convoluted. I would suggest doing a search using her name and days of our lives to read one of the sites that details her background.
| Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 8:17 pm
I was kind of hoping that it would work out with Nicole and Daniel. I feel bad for her, for the moment. She cannot seem to catch a break. After forgiving EJ for having an affair with her sister, and wanting to re-marry him, then him cheating on her, then crushing on Rafe, who was too smitten with Carrie....and now these writers kill of Jack so she has Jennifer to deal with in getting Daniel's attention. I don't like how they "love" each other so fast. It's ridiculous! Jack's been "dead" for a couple of weeks, and Jennifer is already trying to get back with Daniel..and we all know that's what she is trying to do, worry about a friend my butt! I can't stand her holier than thou attitude with Nicole. Does anyone think Nick is still "bad"? I think they are kind of leaving that open. He says the right words, but it still seems creepy to me.
| Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - 5:13 pm
Nick may or may not be bad, but Chad is going off the deep end. I wouldn't be surprised if they have CHAD start to do something irrational so that NICK can be the one to save the day. (I never read spoilers, so this is pure speculation.)
| Sunday, September 23, 2012 - 6:22 pm
You could be right, Chad is losing it. I wonder if he'll start behaving like a true Dimerra.