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| Monday, September 12, 2011 - 9:15 am
Web of Lies was some sort of animated comic book app for iPhones/iPads. I don't think it's going to make it to tv, or even regular (non-Apple) pcs (grouch).
| Monday, September 12, 2011 - 12:25 pm
Starz Willing to Wait for ‘Torchwood’ Season 5 Until Russell T. Davies is Ready The adventures of Captain Jack Harkness & Co., beyond Starz’s ‘Torchwood: Miracle Day', will have to wait until series creator Russell T. Davies is ready for more – a fact that Starz is willing to accept. <snip> Full article here:
| Monday, September 12, 2011 - 1:00 pm
Just want to put this out there that is one of best new shows of the year by far.
| Saturday, September 17, 2011 - 10:20 pm
Doctor Who tonight... Is that the last we'll see of Amy and Rory? It's nearing the end of the season. I've enjoyed these last few episodes, they haven't been too too taxing! I don't know whether anyone would recognise David Walliams, the alien who came from the planet where they liked to surrender. He's a comedian and was mostly famous for Little Britain, and the spin off Little USA, although he's been in lots of things (most recently Come Fly With Me, on BBCA). Anyway... he's just finished swimming the Thames, 140 miles of it, for charity, and raised over a million pounds. The river's so nasty in places he got poisoned, had a rash all over, but still kept to almost his planned pace. At one point he saved a dog who got so excited he jumped in and then couldn't get out! It's a pretty heroic effort.
| Monday, September 19, 2011 - 2:58 pm
I don't know what it is but this season (spring half but especially this summer half) almost as soon as a DW episode ends, I forget most of it, particularly the endings. It's sorta like seeing the Silence - I keep blanking and thinking to myself, "wait, what happened?", lol. I don't know but it would surprise me if that really was goodbye to Amy & Rory. I think there's still some River & Amy stuff we have to slog through (I just don't care for where those storylines have gone nor how they've affected the characters) and, this is just a feeling, that there may be something involving Rory that still has to play out (it almost seems like his storyline has more to do with the Doctor than Amy's does). I know I liked this episode - best this season so far, I thought - except...I can't completely remember what happened at the end in the hotel/labyrinth (I remember the end end with the Doctor leaving them with the car). I do have some ideas and questions about what's going on but am not sure where I got them from, lol. But Matt Smith's Doctor, goofiness aside, is turning out to be a much more unnerving Doctor than I had expected when he took over the role. ETA: Almost forgot - I didn't know that about the guest actor but that's a really inspiring story. Thanks for posting it! He was very good in the show too (even though he had a not very inspiring character to play).
| Sunday, October 02, 2011 - 11:17 pm
I missed/didn't understand how Amy and Rory came back, or even if they were the same Amy and Rory given the time issues, but I'm glad they did. Good show tonight - we knew they'd write their way around it somehow! I'm not entirely sure how it satisfies all the rules, but he was there and he was shot at so I guess that's enough. And so funny that they came back to the Doctor telling River his middle name (as she was meant to repeat back to him in the old Library episode), but it was a lie, and he said something else. Does this mean that what she said back to him in the library wasn't his name either?!?! Somehow that amused me greatly!
| Wednesday, December 07, 2011 - 11:13 am
The Doctor is back... or nearly! The Doctor Who Christmas Special is entitled "The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe" and there's a minute long "prequel video" for it at the link below and a trailer here: The two don't look like they're from the same thing, but I guess they know what they're doing! BBC America, Sunday December 25th at 9pm ET. Space TV (Canada), Monday December 26th at 9pm ET.
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 11:05 am
Thanks, Kitt! 
| Saturday, December 24, 2011 - 12:34 pm
Lots of Dr Who repeats on today and tomorrow on BBCA, then at 5pm/8pm tonight it's The Best Of The Christmas Specials, which is new. Christmas special is tomorrow night of course! Happy Dr Who day, folks!
| Tuesday, December 27, 2011 - 1:16 pm
I enjoyed the Christmas special but didn't see any of the other DW shows on that day since I wasn't home. The Doctor had one line that really tickled me but I can't remember what it was now! ETA: BBCA had a tv version of Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me on sometime in the last couple weeks. I love listening to that on the radio, never saw it on tv before. Kinda confused me because I thought it was an American show but maybe it's a co-production. Or is it an American version of a Brit show (like Says You and My Word - the latter of which always makes me feel stupid)?
| Tuesday, December 27, 2011 - 1:27 pm
Nevermind the above, answered my own question.
| Tuesday, December 27, 2011 - 6:30 pm
"Do what I do, hold on tight and pretend it's a plan." RFLOL Best line ever. Enjoyed it (the Doctor Who Christmas special I mean) but not as much as last year. What does everyone else think of Amy as companion? As the last two seasons have progressed I am liking her less and less and am really hoping we have seen the last of her. Can't put my finger on it, something about the way she interacts with the Doctor. No respect, takes him for granted, too flippant. Don't hate the character, but it would be great to change it up. New companion for another season or two then time for a new doctor.
| Tuesday, December 27, 2011 - 8:20 pm
Amy Pond is pretty much done as the companion for the Doctor. Matt Smith was on Graham Norton and confirmed as much, and lamented that he really misses her. I, however, am ready for a change in companions. I liked Rose and Martha a lot, but didn't quite like Donna as much, and while Amy started off well, she kind of leveled out and stopped being really interesting. By the end of her run, I thought Rory was a bit more interesting, actually. It's time for River to take her place by the Doctor's side, I think. The big reveal that she is Rory and Amy's daughter caught me by complete surprise. I had read no spoilers and was floored. I love it when a show can do that for me.
| Tuesday, December 27, 2011 - 10:23 pm
Yeah, I like Rory more than Amy too. I think their story has come to a natural end, so it's the right time. I would be sad if River goes, so I hope they don't get rid of her. Also can't imagine a new Doctor yet... still getting used to this one. The Christmas special was really nice, I like the ones that aren't all death and destruction! Calamity, I've never seen Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, but it seems like it's a BBCA NPR collaboration.
| Thursday, December 29, 2011 - 1:41 pm
Anyone wanting to see Torchwood: Miracle Day again, it's on New Year's Day starting 6am ET on Starz Edge channel (didn't even know there was a Starz Edge channel, but I guess it's there somewhere!).
| Thursday, December 29, 2011 - 3:27 pm
I don't dislike Amy but her, that's another matter. For all her alpha girl attitude, it seemed like she became less and less her own person and more and more a plot device that things happened to in the show. I thought poor Martha, with her pining for the Doctor, had been saddled with the least satisfying storyline. But at least she never lost herself. Both Amy & River became somewhat erratic characters, changing to fit what was happening in a particular episode even if it didn't make much sense in the larger scheme. (Or maybe I'm just too slow to catch on!) I do like Rory better and thought there might be something interesting going on with him, what with all the comparisons & misdirections about him & the Doctor, but that fizzled. It must have just been all my imagination trying to puzzle together clues that weren't there because this season's story arc often left me rather baffled, lol, which, in turn, made me lose a bit of interest. TCM aired a 1960s Doctor Who movie overnight the other night. I taped it since it came on at 1:15am. Wasn't sure if the recording would be okay since the snow was affecting my satellite signal so I climbed the antenna tower three times to brush off the dish before going to bed, lol. Also had someone else DVR it for me just in case. But I checked my VCR in the morning and think it taped okay. Haven't watched it yet. Bernard Cribbins was in the movie, he also played Wilf in the tv show. I also realized after Kitt mentioned he'd done lots of kids' programming that he was the narrator on my Snowman CD. P.S. If anyone does re-watch TW:MD (I don't have Starz anymore), it would be really sweet if you could explain it to me! Because I still don't think it all fits together, lol.
| Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - 7:52 am
New Doctor Who Companion revealed - Jenna Louise Coleman. She is very pretty - pics and full article here:
| Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - 8:47 am
she looks young! There's usually an Easter special Dr Who... wonder if there is this year. I haven't read anything about it but haven't really looked.
| Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - 10:20 am
I didn't see anything about an Easter special Makes me so sad... for some reason, I really miss Doctor Who! We'll be getting six episodes in 2012 and eight in 2013 - the new companion starts in the Christmas episode, so we'll get a few episodes to say goodbye to Amy and Rory!
| Wednesday, March 21, 2012 - 11:00 am
Ahh you beat me to it. LOL SO EXCITED!!! Bye Amy/Rory... FINALLY. BBC interview with new companion on Youtube
| Sunday, March 25, 2012 - 3:36 pm
Why a new companion? I really liked Rory and Amy grew on me, still miss David Tennet. I had a bit of a crush on that Dr.
| Tuesday, March 27, 2012 - 8:25 am
Its not so much whether or not I liked Amy/Rory as companions. For me I had two big issues with them: 1) Amy talks to the Doctor as an equal. Other companions joked around too but the last couple seasons its sorta been a disrespectful sense of humour. 2) Goodbye Amy, Welcome back Amy, Goodbye Amy, Welcome back Amy. How many times can they get rid of a character then bring her back just to get rid of her again? Its been the Amy show and I want the Doctor Who show!!! And of course for awhile it turned into the Amy and River Song show. LOLOL None of that is the actress' fault of course, at the base of it all is that I want Russell T. Davies back in control. (Tennant will always be my fave as well Sugar.)
| Friday, April 06, 2012 - 8:46 am
The thing about David Tennant was he's just so easy to fall in love with. Both as a real person and what he brought to the Doctor. I like Matt Smith's Doctor, and he's a very traditional Doctor, but it's hard not to miss David Tennant. I agree about Amy, I like her but there were too many Amy storylines.
| Monday, April 09, 2012 - 11:44 am
I was madly in love with Christopher Eccleston as Doctor Who - completely devastated at the end of the first season when he went away. After about one episode I got over my utter anger at David Tennant and loved him too. But in my mind, Doctor Who is always my lovely Christopher - no matter who else gets the role!
| Tuesday, April 10, 2012 - 1:07 pm
I never got into Christopher Eccleston for some reason. Too shocked at the idea of a reboot maybe!