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| Sunday, March 11, 2012 - 3:06 pm
Austin really does look so dumb!!!
| Sunday, March 11, 2012 - 6:38 pm
Well I'm sure Carrie will be happy to believe there is an affair going on since she can't wait to get back to Rafe.
| Tuesday, March 13, 2012 - 6:47 pm
The Austin/Abby storyline is driving me nuts, but I have to tell you Kate and Billie together had me laughing my arse off. I've always loved Billie's character, but the two of them w/their botoxed lips are just hilarious side by side! Talk about an advertisement of what NOT to do to your face!
| Tuesday, March 13, 2012 - 9:05 pm
Lisa Rinna (Billy) was on Watch What Happens Live last week. According to her, believe it or not, she has had lip reduction. I got tickled at the host because he looked at her quizzically and said, "Really?" She said that the doc told her there was only so much he do. 
| Tuesday, March 13, 2012 - 9:31 pm
That last sentence was intended be: "She said that the doc told her that there was only so much he could do." Sorry about that.
| Wednesday, March 14, 2012 - 6:38 am
Kate and Billie look like sisters now.
| Friday, March 16, 2012 - 8:54 pm
Lisa Rinna had a short reality show with hubby Harry and she did have the lip surgery. She looked much better after it but seeing her on Day's this week it didn't look like it had been done. Or maybe she's had other work done? She used to be so pretty before she started messing with her face like that.
| Monday, April 02, 2012 - 8:59 pm
what the heck is going on with DOOL? I happened to catch it today and it was like a time warp. Hope and John were pretending to be a gina and whoever, what's her name is pregnant but not with AJ but Rafe. At first I thought it was an old show, but then carrie was talking to marlena about abigail and I know that is a recent event. It was really weird to see it and try to figure out what was up.
| Tuesday, April 03, 2012 - 11:52 am
Nicole is pregnant w/EJ's baby, but she doesn't want him to know (EJ and Sami slept together when they thought Johnny was dead). John and Hope are supposedly under Stefano's control and in Alemania b/c they found out they're actually married. They went to get a divorce, meanwhile Bo was attacked and is in the hospital in a coma and Marlena is trying desperately to find out where John and Hope are. Sami lost Rafe b/c or sleeping w/EJ, Lucas came back to put the pieces back together for her, but he has a fiance in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, EJ gave Sami an apartment to live in w/the kids and prevented Kate from firing her over corporate espionage - and Lucas says this means EJ and Sami still have a thing for each other. Kate is married to Stefano, but now she's worried that he's after Marlena again. He's tracking Marlena's movements and broadcasting them to John and Hope - which is why they agreed to allow hypnosis to become John and Gina again. Oh - and Abby Devereaux had a thing for Austin, said the slept together but they didn't, while Carrie and Austin had problems b/c Carrie kissed Rafe and Sami walked in on them. The whole sibling rivalry thing came back up. Carrie talked w/Marlena about loving Rafe, but since hearing him lie to EJ, she thinks he really did sleep w/Nicole, so now she's going back to Austin. It's a regular soap opera! LOL
| Tuesday, April 03, 2012 - 1:57 pm
OMG, Teach, thanks so much, but I swear isn't this a repeat of almost all the story lines that happened a few years ago!
| Tuesday, April 03, 2012 - 3:20 pm
All soaps reuse storylines - as long as they don't bring back demon-possessed Marlena, I'm ok with it! LOL
| Wednesday, April 04, 2012 - 1:58 pm
ah geez, Princes Gina is back again,,,,didn't like her last time so don't like her now. Teach you are right as long as Demon Marlena doesn't come back but how about Salem Island...hope that doesn't return either.
| Wednesday, April 04, 2012 - 7:31 pm
Great recap Teach. A couple of paragraphs and all caught I am absolutely hating Hope being Gina again...Most of the time I can't stand Hope when she's just I for one like Sami and Lucas together and always wished they had stayed together. He's too good for her but he does love her despite all her flaws.
| Thursday, April 05, 2012 - 8:05 am
the only reason I liked Hope as Gina this time was because Hope constantly repeats the same dialogue over and over again. At least for a few episodes it was different! I am sooo happy Lucas is back! He is saying all the things I am thinking about Sami!
| Friday, April 06, 2012 - 8:24 pm
He definitely does not hold back with her...I really like that about their relationship. They don't really have secrets from each other and he can see right through her. And who didn't see Rafe claiming to be the baby daddy coming from a mile away! LOL
| Tuesday, April 10, 2012 - 6:48 am
these characters really know best how to screw up their lives don't they
| Tuesday, April 10, 2012 - 11:59 am
DOOL has for far too long been "The Sami Brady Show," so I'm more than sick of her and her bad acting. (As evidence of her bad acting, I offer her tight, strained, weird voice that she affects when she's delivering her lines angrily, plus the fact that she sobs hysterically BUT WITHOUT TEARS when she is supposed to be crying.) Still sick of Kristian Alfonso and her one-eyebrow-raised imitation of That's-A-Fact-John-Black and his upraised eyebrow. KA (plays Hope) can't keep her accent consistent as she delivers her lines as Princess Gina. Ugh, KA drives me nuts!! Very glad the Abby/Austin drama is finally over. Not a good storyline, imo. WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN? You never see little kids on DOOL. Soaps in general don't handle kids' storylines well, so they overemploy SORAS to morph what the writers consider useless characters into teens way too quickly. When Will was rapidly aged so many times I was disappointed to see the actors who played him replaced. I like the actor currently portraying Will, but am tired of this storyline. I was surprised that the show took this direction for Will; although I wouldn't have predicted it for Will, it was easy to see how the show was setting things up, just as it was easy to spot how Abby began to target Austin before they actually "slept together." (I know it didn't actually happen.) Oh, final rant: I AM SO TIRED of the girl-stealing best friend storyline!! I am sickened to see Gabi being turned into an evil person as she plots and schemes to take Chad away from Melanie. It's unattractive to see a wonderful, charming girl reduced to such tricks and tired old ploys to try and take her best friend's man. Haven't we seen this countless times on soaps? Enough's enough, already!!
| Wednesday, April 11, 2012 - 8:01 pm
I don't know if anyone checks out Dustin's soap page for spoilers but there are some good ones coming up in the next week. Gabby is going to turn into fatal attraction soon..jeez. I can't believe she thought Chad was suggesting a roll in the hay with HER. I have to say that he might be one evil guy but I am loving EJ. LOVE HIM!!! And he is definitely easy on the eyes!! :-)
| Thursday, April 12, 2012 - 10:44 am
Very easy on the eyes! I have read a lot of people do not like EJ but a soap always needs a villan, right? I haven't read Dustin's page in a long time. I read on another message board and luckily they have people that find all the news/scoops and bring it there.
| Thursday, April 12, 2012 - 4:25 pm
The funny thing is that Stefano is still WAY more of a villain than EJ. EJ keeps trying to improve, but lucky for us, it never works! Gabby going fatal attraction has been foreshadowed for a couple months, now -- I was sure she was going to set the room on fire when she was lighting those candles! I'm not a big fan of the teen stories, but with summer coming up, I'm sure Will, Sonny, Gabby, et. al. will be front and center.
| Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - 4:55 am
geez, I haven't watched in 2 weeks and so much has changed. Can anyone tell me how Hope and John got away from Stefano. My guess is that they were only faking being Gina and the pawn. Oh and also what is this about Stefano (again) breaking up with Kate. Who says things don't change on the soaps....thanks
| Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - 6:28 am
Kate cheated on Stefano after he "tested" her while he was away. John helped Hope snap out of being Gina and then they pretended to be them. Stefano was after the coin inside the Anastasia egg and they gave him a fake. ISA agent Spencer, helped them at the airport.
| Wednesday, April 25, 2012 - 9:27 am
thank you Panda. I knew they were faking it.
| Tuesday, May 01, 2012 - 7:13 pm
I just cannot stand Carrie. I can't believe how everyone was jumping on Rafe about how he was treating her. He was trying to LEAVE...she was the one engaging him in conversation. Oh man I'll be glad when she leaves. I certainly hope the new writers stop all this going back and forth with the's really starting to get on my nerves. Does anyone see Stefano getting "killed" soon? So far there have been 3 "death threats" setting us up for a who done it for the summer.
| Wednesday, May 02, 2012 - 6:02 am
Yes, Carrie can leave now! She has nerve to be angry at a guy who she wants to cheat with for "fake" cheating on her!!! It seems that way for Stefano - but I have a feeling he will escape it. Only Chad will be the remaining DiMeara child now!