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| Friday, February 03, 2012 - 3:51 pm
Babyjaxmom, your friend should email Adrienne and mention that people are talking about the Palms on a forum. They should make it right and give a refund plus a couple comped nights. They should care more about their reputation.
| Saturday, February 04, 2012 - 9:51 am
You would think. I think she's tried every way she could think of to get her money back, but no luck. She showed me the pictures, but the waking up with the used condom stuck to her leg was the worst. Yuck!!!
| Saturday, February 04, 2012 - 3:52 pm
Babyjaxmom your Palms story made my jaw drop. Ewwww. That is just inexcusable for the Palms to allow.
| Saturday, February 04, 2012 - 8:56 pm
Really! My friend paid out of pocket to go to the Venitian, even though she'd paid for a whole week at the Palms. It was truly nasty and she's still waiting (without much hope) for a refund nearly a year later.
| Monday, February 06, 2012 - 8:29 pm
Wow. Just watched part 2 of the reunion show. I have never liked Taylor, but really didn't like her even more after the show. She really has an ego that is unwarrented. And I also think a lot less of Kyle. She's another one that thinks she is better than she is. I guess I would have to say that I didn't like Adrienne that much either, so the ladies on the right side of Andy really are on my could do without list. I have always loved Lisa and that never changed. And I don't see her humor labeled "british" as Taylor said; she just has a dry humor that knows no country. I believe she is who she is, on and off camera. I really fell in love with Camille this season. I would love to have her as a friend as I think she is one that would stand by me no matter what. And I also think she is a lot of fun. And I adore Brandi! She is a little on the crass side, but she tells it like she sees it. And I love how she had called out Taylor. I want to see more of that! I think the ladies are jealous of her (as Paul noted). So what if she doesn't wear a bra! I rarely wear one myself when I can get away with it, cause I hate how they feel. And I think it is very telling that the two very confident women(Lisa and Camille) really like her and enjoy her sense of humor. Can't wait for the third installment!
| Monday, February 06, 2012 - 8:33 pm
Thought Taylor was really rude when Brandi made a comment and Taylor said, "I'm not talking to you!" What a b*tch!
| Monday, February 06, 2012 - 8:37 pm
Wow, Kyle just doesn't own up to anything when it makes her look bad, does she? She still bullies Brandi and she doesn't get it. Brandi wasn't as angry as Kyle was spiteful. Negative woman that one! Yeah - Brandi is a bit crass but I too like her and how she called out Taylor. I don't buy a thing Taylor says or her tears when she turns right back to smiling happy in seconds. Adrienne really disappoints me this season. Camille and Lisa have their moments when I go "yuck" but at least they don't bully people.
| Monday, February 06, 2012 - 9:27 pm
Wow, Kyle just doesn't own up to anything when it makes her look bad, does she? I agree, Kappy. Denial, denial, denial...thy name is Kyle. I believe Brandi ran into Russell and he told her that Taylor told him to write the nasty e-mail to Camille. I was waiting for Brandi to say something to Taylor that she may be partly responsible for Russell's suicide with all the lies she told him. It was on the show when she told him that Lisa was the one leaking things about their marriage problems to the tabloids. She also went off about Camille for so can only imagine what she told him. When she was going on and on about how many women are battered (and it is a serious issue) I couldn't help but think that he is the one who is dead. I don't believe a word Taylor says when she says she doesn't know all he was involved in. They were a team in bilking people and she even stated she handled the paperwork for the business.
| Monday, February 06, 2012 - 10:06 pm
I forgot to mention how ridiculous I thought Taylor was when she kept yelling at Brandi in reference to her writing her book that , in essence, she needed to write it because there are so many women out there being battered and her book was so important to saving them. Really? Like her story would save anyone. (okay, maybe a few women would relate, but overall, IMO, she does not represent the average battered woman, and her story seems a little jaded.)
| Monday, February 06, 2012 - 10:35 pm
I would not miss Taylor and the Richards sisters if they were not asked back. Dana can disappear without being missed also. Kyle calling Brandi Angry Spice was so petty. Kyle could be called Jealous Spice or Bully Spice. I wouldn't miss Adrienne but I like Paul. Brandi stole the season from the others.
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 5:57 am
I agree with all of you. I am calling BS on Taylor's story of popping her jaw back in place. The jaw isn't a joint like the shoulder that you can pop in and out. Heck I'm calling BS on everything that comes out of Taylor's mouth and I am glad that Brandi is calling her out.
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 6:51 am
Not a believer of anything that comes out of Taylor's mouth. Love me some honesty aka- Brandi. Kyle acts like she not a good person and Adrienne lives in some other universe were only self absorbed delusional people stay.
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 8:22 am
Denial, denial, denial...thy name is Kyle.

| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 8:28 am
I think I will like Kyle much better once Kim is off the show. She is much more relaxed and fun when she is not stressing over Kim. I have addicts in my family and you can't help but to want to defend and protect them. It only enables the addict, but the urge to "help" is too strong
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 8:34 am
I really fell in love with Camille this season. I would love to have her as a friend as I think she is one that would stand by me no matter what. And I also think she is a lot of fun. Same here Libshea. I absolutely love Camille this season and am sorry that it looks like she won't be back next season (nothing confirmed yet, but in all likelihood she wont'). I remember last season when Camille was the "most hated housewife," her friends came to her defense and said she was the most loyal friend anyone could have and that she would do whatever she could to help someone.
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 8:36 am
... and I can't wait until next week where I hope someone calls Dana out for her poor "hostess skills" for Game Night.
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 9:13 am
I do have to say (which KILLS me, because it is supportive of something Taylor said), my jaw used to dislocate if I yawned too widely. I was in a car accident and dislocated it badly when my face planted on the steering wheel. They realigned it in the ambulance and again in the ER. It would dislocate fairly easily for months afterwards, I guess until the muscles and tendons and such tightened up. I was told by the doctor that it would have healed more quickly had I broken it. I learned how to pop it back into place by myself, and yes, it was excruciating.
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 11:37 am
I don't think I'll care for Kyle again, with or without her sister. That snarky, eye-rolling smirk of hers whenever she is called out for something is very off putting. The splits were embarrassing. Mean Spice.
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 11:39 am
Camille, please come back!
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 11:57 am
There has always been something about Kyle that did not sit right with me; I think she is full of herself and down right mean. Mean to the point that to me she is scary and not the person to tick off. And Kim is just so ditzy that I would have no patience with her.
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 12:38 pm
Why is a split embarrassing Hummingbird?
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 12:43 pm
omg Hukdonreality!! Well thanks for clearing that up I did not know that was possible!!
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 12:48 pm
Actually doing a split is not embarrassing at all in certain settings - cheerleading, dance routines, maybe just hanging out with girlfriends at home, etc. Doing it at a party at her age just seemed tacky. Maybe I'm being hard on her because I have grown to dislike her so much this season. I saw it as a bid for attention and embarrassing.
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 1:25 pm
ITA Hummingbird re: the splits as a bid for attention - especially when Kyle makes her duck lips.
| Tuesday, February 07, 2012 - 2:33 pm
You're welcome Shenanagon! Horrible to have something in common with <shiver> Taylor! But I didn't understand the comment she made along with it, "over the toilet". What that has to do with anything, I don't know! I loved part 2, especially Brandi. She's not afraid to confront anyone or admit her own failings. I should have counted, though, the number of times they panned over to Taylor and she would purse those duck lips. O.M.G. she looks so ridiculous. And then Andy says they look smaller this season? Yeah, right. They look so stupid I want to bash my tv in! I do not like Taylor, Sam I am