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| Wednesday, January 25, 2012 - 1:00 pm
I get that Lexie, but those room costs are nothing compared to what a commercial on a TV show would cost. There is NEVER enough free advertising, lol I am with Lisa and the family friend thing. I honestly don't think she thought about Adrienne. A friend offer and her daughter accepted. Adrienne is really would up tight. Paul cracks jokes and Adrienne shoots him daggers with her eyes
| Wednesday, January 25, 2012 - 6:18 pm
Frogichik ITA. Adrienne dropped huge in my opinion of her and Paul with his snarky tweets about Lisa and it was because they were bitter that their casino didn't get showcased. Horrible behavior IMO.
| Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 7:35 am Kim Richards' Guide To This Year's Academy Awards Kim Richard's parody
| Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 9:51 am
Kim story just appeared on, she sounds good and admits she's an alcoholic
| Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 11:50 am
That's good Shenanagon, but did she admit to abusing pills? If she didn't she is STILL lying. How she acted on the finale is EXACTLY how a junkie acts when they get "stuck". I have seen this behavior more times then I would like to admit. Sadly addiction runs in my family.
| Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 6:26 pm
I don't know.
| Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 6:47 pm
here's the video of Kim telling Andy she's an alcoholic. I hope she is able to stay sober.
| Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 7:07 pm
Good for Kim, I hope she gets well. That reunion looks scathing!! I can't wait!
| Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 7:41 pm
Me either I love the reunion shows and this one is 3 parts!!
| Thursday, January 26, 2012 - 11:17 pm
Sounds good!!! I only saw one of two last time, so I better plan better for this one. 
| Wednesday, February 01, 2012 - 8:48 am
Ooh, in Part 1, they all lit into Lisa. She was accused of selling stories to tabloids, among other things. Her friendship with Adrienne may be gone.
| Wednesday, February 01, 2012 - 9:07 am
They really did call her out! I dont think she "sold" stories to radar online, but it wouldnt surprise me if she let things leak - but she did start to mention Cedric, at one point I think she just stopped participating in the melee - either that or since the taping she has shored up her answer! She said the Bachelorette party was Pandy's not hers - at the taping... I get what Adrienne was saying that she could've hosted at least a Lunch - but it does seem petty in the grand scheme of things - everyone wants to promote "their" thing (shoes, restaurants, books) That's why I miss the first season of the OC - such a much simpler time back then... I know they said that Camille wont be returning next year. She really seemed to come off as more dignified, but truly got sucked in to the Taylor drama - and in the end, she just wouldnt put up with a lie! and at the reunion, she was so sympathetic to Taylor's situation, and related to it (not in the physical abuse, but she said how she was always talked to in a certain way more times than not)
| Wednesday, February 01, 2012 - 10:43 am
but she did start to mention Cedric Lisa said Cedric is friends with Adrienne's Chef Bernie. So I am assuming Lisa was implying that those 2 were getting together to exchange negative stories about Lisa
| Wednesday, February 01, 2012 - 12:18 pm
Team Lisa. Adrienne and Kyle I won't miss and hope aren't back next season. I want to get to know Lisa, Brandi and Camille better and I hope they return. The Bernie/Cedric situation IMO is so obvious and if Adrienne or Kyle were her friends they wouldn't play into the supposed stories coming from Cedric.
| Wednesday, February 01, 2012 - 2:03 pm
A coworker told me that Lisa was on Chelsea Lately the other day, and said that there is talks for her to have her own show. So my guess is, this is just like with Bethenny from NY, the others are a bit miffed and out to make her look bad.
| Wednesday, February 01, 2012 - 3:21 pm
Reader, if I remember correctly, it was the owner of Planet Hollywood Casino who called Pandora and offered the hotel for the Bachelorette party and Pandy relayed the offer to Lisa. Lisa explained that he had known Pandy since she was a child. At the time it was happening, I don't think Lisa really had a choice in the matter because Pandora set it up. And, if I were Lisa, I would be hard-pressed to ask someone to host a party (or even a luncheon) for free. If Adrienne really wanted to host a luncheon or dinner in Vegas, she should have offered as much. I could never bring myself to ask someone for a freebie.
| Wednesday, February 01, 2012 - 7:01 pm
I agree Lexie, if Adrienne wanted to host a party for Pandora she easily could have offered to do something for the couple on her own. I'd never ask someone to throw a party for me. Just as the owner of Planet Hollywood made the offer, Adrienne could have done the same. I hope Lisa does get her own show and has Brandi and Camille on it. Between Kim, Kyle and Taylor this past season was depressing and more depressing etc etc.
| Wednesday, February 01, 2012 - 8:39 pm
Yeah, I was surprised by Adrienne's attitude on the first part (as well as this season). I don't think Pandora's bachelorette would have been an issue if it was off camera. Adrienne just wanted camera time to promote her casino... and therefore had to take her "own" party to LV the SAME weekend. I found it petty. I enjoy Lisa, Camille, and Brandi.
| Wednesday, February 01, 2012 - 8:44 pm
Also many of Adrienne's issues seemed to stem from gossip, rumor, or hearsay if you will. Like... so and so told me you said this, Radar online said this... yada yada yada. Silly for a grown woman.
| Wednesday, February 01, 2012 - 10:31 pm
Yeah that was so weird that Adrienne decided to throw a girls weekend the same weekend as Pandora's party. I remember the look on Adrienne's face as she was telling Lisa as if that was something Lisa should be sorry about. Adrienne...immature issues. So disappointed because I really liked her the first season and I wanted to like her but now she's on the same unlikable platform as Kyle to me.
| Thursday, February 02, 2012 - 7:45 am
Adrienne's resentment over the bachelorette weekend was beyond petty. The Palms is considered a higher class casino-hotel, over Planet Hollywood. It's the "in" place for young show business and sports celebrities. They don't really need the extra advertising as much as she thinks.
| Thursday, February 02, 2012 - 8:19 am
Redpen, ITA with you re: the Palms vs. Planet Hollywood. Adrienne most certainly didn't need the publicity for The Palms. I have some friends that stay there every time they go to Vegas and they absolutely love The Palms.
| Thursday, February 02, 2012 - 9:30 am
I posted here a while back that one of my best friends went to Vegas last spring and spent one night in the Palms. She said it was so filthy, disgusting and just downright nasty (there was a USED condom in her bed! obviously the sheets hadn't been changed), that she and her friend paid out of pocket to go to another hotel. She showed me pictures of how dirty the room was. When she complained to the staff, their attitude was so unconcerned as to be insulting. Nobody even offered an apology, much less a refund. I would NEVER stay at the Palms.
| Thursday, February 02, 2012 - 9:31 am
I wish all these women would stop pumping their faces with fillers it doesn't make them look younger, just makes their cheeks and lips look unnaturally large. I saw a picture of Lindsey Lohan and she is starting to look like a mini-Adrienne in the face. Adrienne is a beautiful woman and I think she looked better the first season without the tight look. Just saying because so many of them do it like Meg Ryan and Joan Rivers and Kris Jenner andn I wonder if Kim K is doing it too. It's not just Adrienne doing it so am not trying to pick on her. I like that Lisa is aging without plumping her face out.
| Thursday, February 02, 2012 - 4:22 pm
Couldn't stand the way they jumped all over Lisa. They all say snarky things in their "diary" sessions. Hey, Kyle, remember you saying that Camille only repeated what Taylor had told all of you? Yet you laugh when Taylor said that if Camille showed up to Kennedy's party she'd (Camille) would be shoveling s***? Kyle had many opportunities to remind Taylor that Taylor had told everyone in the group about her problems with Russell. And really, Adrienne, let the bachlorette party thing go. You should've offered, and not had a friend beg you for it. I truly thought Adrienne had more class than that.