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| Wednesday, December 07, 2011 - 7:00 pm
I actually think it's a good thing to get people talking about abuse. So often it gets shoved under the rug. We need to bring it out in the open and stand up against it. If Taylor was abused, I applaud her for speaking up about it. She might be helping someone else have the courage to stand up for herself.
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 7:08 am
Taylor makes it hard to believe anything that comes out of her mouth. She's been shown to be a liar. I'm not believing or disbelieving her....kinda waiting for more proof than the pics or previous accounts from other people and I'm shocked to be feeling this way because usually I believe all cases of abuse. But Taylor makes it hard for me to believe anything she says without unbiased proof especially since her husband is dead and cant defend himself.
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 8:08 am
California has a mandatory reporting law. Why wasn't this reported? If she's going to release the pictures, she should release the names of the medical personnel who treated her. Because if it wasn't reported, they broke the law. She already admitted she lied to the Dr. about why her eye was damaged and the Dr.'s names were released months ago.
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 8:27 am
It's all about the fear and embarrassment. Even though it ended the way it did, I'm glad for her and her daughter to be free from that environment. I see Taylor as a very insecure and needy person. She so wants to be accepted. Very sad.
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 11:17 am
Speaking of Kim, this is her second Re-Hab since being on RHBH.
| Thursday, December 08, 2011 - 2:43 pm
I hope Kim stays this time around! Russel always kind of gave me the creeps with the way his eyes seemed so cold. Whatever all of the details are, it's tragic that he commited suicide and someday all of this will be available for a grown-up Kennedy to see what went on when she was young. 
| Saturday, December 10, 2011 - 1:39 pm
Am I the only one who cringes everytime they see Taylor in a commercial on Bravo partying? I caught two episodes this past week and except for Kyle and Taylor, I was enjoying the other ladies until they showed up.
| Saturday, December 10, 2011 - 2:04 pm
Frogichik, it doesn't matter if she lied to the doctors. Mandatory reporting states that they have to report it if the injuries are consistent with what one might see in a domestic abuse case. In other words, if a woman comes in with a black eye, tells the doctor she ran into a door, if the black eye looks as if it could be done by a fist, they are obligated by law to report it.
| Sunday, December 11, 2011 - 10:37 am
It's very easy to lie about alot of abuse injuries and fool doctors, but a black eye like the one of Taylor that many of us have seen is clearly an abuse injury. The thing is a black eye goes away in a week so she could have stayed home and not seen the doctor for that particular injury. So it depends what the doctors actually saw because it may not be what we've seen of the abuse pictures out there of Taylor and they are awful but that doesn't mean she went out while looking beat up alot of women stay home and hide. I did and that's how I know it takes a week for a black eye to go away. No one knew and still doesn't it was a brief relationship and I was 17 and convinced my parents I got it playing catch. My innocent parents never questioned that I was lying.
| Monday, December 12, 2011 - 1:19 am
If I recall correctly, Taylor needed surgery for her injury.
| Monday, December 12, 2011 - 4:24 am
See that's the thing, there's no real details given yet. It's all she said, and he killed himself and now Taylor's saying she signed all these documents under distress and she may well have but it's grifty all over it. Very cloudy.
| Wednesday, December 14, 2011 - 10:16 pm
I'm trying to catch up. Can someone tell me what is a Ladysitter? Justin is Kyle's Ladysitter. Thanks
| Thursday, December 15, 2011 - 2:57 am
It's just an assistant.
| Friday, December 16, 2011 - 8:45 am
What does Kyle do that requires an assistant?
| Friday, December 16, 2011 - 10:07 am
Probably about the same things that Taylor does that she needs one. 
| Saturday, December 17, 2011 - 3:38 am
Shenanagon, I don't believe a word Taylor is saying about signing documents under distress. I've posted articles over the past couple of years about her and her husband that goes back to before they married or when they were first married. She was right there perpetuting a possible fraud with her husband. There are also companies saying they have signed checks from her. I recall her telling someone (possibly Kyle?) that her and Russell's marriage was more of a 'business' relationship and she handled his business, so she knew what was going on. Prior to marrying Russell she changed her name to Ford so people might think she was part of the Ford family. I just can't see anything real about her. That may be why Lisa wanted to stay far away from her last year. She might be one of those who tries to be whom the person she's around wants her to be to 'fit in.' In that respect, I do feel some empathy for her. She'll never be settled until she just admits the truth and starts being herself instead of wanting to be important and fit in with the so-called 'popular' gals. Did anyone notice something different about Taylor's face when she was having lunch with Lisa before the Vegas trip? It seemed different in her cheek area. Watching she and Lisa together was awkwaaaarrrrd. Taylor seemed to be trying too hard and didn't always get Lisa's extremely quick wit.
| Saturday, December 17, 2011 - 4:11 am
I can't help but wonder what if Russell didn't do all the things that Taylor is claiming? What if Taylor gets very angry when she drinks and was the abuser? Did she fall down drunk and give herself the black eye? OR Russell truly could be a monster and did all the things Taylor says. I wish there was an impartial witness. A family member or close friend. A nanny in the home, though that person would be an employee so perhaps a nanny isn't impartial, how about a neighbor or anyone that saw anything. Abusers tend to grow very arrogant and feel it's their right to bully and show some signs that they have temper problems. Yes I know Russell's last girlfriends say he abused them as well, I'd like to hear more from them because I just don't find Taylor believable she's done and said too many shady things. My opinion of Taylor is that she has lied about other things that I still don't understand why, silly things that got the other ladies in pretty bad arguments and has yet to ever say she felt bad for doing so or explain why she'd want to create conflict. She may be lying about Russell because we really don't know and since he's dead it almost seems a perfect ending for Taylor because she can say whatever she wants. She has every right to earn a living and her new book is I'm sure her attempt to do that. I'm not sure I could write a book and have it published 4 months after my husband died. Bravo to her if she's that strong.
| Saturday, December 17, 2011 - 7:00 am
Once I know you're a liar it's hard for me to believe anything you say and this is how I feel about Taylor. It's sad because I think most abuse victims are telling the truth but their are exceptions to every rule. There is something very deceptive about almost everything Taylor says or does. Basically I find it hard to believe her abuse stories are completely accurate.
| Saturday, December 17, 2011 - 9:25 am
well put Lilfair.
| Saturday, December 17, 2011 - 10:05 am
Taylor is very insecure about herself (perhaps as a result of the abuse?). My first husband was emotionally and verbally abusive. When I first got divorced I was really shocked to find that men found me attractive, cause he had me so convinced I was so fat, ugly and stupid that nobody else would want me. I was none of those things (I wish I was that thin again!), but when you hear it over and over from the person you love the most, you believe it. Taylor also definitely has a problem with alcohol. When you drink so much that you black out, that's a definite red flag. She needs to be really careful with that or stop drinking altogether. She might end up in rehab with Kim.
| Sunday, December 18, 2011 - 8:17 am
Babyjax, but I don't think she had blackout. She told Lisa she had no memory of that night but then she went on to describe the evening? Yet another time where Taylor wasn't completely honest.
| Monday, December 19, 2011 - 10:45 pm
Tonight's episode was really sad. I felt bad for Kyle having to make the decision to uninvite Taylor and Russell, but also felt bad the Russell and Taylor were so excited about going to the party and then got turned away. You know that was all set up for drama. They had a camera crew in that limo and they could have called them if they'd wanted to. They wanted us to see the confrontation. And what is wrong with Kim? Brandi has bent over backwards trying to apologize to her, but she's just too full of herself. Did it seem to anybody else that Kim was kind of slurring her words when she first got to the party? She'd been drinking.
| Tuesday, December 20, 2011 - 8:59 am
If I were Brandi, I would be over trying to make up with Kim. Finished. Finito. DONE!!!
| Tuesday, December 20, 2011 - 9:16 am
Babyjax that was the pills with alcohol. Trust me on that one. Sadly it's an epidemic here in Florida and she has ALL the signs.
| Tuesday, December 20, 2011 - 10:06 am
At first I was so happy that Kim met someone who made her happy, but I have to say he kind of gives me the creeps, but at the party when Kim was trying to start a fight with Brandi, why didn't he just try to get her to walk away? I have to admit I have not been too fond of Brandi, but wow did she show restraint with Kim, I give her lots of credit. I do hope that Kim gets the help she so badly needs.