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| Saturday, December 03, 2011 - 6:33 pm
she does and they are cute I think.
| Sunday, December 04, 2011 - 12:40 pm
I must have missed the flats, can't remember where I looked at her shoes.. hmm.
| Sunday, December 04, 2011 - 10:41 pm
on her personal website the link is it features her shoe line with heels and flats.
| Monday, December 05, 2011 - 12:10 pm
thanks, I found them. Those are cute, but I have wide feet 
| Monday, December 05, 2011 - 5:06 pm
I read a tweet today that Kim has checked into rehab. I wish her the best. Link to story at
| Tuesday, December 06, 2011 - 6:13 am
Thank goodness Kim finally went to rehab. Like I said before a blind man could see Kim had a drug problem.
| Tuesday, December 06, 2011 - 11:40 am
I wish her the best as well. Sometimes while other people can see that someone has an issue, the person isn't ready to face it, whether it's Kim with her issue or myself with my weight for example. I have known I have a problem for a long time, but just recently I have found the strength within myself to make the needed changes. I just don't like when people make snide comments without considering that a person has to be ready to face the issue in order to fix it.
| Tuesday, December 06, 2011 - 2:32 pm
Yup, came here to post the same thing. Glad she's getting some help.
| Tuesday, December 06, 2011 - 3:12 pm
I watched the show last night, but somehow I missed what the heck happened when Taylor went nuts. I couldn't even figure out who she was yelling at (well honestly I was watching two shoes at the same time, LOL, so that could have something to do with it), but who was Taylor saying did her wrong and what wrong was done? TIA.
| Tuesday, December 06, 2011 - 4:45 pm
Dipo, Camille's friend, Dierdre (sp?) was talking to Taylor and told her she (Taylor) should talk to Camille, off alone, so that Taylor and Camille could straighten things out. Taylor went into victim mode and started with the "you don't know what she said about me" and "you don't know what that did to me", etc., etc., etc., and escalated into the meltdown. We know now that it was a difficult time in Taylor's life, but she seems to have a really skewed version of reality-example being Lisa saying "we're not the best of friends" and Taylor hearing "we're not friends", and the fact that Taylor has told each of the women at least some of what was going on in her marriage re: physical/verbal abuse, yet doesn't want to acknowledge that they all know. I'm not and never really was a Taylor fan, but it's hard watching her fall apart like she did. Speaks volumes as to how her marital problems were affecting her.
| Tuesday, December 06, 2011 - 5:33 pm
On the after show she said the reason she was so upset with Camille was the fact that she told Camille about the abuse off camera when they were not filming and she was so afraid that if her husband saw it that he would go after her even worse. Camille's friend Dierdre got in Taylors face and would not let it go and I think that she is the one who was responsible for the whole mess. If she would have minded her own business I don't know if anything would have happened. It seems to me Camille has some pot stiring friends who just like to cause trouble, remember last season the weird one at the dinner party that Camille had? I also have not been much of a Taylor fan, but after listening to her my heart went out to her. She is getting help right now, which is good.
| Tuesday, December 06, 2011 - 6:15 pm
Russell's family has denied he ever abused Taylor, so who really knows. With her tricky maneuvers last season, I'm not sure I believe her claims either just like the housewives don't know to believer her or not, that is what camille's problem was to begin with, is she or isn't she abused.
| Tuesday, December 06, 2011 - 6:16 pm
Taylor can say whatever she wants, a dead man can't defend himself.
| Tuesday, December 06, 2011 - 7:06 pm
Wrennez that's the thing we all wonder. I feel terrible for Russell's family because of exactly what you said....a dead man can't defend himself.
| Tuesday, December 06, 2011 - 8:27 pm
IMO, Camille's friend was trying to defend her. Before the argument, Taylor was standing there talking negatively about Camille, and people could hear everything that she was saying...that's when the friend went up and suggested that Taylor talk directly to Camille...and it all went downhill from there.
| Tuesday, December 06, 2011 - 11:02 pm
"Speaks volumes as to how her marital problems were affecting her" I can't help but think that the financial troubles were affecting her just as much or more. I think Taylor draws a lot of her self worth from her financial status and she may have just been realizing the truth about their position. I really do feel sorry for her because of this.....her gold digging wasn't panning out and her lifestyle was crumbling around her. "and she was so afraid that if her husband saw it that he would go after her even worse." Then she should have gotten away from him immediately. Especially if she honestly believed he could harm Kennedy. I have a hard time believing he would hurt his daughter and I think Taylor was not being honest about this, but rather dramatic and victimized. "She is getting help right now, which is good." She was getting help then too, it didn't seem to do much good. "Russell's family has denied he ever abused Taylor, so who really knows." I thought I saw a scary picture of her on the internet with facial injuries. Also, two women from prior relationships with Russell have claimed he abused them too. I believe in all likelihood he was abusing her. I think the confusion stems from her remaining with Russell and acting as though there was no problem when she had clearly told many people there was. They thought she should have left if it was true. I do feel sorry for Taylor, as she is clearly falling apart but I also don't think she is a particularly nice person. I have seen her treat others very poorly. I'm surprised no one has commented on the previous episode where she spoke so poorly of Lisa, refused to invite her to her event because she didn't want to spoil her "special day" but yet thought she would go to Lisa's house, try to rally the others into taking sides against Lisa and proceeded to call her out, call her obnoxious in her own home and skew what actually happened previously. It was then that Camille lost patience and became angry and told her to start being real. Now Taylor thinks Lisa is just fine, although she hated her and has now turned her anger on Camille. She really is just a mess. I think a lot of her unhappiness stems from her feelings of inadequacy and jealousy.
| Wednesday, December 07, 2011 - 12:38 am
I also don't think any talk of abuse on her part was said publicly until he had died. I may be wrong about that, but that is how I recall it and I have followed this pretty closely online. As far as pictures are concerned, I don't necessarily believe pictures on the internet unless it is a reliable source, but not sure where they came from, I believe I recall seeing a black eye somewhere. Maybe someone else knows
| Wednesday, December 07, 2011 - 1:39 am
Bravo demands Kim go to rehab:
| Wednesday, December 07, 2011 - 7:42 am
Actually, the women knew about the physical abuse because filming this season was postponed because Russell put Taylor in the hospital. I know I posted a link regarding this way up-thread somewhere.
| Wednesday, December 07, 2011 - 8:14 am
I kind of understand where Taylor was coming from, even though I don't agree with it. They never talked about the abuse because she was afraid that Russell would beat the crap out of her if he saw it on TV. She was afraid of him, afraid to leave him, confused, etc. That's how women who are abused act. They can't think clearly for all the fear. Camille's friend DeeDee really instigated that meltdown. She didn't do Camille any favors. I understand the other women's confusion, too. They hear all these awful things about Russell from Taylor, and then they have to smile and act like everything's fine when they see him. Puts all of them in a terrible position. I'll bet Lisa's glad she didn't go to that awful party. Poor Brandi. At least now the spotlight's off Brandi and onto Camille and Taylor. I think Taylor likes the spotlight. That girl's a piece of work. Wish I'd remember to record the after show with Andy!
| Wednesday, December 07, 2011 - 8:30 am
Here is a link with photos stating that Taylor went public about the abuse last July, two weeks after filing for divorce. Russell committed suicide a couple of months later.
| Wednesday, December 07, 2011 - 9:41 am
While I have sympathy for anyone in Taylor's position I'm not sure I believe Taylor's version of things. The book so quickly after his suicide, it seems all too tidily wrapped up and dumped on Russell.
| Wednesday, December 07, 2011 - 9:59 am
I absolutely believe her. Pictures don't lie. And it's well known that Bravo had to postpone filming because of her injuries. Plus two of Russell's ex-wives also accused him of abuse in court documents. Sad that he committed suicide (especially for his children), but it was his choice.
| Wednesday, December 07, 2011 - 3:00 pm
California has a mandatory reporting law. Why wasn't this reported? If she's going to release the pictures, she should release the names of the medical personnel who treated her. Because if it wasn't reported, they broke the law.
| Wednesday, December 07, 2011 - 3:06 pm
Remember how weird we all thought Camille was last season when her world was falling apart. Now this season has Taylor's world falling apart. I really think that Bravo should not show these women when their lives are falling apart. I know that doesn't make good TV but it turns so many people off. I have generally been a fan of Andy Cohen but this move to exploit more and more has made me remove the shows from my DVR.