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| Monday, October 17, 2011 - 3:14 pm
Well, the kids may not have been within earshot, but being the "new person" in a group. I would be pretty careful what I said and did. Brsndi seems to hsve no filter. Granted, they all behave badly! I'm not really sticking up for any of them. I think all of their behavior is pretty bad!
| Monday, October 17, 2011 - 5:47 pm
They all use bad language regularly and they all talk behind each others back....some old same old. Brandi is not not cow-owing to the mean sisters. And frankly I find that refreshing. The sisters behavior from the minute they met Brandi on camera was way worse than questionable words Brandi said or a little boy peeing on the grass.
| Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - 6:54 am
From Kyle's Twitter yesterday KyleRichards18 2night part 2 of Game Night on #RHOBH Just remember if u want 2 beat me up on twitter nobody can punish me more than I have punished myself 20 hours ago
| Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - 8:19 am
I have a coworker who lashes out at someone on a daily basis. She makes it personal, she cuts like a razor and then apologizes, (sometimes in the middle of the tantrum) always stating how badly she feels, how she wants to be able to work in an environment where coworkers get along and can be honest with each other, etc. IMO, repeating the same damaging behavior leads me to believe nothing is being learned even IF one "punishes" themselves. I call it phooey and an act of manipulation.
| Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - 8:40 am
I thought it was strange the sisters kept saying how dare Brandy talk to them like that, she didn't even know them, when they were the ones that prejudged her and said they didn't like her from the start. They can't have it both ways. Apparently Brandy knew them well enough to see that they didn't even try to get to know her, and surely Lisa tried a little harder to break the ice, than what we were shown.
| Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - 9:01 am
Kyle has also said that things are going to get worse with Brandi before they get better. So more drama to come.
| Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - 5:49 pm
if the one boy peed in the grass, how many kids peed in the pool? 
| Thursday, October 20, 2011 - 7:23 am
Exactly, Lurkin! At least he knew he wasn't supposed to pee in the pool. I think that's progress!
| Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 6:00 am
The Richard sister at it again in last nights episode....zzzzzzz Soaping the chicken was hysterical I wonder if that was a set up? There is no way Brandi should apologize. I think she used Meth as a generic drug reference, regardless, Brandi was right that Kim was acting like she was out of her mind due to some sort of drug use or simply that she has mental health issues and all the ladies know it. It does no one any good if you make excuses for someone like Kim who is in obvious need of help. I'm so bored with this mean girl crapola and piling on Brandi.
| Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 6:34 am
... and another thing. Why is Kim always late for everything? First she was late to the airport to go to the game with Adrienne and Paul because the electricity went out in the neighborhood, but yet she went to a next door neighbor's house to get ready. Wouldn't the neighbor have also lost electricity? She was two hours late for game night and she was late for the spa day. She doesn't have young children at home, so I'm not quite sure why a grown woman can't show up anywhere on time.
| Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 6:41 am
What Lilfair said. And much as Kyle tried to rewrite history Brandi was the one attacked first at the party. I'm surprised that Kim wouldn't have more empathy for someone after the way she felt around the girls last year, so terribly insecure. And there is obviously something wrong with her now, I don't think it was a good idea to include her in the taping this year. Also, Lisa wasn't present for any of the unpleasantness so I don't see why she needs to be taking sides. And how is it that these women don't seem to know what crystal meth is or what dermabrasion machines are?
| Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 6:47 am
Why is Kim always late for everything? Very simple answer.....DRUGS!!!! Also, Lisa wasn't present for any of the unpleasantness so I don't see why she needs to be taking sides. I believe Lisa has stated in her blogs she regrets making an opinion based on second hand information.
| Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 6:57 am
Maybe it isn't drugs. In one of the shows it was stated that Kim has panic attacks and is on medication. Even if it is drugs it was wrong of Brandi who on first meeting accuse her on national TV of being a druggie. I do think Kim and Kyle are acting like mean girls but Brandi isn't innocent either. On the after show Brandi hinted that over the course of the show everyone has moments of looking bad.
| Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 7:15 am
Chieko I agree with you about Kim. I find it crazy that her family would have her on the show. She's obviously going through a bad time. I also find it hard to judge Kim because I don't think she's able to comprehend her own issues let alone anyone elses.
| Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 10:12 am
Kim is in her own world most of the time. She'd drive me crazy! Apparently Kyle and Brandi are in a better place now, according to WWHL. Kyle called in to apologize again saying she was mortified by her own behavior. I also keep shaking my head that these women are acting lie they've never heard of crystal meth? Give me a break! I find my feelings changing week-to-week about these women depending on their actions. The only person who hasn't rubbed me the wrong way is ........ Camille! I never would have thought that last year!
| Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 10:30 am
In one of the shows it was stated that Kim has panic attacks and is on medication. Those are the drugs I am talking about. Didn't you see the video of Kim in the airport acting weird and popping pills? I know many people currently and previously addicted to prescription pills and Kim is a LOT like them. Brandi maybe shouldn't have done it right there at the party, but a blind man could see Kim was on drugs that night. Showing up 2 hours late and disheveled. Let's also not forget how she was with Adrienne and her husband, the DOCTOR that also said she is on drugs. I truly don't think Kim is healthy enough to be on this show. She should have stayed in rehab after last season and not left after just a few days.
| Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 1:11 pm
I think Bravo has some culpability too. God forbid we turn the tv news on and hear "former child star found dead in her home...". What employer allows a person to come to work high on drugs or one that has mental health issues? They would be asked to seek help or to find other employment.
| Tuesday, October 25, 2011 - 2:25 pm
Um, does the name Charlie Sheen ring a bell? I don't think anybody really cares that much as long as the show is making money. The only reason Charlie got fired was cause he stepped over the line by trash-talking his producer/boss. Just finished watching this show. I really felt bad for Brandi. They all really did gang up on her. What a bunch of bit**es! Even Lisa jumping in with her opinion when she wasn't even there made me like Lisa a lot less. They were all too hard on Brandi and Kim and Kyle would take no responsibility at all. Brandi was right: she was trying to take the high road and apologize to Kyle, but Kyle just kept attacking her. With "friends" like these, who needs enemies?
| Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - 10:56 pm
I feel bad for Brandi. I really wish the bully sisters run into someone who will put them rightfully in their place. There is really nothing more pathetic than sheltered want to be wealthy people. Kim is a friggin druggie alcoholic. Kyle is a nasty jealous snake in the grass B****. Lisa needs to mind her business and figure out why she thinks its okay to trade saliva with her dog.
| Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 8:25 pm
So, is it just me, or did anybody else here the "F" bomb that Brandi dropped on WWHL the other day? LOL. One could almost feel the contempt that was emanating from Andy Cohen inside that clubhouse. Proof that Brandi doesn't have the 'I'm in front of a camera' mentality down yet...
| Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 10:04 pm
I saw Brandi drop the F bomb. I think Brandi was wrong to throw out the meth accusation but I also think Kyle was wrong to giggle at Kim's childish & mean antics directed at Brandi. I will cut Kyle a little slack just because I feel bad for her that Kim is teetering on the edge & she to watch it & feels compelled to defend her sister. Kyle has said that she is frequently nervous around Kim & that has to be stressful. Kim is just a big mess, needs to admit it & needs to get help.
| Thursday, October 27, 2011 - 11:01 pm
Kim has severe issues and Bravo never should have allowed her to come back this season. If I was in Kyle's shoes I would have refused to be on unless they didn't renew Kim's contract. JMHO
| Friday, October 28, 2011 - 4:15 pm
I haven't been watching this season but I was flipping last night and caught the "spa" day and thought it was just ridiculous how they were ganging up on Brandi. I didn't see the party but so what, she said what I hear everyone thinking, Kim is on something. So, she said meth, it doesn't look like meth to me but she said something that is painfully obvious to viewers. I think Kyle telling her she had to apologize to Kim was crazy. Then, Kim being a mean girl when Kyle told her that Brandi might come in. They're all so ridiculous, I don't miss them at all.
| Friday, October 28, 2011 - 9:12 pm
Kim's explanation of game night. My Side….By Kim Let me first start off by apologizing for the delay in my blogs. It has taken me some time to come to grips with certain events that have unfolded on the show. One event in particular is the situation that occurred on Game Night at Pam’s. aka Dana’s (haha) That night was the first time I had ever met Brandi. For someone who doesn’t know me personally to outright accuse me of using crystal meth leaves me bewildered. Not only did she accuse me of using crystal meth, she accused me of using crystal meth on national television. Drug abuse isn’t something you just throw around as a jab. When Brandi uttered those words on camera, the only thing I could think of was “where the hell did that come from?” I told the others that night, that I had just left my doctors for treatment of my anxiety and panic disorder. I have suffered from this for many years. . They knew he had given me medication for it. I found myself groggy , as this was a medication I had never taken before. That is why I was carrying my coffee with me. I should have gone home to lay down. Instead I went to shoot RHOBH. My doctors have been trying to determine which medication is right for me. I’ll be the first to admit that I have struggled in the past with certain vices; but I have never in my life, EVER, used crystal meth. I have discussed openly my issues with alcohol. As many of you know, sobriety is a lifetime process, a process that is a priority in my life right now. I am grateful for the love and support of my children, family and dear friends, By Brandi throwing out that accusation, it not only hurt me and my reputation, but hurt my children. Brandi was so concerned saying “don’t talk about my children” But did she think for one moment about MY children when she carelessly threw those words out.? My kids have been devastated by her cruel words. My children and their friends and families watch this show as well. I know I was no angel that night. I am embarrassed that I fed into the negativity. I didn’t like the way I acted and that is not my character. When I said “ I don’t want her on my team” I was just joking with my sister. We have our own sibling banter and we get each other’s jokes. That’s my humor. It’s my fault for not making it obvious to Brandy that I was joking and for that I apologize. I can say that I am not embarrassed or apologetic for coming to my sister’s defense. I love my sister with all my heart no matter what ups and downs we go through. She always has my back and I will forever have hers. With that being said, I am not going to dwell on this incident because it is not true. My family and friends know the truth. That is what matters to me. Thank you to all of you who sent me messages of support and love. Always, Kim
| Friday, October 28, 2011 - 9:12 pm
A tweet from Kim KimRichards11 Kim Richards My Side….By Kim Let me first start off by apologizing for the delay in my blogs. It has taken me some time (cont) 25 minutes ago eta: jinx Ark!