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| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 5:24 pm
Why should SHE get special treatment and be allowed to spend all day with HER kids while other "normal" folks have to work? How is it "special treatment" if she is earning a living in a profession other than nursing? Maybe "normal" folks don't have twins followed by sextuplets, so the media wouldn't be interested in them. At least initially, J&K Plus 8 was a VERY popular show. They had their hands full with all those kids, and they were darned adorable at that. If there's still an audience for them, so be it.
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 7:24 pm
Rissa: You are spot on she is "abrasive" in her delivery. You would think that she would have hired a speech coach or something like that to help her out with her delivery.
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 7:25 pm
Not that I care, but to correct a post above, is the official website. wonder that other website looked REALLY cheesy and homemade!
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 7:55 pm
Agreed. It's not so much about what she's saying, but how she says it. Yes, you'd think a good PR person could help her with that if she wants to stay in the biz. But I don't think she sees anything wrong with how she comes across. Nor would she listen to anyone else.
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 8:00 pm
She has admitted numerous times, including about 10 during each of the Ask Kate and the finale episodes that she has faults. But it's hard to change the core of a personality, even with coaching. She was abrubt from the get-go, so I don't find it surprising that she continues... it's her nature as someone with OCD, who is surrounded by chaos
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 8:58 pm
Being abrupt was "acceptable" when she was with Jon. If she is angling for a tv host job or whatever, she really needs to change her image a bit. Soften the edges. If she can't, then I know that I, for sure, will not be watching. Heck I watched the last two shows just because they were that: the last two shows. Au revoir, Kate et al.
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 9:07 pm
Just watched the finale. Sounded to me like Kate was rather interested in getting the whole family back on TV. Not sure why this surprises me. She wants to be on TV and if her kids have to be as well in order for her to be, then I guess they will! Wonder if they'll get a show on another cable channel.
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 9:35 pm
Jon earned some more points with me when Kate admitted last night that Jon was always ready to give up making the TV show, but she is the one who would weigh the options every year and decide for the family to keep making the TV show. I also found it interesting that her best friend said this Kate now is not the Kate she used to know. She said this Kate now is all about the hair and make-up and looking skinny. (something close to that, and it wasn't said as a compliment)
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 10:21 pm
yeah, then they showed the makeup and eyelashes...
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 10:39 pm
Something I noticed when they were showing the flashbacks is that Kate seemed to laugh and have fun with the kids a whole lot more than she does now. She always seemed tightly wound, but it was obvious to me that she seemed a heck of a lot more relaxed in the early years before she started working on being the hot mom in heals. 
| Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - 11:01 pm
Oh yea, that's another thing. She is always in heels. Come on who does that? Even to go in a boat. Who is she trying to impress? To me that just looks stupid. And yes, back in the day she was still uptight, but not like today, she used to laugh a whole lot more and actually play with the kids. I remember friday night was movie night. They used to have fun together. Now it just looks like Kate picks the trips she wants to go on and that's it, but don't let any outsiders look at them or take pictures of them, especially without paying for them, because she really needs the money. LOL.
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 6:11 am
You missed my point. She was essentially whining that she will now have to go get a "real" job because she's (poor pitiful me) broke. And now that she has to get a "real" job she would have to be away from her kids for 16 hours a day. First, um, yeah, 16 hours a day? Sure, right. Second, um, yeah, most of the rest of the world works "real" jobs. If you didn't want to have to rejoin the "real" workforce, maybe you should have been more frugal with the thousands of dollars you were earning. I'm really sure that false eyelashes aren't a requirement for daily wear, right?
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 7:45 am
Kate is such a wannabe but she just fails so miserably at everything she tries because she has been blessed with the personality of a porcupine.
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 8:35 am
Hahahaha! The personality of a porcupine? LOL!
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 9:18 am
LOL! Holly! Prickly! I agree Costacat. If Kate is "broke", then shame on her. She should be completely debt free and have a nice little nest egg put away. Did she really think TLC would keep paying her forever?! She should have been saving half that money and living on the other half even if it meant no money for tanning and fake nails and hair extensions. I don't blame her for wanting another TV gig. She's tasted the good life, likes the camera. But this poor me, I have 8 kids to raise, I don't have any money or a job is really pathetic considering the state of our economy and the number of families who've been struggling for a long, long time.
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 10:25 am
And THAT is my point! Thanks Brenda!
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 10:40 am
Hey! Maybe she should do a show called "Downsized"!
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 10:51 am
Or Downsized and Trimming the Bling.
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 11:27 am
I don't blame her for wanting another TV gig. She's tasted the good life, likes the camera. But this poor me, I have 8 kids to raise, I don't have any money or a job is really pathetic considering the state of our economy and the number of families who've been struggling for a long, long time. Right with ya!! Bully for her if she wants to continue being in the limelight. Personally I think it stinks for her kids, but they are HER kids. She is digging the celebrity status, the nails, bling, heels and eyelashes. That is all fine. BUT. To cry that she's worried that her kids will go hungry, gimme a break. She could/should have already paid that house off. She knows how to use a coupon, and if she hasn't saved her $$ by now, I would be surprised. I have 1/4 of the kids she has, but I am certain that I make a lot less than 1/4 of what she pulls in. My sister has 1/2 the amount of kids Kate has, (In the same timeframe) but no way does she make 1/2 of what Kate does.
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 1:04 pm
I have never seen a single post on TVCH where others jumped in a told someone how they should spend their money I have never seen in our very own Gripe thread, anyone ever saying the person doesn't have the right to gripe I have never seen in the parenting thread, anyone telling another that the way they parent is wrong I have never seen anywhere on TVCH where someone has spoken negatively to those who get their hair cut, go for massages, or who go on vacations And I have never seen any posts made toward any number of unemployed posters, what job they should be getting or be told, "too bad you didn't save some of that money while you were working"
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 1:16 pm
Julie I agree with you. When the show first started they said they were doing it to secure the children's futures. The bought the house "for the children". Fame is fleeting and I would hope she thought enough to put enough away to care for her family when the show ended.
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 2:06 pm
Just to avoid any possible confusion, please keep in mind that the TVCH rules allow people to make negative comments in a discussion thread discussing a celebrity and reality TV star. However, making negative comments about another Poster is against the rules. Thank you.
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 4:28 pm
Don't know if this is true or not, but on the view today they said that Kate told her kids to pray that she gets another job so they can continue to go to the same school. She is a real piece of work if that is true, but then again, she is a real piece of work.
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 4:37 pm
Maybe Kate should have thought about how she and Jon were to take care of her litter beforehand and when the money truck rolled in maybe she should have thought about the litters future needs. I suppose if there isn't enough $$$$ to them she could start selling off the perks she's bought for herself. However I doubt they'll ever go hungry or without the latest fashions. Is she trying to elicit sympathy and funds from the public? I'm not sure why she's whining about her finances when it's publicly known she's made a poop load of cash from TLC and don't forget about her payday from DWTS. I bet the vast majority of people could have lived the rest of their lives on that money. Poor, Kate. But really poor kids!
| Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - 5:50 pm
There is no way anyone can count someone else's money or tell them how to spend it. I wonder what the tuition is on the kids' school. I wonder how much her mortgage payment is. It is doubtful that a set of false eyelashes or hair extension will pay the mortgage or tuition. Kate has been raising eight young children basically alone. She alone is financially responsible and she is and has been supporting them alone. The pressure is all on her shoulders and if a spa day or two helps relieve that pressure the money spent will not make any difference in the big picture. More power to her if she can get another well paying job on television. No one has to watch her. There is always the option of turning the TV off. There is no way she could give the kids what she wants them to have on a nurses salary.