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| Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - 4:39 am
I tried watching last night and Kate was getting in my nerves so I changed the channel. Some how I could not see Kate driving and trying to manage the kids.It would be good to see how the kids have grown in upcoming specials; but it is time to move on from this family especially with Kate's negative attitude. I wish the African American family in Columbus, OH would get half the attention the Gosselin clan has generated and those kids are still little babies.
| Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - 2:48 pm
Wow, that was a lot of chaos. I'm still shaking...much too stressful.
| Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - 4:31 pm
I think Kate was being Kate but the other two never thought about how different a road trip could be, especially in the tight quarters of a motorhome or homes, compared to when they helped out on trips or at the home. Still they had to know sort of what they were in for, but they went and acted like mean girls themselves.. like throwing stuff and stomping off to the back of the bus while arguing with a child. And a two on one sniping and mocking session. Or the constant mantra of lets mess things up and get the kids involved because we know it will bug their mom. Road trips, even with motels involved, can be stressful. My parents, who could certainly bicker at home, almost exploded on some of our road trips. Yikes! I would imagine that the drivers/bodyguards had another bus with the camera crew. But I agree.. lots of chaos.
| Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - 4:32 pm
Is there a list of shows cancelled on TLC.. just Kate and Kat so far??
| Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - 4:56 pm
I can't imagine most reasonable people would put up with Kate for very long, so I'm sure her traveling companions have issues of their own. LOL. Not sure I even understood who there were -- the blonde was the "friend" with the 3 kids?! So who was the brunette? Is she a nanny?
| Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - 5:59 pm
Well, I haven't seen this show in a while nor have I been on this site, but I was just curious to see the kids and wow what a difference. Kate is a real Debbie Downer who skreeches continuously and lordy when she cooks a meal someone had better tell her it was good. She really doesn't know how to let loose and have fun, never has, never will. Some things just never change and hmmmmmmmm wonder where the body guard is sleeping.
| Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - 7:46 pm
There had to be a third RV. The body guard must have slept there. That silly rumor was started by Jon and even he admitted that there was nothing to it, he just was trying to take the heat off of himself when he was hopping from bed to bed. If those women were along to be helpers, they weren't helping much. Everything was on Kate's shoulders. I think she wanted someone to thank her for the meal because she expected the other adults to help her and they were playing. They almost seemed to get the kids to misbehave on purpose. Perhaps the not so helpful helpers thought it was their vacation while Kate thought they were there to help her. The whole idea of taking that many kids on a two week trip was a big mistake. Five days tops. Even the twins are much to young to be that confined for that long.
| Tuesday, August 30, 2011 - 9:42 pm
I'd sure as heck thank someone who was preparing and cooking all the meals and I'd probably not make snide remarks about organic foods to the camera. Kind of like they were kids too.. in fact the children weren't snarking and complaining. Hmm.. but we don't wonder where the camera guys are sleeping? I'm pretty sure that's where Steve was sleeping too. I think I'd be doing a bit more helping and a bit less purposeful trashing of that small space.. but that is probably the same friend who loves having the kids trash the house (but I'll give her that she also had them clean up later) But it definitely was too ambitious for that many people in that space. There is no way I'd have tried to drive one of those things though I know many people do it.
| Wednesday, August 31, 2011 - 8:56 am
Even the twins are much to young to be that confined for that long. My parents took my three brothers and me camping in a van when we were all as old as or younger than the twins (5, 6, 9, and 11) for four weeks. It isn't the age of the children that's the problem.
| Wednesday, August 31, 2011 - 9:10 am
I too was shocked by the aides' behind the back talking about and mocking Kate. I imagine she was shocked when she saw it. Those gals are her employees and should act like it, not tweeners at a sleep-over.
| Wednesday, August 31, 2011 - 4:30 pm
Ashley, the young one, works for Kate. But Jamie is, as Kate says, "her best friend". She and her children were asked to go along. But a friend would have been helping, I would think, and not bad-mouthing along with Ashley. All I know is nothing could get me to go on an RV trip with that many children. :/
| Wednesday, August 31, 2011 - 7:47 pm
The helpers and friend probably were there for TV time.
| Wednesday, August 31, 2011 - 10:46 pm
That's what I figure. Maybe they snarked hoping to get a show or something..
| Thursday, September 01, 2011 - 5:53 am
I noticed the aides helping, but also heard criticism. Both Kate and the aides were wrong - Kate is too stern sometimes and the aides didn't take it well at all and acted like brats themselves. The kids whining didn't used to work on Kate, but it seems to now - or maybe Cara just keeps it up until Kate is at her limit. Even for Kate, I thought hands and knees scrubbing of the floor was too much. But I think it really relieved her stress!
| Thursday, September 01, 2011 - 8:42 am
Maybe they snarked hoping to get a show or something Well, it worked for Kate 
| Thursday, September 01, 2011 - 11:17 am
Kate does not know how to interact with people or kids for that matter. She knows how to bark at people when they don't do things her way. She did that with Jon until he could no longer take it. If you notice that show never showed her with any adult talking or laughing and what really got me was when they were in a public place how she was rushing everyone off and on the bus so those "people" (other vacationers like you and me) could not take unauthorized pictures of them. Guess if she goes in a public place with cameras and boom mikes regular people on the street cannot take her picture unless they pay for it.
| Thursday, September 01, 2011 - 11:42 am
I feel sorry for Kate as she seems to be one miserable excuse for a human being. Obviously they are going to miss all the attention. Please let them fade away nicely like the Roloff's.
| Thursday, September 01, 2011 - 12:17 pm
Aw, but I miss the Roloffs! I can't say the same about Kate. Yes, barking does describe it. And the carrying on about the 'unauthorized' pictures. Give me a break. Like the Papz are hanging out at Mt. Rushmore. It's families, just like hers, maybe even "fans " of the show, that see her on vacation with her kids and want a picture to show their friends and say "look who we saw when we were on vacation!" She wants the spoils of fame, of course, but complains about the price of it.
| Thursday, September 01, 2011 - 12:29 pm
Brenda, the Rolloffs' are filming a special or two to update what's been going on in their lives. Keep an eye out!
| Thursday, September 01, 2011 - 12:45 pm
Thanks OG! hopefully someone will post in the TV section when a special does come out.
| Thursday, September 01, 2011 - 8:05 pm
I really think I understand what was going on with Kate's helpers. When ever we see them, thy are usually alone with Kate. Finally there were two people going thru it TOGETHER. They could vent to each other, which seemed understandable, since they could finally feel like they wernt the crazy ones. There was a group that took her to New York for her birthday, but she didnt have much control, and also there were no kids around, the Commando, Drill Sargent, self important act didnt reall appear.
| Friday, September 02, 2011 - 4:10 pm
Now that the show's been cancelled, looks as if Ms. Kate might have to get a regular job. She said she would like to stay in the media, but don't think anybody really wants to see much more of her. She's a piece of work!!
| Friday, September 02, 2011 - 4:30 pm
I remember Kate's last birthday outing to NY, but didn't remember the group, only the one friend who begged Kate to stop being so uptight and dance a dance or two. I think Kate called that friend her best friend which is the older blonde "helper" as seen on this last episode. I didn't watch the whole show but did catch a few minutes of it the other night and still see that Kate seems as miserable a human being as ever. The only thing that troubles me as I know that she had some sort of financial security with the show and if she was that miserable with a huge income, those kids are really gonna be in for it when they get a *poorer* mother!
| Saturday, September 03, 2011 - 6:51 am
I have to hand it to Kate, if it had been me I wouldn't have survived beyond the tups 2 year old stage...not to mention the challenge of Maddy for several years. If it hadn't killed me off, I know I'd be bald-headed now from pulling out all my hair.
| Saturday, September 03, 2011 - 7:31 am
If I know Kate plus 8, she'll work herself into an episode of Extreme Couponing...