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| Tuesday, October 19, 2021 - 9:40 am
I thought they overworked to make up for viewers not voting for her and saving her twice, now really saving her. But Iman was saved by viewers this week. Second time for Len to make the final decision, saving Olivia Jade and sending Melanie C home. He saved Kenya last week.
| Tuesday, October 19, 2021 - 10:06 am
I was thinking that if they were in the bottom two, they wouldn't save her again. I have said for years.. that when the public votes for ANY contestant... They should vote for the one they want voted out. Not the one they want to save. Too many times it happens that somebody that is really good goes home because everybody figures they'll get enough votes. So they vote for the other person they want to save. I know it's more positive to vote for a person you want to save. But it just kills me when a person who should have gone to the end in a competition doesn't make it because of this loophole.
| Tuesday, October 19, 2021 - 11:30 am
Yes but they lost me when they shut out half the country from voting.. at least actually watching the performances and then voting. I have just stopped watching several shows that do this and DWTS is hanging by a thread, especially since Tom was booted.
| Tuesday, October 19, 2021 - 12:09 pm
Yeah that's true too. Many times I see the message that it's too late to vote, on whatever I'm watching I believe I read a survey somewhere saying that most of the people that vote are teenagers? So all in all, the public voting is pretty skewed
| Tuesday, October 19, 2021 - 1:16 pm
When the judges choose between the bottom 2, there's really no point in voting anyway. If the judges' favorite is in the bottom 2, they just boot the other.
Board Administrator
| Tuesday, October 19, 2021 - 1:37 pm
I understand your frustration. However, the issue with having the public vote someone out rather than vote for their favourite is: a) It’s negative b) The winner will be the least disliked dancer, which isn’t at all necessarily the same as the most liked dancer. 
| Tuesday, October 19, 2021 - 2:12 pm
My main issue is that all three of Carrie Ann/Bruno/Derek have to agree to eliminate someone in the dance off- if only 2 agree Len can always tie the vote and whatever his vote is decides it. I'd rather have it that if the judges tie 2-2, they go to the audience vote (problematic as it is)- at least that's somewhat fairer.
| Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 8:15 am
That's a great idea Wilson. I don't like the 3 votes and then Len gets to decide. It confuses people. And it feels like the other 3 force a split vote to create drama and to put the blood on Lens hands. Yes, if all 4 tie, voters should decide.
| Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 8:19 am
As for 2 girls dancing as a couple. Very often Jojo is doing the man's part. And when two men dance together, one is often doing the ladies part. I do couple dancing as a hobby and I can tell you I've seem some very exciting dances with two men dancing together! OFten, in this show, the dancers do side by side and are doing the same thing regardless of gender. Think of the jive and jazz dances, etc. And yes, the woman's part often has more flair than the man's. But really it's up to the choreographer to bring out the talent of each dancer, and often the talent of the men is not up to the talent of the women (IMO) as the women seem to have more dance training and experience generally on this show. So, I don't think Jojos advantage is because she's dancing with a girl, it's because she's a trained dancer. And her dancing this week took my breath away. I have not voted for her once, but she earned those 10's.
| Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 8:35 am
Brenda, thank you for explaining it so well. I was a little offended by the post up thread, but was too frustrated to get my response worded as eloquently as you did.
| Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 4:34 pm
I'm sorry if I offended anyone. But I actually completed in Ballroom dancing...but in Europe. I also have a ballet tap and jazz background. I can actually spot when someone is doing one or the other part of the dance. In Europe most of my partners were not heterosexual. One of the men actually danced with a transgender woman. So my opinion only comes from being an ex-competition dancer. Nothing more. Of course JoJo is a trained dancer and yes, that is also an advantage. When Adam Rippon was on the show he asked to dance with a male partner. He was refused. I realize this show is now less about dancing and more about entertainment. But I can't help but look at it from my point of view. And that is probably a little bit more with a critical eye then most folks.
Board Administrator
| Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 7:46 pm
That’s so cool that you competed.
| Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 8:28 pm
I truly loved it. Downside is, I now have dancer's feet lol
| Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 7:19 am
Adam Rippon with a male partner would have been great as I recall he was a good dancer. Problem is our homophobic society and the tv show not wanting to 'offend' its conservative viewers. It's a terrible shame. Seriously, I know a family who won't let their teens watch because the outfits are too skimpy. Their heads would explode at two men dancing together. I'd personally be all for it! I love a good male dance duo.
| Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 10:41 am
Sincebb1, I was in high school in the early '60s. One year for a six week grading period in PE we had "modern dance". PE teacher then said I should get into dance?! I didn't. I should have. When I see dancing of all styles . . . wish I could do that. I "feel" it some place in me. You said "dancer's feet" . . . what kind of problems? As I said I didn't / don't dance, but I ended up with BAD feet. Ugh! Podiatrist said can be hereditary. Know nothing about my parents' feet.
| Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 11:44 am
Colordeagua, we had "Modern Dance" in PE, too, when I was in junior high. Don't remember doing it in high school, but we had square dancing. Ugh! So much pressure to have the boys asking the girls to dance! SYTYCD has tested the waters with two female dancers, and it seems to be a success. I think two male partners will come (if Tyra doesn't get this show canceled!). Baby steps.
Board Administrator
| Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 12:47 pm
We had square dancing. LOL ... The guys absolutely hated it.
| Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 1:04 pm
Colordeagua: My mother said I came out of the womb dancing. If we went in to a store with music...I would just start dancing. I started lessons when I was 3. With ballet, pointe shoes are murder on your feet. The toe box is hard. When you are "en pointe" you are supporting the full weight of your body in an extended foot position on your toes. Back then, your choice of padding was lambswool you had to wrap around your toes or use cotton balls or paper towels. But you were considered somewhat of a sissy if you used padding. The goal was to dance with no padding and to actually harden the box in the shoe with glue. Which made it even more painful. I believe there is a policy now not to start anyone under around 11-15 years old on toe shoes because the feet are not formed yet. No such thing in Europe back then. Nowadays, although still murder on your feet, dancers have many more options. You can actually order the shoe to fit the vamp and the shank of your foot. You can order a v or a u-shaped toe cap. They now have pre-arched pointe shoes so you don't have to spend time breaking in the shoes. They also have silicone padding. You can order custom fit. You even can pad the toes individually. Nonetheless, it is still torture on your hips knees and feet. At any given time you have open wounds, calluses, infections and bleeding toenails. Google ballerina feet if you want to be aghast. Later in life this causes bunions, hammer toes and ridiculous physical problems. Each style of dancing is prone to certain injuries. Tap, ballroom (standard and Latin), jazz, and modern often gets you plantar fasciitis, planters fibroma, fallen arches, shin splints. Plus you are also getting twisted ankles, calluses, bruises etc. Joint problems and hip problems from the turning out of the foot, not to mention the constant "pounding" of the entire body. I'm telling you, dancing is not for sissies. Seeing as I did all of them, I've gotten a fair amount of residual problems that stem from all those years of dancing. Women have always had it a little harder in dance. I refer to my favorite quote…."Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backward and in high heels" Now professional dancers do a lot of body therapy to alleviate some of the aches and pains. They have an osteopath, physical therapist, masseuses on call. They do cryotherapy, which I have tried and can not stand the cold even for 2 minutes. They have decompression tables. Which I also do. They do ultrasound, shockwave therapy, and lasers. I have done Pilates and gyrotonic for many years. This is the workout of choice for most dancers. It helps keep the body flexible and in shape without undue stress on body parts that dancing causes. If you love dancing.. you do it for the passion. As I suppose any person involved in any particular sport feels. Just that dancers had to wait a little longer to get recognized as "athletes".
| Monday, October 25, 2021 - 9:15 pm
Tyra looked great tonite. Best hair and makeup ever on this show. It was the most flattering. Soooo many wonderful dances tonite!
| Tuesday, October 26, 2021 - 9:36 am
Her second outfit?! LOL. I didn't get it. And I hated Amanda Kloots mask. UGH. I think it really too away from the dance by not seeing her face. Otherwise, awesome night of dancing. They really all do bring entertainment to the dance floor. And the Derek Hough dance was amazing as usual. I hope he's still dancing in Vegas in 2023 when my daughter turns 21!
| Tuesday, October 26, 2021 - 10:14 am
the mummy outfit I thought was good on her
| Tuesday, October 26, 2021 - 11:10 am
Of my three stars, I only have have one left I was rooting for Mel C, Brian, and Melora....and now the judges seem to be turning on Melora as well. I'm still not over Mel C leaving because it makes no sense.
| Tuesday, October 26, 2021 - 11:18 am
Pamy made me spit my coffee out! The only way Tyra would look good to me is if she wasn't on my TV. Honestly as soon as she opens her mouth, I want to turn it off.
| Tuesday, October 26, 2021 - 11:39 am
LOL! compared to the atrocities that she has worn the mummy outfit was top notch LOL
| Tuesday, October 26, 2021 - 12:33 pm
I really like Melora and have been throwing a few votes her way and also to Suni with most of mine going to Amanda. The scoring on this show is always a mystery. Iman has a perfect score but Amanda still doesn't? I mean he was entertaining last night, but 'dancing'? Not so much.