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| Thursday, September 03, 2020 - 8:45 am
Yes, the Nicollette Sheridan connection was brought up last season. 
| Thursday, September 03, 2020 - 10:21 am
I missed it last night. Gotta catch it on demand tonight. The sad thing is, is that she is denying it to protect her kids and the other women are demanding that she admit it and it's none of their business. I remember one season that they were ganging up on Lisa Vanderpump, For it, Kyle and Erica had gotten together before the season started and agreed not to discuss certain major problems that were going on in their lives at the time. (Mauricio being sued, Tom being sued, Dorit it being sued...) Also, it was obvious that it was production that set this up and Kyle knew about it. It was Teddy who shouted out at the dinner table that Denise slept with Brandi. She didn't need to add that part. But she did. She's tight with Kyle. Don't forget, she was willing to go along with setting up Dorit with the beginning of puppy-gate until she changed her mind. And Lisa Rinna has some nerve to demand that Denise admit it. She has a lot of nerve. She was the one who smashed her wine glass when Kim brought up Harry. Those 3 are scum.
| Thursday, September 03, 2020 - 12:17 pm
I totally agree Gooch. I love how they keep saying it's none of their business while basically interrogating Denise and gleefully trashing her behind her back. Every season they gang up on one person over some ridiculous reason.
| Thursday, September 03, 2020 - 12:50 pm
For it, Kyle and Erica had gotten together before the season started and agreed not to discuss certain major problems that were going on in their lives at the time That should be "Dorit" not "For it". Dang autocorrect.
| Thursday, September 03, 2020 - 2:18 pm
I think it is time for these shows to end. It was fun when it was about their lives, parties, houses and fashion but now they are pre-planning their seasons and all the fun has gone out of them.
| Thursday, September 03, 2020 - 4:22 pm
Well, that was really unpleasant. Sometimes I wonder why I watch this show. They were all talking over each other, and Lisa Rinna just got really aggressive. I guess her "friendship" with Denise Richards is definitely over. I totally agree that it's really none of their business. Who Denise may or may not have slept with is none of their damn business. To keep attacking her and insisting she "own it" is ridiculous. And over Brandi of all trashy people.
| Thursday, September 03, 2020 - 4:24 pm
I still like N.Y..
| Tuesday, September 08, 2020 - 10:00 am
yikes! what a terrible show. I just got caught up. I gave RHOBH up a few years back after Erika came on the scene. I did NOT care for her at all. Obnoxious know it all whose poop apparently doesnt stink. anyways... after reading about all the drama this year and the fact that I kinda like Denise Richards I thought wth? Its a good guilty pleasure I dont think I'll be watching next year. Some train wrecks are fun but this was not. Lisa and Erika are pathetic shit stirrers. I have to wonder if they get paid more to create chaos. Poor Denise and Brandi?? good grief. Cant believe they are still allowing her to be part of this group but she does bring the drama, which brings the viewers like me. WHo invited her to Dorits house warming if Dorit said it wasn't her and everyone was shocked to see her? Then she walks in and says she hates whats happening and didnt want it to blow up like it did. Oh give me a freaking break? That was such a set up. Wonder what the producers paid her? ANd yes, Denise and hubby had a big backyard barbeque and there were quite a few kids there, not just Denises girls. The adult table got out of hand talking about threesomes and sex and got their feelings hurt when Denise called them on it. Own it and apologize and move on. THEY were the ones that kept harping on it and bringing it up. Good lord. And it really doesnt matter if her daughter laughed about it or was horrified by it... Denise has a right to be in control of what they see and hear. ANd she learned her lesson and never brought them again. case closed. Erika doesnt get to choose what is appropriate talk in front of someone elses kid. period. Maybe Im wrong and I know this is mom shaming but if my daughter has an eating disorder and is so anxious about so much I would be looking inward and seeing what I did/didn't do to contribute to that. Lisa has always flaunted her rail thin looks and you just gotta wonder was/is it worth it? I dont know, I just think Id take a different approach to the daughters sensitivities. I obviously know nothing of their life and what goes on, just what this show shows me. Holy over the top Glam eh? I wonder who told Lisa the white eyelids looked good? I have to admit I wanted to smack my TV watching Lisa and Erika go off at the reunion. Im hoping they will lose a few fans over that performance. Disgusting
| Tuesday, September 08, 2020 - 10:24 am
I wonder who told Lisa the white eyelids looked good? She did kind of remind me of Little Orphan Annie. I often ask myself why I'm still watching this mess, but I've been watching since the beginning and it's hard to stop. And it was Kim who brand Brandi as her "plus one" to Dorit's party. Someone else who's trying so hard to be relevant.
| Tuesday, September 08, 2020 - 10:36 am
ohhhhhhhh I must have missed that part re Kim and her plus one. Ugh Kim didnt look well. I actually felt bad for her. Her scenes seemed awkward to me. Oh and Garcelle not paying Kyle the $5000 for her bid at auction.. dont you think that was just an oversight and maybe Kyle should have brought it up to her away from the cameras.Good way to cause more drama and hurt I guess. why do I watch??? Argggghhhh!
| Tuesday, September 08, 2020 - 2:49 pm
Slowly but surely I have been dropping these shows. I was just thinking the other day that I used to watch a lot of Bravo shows but I think the production people/crews have moved the shows away from what I watched for. They did the same thing to Below Deck, I don't watch that anymore either.
| Wednesday, September 09, 2020 - 3:42 pm
Michael Ausiello @MichaelAusiello · 13m Denise Richards Exits #RealHousewivesOfBeverlyHills After 2 Seasons via @TVLine #RHOBH
| Wednesday, September 09, 2020 - 4:18 pm
Good for her!! RUN and dont look back!!
| Monday, September 21, 2020 - 12:46 pm
Page Six @PageSix · 6h Teddi Mellencamp is getting fired from 'RHOBH' after three seasons
| Monday, September 21, 2020 - 2:56 pm
Thank goodness! Rhinna can be next.
| Tuesday, September 22, 2020 - 10:02 am
Good. I used to like Teddi, but then she got so far up Kyle's behind, she was ridiculous. Teddi and Kyle might as well just be the same person. I agree, Grooch. Rinna can be next. And maybe Kyle, too.
| Thursday, September 24, 2020 - 8:19 am
"No! I think I would do it just to go on once in a while and be with my friend Kyle Richards, but as far as me doing the show like that regularly, there’s just too much going on in my life and they do not need a Kris Jenner on that show. They are doing just fine.” Kris Jenner to Ellen when asked if she'd sign on to RHOBH
| Thursday, September 24, 2020 - 1:36 pm
Andy would never get away with the production interference regarding storylines with Kris Jenner like he does with the other HW. If he tried with Kris what they did this year to Denise, Kris would ruin his life forever. And let's face it - she doesn't need the money so there's no way she would put up with his B.S.
| Friday, September 25, 2020 - 10:51 am
I don't see either Kathy Hilton or Kris Jenner ever being a regular on this show. Neither of them needs the money or the headaches. They've tried to foist Faye Resnick on us for years, but the fans won't have her. She's nasty. Anyone who would pose for Playboy on the notoriety brought by the gruesome murder of a friend is really disgusting.
| Sunday, September 27, 2020 - 11:11 pm
Not to mention the nasty book she wrote.
| Sunday, October 04, 2020 - 1:32 pm
There's a "rumor" out there that Erika was offered a "FOTH" role on BH and she turned it down. I'll believe she's gone when I see it.
| Sunday, October 04, 2020 - 1:37 pm
I wonder why FOTH.
| Monday, October 05, 2020 - 7:56 am
They are usually offered FOTH when Bravo is trying to get rid of them - unless they are so Godawful that they are outright fired like they did Teddi Mellancamp. FOTH is Bravo's way of forcing them out. They did the same thing to Vicki but they never thought she was take FOTH. And then, of course, the following season they just outright fired her.
| Monday, October 05, 2020 - 8:18 am
Yes, but I wonder why they want her out. Is she a real pain in the ass behind the scenes? I hope they keep Garcelle and Sutton. Any word on them?
| Tuesday, October 06, 2020 - 5:58 am
There have been rumblings over the last few seasons that Erika is very nasty and rude to production. So far it looks like Garcelle and Sutton are still there. Granted, this is all just "word on the street" stuff and nothing has been confirmed or denied.