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| Sunday, September 06, 2015 - 3:19 pm
Thank you for posting that link, Sadiesmom! Whether this show is fake or real, I do believe what we saw of their characters is true and Jeff, EJ, Shane and Dani came out shining very bright.
| Sunday, September 06, 2015 - 7:21 pm
Bigger people with more muscle mass will burn more calories. So men usually lose more weight on N&A than the women. EJ started out with lots of extra energy but he's a very big man. Both those guys are tall. Protein is expensive calories to consume. Vegetarian calories digest/utilized with very little wasted energy. Nuts high in calories/fat. A vegan in that situation will still lose muscle but she was tiny to begin with. That group of six also ate a lot of fruit so they had plenty of carbohydrates. So I wasn't too surprised with the results. I'm sure there is more fishing/intake than shown on the air.

| Sunday, September 06, 2015 - 8:38 pm
Laura and Eva used to be my favorite girls, not so much anymore. I would have like to see more of them apologize to Dani, being ostracized is horrible. Alana still is a . . Dani was a follower for certain. It was hard seeing her laugh when Alana bashed Shane, so high school. She had no remorse for anything. The hug was only to make her look better it wasn't sincere at all.
| Monday, September 07, 2015 - 9:32 am
Kearie, I agree about Dani B. being a follower. She and Shane got along pretty well until Alana arrived. Then according to Alana, Shane could do nothing right. Also, I got the feeling that Laura was the ring leader of that group, with Luke, Chris, and Eva falling in line with her wants. Honora was pretty much a nothing, although I did like her comment about Laura, Alana and others being cannibals of their own team members. In my opinion, only Jeff, EJ, Shane and Dani J. came out being able to look at themselves in the mirror and be happy with what they saw.
| Monday, September 07, 2015 - 11:06 am
reality programming is pretty much what the producers want you to see. I think that is why I liked Alone so much, people looked inside and found themselves, there was a lot that wAs not shown, always an editors issue, some people are better working the camera than others. The one rule of reality programming is that you can't put words into people's mouths, they actually have to say them. so it bring me to think over just who exactly said "she lies so much I Can't trust her" and in what context would that be valid in this situation. I think it was Eva or Alana. not sure, will have to watch again to see. but that person needs some serious soul searching, Now the Alana Shane hug looked to be Alana cleaning up her rep, so much of what she said showed a complete lack of understanding of what was going on. Also why did the guys have to apologize for thinking of not feeding the other tribe? Chris is going on about not wanting to carry someone into the end, and here he is eating food other people caught, people he would not share food he caught. From the comments on this show I was under the impression that the hunting of the large tribe was mostly catching Lizard, not fish, which is odd considering they had the net and surely could come up with a fishing trap that would lay the net on the bottom and have it pulled up by some lever rather than standing in the water. but wasn't there , so don't know.
| Monday, September 07, 2015 - 11:36 am
I was thinking the same thing about the guys apologizing for thinking of not feeding the other tribe. But, that just shows you how Jeff and EJ think more of the others, than just themselves. Was this reunion show taped right after they came back and they hadn't seen the show yet? There seemed to be so many surprised looks on their faces about certain things. I would love for them to show another reunion show AFTER all episodes have been shown, and see if they have anything different to say. I find it so hypocritical of some of those people. Alana gets mad at Shane when he calls her and Dani lazy, and she said that surviving for 40 days has to be lazy, and then they turn around and call the other Dani lazy and ostracize her. Huh? I really do wish that Jeff and EJ had taken Dani into their group like they did with Shane. If they had taken her in, I'm sure Dani wouldn't have tapped out.
| Monday, September 07, 2015 - 3:17 pm
EJ and Jeff were great in sharing their meat. I don't think EJ would have been so giving if he caught the eels. I didn't like all their yelling and grunting and chest banging, but their survival skills were impressive. I never thought about the net until I read your post. I think they might have been uneasy about standing in the water, but you're right, they could have figured something out. They were too busy bashing Dani to think about the net. I think Dani would have made it to the end if it weren't for her 'team mates'. I think the reunion should have been 2 hours.
| Sunday, October 25, 2015 - 10:03 am
This show started up again last week. Ithink for opposite people they did very well, feel good ending. Friends forever.
| Sunday, March 20, 2016 - 7:51 pm
new naked and afraid tonight in Canada - brrrrr
| Wednesday, May 04, 2016 - 9:31 pm
I run across this some days when I'm home on the weekend and just let it run.. unless I've already seen it.
| Saturday, August 27, 2016 - 5:25 pm
Wow, this last episode of Naked and Afraid XL was so hard to watch. It broke my heart seeing so many of them get so sick. 
| Saturday, August 27, 2016 - 9:21 pm
this week we see who survives,I think 3 are for sure gone. I fear they may have made the location too hard. there is large game, but too large, they need smaller game, were they jsut not seeing it?
| Sunday, August 28, 2016 - 5:30 am
The producers knew the first guy got sick on either the iguana or the fruit but went ahead and let the others eat the fruit, seems like they could be liable.
| Sunday, August 28, 2016 - 8:04 am
there is a theory that the production left Randy's camera so the people could find out not to eat it, also did they know exactly if it was the fruit or t he not fully cooked iguana? how much interference do you want on this show, I have heard that sometimes they put animals in the traps so people can get something to eat. How much should the production interfer, one woman got Dengue fever from mosquito bites, should they give them bug repellant? it is a tough call there. because the fruit might have been edible if the skin was unbroken and they washed or cooked it. Didn't they say it was because of monkey saliva on the fruit? the issue is how badly off is this environment? did they put them in too much danger? One show people were put in a place where someone in production got attacked by a poisonous snake and barely survived. another person was complaining that the crew never left them alone so there was always someone around with a gun, except the cameras are set up at night and the crew does leave. how real do we want reality to be? How Naked and Afraid is produced
| Sunday, August 28, 2016 - 9:17 am
That's what I was telling my dh...the game in this area is just too large for them to catch! I think the smaller game was probably scared off by all the bigger animals and went to other places. I'm hoping Jake makes it, but you know that Randy, Kim and Phaedra are out.
| Sunday, August 28, 2016 - 9:36 pm
OK, why do I always get hungry after watching this show? I had a very big meal at a funeral yesterday (10 courses) so I just was not hungry all day, late at night I watch this and now I am cooking something to eat.
| Monday, August 29, 2016 - 9:52 am
Survival? I watched the shows yesterday and the final last night and wondered why it was ok to treat someone and bring them back. The note on the screen said that production crew and the local people had eaten that fruit with no problem so this puzzled them. but they thought this came from sick animals.. The one guy was good at catching fish but a bit crazy as he chased all the game away, running at them with his rock.
| Sunday, March 12, 2017 - 10:08 am
Is there a new season tonight? I see it says season 7 episode 2 but what happened to episode 1?
| Monday, March 13, 2017 - 11:21 am
Lakecat, I think episode 1 was last week. It was replayed last night just prior to episode 2. It should be "on Demand" if your provider supports that.
| Tuesday, March 14, 2017 - 1:19 am
Thanks I'll look for it. For some reason my dvr didn't pick it up.
| Wednesday, March 15, 2017 - 11:32 am
wo two episodes about strong women weak men. odd way to start off. The first guy was seriously physically ill, the second guy had a mental (i.e. not psychotic, but mental motivations) problem. they really robbed the woman in the second show they took her out and refused to raise her PSI rating even though she did well and was quite resourceful while there.
| Wednesday, March 15, 2017 - 1:05 pm
Sadie, I agree about the second woman. Her PSI rating should have been increased. The weather conditions were not her fault and she had done well to get as far as she did.
| Monday, April 17, 2017 - 9:28 pm
worse, when the guy dropped out they raised his PSI. OK, I really liked the people in the last Naked and Dead, the guy had some problem not always being the provider, but the woman was so chill, she calmed him down by osmosis. Except for getting sick, they seemed to do fairly well. O XL is starting next week, they showed a Sneak preview yesterday they are in the Amazon and it seems a lot harder than you would think.
| Thursday, June 01, 2017 - 4:10 pm
I just found this does and love it but do they really not get anything for completing it
| Thursday, June 01, 2017 - 8:32 pm
they don't get paid, except a small stipend for appearing on TV, that is the law. But some do lectures after appearing. also there is always a camera crew with the naked and afraid, except at night, even then when they were in Africa, there were sharp shooters out of sight of the camp at night. they also get their medication daily.