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| Wednesday, December 20, 2017 - 6:55 am
Dipo, the season premiere was last night.
| Wednesday, December 20, 2017 - 11:26 am
Just watched last night's episode. Dorit and PK still rub me the wrong way. Her kids are babies and she "reconnected with them" while in Miami? Might be time to get rid of a couple of nannies. Lisa V used to be my very favorite but I hate how possessive she is of Kyle and that she can't let a bad joke go. I like Kyle more than I ever have. I like that she wants to include everyone she gets along with and let them decide whether they want to mingle or not. I couldn't care less if I never saw Lisa R. again in my life. I love Erika, maybe because I can be a private person that can come off as cold when in reality I become friends slowly rather than jumping right to besties re: Lisa R & Eden. It was nice to see Camille. After her first crazy season I really started to like her. She started to be the voice of reason in this group of crazy. Teddi seems to be nice but we will see. I don't know if she really uses the name Mellencamp in real life or if that's just for this show. If you want your kids to be down to earth then it might be smart not to hang onto that name. I'm looking forward to this season but last night's episode was a bit boring to me.
| Wednesday, December 20, 2017 - 4:58 pm
OMG, did these women forget their pants, hahahahaha. Dipo, you made me laugh with that one. Honestly, these women all dress like they're 15. It's kind of tacky. Rinna seemed to be the only one dressed age appropriately. And Erika with her "DSL" lips. She is so disgusting. I try to like her, but I just can't. She's really vile. I've always loved Kyle. She always wants to be the peacemaker.
| Thursday, December 21, 2017 - 7:45 am
Erika is just gross. Her confessional looks get worse every year and the one this year with the ponytails makes her look like a Lolita who is trying to attract a pedophile. I'm convinced her glam squad hates her guts.
| Thursday, December 21, 2017 - 12:11 pm
Lexie! LOL!!!! I had to laugh when she was talking about going back to DWTS for an "All Star" season. I don't think she left them on good terms. After she was voted out early on, she posted her stupid video online of "How Many F***s Do I Give?" Classy. And then they barely showed her in the finale. I don't think she was popular there.
| Thursday, December 21, 2017 - 1:34 pm
Oh yeah... TPTB on DWTS did not like her. She was only shown on the DWTS finale for about a split second.
| Thursday, December 21, 2017 - 4:52 pm
Count me in the group that dislikes Erika. Couldn't stand her in her first season and even more so now. Just another vile housewife with no redeeming qualities. LOVE, love, love Kyle and LisaV...and although Lisa R. has disappointed me on occasion I enjoy her devotion to her family particularly. Dorrit I'm warming up to but she needs to keep her mouth shut in regards to what her hubby says about the other women. Loose lips sink ships etc. Agree it was nice to see Camille as she is so elegant most of the time.
| Friday, December 22, 2017 - 12:49 pm
Camille has been through some stuff, yet she seems to have handled it all with class and grace. She was actually one of the main reasons I started watching this show (her and the Richards sisters were the only ones I had heard of). Kelsey Grammar makes my skin crawl. He is not a nice person. I like Dorit, and her children are adorable. Is it just me or has her accent diminished some this year? It never bothered me. She lives with a Brit and has lived all over the world. Just because she was born in the US doesn't mean she couldn't have picked up an accent. Look at Saoirse Ronan. Born in the Bronx, but raised in Ireland. Talks like she's in an Irish Spring commercial. 
| Tuesday, December 26, 2017 - 7:33 pm
Can someone remind me why Dorit feels she may be "in danger" around Lisa R?
| Wednesday, December 27, 2017 - 4:42 am
I don't think she meant "danger" in a physical sense. I think she was talking about being in "danger" from Rinna's tongue.
| Wednesday, December 27, 2017 - 3:33 pm
It goes back to when Rinna made the comment about people doing drugs in Dorit's bathroom at her dinner party. Totally uncalled for. Rinna was just looking to draw some blood. Glad they seemed to make up in Vegas. We'll see how long it lasts.
| Wednesday, December 27, 2017 - 6:46 pm
LOL, I saw a WWHL where Andy asked an actor about that comment and he (can't remember who it was) said it was a Hollywood party, so yeah, people were most likely doing drugs in the bathroom.
| Wednesday, December 27, 2017 - 7:33 pm
Lol, Dipo. I have to admit that when I saw Lisa R sitting at the table alone with one guy to talk to, my first thought was that everyone left to do drugs.
| Wednesday, December 27, 2017 - 11:44 pm
Ark, that shot was not after dinner. It was before. If you look at the table it is still set and everything is untouched. Rinna and that gentleman just happen to be the first to sit down for dinner.
| Thursday, December 28, 2017 - 2:20 am
Omg! I never realized that, Biloxibelle. Thanks. That is more than extremely annoying that Bravo manipulates us, the viewers, like that.
| Thursday, December 28, 2017 - 4:15 am
Yeah... the editing on the HW shows is sketchy at best. Production is notorious for airing stuff "out of order." That scene was definitely BEFORE the dinner party started.
| Thursday, December 28, 2017 - 12:38 pm
I enjoy Erika; however, I do not think she knows what All Stars means. She has daddy issues, it's obvious to the viewers and those around her, but maybe she is not ready to face that, yet, or maybe she faces it in therapy. I know a lot of women who have daddy issues. Kyle remains my favorite. I don't think Lisa R and Dorit are actually mended. Dorit seems so insincere to me and so over-dramatic about how injured she was. Doing Coke in the bathroom happens at lots of parties, everywhere in this country. It was rude for Lisa R to say it out loud though because that can affect a family, especially with young children. A guest should be discrete about what happens at a party they attend. I like Teddi so far. Not sure about how she is in this crowd though because her father is rich but that doesn't mean she is. She may have continued conflict when the other women are spending their money. Hope it's a fun season...
| Friday, January 05, 2018 - 1:11 pm
I skipped last season. Was home sick the past few days and watched 2 or 3?? shows on demand. I liked Teddi but she so does not fit the RH type. I doubt she'll want to come back, if asked. I never liked LV and still don't. Dorrit is who made me give up the show last year. I like Erica she does seem like a bad butt chick. And yes daddy issues.
| Friday, January 05, 2018 - 3:15 pm
LOL, Lilfair, I don't care for Dorit either, I think she is all show and no substance. As LV has become more "popular" I feel like she has shown more of her true colors, what she call brit humor I call mean. Teddy seems nice enough but I don't think she has much in common with most of these "hollywood" types, she seems a lot more down to earth than most of them. Although I think she and LisaR could become besties.
| Friday, January 05, 2018 - 3:31 pm
I hope they keep someone like what Teddy represents around...someone more grounded and down to earth. Eileen represented that, but she wasn't asked back this season. It's mind boggling, at times, the kind of excess these people live in. Watching how out of place they were in Vegas with their outfits was hilarious.
| Friday, January 05, 2018 - 3:41 pm
My gut tells me when they cast Teddi, they thought she lived the Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous because of her father. I really doubt that TPTB at Bravo had any idea she was as frugal as she is. When she held on to that $800 she won at the roulette table, I thought to myself that these other HW spend more than that on face cream or a purse. Dipo, I don't think LV is mean (certainly not when you compare her to Erika who has a super-vicious mean streak). But when LV is jacking around with Rinna, you have to remember that LVP and Rinna have known each other for something like 25 years. Rinna doesn't seem to be offended in the least at LVP's jokes. I have friends of 30 and 40 years and the way we joke with each other would make a sailor blush. Long-time friends can get away with stuff that most people can't. So I "get" how LVP jokes with Rinna - and it certainly appears that Rinna doesn't take offense to it.
| Tuesday, January 09, 2018 - 10:04 pm
How can these people have so much luggage when they travel, do they pay like $500 just to get their bags on the plane?
| Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - 4:25 am
If you fly first class or business class, your luggage travels free (or the first 50-80 lbs. travels free and then you pay for the difference in weight).
| Wednesday, January 10, 2018 - 9:55 am
Dips, she not only flies with all that luggage (5 pairs of sunglasses?) but with he Team! I thought if you have the money, how great to always have people around you like I loved hoe they showed them at the Geisha place, they were so respectful, but they looked like they wanted to gag on the food!
| Thursday, January 11, 2018 - 9:04 am
I hope they don't bring back Dorit next season. I know they think they need the token pot stirrer, but she's entirely too negative to keep around.