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| Friday, October 27, 2017 - 8:34 pm
i thought she looked amish
| Saturday, October 28, 2017 - 6:04 am
Everything about Kenya's outfit was beautiful. I could see the warrior aspect in the shoulder. Her tailoring of the fabric was spot on and it so flattered her model-was it Lyris? Maybe it was too much fashion and not editorial enough. I'd wear her look in a heartbeat.
| Saturday, October 28, 2017 - 12:24 pm
I loved Kenya's dress. I feel like Brandon is the predetermined winner. For years now there has been no suspense in the winner, maybe this year will be different.
| Sunday, October 29, 2017 - 1:21 pm
Something I've been wondering about and maybe someone with a good memory can help. It seems to me that the model Meisha is winning a lot of the challenges. If thats true, can the judges be picking the winners subconsciously with how good the clothes look on that particular model? I'm so tired of Brandon's designs. They are good, but it's the same thing over and over. I haven't seen him do a real dress that somebody over the age of 25 would wear out to an elegant party. He's become a one trick pony. I think Ayana should have won the challenge with her cup cake dress that Lisha modeled. Could the judges have been prejudiced with the models weights and picked the winner because a skinny model can wear clothes better? Michael won that challenge with, again, the model Meisha with his melting silver disco ball. To me, Ayana's cupcake dress was more fitting with the challenge of the dolls. Any thoughts on this, or do I just have a case of sour grapes. 
| Sunday, October 29, 2017 - 3:07 pm
I honestly can't keep track of which model is with which designer week to week. Since they are now "assigned" the models on a weekly basis, I wonder how the winner for the models will be determined? In seasons past, the designer had a muse (and that muse was usually with the designer for most of the season and I think she won something like $25,000 or maybe $50,000). I wonder how they will determine the winner this season for the models.
| Sunday, October 29, 2017 - 3:41 pm
Interesting. This Wikipedia link ( link ) has the winning designers and the winning models. Meisha has worn 6 of the winning designs. She won the second competition and has won the last 5. Maybe my grapes aren't so sour after all. And maybe Brandon should stop acting so smug. Eta: Week 8 there is no info on the models. It was the week Claire was eliminated. So, I dont know who Meisha modeled for that week.
| Sunday, October 29, 2017 - 4:16 pm
Liris and a few of the others(dont remember their names) kind of irritate me because when they give their confessionals they acts like they are the client not just the model
| Sunday, October 29, 2017 - 7:20 pm
Pamy, I am pretty sure they are asked for those comments..
| Monday, October 30, 2017 - 3:15 pm
Interesting about Meisha having worn the winning look 6 times, so approximately ~50%. Did anyone watch the preview of next week's show? It's about 10-15 minutes in length and airs after the episode. Anyway... in next week's challenge they have to design a winter look... they are sent to this bar in NYC to draw. It's called 5 below... they had to bundle up and go into the bar which is made completely out of ice. That was pretty cool. Then they go to Mood. Margarita decides to use some rabbit fur in her design so she bought a couple pelts. Anyway they were told they had no more time and she had checked out Tim spotted the fur and asked who bought the fur... Margarita piped up that she did and Tim said you can't buy or use fur because we are a "Cruelty Free" show and we don't use fur. So fine... be cruelty free... but I'm surprised that the use of leather is ok? Margarita used leather last week. Does anyone else remember them ever stating that the use of fur is not permitted?
| Monday, October 30, 2017 - 6:51 pm
no. and if so you would think the contestants would know up front
| Monday, October 30, 2017 - 8:39 pm
It did seem contradictory.. Leather, yes, bunny 🐇 fur, no. But have to admit I have worn leather shoes, jackets.. But bunny fur would not work for me, an I cringed when she was stroking it. But Tim took me by surprise.
| Tuesday, October 31, 2017 - 8:17 pm
It seems someone has used animal fur in the past.
| Tuesday, October 31, 2017 - 9:44 pm
Cows are delicious and bunnies are cute. If I can get a steak, use leather.
| Wednesday, November 01, 2017 - 1:51 am
Cass_cat, I came up with 60% that she won and I have no clue what model Claire had when she got disqualified, so Meisha won 6 out of the 10 challenges that counted. The model who has won the most 2nd places with 3 "wins" for that, is Liris. Sugar, I just saw Jacque Pepin, on tv the other day, cooking rabbit. He insists it's delicious. I'm very annoyed that Tim used his save on Margarita. I dont think she was great enough to be saved, or that she was robbed in that challenged. If the show needed him to use it because they needed an extra person, he should have saved Michael, last week. He has so much talent. And he was robbed. As much as I love Kentaro, his outfit was the most hideous of the bunch. It really was a "what the ?????" moment with the American Indian-ish like outfit. It looked like something made for a Thanksgiving school play. Or, was it because Margarita cried and Tim felt bad for her because of her story of having to leave Puerto Rico? Tim is a sucker for a sob story. (Not that there is anything wrong with that. Don't change, Tim.) Either way, Michael should have been saved over her.
| Wednesday, November 01, 2017 - 3:28 am
Grooch, if you've ever seen Margarita's clothes "outside" the runway, her stuff is very nice and can be worn by the every day woman. You don't have to be a model to wear her clothes, or a grunge person to wear Claire and Shawn's pieces. Lakecat, I'm with you. I would swear someone used fur in the past.
| Wednesday, November 01, 2017 - 6:57 am
I honestly think Tim used it just because it realistically was the last week it could be used.
| Wednesday, November 01, 2017 - 10:33 am
Tim has used the save as late as final 4, he did it the season Ashley won.
| Wednesday, November 01, 2017 - 10:37 am
I wonder if Tim used it because he felt guilty for supporting her decision to move forward with the gold leather piece... Agree though that it should have been used on Michael and not Margarita. So with Meisha wearing the winning 60% of the time... does anyone think the judges prefer the winning looks because on the model (tall and thin) or is it really because of they like the winning looks vs. the others. I say this because I thought for sure Kenya was going to win... and was surprised Brandon did instead. I suppose the judges thought his look was more "Editorial" vs. Kenya's? That is all I can think of because Kenya's was hand's down 100% wearable by any shape/size of woman.
| Thursday, November 02, 2017 - 6:38 am
Although I loved Kenya's look I will be honest - I have seen it before (I was looking at a webpage for larger sized clothes this week and saw the exact same silhouette). I think it was a superb outfit and I thought she did it very well but if the judges were looking for something unique it just wasn't. Having said that, I still think she should have won. Brandon's looks are always basically the same, and he almost let the judges throw Kentaro under the bus when if anyone has copycatted looks it is Brandon, not Kentaro.
| Friday, November 03, 2017 - 9:34 am
I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and it dropped.
| Friday, November 03, 2017 - 9:41 am
Oh my, Brandon created a crop top in multiple different length layers with straps hanging off. How original, it is so Brandon. and yes so much like what he did before.Every single week. I had a big argument (not mean, just loud, heh) with my sister this weekend, she thinks Brandon is the greatest and his stuff looks alike because it is his style. And that his stuff is always high fashion and does not need to be wearable. I think he does the same thing over and over and only has one silhouette and it He had the heavy models first to get them over with I guess, both wearing crop tops, as did most of his models. After that he started on the layered look. His cloths will never look good on me, the man never uses a dart, and loves his harp angles.
| Friday, November 03, 2017 - 9:52 am
And Miesha wins again! I think that increases her average of winning to 64%. I predict whoever gets her for the runway will win the competition! Anyone want to make a bet? 
| Friday, November 03, 2017 - 11:55 am
I love Miesha's spirit, she has a great aura about her! The model that wore brandon's is also a bright light. Liris continues to irritate me by acting like she is the client. even when the others dont like their outfits they dont come off that way. Liris comes off as a total diva, I wonder how the other models feel about her
| Friday, November 03, 2017 - 11:57 am
Grooch, I agree. I also think they should all get the same size model for the runway to make it fair.
| Friday, November 03, 2017 - 12:15 pm
Did anyone watch the preview to next week's episode, Final Part 1? Tim visited Ayana first and in going over her collection with him she said of one of her designs "this is my size 14 look"... so I take that to mean they will have models of varying sizes. Also about next week... Tim is sporting a ginormous forehead size bandage (well not quite). When he was meeting Anayna's mother and friend her mother immediately asked what happened to him. He said he fell (at home??) the night before he left for the home visits and had to have stitches.