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| Friday, April 14, 2017 - 3:37 pm
I won't ever make assumptions about the relationships with the wives and their children. I certainly won't comment on why the husbands do or don't do certain things. I still can't figure that out about my own, lol. I will comment on the wives all day long, since they put themselves out there. Watching Rinna actually stresses me out. Watching her is not enjoyable to me at all. I liked Erika Giradi and Erika Jayne amused me in small doses. I wish she would have EG on more and not showcased EJ so much and they glam squad even less. In Hong Kong everyone seems to be giving Erika a pass because of her son. Thing is I don't believe it was truly about her son. She was warning Eileen not to defend Dorit well before Eileen ever mentioned her son. I think she just latched on the son comment to justify her shutting Eileen down and making it all worse. I don't care for Eileen and her compulsion to explain what everyone else is feeling and thinking. I like PK and Doret. I hope they stay for another season. This show is not for Eden. I think she is coming from a good place but it has got all jumbled. I did enjoy her blasting Rinna though. Shame on me. I've always liked Kyle and LVP. Not blindly, they have annoyed me from time to time. Who doesn't. I turned in to watch the rich and famous interact. Not battle dumb battles all season long. Not to have every dinner ruined. I originally tuned in to watch Camille as Kelsey was (keyword; was) one of my favorite actors. Loved Frasier. I was curious about how they lived. Boy oh boy did I find out more about him than I ever cared to know.
| Saturday, April 15, 2017 - 12:22 pm
Biloxibelle, I pretty much agree with just about everything you said above. I originally started watching this show for Camille, Kim & Kyle. They were the only ones I knew at the time. I feel the same way about Kelsay. He turns my stomach, every time he's on my TV.
| Tuesday, April 18, 2017 - 3:48 pm
Erika Jane tweeted her video "How Many F***s Do I Give" after being eliminated from DWTS last night. So typical.
| Wednesday, April 19, 2017 - 3:46 am
Not very classy of Erika Jane and totally unnecessary.I thought she would go far in this competition based on her entertainment experience but never, ever thought she would win. I would think her return for future episodes would be awkward unless she is contractually obligated.
| Wednesday, April 19, 2017 - 4:31 am
Don't forget that Erika is an enigma wrapped in a riddle... and cash. eta: for those who don't know, that was her housewives tag line for her first season.
| Wednesday, April 19, 2017 - 6:18 am
i just get so exhausted watching this reunion over and over on the same crap.....why do I keep watching
| Wednesday, April 19, 2017 - 6:30 am
I keep thinking I can't dislike Erika more than I already do, and then I watch her on DWTS and her behavior last night on the reunion show, and I find it is possible for me to dislike her more than I did last week.
| Wednesday, April 19, 2017 - 6:36 am
Lol@myself. When I posted her tag line, I thought I was in the DWTS thread and thought non watchers of the show would have no idea what I was talking about. Oops! 
| Wednesday, April 19, 2017 - 1:46 pm
After watching last night's reunion show, I couldn't agree with you more, Lexie! Erika just thinks she's better than everyone else, and unlike everyone else, she never does anything wrong. I'm so glad she's done on DWTS. On last night's reunion, she was so dismissive of PK, who was genuinely apologizing. Yes, we all say things we know we shouldn't have. Unfortunately these people say them on camera. The way Rinna, Erika and Eileen (who hardly had two words to say the entire episode) stick together and support each other--right or wrong--is really sad. I really felt bad for Eden when they played the clip of her telling Rinna that she'd been so mean to her and her feelings had been hurt, and Rinna just laughed at her, while Erika and Eileen looked on. It really made me sad for Eden.
| Wednesday, April 19, 2017 - 2:06 pm
The problem with these people is that no one ever listens to anyone, they just talk over each other. It they would listen, we might not be as familiar with munchshausen or erikas privates. I've heard enough about Erika for a while. I had her cheesy song it's not easy to be meeeee on my head today. #annoying
| Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 12:20 am
I continue to support Erika. P.K. is old enough to at least know to watch his mouth on camera. I really find his actions and words to be reprehensible and I hope we never see him on RHBH again. Erika's dance was beautiful this week. She has baggage, for sure. I sadly think she truly cares even though she says she gives zero F's. And the way everyone is judging her and criticizing her mothering choices and other personal choices, well I believe she is giving zero F's about them, not the DWTS show. I could be wrong but there are so many haters who are judging her. She needs a break! Her son lives with her and it doesn't sound like he doesn't want to.
| Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 5:29 am
Erika's son gets to live in a mansion well above the housing he could afford as a young Police Officer.No rent, no food no utilities .......... a massive swimming pool. Pretty sweet deal. And I am sure her husband is good to this young man.
| Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 6:14 am
I still like and support Erika. Lisa and Eileen did just fine , I love the way they support each other. I love Kyle, she has her head on straight and is a good person. PK came off looking like a pompous ass I thought and Kim just seems somewhat "unhinged". I felt sorry for Eden, she seems so needy and is way too delicate for this show.
| Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 7:09 am
I think Eden is a good person, but she is socially awkward. This show just wasn't the right fit for her. I will be shocked if she comes back next season.
| Thursday, April 20, 2017 - 2:05 pm
I just felt so sorry for Eden when she was unleashing her feelings on Rinna, and Rinna just laughed in her face. No compassion, no remorse, just disparaging laughter. Who does that? It was horrible.
| Friday, April 21, 2017 - 3:57 am
Too bad Kim made a scene out of returning the bunny to Rinna.I wish Kim would just ignore Rinna.
| Friday, April 21, 2017 - 6:24 am
Kim has always been a very mean person, drunk or sober. I don't even like Rinna, but I thought Kim was way out of line. But it doesn't surprise me because she's just that type of person.
| Friday, April 21, 2017 - 9:47 am
What exactly does Kim do for a living now? Her actions with the bunny were ridiculous. It was only to be a mean girl. I know Rinna has a big mouth and says some stupid things but doing that in front of everyone on tv, was just to be hurtful. Aren't you supposed to be putting that behind you when you are in a step program?
| Friday, April 21, 2017 - 9:50 am
Last night on WWHL someone called in and asked where the bunny is now. Andy said you have to wait and watch the next episode. I was expecting it to be sitting on a shelf in the clubhouse.
| Friday, April 21, 2017 - 11:56 am
LOL, Grooch! That would be funny!
| Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - 1:53 pm
Oh my! These ladies may have cash, but they don't have a lot of class. I was appalled at both Rinna and Eileen cutting off the other ladies with, "Buh bye! Done. Bye!" So extremely rude! I've never seen anyone do that before. There were times I just wished Andy would step in, but I think he likes dropping a bomb and watching them all fight. When he read a viewer comment to Dorit (I think) and then asked her about it, Rinna started screaming, "Why are we still talking about this?!" I wanted Dorit to just say, "Because he asked me a question!" Just deplorable behavior. I can pretty accurately say that I can't stand any of the "ladies" on the left couch and like all the ladies on the right one (except for maybe Kim, I'm over her).
| Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - 4:48 pm
co-signing BJM's post!!!
| Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - 7:34 pm
I second the emotion. I will say this about Kim: I'm glad she did not back down and held her ground. Kyle is Switzerland and will never ruffle feathers. Lisa seemed to have checked out. Doris was great as well. The witches of eastwick can be not asked back next season.
| Thursday, April 27, 2017 - 8:04 am
I totally respect what Kyle was saying about not being responsible for her sister's actions. It took me a long time to learn that with my own siblings. You might not like what they're doing or saying, but they are their own people and you can't be held responsible for someone else's words/actions. I think Kyle may have been to some Alanon meetings (for families of alcoholics). Good for her.
| Thursday, April 27, 2017 - 1:26 pm
I dislike Dorit (she is beyond phony and PK gives me the creeps). I can't stand Kim-she is a hot mess and extremely mean. I understand why Eileen and Rinna said what they did-those two gals on the right never know when to shut up until Andy finally tells them to. Everyone else is OK with me.