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| Friday, February 17, 2017 - 1:40 pm
Erika said on WWHL that Lisa does own up to it.
| Friday, February 17, 2017 - 2:50 pm
Lisa owns up to what, Mamie? I'm confused.
| Friday, February 17, 2017 - 10:41 pm
Owns up to saying what she said to Eden.
| Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - 8:57 pm
Ok to be honest Lisa Rinna is the most annoying hypocritical person and why does she have to use her husbands last name who does that
| Tuesday, February 21, 2017 - 9:40 pm
LOL, Mom of three, she has always done that. I saw her on WWHL and someone asked and she doesn't have an answer, just says she always has.
| Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - 6:28 am
She does it because she is a name dropper. When you watch an episode, take a shot every time she drops a name. Some episodes you won't be able to stand up afterwards.
| Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - 8:33 am
I like Erika (now) and Eileen and Kyle - I do NOT like Dorit or PK. Ugh. They make me grit my teeth/jaw anytime they're on screen, it makes the show, literally, painful to watch. I'm not a fan of Eden so far either, but I think she has been honestly confused of her role in the group and tried too hard, too fast to fit in and picked a totally awful path to go down to find commonalities with Kyle in particular. I'm seeing more and more of the pot stirring from LVP - I never saw it before, but it's like a tiny bit of curtain has been pulled aside lately and we're seeing her actions and hearing her comments that are not so nice and are judgemental and hypocritical, which she says she's not. Rinna - well, I think she's honest. How many of us remember a complete conversation with every girlfriend you have? Especially when distracted with shopping/kids/etc? I don't. I really believe she didn't remember saying that stuff about Kim and at the time it didn't mean that much to her since she wasn't involved in the drama anymore (she was just spouting off stuff to a new girl). I'm not saying she was right in doing so, but I can barely remember what I told hubs yesterday on the phone much less a few days or weeks ago. 
| Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - 12:18 pm
Scotchbright, surely you'd remember saying someone was "near death" when you are being filmed & choosing your words carefully?? Sorry, don't buy it. Rinna is trying to be relevant by stirring the pot with drama. Eden was trying to be relevant by being the "savior". All this unnecessary drama is why I don't watch all the other HW series & now I wish I hadn't started on the OC & BH HW series. I love Erika & hoped she could clean up this group but like my fav Heather Dubrow on OC will be demoted without creating sufficient drama.
| Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - 1:51 pm
Actually I don't think they choose their words carefully, if they did there wouldn't be any drama. I think sometimes they all get caught up in stuff, and since they are always drinking I can doubt they remember every conversation they have, and Rinna has always been overly dramatic with her words so that doesn't surprise me. I too think LVP's carefully crafted façade is beginning to crack. Occasionally we see her manipulation and pointed remarks that are not "just being British".
| Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - 2:38 pm
If Rinna honestly didn't remember saying what she did, then she owes Dorit an apology for getting on her case for not remembering what she said at the dinner party about Eileen and last season's reunion. And an apology to Lisa V for not remembering saying "I thought you were going to bring Kyle in on it" or something like that. Rinna is a liar. "Don't hustle the hustler."
| Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - 3:27 pm
Okay...well, maybe I should have said that Rinna is honest that she doesn't remember, because it's difficult to remember lies/half-truths/dramatic truths (alternative facts?). She does like drama, just not when it involves her or her family. I think she's okay, I don't think she maliciously lied or doesn't remember on purpose.
| Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - 3:44 pm
Lol! I think she got caught with her pants down when Kyle confronted her and she needs some time to figure out to wiggle out of it. Right now I'm thinking about the aggressive way she confronted Eden over something she doesn't remember saying. I just remembered those aggressive text messages she sent Kim one season that sdsdhe was going to F her up, or something like that. Lisa is an odd one.
| Wednesday, February 22, 2017 - 6:53 pm
Perhaps she really doesn't remember, could be she was taking too many pills from her little bag. How come no one has made a big issue of that??? On the other hand, she is a mean person who I don't think much of.
| Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 5:21 am
I think that the powers that be on these shows egg these people on to bicker and cause dissent.
| Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 2:06 pm
This was LR first outing with the Vidal girl. I think she was running her mouth telling her about everything that went down with Kim and her observations. She remembers having the conversation but probably forgot what and how she said things. I'm sorry, I am someone who forgets exactly what I said, so I can see it happening. I don't feel one way or the other about her other than she needs to let it go and move on. Had she not been talking about her in the first place this would have never happened. Now LVP has always been my favorite but this year the camera is not liking her and she is appearing very mean, snarky and sneaky. Maybe all those things that were said were true and Bravo kept it on the cutting room floor. Love Erika. The rest are ok.
| Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 2:15 pm
Terolyn, you are correct, LVP has always been like this, she just hid it better and bravo didn't show as much. You can see it sometimes on Vanderpump Rules too.
| Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 2:16 pm
I think I would remember if I said someone was "near death" and she's not really sober. Those are pretty big accusations to make about someone. Either Rinna's got some form of dementia (too many Xanax?) or she's just covering her own behind. I like LVP and loved the way she clearly (very clearly) told Eden, "Kyle is my friend and if you mess with her, you'll have my Louboutin up your behind." That's a loyal friend!
| Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 2:54 pm
Terolyn, sometimes I wonder if Rinna is running her mouth so often about Kim to anyone who will listen, but slipped up and told somebody (Eden) whom she thought it wouldn't get back to the group. So, in her brain, since she's talked so many times about it, she doesn't actually remember telling Eden specifically. I hope it makes sense what I'm trying to say. I just don't understand her hatred for Kim. She's not your problem, Rinna. Ignore her.
| Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 3:25 pm
I don't know, I forget conversations all the time, we talk about stuff, debate it, and then move on. I rarely remember the conversations, don't have that much room in my brain. Just saying.
| Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 3:34 pm
Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that she really doesn't remember. Instead of being indignant and angry, wouldn't you be sorry that you said something so horrible and profusely apologize. Saying something along the lines of, "I really don't remember, but if I did, I'm sorry." Let's be real, she may not remember saying it, but she knows damn well she thinks it. Lol!
| Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 3:59 pm
My personal take on the subject is that about being sober, I think Rinna is like me in that if Kim is still taking all the anti anxiety pills that she was back when she was on the show full time, she isn't really sober and that's what she meant by Kim being "mostly" sober. She doesn't drink, but isn't clear minded either. About the near death, I think Rinna actually said "she's this close to dying" meaning if she were to fall off the wagon again, it would probably be fatal. When it was repeated as "near death", that sounds more like an imminent threat with something being wrong right now (cirrhosis,etc.) and she could die any day. I think that's why Lisa isn't following that to what she said. JMO
| Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 4:39 pm
LOL, Grooch, no one on that show will take that type of apology. People have tried and they just won't take it. Bppeach, she did say near death, they have it on tape, but you are correct, I am not sure I call anyone sober who is on a bunch of pills, but that is just me. I think Rinna initially was truly concerned about Kim, now she just needs to stay out of it.
| Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 9:07 pm
If Kim is closely supervised by a doctor, any medications she takes are between her and her medical team. My nephew is a former addict and he is also bipolar. He would certainly die without his meds. He takes a ton of pills, but they are all strictly supervised by his doctors (and his wife). He has to take quite a cocktail of meds to stay "normal." He is, however, very cautious about taking pain medications that are addictive. If Kim takes meds for anxiety or other emotional illness, as long as she is closely monitored by her doctor that is none of our business. Mental health medications are not the same thing as recreational drugs.
| Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 10:32 pm
I wouldn't call Kim's use being closely monitored by doctors, since she took something of Monte's before going to Eileen's for poker night.
| Friday, February 24, 2017 - 11:39 am
Yes, Bpeach, but that was before her most recent stay in rehab. She was definitely not sober then. I believe she is now. Her life seems on track again. She looks happy and healthy, she has a grandchild on the way (probably here by now). I wish her the best.