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| Friday, January 13, 2017 - 3:46 am
I agree, Babyjaxmom. Eileen comes across like a dog with a bone. She simply cannot let things go. In re Rinna's "if I hurt you" apology", why can't people simply state, I'm sorry I hurt you? Why must an apology always be qualified?
| Friday, January 13, 2017 - 4:21 am
I can't stand Eileen and Erika. I'm very annoyed with Andy for bringing them back. I couldn't imagine being Eileen's husband and getting into an argument with her. She doesn't just beat the horse to death - she exhumes the horse's body from the ground and starts beating on its skeletal remains. I am so tired of hearing about her "feelings." Every time she comes on my TV, I find myself screaming at the TV "Shut the eff up Eileen!!!" She brings nothing to this show.
| Friday, January 13, 2017 - 8:45 am
My problem with Eileen is how often she turns a fun time into a downer. For once they where all getting along and it was a refreshing change. I really enjoy watching people laugh and have fun.
| Friday, January 13, 2017 - 10:27 am
Gme3323, that's because no one can have fun at these events until they acknowledge Eileen's feelings about something that happened a year earlier.
| Friday, January 13, 2017 - 11:28 am
Once again, I totally agree with you, Lexie, about Eileen and Erika. And Rinna is not far behind. I do enjoy seeing Eileen's hubby, Vinnie, though. I remember what a hottie he was back in the day! I remember his days as a tennis player, too. I think Erika just has a nasty edge to her. Don't like her at all. Too much plastic.
| Saturday, January 14, 2017 - 10:17 am
Oh my gosh thank you babyjaxmom and Lexie, I have always thought there was a nasty edge to Erika. Notice that on one hand she says I am done with this issue, but on the other hand she never tells Eileen to stop. It seems like another season of two sides pitted against each other. Sigh
| Saturday, January 14, 2017 - 1:06 pm
Kim Richards nailed it when she said that Rinna and ED feed off each other's energy. They do tend to get each other wound up about things, and then they can't let it go. Rinna loves to get her little digs in, which is not an attractive trait. It wasn't very nice of her to say, "Let's talk about your arrest." That was only done to injure Kim. Really ugly behavior.
| Saturday, January 14, 2017 - 1:39 pm
From Eileen's blog this week: You all know me by now: I want to get everything out in the open so it doesn’t become a bigger issue. Someone needs to explain to her that by trying to "get everything out in the open" and constantly trotting out the same old dead horse over and over, she's not "clearing the air" but keeping something alive that's best let go. Sometimes you just have to realize people are not going to see everything through your eyes, and you just have to let it go. Pick your battles, Eileen.
| Saturday, January 14, 2017 - 7:01 pm
I continue to love Erika. Her edge is very similar to LVP's except LVP has more experience at it. If those two ever join forces then watch out Beverly Hills. I am apathetic about Eileen and Lisa R. I enjoy Kyle and Erika. Sober looks good on Kim. Not excited about clip Andy showed on WWHL of Vidal's daughter's judgment of Kim. Going to be interesting for sure.
| Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 4:21 am
Erika has a very nasty edge to her. I don't trust any woman who doesn't have ONE single girlfriend. While I acknowledge that a lot of women have more male friends than female friends, they still have at least ONE girlfriend they can confide in. It doesn't appear that Erika has any friends. I don't trust someone like that.
| Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 11:16 am
I have the feeling that Erika has never had women friends due to her appearance. So she has become accustomed to keeping her guard up and is independent.
| Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 11:28 am
I like Erika. She sees these people for who they are, and is wise not to let some of them too close. Eileen does tend to hang on to things too long, but if others would just admit to the things they say, she wouldn't have to. Like Dorit saying they hadn't even talked about her at dinner, or saying that Kyle said things she didn't. I still like Eileen.
| Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 4:24 pm
That's such an interesting perspective. I would be someone very untrustworthy in that world view, as I don't confide in another woman. I find that most women that I've thought would be good friends were just wanting something from me and didn't have the bandwidth to hold up their side of the relationship. Thankfully my husband is my best friend and someone I can trust and confide in for everything. Wouldn't even want a girlfriend to take his place. When I was young I thought I wanted that and I tried hard but found that it was too much work to prop them up. I am crazy independent. Erika is smart! But this perspective probably explains why I like her.
| Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 5:23 pm
Jenjackso...that has been my experience as well. My husband is all the friend I need.
| Monday, January 16, 2017 - 10:04 pm
Rehtse, you and I would probably be great female friends.
| Wednesday, January 18, 2017 - 1:55 pm
I took a break from RHBH for a while and started watching again this season. I adore Erika. I think she's very stable. Although I couldn't live without my girlfriends, I can see how not everyone makes those relationships work. My best girlfriend I have is from 8th grade LOL. I love my husband dearly, even after 30 yrs of marriage but girlfriends especially ones that go way back are very special. I wish Erika can fins a good gal pal.
| Wednesday, January 18, 2017 - 2:18 pm
Eden is a little over the top for me. She doesn't seem to have any boundaries. She says she "wants to help" Kim and Kyle, but really (just like Lisa) she's getting into other people's business when it's not wanted. You don't just meet someone and try to get so into their private business. It was kind of offensive. And for Rinna to tell Eden that she thinks Kim is still drinking. Shut up, Rinna! That's not helpful to anyone. You're just stirring the pot (again).
| Wednesday, January 18, 2017 - 4:39 pm
Jenjackso, yes, friendly from a distance. 😏
| Friday, January 20, 2017 - 9:55 pm
Ok after watching this weeks show. I am disgusted by Lisa R. She really is the most appalling person on the show. She is trying to create a storyline by talking about Kim
| Sunday, January 22, 2017 - 9:28 am
Rhetse, yes, exactly because we get each other. I also found Eden's continued insistence that she was going to help Kim as disturbing. If Kim is sad that doesn't mean she is drinking.
| Sunday, January 22, 2017 - 1:35 pm
Kim is attempting to recover from a life-threatening illness. When you're an alcoholic, you either stop drinking or you die. I'm so sick of Rinna's judgement when it's none of her business. All those women should be nothing but supportive of Kim as she's trying to get well. So disgusting. Jenjackso, Kim may be sad because she's having to look at all the hurt she's caused her loved ones all these years with her drinking. I'm sure it's tough. I wish her all the best.
| Sunday, January 22, 2017 - 9:52 pm
I'm giving Eden a pass right now about going in hard about Kim to Kyle. Rinna got Eden really worked up hard about Kim. Telling her that she thinks she might still be drinking, that she could die any day, that Kyle is an enabler, etc. Also, for Eden to be questioning Kyle about her mother's drinking but nothing about the father, tells me that Rinna must have whipped Eden up about that also. Rinna set Eden up to do her dirty work, imo. Eden lost her sister to drugs and has the guilt of not answering her phone call that day. Rinna is using Eden and Rinna is a nasty piece of work in this situation.
| Wednesday, January 25, 2017 - 5:44 pm
You may be right, Grooch, but I still find Eden sooooo annoying. I understood what Kim was saying about the immentent arrival of her grandson sending her back to those early days of being a mom. I saw that as something sweet, and Eden saw it as something dark. And the fact that Eden thinks she's sober cause she doesn't drink alcohol, but it's okay to take pills, that is a very slippery slope and any person who's ever been to an AA meeting will tell you so (both my parents were alcoholics and I grew up going to AA meetings).
| Thursday, January 26, 2017 - 1:30 pm
And now I understand so much more about Rinna after seeing that giant baggie of pills she carries in her purse! Ay yi yi!!! 
| Thursday, January 26, 2017 - 3:06 pm
Rinna's baggie of pills gave me flashbacks of Yolanda. 