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| Sunday, December 13, 2015 - 7:59 pm
I actually like them all..
| Monday, December 28, 2015 - 10:07 am
Mady has a lot of her mother in her. I like all the boys...seem to be most grounded of the crew. I like Kate more these days than in the past.
| Wednesday, January 06, 2016 - 9:20 am
The little kids all look so cute right now. Kate is and will always be a control freak! I loved the new deck. I kept thinking that it was too bad that Jon and Kate could not make their marriage work.
| Thursday, January 14, 2016 - 8:10 am
Yes, it's sad that Jon isn't a daily part of the kids life. Wonder how much actual time the kids have with their dad, if any?
| Saturday, January 23, 2016 - 9:22 pm
Jon is going to be on Steve Harvey on Monday, Jan 25. There's a preview video lower on this page.
| Saturday, January 23, 2016 - 9:42 pm
I will definitely pass up the chance to see Jon in the spotlight.
| Saturday, January 23, 2016 - 9:52 pm
I would say unless he is court ordered for some reason to stay away, he could be involved at school events and he could even go to court to force Collin to see him, not suggesting he should. As for him being forced to actually go pick up the kids he does see.. does he expect Kate to deliver them? Sounds like he has time to be on social media. (wow.. hard to believe Monday is January 25. I feel like the year just started!)
| Sunday, January 24, 2016 - 11:04 am
I didn't see him say he was forced to pick up the children at all. He was explaining the logistics to Steve after Steve asked. Just telling Steve he picks up the kids is the not the same as complaining he is forced.
| Sunday, January 24, 2016 - 4:03 pm
Jon gave up his rights so he doesn't have to pay child support. Legally, he has no rights, but Kate wanted her children to have a relationship with him. Some of the children have begun to avoid and refuse to see him at times. Kate has not tried to come between them and she legally could. He comes on a show or sells a story ever so often to make a wonder his kids are turning on him.
| Sunday, January 24, 2016 - 4:42 pm
Has to be tough. A friend of mine finally divorced her husband (who was working out of town and actually had a child on the way with the woman who became his fourth wife.. my friend was his third but he had a child with his first wife and my friend made sure they always paid child support.. but #4 wasn't like that so even with court orders the only support she got was by going through the army to get money toward what he owed out of his retirement. He would tell the kids that their mother was taking all his money so he couldn't give them anything or visit or whatever. The teenaged son was so resentful of his mom that she finally showed him the paperwork and financials and he realized that his dad simply wasn't telling the truth. Dad promised him he'd pay for college, but not a cent. The younger child was a daddy's girl and was so crushed and so loyal to him for years but when she finally went to visit him.. first he didn't bring her back home so she missed three months of school, then he tried to just keep her until the court intervened. Later when she would visit, she was old enough to babysit and she earned some money while there, since dad wasn't really spending much time with her. She loved her little half sister and would help with her. Anyway her dad "borrowed" the entire $72 that she had socked away from babysitting and that was the last she saw of that. She left her CD player there and he never sent it to her. After that she told her mom she knew he had probably sold the CD player and then said she knew he was a crummy dad but he was her dad. So sad. It is a shame for Jon to have 8 kids and be willing to let go basically for money. I remember when he and his fiancée at the time were on one of the celebrity couples "reality" shows, he would whine about "my brand" in terms of people making him not look good. So his "brand" and social media seem more important to him. Naja on that clip he sure sounded like he was "forced" to be passive and just take whichever kids chose to visit him.. just left out the part where he had no rights because he gave them up. Steve Harvey must be desperate.
| Tuesday, January 26, 2016 - 7:07 am
I just finished the blind date episode, and enjoyed it a lot.
| Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - 3:32 pm
I think Kate has matured and changed a lot. I like this Kate more than the "original" Kate. I'm not sure her rigid parenting actually helped the kids. I know the twins seem rather bitter and the little boys seem passive and the little girls appear somewhat entitled. But Kate these days seems likable. Jon is a mess and I feel bad for the kids, not having him in their lives on a regular basis.
| Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - 8:38 pm
The blind date episode got corrupted on my DVR and isn't scheduled to run again, at least in the near future. I agree that she has matured and is more self aware. The twins are teens. When they went shopping with Kate for clothing they were way more gracious than I used to be shopping with my mom. Nothing she suggested was right, etc.
| Thursday, January 28, 2016 - 7:11 am
I just finished the 'looking back' episode. Liked her a lot. She 'owned' all her snarky faults like a mature person. I still feel sorry for her and her horrible fear of heights.
| Thursday, February 18, 2016 - 11:07 am
I'm not in the hate Kate camp. She's certainly not perfect (she stole Jon away from his long-time girlfriend and I believe also planned and orchestrated the multiple births), but I think she's the sort of outspoken, super-organized, dominant, no-nonsense personality in a female that rubs a lot of other women the wrong way. That said, she was a lot prettier and funnier before she was trying so hard; the Barbie look and comedy act just don't seem natural. I do think she's hard on the boys -- especially Collin. They were a cute family. Sad!
| Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 5:12 am Sorry to hear this and praying this is the help he needs.
| Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 3:41 pm
I never noticed anything in Collin different from the other kids. Did I miss something?
| Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 4:42 pm
They have alluded throughout the years that he has some special needs issues. I have often wondered if he has asbergers since they have talked about learning difficulties and social issues. My nephew went to a boarding high school that was specifically for kids with learning differences and social issues. It made such a world of difference in his life!
| Saturday, August 27, 2016 - 6:11 pm
With multiple preemies it is amazing that they have so few problems. I sure hope the best for Colin! I haven't read the People article yet, but have the issue on my Kindle.
| Friday, September 02, 2016 - 11:57 am
Did anyone read the responses to this article, including the person who knows the family? Is Colin the boy Kate actually dissed in one of her 'books' and said he was too much like Jon? Why doesn't she let John have custody of him if she can't handle him? This response to the above article is interesting reading: Quote: I have close connections to this family. Here's a few facts: Kate travels for weeks at a time claiming she's 'working'. (have you seen any work appear from her?) Kate leaves the kids with babysitters including teenagers. Kate has had several CPS reports filed against her. Kate used to lock the smaller children into their rooms at night. CPS got involved. When Jon buys the kids toys or prizes, they have to hide them from Kate or she throws them away. Kate gave the older girls Iphones when they were very young so they could call and report everything Jon was doing during their weekends. They've been to court far more times than any of you know. Kate ignores court orders and the judge pretty much hates her. Collin and Alexis were suspended from school for having rage issues. Both were violent and hit both adults and children. One of them threw a chair at a teacher. It's interesting that only Collin is sent away. You can all sit there defending Kate if you like but I have no idea why you would do that. You see some edited TV rendition of her and she doesn't come off looking that great there. Why would you assume that she's any better in real life? She's not. She's been diagnosed with mental health issues and she refused treatment. She lacks empathy and compassion toward anyone or anything. She's controlling, manipulative and abusive to anyone who is near her. Kate's BS of how she's been "all alone" in handling Colin is just that. She has housekeepers; babysitters, etc. She has NEVER been alone. My heart hurts for these children. Kate needs therapy and needs to take medication. She's a sociopathic narcissist.
| Friday, September 02, 2016 - 2:03 pm
An unidentified source carries no weight with me...never has, never will.
| Sunday, September 04, 2016 - 5:55 pm
When they won't identify themselves, it is because they are lying and probably have no connections with the family (or it's Jon lol). I never believe them either, Ophiliasgrandma.
| Sunday, September 04, 2016 - 7:31 pm
Are we all unidentified on this website?
| Sunday, September 04, 2016 - 10:02 pm
Cricket, we need a link to that quote and we also don't allow quoting of an entire article or post. Without a link the post will be removed. And the parts of the quote that include name calling or bashing can't be posted here. Thanks
| Monday, September 05, 2016 - 5:24 am
Right you are, Muffin. We could all be psychopathic criminals.
